October 2013
Welcome to the MUAA Mentor Pilot Program!
Welcome to the debut edition of the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Alumni Association's Mentor Pilot Program monthly enewsletter, featuring updates, news for mentors and mentees as well as program highlights.
Pilot Program Kickoff met with enthusiasm by all
Nearly 60 mentor pilot program mentors and mentees attended the program's kickoff on September 19, which included a brief introduction to the program and a presentation by Paul Hettich, Ph.D., Arts '61, Professor Emeritus, DePaul University. View highlights from the gathering held at the Wisconsin Club.
Goals Deadline is October 11
Please remember the deadline to submit your mentor and mentee is Friday, October 11. For mentors in the Chicago area, please send your form to Randi Bergey at randi.bergey@marquette.edu; for all others send to Dan DeWeerdt at daniel.deweerdt@marquette.edu.
Mentors and mentees on the move
Mentee Samantha Yee is already busy with mentor and Executive Director Dr. Michel Bria. Samantha attended a board meeting as well as toured the organization's facility. Samantha had this to say about her initial experience, "I accompanied Dr. Bria on a tour of Journey House alongside potential donors...We took a trip three blocks (away) to their new football field that was donated by the Green Bay Packers."
News Corner
Be a Mentor: Get ahead by giving back. Whether you're a current mentor in the pilot program or helping others, this emphasizes the importance of helping others.
Visit the MUAA Mentor Pilot Program website for more information or contact Dan DeWeerdt at daniel.deweerdt@marquette.edu or (414) 288-4740.