Avoid unintentionally distributing hidden information, such as the document author and names that are associated with comments or tracked changes, by removing hidden data. All the revisions that were made to a document while the Track Changes feature was turned on remain part of a Word document until they are accepted or rejected.  All comments that were inserted remain in the document until deleted.  To show all changes and comments, click the Review tab on the ribbon, and click All Markup on the Tracking group.

Click Review > Simple Markup > All Markup

Use the Document Inspector to remove hidden data

Document Inspector window.

Edit Document Properties, Personal Information and other document data

To selectively edit document data, click the File tab > Info. Properties show in a pane on the right. Click Show All Properties. To add or change properties, hover your pointer over the property you want to update, for example Author, and enter the information. Click the File tab to return to your document and changes you made will be saved automatically.

Hide revisions or comments

Remove all revisions or comments as outlined above.

Remove Tracked Changes manually or selectively

If you turn on Track Changes, Word will save all changes and comments made.

The tracked changes in a document remain even after you have turned off Track Changes. To remove all tracked changes from a document, be sure that all changes are showing, and then do the following:

Edit Comments or Remove them selectively

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