Welcome to the CfAH! 

What does it mean to be human? What constitutes a life well lived? How can we use our capacities for thought and freedom to make things better? Our student and faculty programs seek to address these perennial questions. We hope you’ll join us by embarking on the journey of self-discovery and growth that only the humanities can offer.   

Announcements and Upcoming Events

Nora Finnigan Werra Faculty Achievement Award 

The Association of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Women (AMUW) awards the Nora Finnigan Werra Faculty Achievement Award annually to honor and recognize a woman faculty member who has excelled in her research, teaching, and service to Marquette and to the community, and who has mentored students and other faculty. The AMUW Board of Directors handles this award in partnership with the Center for the Advancement of the Humanities (CfAH). Click HERE to download the nomination form and learn more.

Publicly Engaged Scholars Award

In recognition of graduate students actively working in publicly engaged scholarship in the humanities (Theology, History, English, Philosophy, and Languages, Literatures, and Cultures), The Center for the Advancement of the Humanities (CfAH) is accepting applications for the Publicly Engaged Scholarship Award. Graduate students whose scholarship actively engages broader (non-academic) communities and/or communicates research to the public beyond academia are encouraged to apply.

Award recipients will be honored during Grad Week 2025 and receive a financial award. For more information see here.

Humanities Research Colloquium Events

The Humanities Research Colloquium hosts speakers from within and beyond Marquette, with the aim of increasing the visibility of humanities research and promoting intellectual dialogues and collegiality on campus.

Visit the Humanities Research Colloquium website HERE to learn more!

The Difference Makers at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ: Dr. Andrew Kim

Our director here at the Center for the Advancement of the Humanities, Dr. Andrew Kim, has been featured as a Difference Maker here at Marquette! Dr. Michael R. Lovell, President of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, states that Dr. Kim was selected for this honor because he is "an intellectually curious educator and researcher with a deep commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion." Click  to read more.

Changing the Story: The Story Fellow Program

Marquette's Center for the Advancement of the Humanities in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's Center for 21st Century Studies is pleased to announce that we have been awarded the President's and Chancellor's Challenge Award for our humanities-guided storying in partnership with community groups affected by poverty across Milwaukee. Challenge funds will support student stipends for this program that will be embedded in curriculum in an ongoing way on both campuses. For more information see here.

Thinking About a Grant?

Register for a training event with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. For a full list of upcoming events see here.

See all scheduled events.