ࡱ> dfc[ D&bjbj77 LU\U\0$ $ $PL\LQ(PPPPPPP$RUPPPOOOpPOPOO2JCOp疹B1:_L.oPP0QLZVk~ZV\COCO8ZV{OOPPfQZV$ > b: COUN 6986: School Counseling Internship Student, Supervisor and Site Requirements Student requirements prior to applying and during internship A. Course Requirements 1. COUN 6986 Prerequisites to starting internship (Need to pass all prerequisites with a grade of BC or better) COUN 6000 Introduction to Counseling COUN 6001 Introduction to School Counseling COUN 6030 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy COUN 6060 Psychopathology and Counseling Processes COUN 6020 Life-Span Human Development COUN 6010 Professional Ethics and Legal Issues COUN 6970 Practicum (100 hour school counseling field experience) COUN 6300 Counseling with Children and Adolescents COUN 6080 Career Development 2. Required courses that must be taken prior to or concurrently with internship COUN 6040 Multicultural Counseling COUN 6051 Introduction to Research Methods COUN 6070 Assessment in Counseling COUN 6120 Group Counseling COUN 6410 Leadership and Educational Administration in School Counseling B. Additional requirements to be completed by student prior to beginning internship Criminal Background Check: West Allis-West Milwaukee (WAWM) sites. This background check is coordinated through Mrs. Joanne Quick and Mrs. Belinda Kirshenbaum in late spring. Details will be forwarded to students when available. Criminal Background Check: Outside WAWM sites. Complete the University form (see CECP website under practicum/internship information) and submit to Department of Public Safety (address on the form). Professional Liability Insurance. CECP internship students are provided with professional liability insurance as specified by the guidelines which appear in the School Counseling Affiliation Agreement that was established between the department and your internship site. This ordinarily provides you with substantial coverage by both the site and the University. Students should consider obtaining an individual professional liability insurance policy in addition, however the CECP Department does not require this additional coveragethe decision to obtain this is entirely up to the student. This type of insurance is automatically provided with membership to ASCA, or the insurance can be obtained for a fee through an ACA student membership. TB, X-ray, other tests and vaccinations. Some internship sites may require these additional tests before an internship placement can be begun. C. Internship Settings and Total Hour Requirements Students are required to complete at least two internship experiences in an WAWM setting where the student population is at least 30% students of color (e.g., African American, Asian American, Latina/o, Native American), unless otherwise approved by Coordinator of School Counseling. Complete a 600-hour internship that spans a PK-12 school setting. Under P.I. 34 students are required to complete a 600-hour internship that extends across the PK-12 school experience (i.e., elementary school, middle school, high school). To meet this licensing requirement we require that students complete hours during their school counseling internship based on the following guidelines: 200 hours of experience in an elementary school age population 100 hours of experience in a middle school age population 200 hours of experience in a high school age population An additional 100 hours are required and can be targeted to the populations identified in 1 through 3 based upon the students professional development goals D. COUN 6986 (School Counseling Internship) Course Requirements (2 semesters are required) 1. Site visit at beginning and end of each semester, which includes student, site supervisor and university supervisor 2. Development of Internship Learning Agreement at the beginning of each semester, and this document is reviewed and evaluated at the end of each term. 3. Internship Hours: 300 hours each semester Direct service (face to face) hours include a minimum of 75 hours Support Activity hours of 20 to 45 hours each semester Additional Experience hours Attend a minimum of one hour of supervision each week 4. Maintenance of Log of Internship Activities and Hours Mid-semester and end of the semester summary of internship hours is submitted to university supervisor each semester, and these forms are to be signed by the site and university supervisors 5. Internship Class Attend all COUN 6986 classes Present one formal case presentation each semester Students should expect to present school counseling curriculum, small group activities or other school counseling intervention activities Complete Extern Evaluation of Internship Site at the end of the term E. Completion of five portfolio entries for the School Counseling Assessment System (DPI) Entry 1. Maximizing Academic Learning: Individual Counseling Entry 2. Exploring Career Development: Classroom Guidance Entry 3. Addressing Personal/Social Needs: Group Counseling Entry 4. Leader/Collaborator: Contributions to Student Learning Entry 5: Support Personnel Accountability Report Card for Wisconsin (SPARC-W) Requirements of School Counseling Internship Site Primary School Counseling Supervisor must have a masters degree in Counseling, be licensed as a School Counselor, and have had a minimum of 3 years professional experience as a School Counselor The school must have adopted the ASCA National Model for School Counseling or the Wisconsin Comprehensive School Counseling Model (or an equivalent comprehensive guidance model) for their school counseling program. School Counseling Affiliation Agreement signed by the school district or the appropriate parties (i.e., principal) The Supervision Agreement signed by the Student, School Principal, School Counselor Supervisor, and Director of School Counseling, Ӱ Requirements of Site Supervisor Provide a minimum of one hour of supervision each week to the internship student Review initial and final Internship Learning Agreement (student course requirement) with internship student Attend an initial visit and termination visit at the internship site, which is to include the student, site supervisor, and university supervisor Complete and review with the student the Extern Evaluation at mid-term and end of the internship IV. For Students Only: Process of Acquiring and Securing a Internship Site Submit internship application, internship application letter (discuss professional goals, strengths and limitations, readiness for internship), and your vitae (see example at http://www.marquette.edu/education/pages/programs/CECP/docs/cv_model.doc) Arrange interviews with possible internship sites and supervisors. During your interview you must identify relevant school counseling activities and identify the activities that will be completed at the site If you are completing an internship outside of WAWM: After you have identified a site and come to a verbal agreement with the site supervisor you should immediately forward a completed Internship Supervision Agreement to Dr. Burkard Dr. Burkard sends letter of confirmation and supervisor agreements to potential site supervisor If a current School Counseling Affiliation Agreement is not on file for a school or school district, Dr. Burkard sends and requests the school complete a School Counseling Affiliation Agreement If you have any questions about the requirements, responsibilities or roles for the student, the internship site or site supervisor, please contact Dr. Alan Burkard, Coordinator of School Counseling, Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology, Ӱ at 414/288-3434 or  HYPERLINK "mailto:Alan.Burkard@Marquette.edu" Alan.Burkard@Marquette.edu.     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