Catfish McDaris Collection Poetry by Catfish McDaris, 1993-2013

Series Box
Folder Title
1.1 1 1000th Monkey, 2010
1.1 1
"I'm Glad My Eyes Aren't Blue"
1.1 1 Angelflesh, 1995-1999
1.1 1
No. 1 "2 million fuckers, dollars, poets, & me" "xmas buk blues" "the written word speaks louder" "newman & castaneda dressing" "shoe shine"; No. 2 (artwork) "phone fun" "the yankee clipper"; Extra No. 1 "we don't smoke marijuana in milwaukee" "Dirt Beneath My Fingernails"; No. 3 "Forest bard" "history repeats itself"; No. 5 (artwork) "Around the Corner of a Dream" "Trains"; No. 7 "Leaning On The Parameters Of Sanity" "The Breaks" "Moon, Paint, Vodka, & A 357"; Bonus Issue "Letter Bomb Of A Pacifist After Frijoles & Tequila Sunrises"; No. 8 "If This Is Love I'm Turning Faggot"; No. 9 "Existence" "Stained Piano Sonata"; No. 10 "It's a Living" "Strangled on Prayers"; No. 11 "Climbing the Padded Walls of Poetry"; No. 12 "My First" (2 folders)
1.1 1 Art: Mag, 2002, 2005
1.1 1
No. 25 "death Is A Jalapeno Hangover"; No. 28. "Levitation Horizon Bop Blues" "I Have No More Titles For My Words" "Only New Mexicans Say Old Mexico" "The 94th Tear Of Vincent Van Gogh" "Delirious Dilemma" "Windy City Blues" "Hard On Blues" "Open Sesame"
1.1 1 At the Gate: Departures and Arrivals, 2011
1.1 1
"You Can't Make Love To The Rain" "The Night I Stopped"
1.1 1 Barbaric Yawp, 2001-2004
1.1 1
Vol. 5 No. 2 "Reverse Reverse"; Vol. 6 No. 3 "Iguana Blues"; Vol. 7 No. 3 "The Archipelago"; Vol. 8 No. 1 "The End of a Journey"
1.1 1 Bard, undated
1.1 1
No. 2 "A Quart Low On Nookie"
1.1 1 Bathtub Gin, 2001
1.1 1
No. 9 "A Sight Unseen"
1.1 1 Beatlick News, 2004
1.1 1
Vol. 2 No. 20 "Dancing Rainbow Blues"
1.1 1 Beet, 1996
1.1 1
No. 13 "Looking For The Way"

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 2 Beggars & Cheeseburgers, 2010
1.1 2
No. 1 "A Milwaukee Love Poem"; No. 2 "Cut" "Ole"; No. 3 "Jackalope Condoms"
1.1 2 Big Pulp, 2013
1.1 2
Vol. 4 No. 2 "Peyote and Double Martinis"
1.1 2 Bitchslapped, 2000
1.1 2 Bleed Me a River, 2011
1.1 2
"Seventeen Fireflies"
1.1 2 The Blind Man's Rainbow, 1997, 2004
1.1 2
Vol. : No. 1 "The Poisoned the Dogs" "An Intangible Prayer"; Vol. 9 No. 2 "Jackrabbit Stew"
1.1 2 The Blue Hour Anthology, 2013
1.1 2
Vol. 2 "Hippopotamus Summer"
1.1 2 Book Lovers, undated
1.1 2
Special Edition "Divorce" "Only Poets Like Poetry" "Poem on a Snowflake" "A NAFTA Carol" "Words on the Mountain"
1.1 2 Breadcrumb Scabs, 2010
1.1 2
No. 20 "Warhol Was Right"
1.1 2 Brouhaha, 1996, 1998
1.1 2
No. 10 "The Good Samaritan"; No. 14. "Gracias Zorro"
1.1 2 Bukowski: An Anthology of Poetry & Prose About Charles Bukowski, 2013
1.1 2
"Out of the Mouth of Babes"
1.1 2 The Butcher's Block, 2001
1.1 2
Vol. 3 "Quixote"
1.1 2 The Café Review, 1996
1.1 2
Vol. 7 "My Inheritance" "Put On Your Red Dress Mama" "Like Opium Smoke in El Paso" "Cinco de Muertos"
1.1 2 Cannibal Sunflowers and Van Gogh's Ear, 2012
1.1 2 Cedar Hill Review, 1997
1.1 2
"Lemons & Prairie Dogs" "Kokopelli" "Mesa" "Riding The Dromedary"
1.1 2 Cer*Ber*Us, 1999-2001
1.1 2
No. 34 "Music of Aida's Kitchen" "Frozen Heart"; No. 39 "Kokopelli"; No. 41 "They Thought I Was Dead"
1.1 - Chance Magazine, 1996
1.1 2
No. 7 "Wisdom of Birds"
1.1 2 Children, Churches & Daddies, 1995

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 - Chiron Review, 1995-2010
1.1 3
No. 43 "Abdul's Blues"; No. 48 "no longer here"; No. 51 "Mr. Green Has Arrived" "To Market To Market" "3 Dreams" "Walkin' The Dog"; No. 58 "Zeppelin Taco"; No. 62 "See You In Reno?"; No. 69 "The Trainer" "Never Love a Poet"; No. 71 "Big Pussy Blues" "She Said I Like Marijuana" "The Lord Truly Works In Mysterious Ways" "Machine Gun Montoya"; No. 74 "The Day van Gogh Died"; No. 91 "Dear Abby"
1.1 - Christ in a Wheelchair, 1998
1.1 3
Vol. 1 No. 1 "Let It Be" "Smelly Squeakers For Lady Madonna"; Vol. 1 No. 2 "Restrooms Aren't For Resting" "Heavenly Hung"; Vol. 1 No. 3 "Every Dog Has Its Day" "Flirting With The Firing Squad" "Leaning On The Parameters Of Sanity"
1.1 - Citizens for Decent Literature, 2013
1.1 3
No. 8 "Brown Turnip"
1.1 - Cokefishing in Alpha Beat Soup, 1994-2009
1.1 3
September 1994 "No Politicians In A Foxhole"; August 2001 "Frida"; October 2001 (photo of Catfish McDaris); January 2002 "Mezcal"; May 2002 "Eyebrows"; October 2003 "A Dream Within A Dream"; July 2004 "All Tomorrows" "She Said I Like Marijuana"; October 2009 "A Sad, Weak Man"
1.1 - Connections, 2003-2004
1.1 3
Autumn 2003 "Life Is Cheap"; Winter 2003/2004 "The Balloon"; Spring 2004 "Moving Pictures of Life"
1.1 3 Coyoacan, 2001
    Poetry and prose; Illustrations by Joyce Metzger and Catfish McDaris. Published by JVC Books, Arcadia, FL
1.1 - Cranial Tempest, 2001
1.1 3
Vol. 2. No. 3 "Disappearing in South America"
1.1 - Crystal Drum, 2001
1.1 3
No. 79 "Corn Dog Blues"
1.1 3 Dancing with Frida Kahlo, 2017
    Poetry. Letter G of A to Z. Cover Art by Moly Tov. Signed by the author,  "A Frida Dream." Indigent Press, Montclair, NJ
1.1 - Dockernet, 1999-2000
1.1 3
No. 21 "The Gay Zen Poet's Funeral"; No. 27 "Confessions on Easter Under A Full Moon"
1.1 - Dreamstreets, 2004
1.1 3
No. 46 "Going Dutch" "Blue Buddha"
1.1 - Driver's Side Airbag, 1995-1996, undated
1.1 3
No. 4 "Chicago 1991" "Chicago 1985" "The Night is Friendly"; No. 23 "Drinking With A Talking Booger"; No. 24 "Dirt Beneath My Fingernails"; No. 25 (untitled)
1.1 - El Locofoco, 1996-1997
1.1 3
No. 2 "Lessons"; No. 3 "Undependence Day"
1.1 - Empty Life, 1996
1.1 3
"Phone Fun"

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 - Fearless, undated
1.1 4
No. 34 "Poetry Can Be A Hemorrhoid" "Walking Toward Nowhere" "A Crouching Jaguar" "Confessions on Easter Under A Full Moon"
1.1 4 A Field of Dancing Horses, 2004
1.1 - First Class, 1996-2001
1.1 4
No. 2 "Portuguese Wine" "The Iceman and the Rat" "Glistening in the Sun" "WOrds for Dead Friends Sill Alive"; No. 3 "29 Cents"; No. 4 "Best Friend" "Shall We Gather at the Rivers"; No. 6 "Cobalt"; No. 17 "Squeak"; No. 18 "700 People Dancing"
1.1 - The Fractal, 1995
1.1 4
No. 5 "the wino & the mermaid"
1.1 - Frisson, 1998
1.1 4
No. 12 "The Icy Smile of Sex and Death"
1.1 - Fury Magazine, 1994
1.1 4
Vol. 1 No. 2 "Jornana" "Increments of Life Surrendered"
1.1 - Girder, undated
1.1 4
No. 1 "Sticky Fingers"
1.1 - Gluestick, 2000
1.1 4
No. 7 "Words On The First Day of Summer In The 21st Century"
1.1 - God's Bar: un*plugged, 1995
1.1 4
No. 4 "Owning"

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 - Heavy Hands Ink, undated
1.1 4
Vol. 2 "Never Too Old To Fight"
1.1 - Heeltap, 1997-1999
1.1 4
No. 1 "Until Death Do Us"; No. 2 "It's A Living" "A Sad, Weak Man"; No. 3 "Tiger Skin Undies" "Dreams Made In America"; No. 4 "Target Prctice" "August, Cherry Valley"; No. 5 "Pondering Submission" "Deep Poetry" "Dog Gone" "It's Been A Strange Spring" "Coyotes and Cactus"
1.1 - Hellp!, 1997-1998
1.1 4
No. 7 "Uncle Willy Goes Down" "humanity" "A Bad Day"; No. 9 "Hey Oprah"; No. 12 "pussy pussy" "climbing the padded walls of poetry"
1.1 - Hey Listen!, 1997
1.1 4
"Persia" "Casualty Of An Obsession"
1.1 - Hobo Camp Review, 2010
1.1 4
No. 7 "Voodoo" "Oaxca" "Last Cigar" "Horoscope"
1.1 - Hodge Podge Poetry, 1995
1.1 4
Summer 1995 "Growing Treasure" "My Daughter"; Autumn 1995 "Machines Rule & Humanity Drools" "Evolution"; Winter 1995 "Undependence Day"
1.1 - Hunger, 2000
1.1 4
Vol. 4 No. 1 "Water"

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 - Ignis Fatuus Review, 1994
1.1 5
Vol. 2 No. 3 "Balitmore and Buffalo"
1.1 5 The Impala [chapbook, 2021]
1.1 - Iodine, 2001
1.1 5
Vol. 2 No. 2 "It's Easy"
1.1 - In It, 1999
1.1 5
"A Polish Love Poem" "Dog Gone"
1.1 - Joey and the Black Boots, 1998-2001
1.1 5
No. 22 "Vincent's Flowers"; No. 23 "Lining Up Gigs"; No. 34 "A Void to Avoid"; No. 35 "Roof Walls Food"
1.1 5 Juniper Orgasma, 2013
1.1 - Khepera Poetry, 1994
1.1 5
No. 3 "Only Beginnings" "Poem on a Snowflake"
1.1 - Lagum, undated
1.1 5
"Jenny's Encore" "Three Nails to Avoid"
1.1 - Laughing Boy Review, 1997
1.1 5
No. 3 "Existence"
1.1 - Latino Stuff Review, 1994-2004
1.1 5
No. 15 "River of Dreams"; No. 16 "Boca Chica"; No. 17 (contributing editor); No. 18 (contributing editor); No. 19 "The Hunchback of Tijuana"; No. 20 "The Day the Bulls Died"; No. 21 "My Inheritance" "Golden madness" "A Bricklayer's Funeral in New Mexico"; No. 22 (contributing editor); No. 23 "The Blanket of the Bruja"; No. 25 "Santiago's Concerto" "Luna de Miel" "Ice"; No. 26 "Riding The Dromedary"; No. 27 "An Intangible Prayer" No. 29 "Alone at the Edge of the World"; No. 30 "An Interview with Poet Catfish McDaris" "Tattooed Mood" "Three Nails to Avoid"; No. 31 "Wonder"; No. 33 "No Tomorrows"; No. 35 (contributing editor)
1.1 - Liquid Ohio, 2001, undated
1.1 5
Fall/Winter 2001 "Following the Arroyo"; No. 33 "Slipping" "French Painter Dreams" "The Minnow"
1.1 - The Lowdown, 2013
1.1 5
"Confession" "Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire" "My Magnum Opus"
1.1 - Lucid Moon, 1999
1.1 5
No. 32 "Life Is Snot On An Olive In My Martini" "Poetry Can Be A Hemorrhoid" "Old Faithful" "Last Christmas In New Mexico"
1.1 - Lummox Journal, 1998
1.1 5
Vol. 4 "In The Talons"; Vol. 4 "Xmas Buk Blues"

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 - Mad Rush, 2012
1.1 6
No. 1 "Mermaids & Gila Monsters"
1.1 - Main Street Rag, 1997-2003
1.1 6
Vol. 2 No. 2 "Until Death Do Us" "The Icy Smile of Love & Death"; Vol. 4 No. 1 "What Is It"; Vol. 6 No. 4 "Culture Is A Virtue" "Stripes On Faces of Reality"; Vol. 8 No. 1 "A Broken Heart"
1.1 6 Making Love to the Rain, 2010
1.1 6 Maow, 2000
1.1 - The ²Ñá²õ Tequila Review, 2014
1.1 6
No. 8 "How the Fortune Cookie Crumbles"
1.1 - Meat Songs, 2012
1.1 6
No. 3 "How To Write Erotica"
1.1 - The Medulla Review, 2010
1.1 6
Vol. 1 "Now"
1.1 - Microbe, 2000-2011
1.1 6
No. 2 "Oh Hell!"; No. 15 "Seven Midgets"; No. 62 "Her Plan Didn't Work"; No. 66 "Reporting In A Tight Yellow Dress With Big Knockers"
1.1 - Milwaukee Orbit, 2000
1.1 6
No. 3 "Skyscraper"
1.1 - Missing Tablets and Unknown Oracles, 1995
1.1 6
"Gracias Zorro"
1.1 - Mixolydian Blues, 2013
1.1 6
No. 1 "Vanilla Zeppelin"
1.1 - Modus Operandi, c. 2010-2011
1.1 6
No. 20 "Her Wig Felt Like Fiberglass Cotton Candy"
1.1 - Mojo Risin' Magazine, 1998
1.1 6
No. 11 "True Love"
1.1 - Monkey's Fist, 2004
1.1 6
No. 6 "Harmonica Blues"
1.1 6 The Moon Gets Laid, undated
1.1 6 Naked Fly Cherry Marijuana, 2012
1.1 - Nerve Cowboy, 1996-2013
1.1 6
No. 1 "Beware of New Mexicans" "The Really Work"; No. 2 "My Inheritance" "A Chameleon Eviscerated"; No. 9 "Splashes Almost Gone"; No. 11 "I'm in the Mood" "For Times A Year"; No. 19 "If Wishes were Horses" "Gallantry Karma"; No. 31 (artwork); No. 32 (artwork); No. 35 (artwork)

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 - Noir: Erasure Poetry Anthology, 2013
1.1 7
"The Devil Lives in California"
1.1 - North Coast Review, 1994
1.1 7
No. 5 "La Baja"
1.1 - Nothing. No One. Nowhere., 2011
1.1 7
No. 1 "Praise the Lord and Pass the Gopher Meat"
1.1 - Offerings, 1994
1.1 7
"heads or tails" "My Grief Impales The Moon"
1.1 - Open Cut, 2001
1.1 7
"The Process of Disenchantment"
1.1 - Out of Our, 2013
1.1 7
Vol. 15 "A Pie in the Kisser"
1.1 - Pavement Saw, 2004
1.1 7
No. 8 "Big Pussy Blues" "Seven Midgets"
1.1 - Pearl, 1997-2004
1.1 7
No. 25 "Lemons & Prairie Dogs"; No. 29 "Peyotyl"; No. 33 "Sweet Wilma of Tulare"
1.1 - Penny-A-Liner, 1995
1.1 7
Defying Gravity"
1.1 - The Penny Dreadful Review, undated, 1998
1.1 7
No. 22 "no antidote"; No. 23 "2 million fuckers, dollars, poets, & me" "Business As Usual" "xmas buk blues"; No. 24 "the party line" "Who & Why" "Eating Pussy & Blowing Chunks"; No. 25 "Poetry Readings"; No. 26 "Hey Oprah" "dead butterflies in the snow"; No. 27 "Oceans" "bloody crows"; No. 29 "Funerals" "And the Gods Listen Sometimes"; No. 34 "Deer Path"; No. 35 "Another Carcass on the Road of Life"
1.1 - The Pinehurst Journal, 1993
1.1 7
Vol. 4 No. 1 "Corinthian Leather"
1.1 - Pitchfork, 2004
1.1 7
No. 11 "Picasso Hallucination"
1.1 - The Plastic Tower, 1995
1.1 7
No. 21 "a lone star law"

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 - The Plebian Rag, 2011
1.1 8
"Boulder Nirvana" "Montezuma Pay Back"
1.1 - Poesy, 2002
1.1 8
No. 16 "Love Never Dies"
1.1 - Poetic Eloquence, 1993
1.1 8
Vol. 2 No. 3 "The Juggler" "The Madness Called Greed"; Vol. 2 No. 4 "Corinthian Leather" "California" "Boozin'" "Shadows of Doubt" "good morning mr. smirnoff" "Words"
1.1 - Poetnoise, 2000
1.1 8
"On The Parameters Of Sanity"
1.1 - Poetry Motel Wallpaper, 1994
1.1 8
No. 23 "Dance Don't Hesitate"
1.1 - The Poets' Monday Grab Bag, 1994, 1997
1.1 8
Spring 1994 "tired and wondering" "Hell"; Spring/Summer 1997 "Existence" "New Mexico"
1.1 - Poets on the Line, 2005
1.1 8
No. 9 and 10 "Kokopelli" "No Longer Here"
1.1 - Poiesis, 2009-2010
1.1 8
No. 2 "Saved By A Ladybug"; No. 2 (untitled); No. 4 "Never Love A Poet"
1.1 - Popt Art, 2011
1.1 8
Vol. 1 No. 1 "Rock Steady"; Vol. 2 "Reverse Reverse" "Waiting With My Baby"
1.1 - Portals, 1994, 1996
1.1 8
Summer 1994 "The Pearl"; Winter 1996 "Evolution" "Trickle Down"
1.1 - Preying Mantis, 1994
1.1 8
Vol. 6 "A Façade of Hope"
1.1 - Proper Gander, 1999-2000
1.1 8
No. 12 "Not An Ounce of Mercy"; No. 13 "Extra Crispy"; No. 15 "My Inheritance"; No. 21 "Pet Food"
1.1 - Prying, 1998
1.1 8
"Splinter in the Winter" "If This is Love I'm Turning Faggot"
1.1 - Quicksilver, undated
1.1 8
No. 1 "Another St. Valentine's Day" "Flirting With The Firing Squad"

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 - Radio Free Marin, 1996
1.1 9
"They Really Work"
1.1 - Ragged Lion: A Tribute to Jack Micheline, 1999
1.1 9
1.1 - RB's Poets' Viewpoint, 1993
1.1 9
"La Baja"
1.1 - Red Clay, 1993
1.1 9
Vol. 1 No. 4 "Antelope Dream"
1.1 - Reuben's Kincaid, undated
1.1 9
No. 6 "The Man Who Would Rule Brittania or King For A Day"
1.1 - Re)verb, 2011
1.1 9
No. 7 "Can You Hear A Carrot"
1.1 - Rictus, undated
1.1 9
No. 2 "La Baja" "River of Dreams"; No. 4 "Another Carcass on the Road of Life"
1.1 - RIP Speed Co., undated
1.1 9
undated "A Bad Day"; undated "skippy & java man"
1.1 - Robo-Book, 2012
1.1 9
"Five Guys With Fake Eyes"
1.1 - Rolling Thunder Quarterly, 2011
1.1 9
No. 3 "A Horseshow & 7 Flies & A Bowl Of Tiger Soup" "Don't Jeopardize Our Love Alex Trebeck" "Too Much Tabasco" "Seagull Boogie" "The Prince Of Blood"
1.1 - Royal Vagrant Review, 1997
1.1 9
Vol. 1 No. 2 "True Love" "Scratch the Shoe" "Frankfurt to Amsterdam"
1.1 - The Rusty Nail, 2012
1.1 9
No. 3 "Never Take Peyote & Go to Work" "Flying In The Talons"
1.1 - Scorched Hands, 1996
1.1 9
"Mr. Green Has Arrived" "No Quarter" "Riding The Dromedary"
1.1 - Shepherd Express, 1994, 1999
1.1 9
May 1994 "River of Dreams" "Sitting Bull Wept"; December 1999 "Elvis is Alive in Juarez Doing Self Portraits On Velvet" "Bankrobbers and Poets Never Drink Water" "Oh Hell"
1.1 - Sho, 2003
1.1 9
No. 2 "Mexican Waterfalls"
1.1 - Silent Treatment, undated
1.1 9
No. 9 "dead butterflies in the snow" "Glistening In The Sun" "Falsely Accused" "There's No Such Thing As Safe Sex Or A Beat Poem"

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1 - The Silt Reader, 2000-2004
1.1 10
No. 1 "Choke the Chicken Blues"; No. 2 "Culture Is A Virtue"; No. 3 "Stalin and Burroughs Revisited"; No. 6 "Anthrax Blues"
1.1 - Simple Vows, 1998-1999
1.1 10
No. 1 "the wino & the mermaid" "Molcajete y Metlapil"; No. 2 "The Day The Bulls Died"
1.1 - Skinner's Irregular Horse, 1994
1.1 10
Vol. 1 No. 6 "Stoneburner" "Dance Don't Hesitate" "Arithmetic" "Defying Gravity" "Only Beginnings"; Vol. 1 No. 7 "A Neighbor" "daydream"; Vol. 1 No. 8 "Bacon Avacado"
1.1 - Slipstream, 1995, 1998
1.1 10
No. 15 "Air Dancers"; No. 18 "Gauguin's Granddaughter"
1.1 - Smelt Money, undated
1.1 10
"And The Gods Listen Sometimes"
1.1 - The Starving Poets' Cookbook, undated
1.1 10
"Seduced By An Angel" "French Coconut Flan"
1.1 - Steel Toe Review, 2012
1.1 10
Vol. 1 "My Magnum Opus"
1.1 - Stray Dog 1, 2001
1.1 10
No. 1 "Tattooed Mood"
1.1 - Summer, 2013
1.1 10
"All I Know Is I Love You"
1.1 - Talus & Scree, 1998
1.1 10
No. 5 "No Quarter"
1.1 10 Tears from Nowhere, 2001
1.1 - Thorny Locust, 1998
1.1 10
Vol. 6 No. 3 "Quench"
1.1 - Thunderclap, 2012
1.1 10
No. 8 "Dog Gone"
1.1 - Translated Work (into Bengali) Pia
1.1 10
"God and I" "Wired and Wearied" "Life is Snot on an Olive in My Martini"
1.1 - Tree Killer Ink, undated
1.1 10
No. 7 "Most Of The Time" "Face To Face" "Dancing With A Cannibal"
1.1 - Twisted Savage, undated
1.1 10
No. 1 "Pulling Eagles From The Sky"; No. 3 and 4 "Persia" "Amsterdam"; No. 5 "New Year's Day 97" "Letter Bomb From A Pacifist Inebriated Poet After Frijoles"
1.1 - Twitch/Saratonin, undated
1.1 10
No. 9 "Wyoming" "All Tomorrows" "Arrowheads" "The End Of A Journey" "Jackrabbit Stew"; No. 10 "The Last Words?" "Never Take Peyote And Go To Work" "Mescaline Iguana Taco Blues"

Series 1.1

Series Box Folder Title
1.1   Umbriate Poetry & Prose, 2003
1.1 11
Supplemental Issue No. 1 "The Disappearing Pervert"; No. 5 "Going Down or Sideways" "Fake Moon"
1.1 - (Unknown publications), undated
1.1 11
"Gone Again" "Death, New and Improved" "5:20 AM" "You Can Exhale Now" "Undependence Day"
1.1 - Unwound, 2000
1.1 11
Vol. 3 No. 9 "Swallows of Sadness"
1.1 - Uprising, 1998
1.1 11
No. 1 "Questions" "Thoughts from Stonehenge"; No. 2 "Strangling on Prayers"; No. 5 "No Quarter"
1.1 - Venusian Travelogue, 1995
1.1 11
No. 9 "Tease Me, Please" "The Yankee Clipper"
1.1 - Vis-a-septic, 2000
1.1 11
"Phone Fun"
1.1 11 Waiting on Nothing, 2012
1.1 - Whisper, 1994-1995
1.1 11
No. 7 "Shadows of Doubt"; No. 8 Letter to the Editor
1.1 - White Space, 1995-1996
1.1 11
No. 7 "a trapped wolf gnaws off its leg" "The Iceman and the Rat"; No. 8 "phone fun" "Three Nails to Avoid"; No. 9 "Tortilla Curtain" "Swallows of Sadness" "Adopt A Wino For Christmas"; No. 10 "man in the boat" "My Inheritance"
1.1 - Window Panes, 1994, undated
1.1 11
Vol. 1 No. 1 "Another Carcass on the Road of Life"; Vol. 1 No 9 "Peyote Man For Prez"; undated "A Ripple"; undated "Who & Why"; undated "Swimming in Your Bloodshot Eyes"
1.1 - Winter's Gems, 1993
1.1 11
Vol. 3 "The Juggler"
1.1 - Wisconsin Poets' Calendar, 1997
1.1 11
"Wisdom of Birds"
1.1 - Wooden Head Review, 1995-1997
1.1 11
No. 1 "Ice"; No. 3 "La Cobija de Los Pobres" "Beginnings and Ends"; No. 6 "Boulder" "And the Gods Listen Sometimes"
1.1 - Writer's Exchange, 1994
1.1 11
No. 26 "Only Beginnings"
1.1 - Xizquil, 1997
1.1 11
No. 16 "The Last Kokopelli"
1.1 - Xpressions Journal, 1995, undated
1.1 11
Vol. 2 No. 17 "i'm not sorry anymore"; undated "Machines Rule & Humanity Drools"
1.1 - Zeitgeist, 1993
1.1 11
Vol. 2 No. 3 "Picasso Dreams"
1.1 - Zink, 1994
1.1 11
Vol. 1 No 4 "Increments of Life Surrendered"; Vol. 1 No. 6 "You Can Exhale Now"
1.1 - Zzz Zyne, undated, 2003
1.1 11
No. 24 "My Money Back Guarantee"; No. 38 "The Whole Enchilada"