Series Box Box Title
1 - The 2River View [De Soto, MO] 2 River, 2003.
Vol. 7: No. 3 "Plumbing for Salvation" "Seed of Greatness"
1 - Anthills [Milwaukee, WI] Centennial Press, 2005-2009.
No. 4 "Plaza de Coros"; No. 5 "A Perfect Order"
1 - Anthology [Mesa, AZ] Anthology Magazine, 2002-2004.
Vol. 9: No. 3 "Dance on Fire Road"; Vol. 9: No. 4 "Carole Maso's Master Class: Poet 0 / Monkey 1 (I Fell in Love with Her Words)"; Vol. 9 No.5 "Man Eating French Waffles, Reading Paper" "Circle of Winters" Groping for God" "Resurrection in the Root Cellar" "The Mystery of Waters"; Vol. 9 No. 6 "The Mexicans Love a King"; Vol. 10 No. 2 "Birch Street" "Jesus Shoots Craps"; Vol. 10 No. 3 "Los Huesos (The Bones)" "Miss Valley City, North Dakota"; Vol. 10 No. 5 "Circus Town" "Stars Suspended from Branches" "Erotic Geography" "Bless Me Father for I Have Sinned"; Vol. 11 "Rising" "60 Degrees of Separation"
1 - Arbor Vitae, Desperado Press, 2008. 
Vol. 3 No. 4 "Bless Me Father for I Have Sinned" "I Love"
1 - Art:mag [Las Vegas, NV] Peter Magliocco, 2002-2006.
Vol. 25 "Below the Floor"; Vol.26 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Monjé Malo Speaks English Selected Poems by Kris Rued-Clark"; Vol. 27 "Odd Time for a Message like This" "Beneath Dream Waters" "Poets Nova" "Review of Alan Catlin's The Schenectady Chainsaw Massacre" "Stars Suspended from Branches" "Watching a River Flow"; Vol. 28 "It Made Me Wonder" "Karl Rove's Big Adventure" "Brief Nation" "Review of A. D. Winans' The Wrong Side of Town"; Vol. 29 "Fictions" "My Youth" "Ideas of Grace" "Review of Alan Catlin's Playing Tennis with Antonioni"
1 - Asheville Poetry Review [Asheville, NC] Professional Press, 2006.
  1   Vol. 13 No. 1 "Train Keeps Coming: A Review of Baby Beat Generation Anthology"
1 - Avocet: a journal of nature poems [Calabasas, CA] Avocet Press, 2001.
Vol. 4 No. 3 "This Land Within"
1 - The Axe Factory [Philadelphia, PA] Axe Factory, 2006-2010.
No. 21 "Review and Interview of Joseph Verrilli's Angelica's Story" "Review of Angela Consolo Mankiewicz's An Eye" "Review of T. Kilgore Splake's Backwater Graybeard Twilight"; No. 24 "Review of Bruce Dethefsen's Breather"; No. 25 "Saks Fifth Avenue" "A Perfect Order" "Howl Redux" "Plazo de Toros"
1 - Backstreet [Berthoud, CO] Ray Foreman, 2005-2010.
No. 1 "Man Eating Waffles-Reading Paper"; No. 4 "Los Huesos (The Bones)"; No. 7 "Message in a Mink"; No. 8 "Red Head"; No. 9 "The Composition of Tears": No. 10 "El Latino Blanco (The White Latin)"; No. 12 "Marlboro Man on Michigan Ave"; No. 14 "Why I Gave up Writing and Joined the Circus"; No. 17 "The Check-out Line"; No. 19 "Seeing Nothing"; No. 23 "The Last Time (Thinking about Love and Remembering Albert Huffstickler)"; No. 28 "Coffee at the Comet"; No. 30 "Red Head"
1 - Bar Code [Baileys Harbor, WI] Little Eagle Press, 2008.
"Milwaukee's First Dance"
1 - Barbaric Yawp [Russell, NY] Bone World Publishing 2001-2012.
Vol. 5 No. 4 "Reborn"; Vol.6 No. 3 "It's Busy up Here"; Vol. 8 No. 3 "You Never Left"; Vol. 8 No. 4 "Between the Times"; Vol. 9 No. 2 "Black River"; Vol. 10 No. 1 "Exit Strategy"; Vol. 12 No. 2 "Review of Peter Schwartz's My Novena"; Vol. 16 No. 4 "Men Having Great Thoughts..."

Series 1

Series Box Box Title
1 - Barking Dogs <>
No. 2 "Why I Write Reviews" "When Penis Walked the Earth"
1 - Bathtub Gin [Bloomington, IN] Pathwise Press, 2002-2007.
No. 11 "Plaza de Toros"; No. 15 "Review of R. D. Armstrong's Last Call: The Legacy of Charles Bukowski"; No. 17 "Review of Peter Magliocco's This Junkyard Heaven" "Review of Don Carroll's Forever Changed"; No. 18 "The Politics of Poetry-A Post Mortem on My Open Letter to Poetry Magazine"; No. 19 "Interview with Charles Nevsimal" "Review of T. Kilgore Splake's Backwater Graybeard Twilight"; No. 20 "Review of Mike James' Alternate Endings" "Review of Louis McKee's Near Occasions of Sin"
1 - Beatlick News [Las Cruces, NM] Pamela Hirst, 2006-2007.
Vol. 2 No. 30 "Why I Gave up Writing and Joined the Circus"; Vol. 2 No. 34 "Review of D. A. Levy and the Mimeograph Revolution"
1 - Big Hammer, 2012.
No. 15 "Killing Season"
1 - Blind Man's Rainbow [Erie, PA] Blind Man's Rainbow, 2005-2007.
Vol. 10 No. 4 "Review of Christopher Robin's Who Will Pay the Royalties for the Voices in My Head and Other Poems"; Vol. 10 No. 5 "A Perfect Order" "PG-13" "This is your Dream" "Review of A.D. Winans' The Wrong Side of Town"; Vol. 11 No. 1 "Discussion with Ellaraine Lockie"; Vol. 11 No. 2 "Discussion with Michael Kriesel"; Vol. 11 No. 3 "Review of The Barbarians of San Francisco's Raw Honest Energy"; Vol. 12 No. 1 "How to Land a Man" "Interview with Joseph Verrilli"
1 - The Cafe Review [Portland, ME] Steve Luttrell, 2006.
Vol. 17 "Exit Strategy"; Vol. 18 "Review of Norman J. Olson's 15 image Poems" "Review of Norman J. Olson's Reflections of an Imaginary Sphere"
1 - California Quarterly [Orange, CA] California State Poetry Society, 2003-2004.
Vol. 29 No. 2 "Fly of Inspiration"; Vol. 30 No. 3 "Snow Falling in Carlos"
1 - Carnival Literary Magazine, 2012
Vol. 1 "The Mystery of Waters"
1 - Chiron Review [St. John, KS] Chiron Review, 2005-2009, 2014.
No. 78 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Odd by Alan Catlin" "Review of Rhina P. Espaillat's Mundo y Palabra: The World and the Word"; No. 79 "Review of Joseph Farley's Suckers" "Review of Don Carroll's Forever Changed" "Review of Laura Stamps' Cat Daze: New and Selected Poems; No. 80 "Review of Christopher Robin's Who Will Pay the Royalties for the Voices in My Head" "Review of Don Winter's Things About to Disappear"; No. 82 "Review of Ellaraine Lockie's Blue Ribbons at the County Fair" "Review of Curt Johnson's Salud: Selected Writings" " Review of Larry Smith, Ingrid Swanberg, Eds. D. A. Levy & the Mimeograph Revolution"; No. 83 " Review of William Taylor Jr.'s Words for Songs Never Written: New and Selected Poems" "Review of Christopher Robin's Angelflies in My Idiotsoup" ; No. 85 "Review of Gloria Mindock's Blood Soaked Dresses" "Review of Mark Sonnenfeld's typewriter art" "Review of Francine Witte's The Wind Twirls Everything"; No. 87 "Review of Bruce Dethlefsen's Breather"; No. 88 "Review of Karla Huston's An Inventory of Lost Things" "Review of Michael Kriesel's The Light of Fields"; No. 97 "Why I Gave Up Writing and Joined the Circus"
1 - The Circle [Wernersville, PA] Circle Publications, 2003.
Vol. 7 No. 3 "Birch Street"
1 - Clark Street Review [San Luis Obispo, CA] Ray Foreman, 2001-2010.
No. 16 "Carole Maso's Master Class: Poet 0 / Monkey 1 (I Fell in Love with Her Words)"; No. 19 "Groping for God"; No. 22 "Circle of Writers"; No. 26 "Bad at Buddha"; No. 35 "Esperanza for Pale Face"; No. 38 "Birch Street"; No. 44 "Watching a River Flow"; No. 47 "Reading Octavio Paz (Early Poems 1935-1955)"; No. 50 "Erotic Geography"; No. 53 "A Perfect Place"; No. 56 "Schnook"; No. 59 "Miss Valley City, North Dakota"; No. 62 "Jesus Shoots Craps"; No. 65 "Plaza de Toros" "Secret Formula"; No. 68 "Marlboro Man on Michigan Ave" "Bent Backwards"
1 - The Cliffs [Calumet, MI] The Vertin Press, 2005.
Summer 2005 "PG-13"
1 - Cokefishing in Alpha Beat Soup [New Hope, PA] Apha Beat Press, 2006.
August 2006 "PG-13"; December 2006 "Milwaukee's First Dance"
1 - Concrete Meat Sheet [Leicester, UK] Concrete Meat Press, 2006.
No. 1 "Express Life"; No. 2 "Sweet Thing"
1 - The Crawling Eye [Elsmere, KY] Pat Steele, 2006.
Vol. 12 "A Perfect Order" "A Brief Nation" "Saks Fifth Avenue"

Series 1

Series Box Box Title
1 - Creativity Connection [Madison, WI] UW Outreach Communication Programs, 2007-2009.
No. 72 "Can Poetry Get the Stains Out?"; No. 73 "Why I Write Poetry Reviews?"; No. 74 "How Shall We Submit: an Examination of Submission Guidelines"; No. 75 "Three More Good Reasons to Read Small Press Books: Review of T. Kilgore Splake's Celebration of Samantha" "Review of Peter Schwartz's My Novena" "Review of Ralph Murre's Crude Red Boat"; No. 76 "Is Writing Trying to Kill Me? My Life Before I'm a Famous Novelist"; No. 78 "Mindlock Makes Poetry Out of Horror: Review of Gloria Mindlock's Blood Soaked Dresses" "Review of Mark Sonnenfeld's Typewriter Art" "Review of Francine Witte's The Wind Twirls Everything"; No. 79 "The Often Too Short, Unpredictable, yet Glorious Life of an Independent Small Press Magazine or God Bless the Small Press: an Interview with Linda Aschbrenner"
1 - Cup of poems and a side of prose [Madison, WI] John Lehman, 2004.
No. 8 "Below the Floor" "Bat at Buddha"
1 - Cynic Book Review [Philadelphia, PA] Cynic Press, 2003-2006.
No. 3 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Monjé Malo Speaks English: Selected Poems Reviewed by Kris Rued Clark"; No. 4 "Review of Barbara Jordan Bache-Wiig's Marking Time: New and Selected Poems" "Review of Harvey Goldner's Ancient Pilot" "Review of Christopher Cunningham's 18 Blue Collar Abstractions" "Review of Shannon Colebank's Death of Culture: A Book of Poetry" "Review of Michael Holloway's Habit's Dad" "Review of Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal's In the House of Butterflies" "Review of Shannon Colebank's Proud to be an American: Experimental Poetry" "Review of Ira Gustavson's Slightly Used Poems" "Review of T. K. Splake's Tailings" " Review of David DelBronco's 25 Poems"; No. 5 "Review of Laura Stamps' Cat Daze: New and Selected Works" "Review of Bruce Dethlefsen's Something Near the Dance Floor" [Two copies in different formats]; The Charles P. Ries Issue "Review of Norman J. Olson's 15 Image Poems" "Review of Norman J. Olson's Reflections of an Imaginary Sphere" "Review of William Taylor Jr.'s So Much Burning" "Review of Nancy Guaquier's Words" "Review of Oren Wagner's The Last Redcoat" "Review of Steve Henn's The Seedy Underbelly of the High-falutin' Oversoul" "Review of Mark Gaudet's Just Another Adolescent Braggart" "Review of Louis McKee's Near Occasions of Sin" "Review of Patrick Carrington's Rise, Fall and Acceptance" "Review of Baby Beat Generation and The 2nd San Francisco Renaissance" "Review of Dan Powers' Mighty good Earth" "Review of John Lehman's Shorts: 101 Brief Poems of wonder and Surprise" "Review of Alan Catlin's Playing Tennis With Antonioni" " Review of Christopher Robin's Who Will Pay The Royalties for the Voices in My Head and Other Poems" " Review of Charles P. Reis' The Fathers We Find Reviewed by Pablo Teasedale" "Why I Write Poetry Reviews?"
1 - Dark Side of the Moon [Tucson, AZ] The Moon Publishing & Printing, 2004-2006.
Vol. 1 No. 0 "Review of Laura Stamps' Cat Daze: New and Selected Poems"; Vol. 1 No. 4 "Review of Joseph Farley's Suckers"; Vol. 1 No. 5 "Review of Don Carroll's Forever Changed"; Vol. 1 No. 6 "Review of Don Winter's Things About to Disappear"; Vol. 1 No. 7 "Review of A. D. Winans' The Wrong Side of Town"; Vol. 1 No. 8 "Review of Christopher Robin's Who Will Pay the Royalties for the Voices in My Head and Other Poems"; Vol. 1 No. 9 "Review of Klyd Watkins' 5 Speed"; Vol. 1 No. 10 "Review of Ellaraine Lockie's Finishing Lines"; Vol. 2 No. 1 "Review of Dan Powers' Mighty Good Earth" "Review of John Lehman's 101 Brief Poems of Wonder and Surprise" "Review of Alan Catlin's Playing Tennis with Antonioni"; Vol. 2 No. 2 "Review of Doug Holder's Wrestling with My Father"; Vol. 2 No. 3 "Review of Doug Holder's Wrestling with My Father"; Vol. 2 No. 4 "Why I Write Poetry Reviews"; Vol. 2 No. 5 "Review of Nancy Guaquier's Words" "Review of Steve Henn's The Seed Underbelly of the High-falutin' Oversoul" "Review of Oren Wagner's The last Redcoat" "Review of Mark Gaudet's Just Another Adolescent Braggart"; Vol. 2 No. 7 "Review of William Taylor Jr.'s So Much Burning"; Vol. 2 No. 9 "Review of Norman J. Olson's 15 Image Poems" "Review of T. Kilgone Splake's Backwater Greybread Twilight"; Vol. 2 No. 11 "Interview with Charles Nevsimal"; Vol. 2 No. 10 "Review of Angloe Consolo Mankiewicz's An Eye" "Review of John Verrilli's Angelica's Story"
1 - The Diddler [Oakland, CA] Raymond Mason, 2005.
No. 15 "Free to Fall" "Odd"
1 - Drama Garden [Bridgepont, CT] New Creature Press, 2006.
Supplement Issue "The Mystery of Waters" "Ideas of Grace" "Fictions"; No. 2 "Stars Suspended from Branches" "You Never Left"
1 - Emotions [Van Nuys, CA] Wings of Dawn Publishing Co., 2001-2002.
Vol. 4 No. 2 "The Miraculous is Common" "Fallen"
1 - Esc! Magazine [Huntley, IL] Michael R. Potter, 2004-2009.
Vol. 8 No. 2 "Albino Prunes" "Review of Barbara Jordan Bache-Wiig's Marking Time: New and Selected Poems"; Vol. 9 No. 1 "Feeling into this Life" "Review of Joseph Farley's Suckers"; Vol. 10 No. 1 "Review of Nancy Gauquier's Words"; Vol. 10 No. 2 "Review of T. Kilgore Splake's Backwater Graybeard Twilight"; Vol. 11 No. 1 "Interview with Michael Graves"; Vol. 11 No. 2 "Review of Mike James' Alternate Endings" "Review of Mark Wisniewski's On of Us One Night"; Vol. 12 No. 1 "Review of William Taylor Jr.'s Words for Songs Never Written: New and Selected Poems" "Review/ Interview of Ellaraine Lockie's Blue Ribbons at the County Fair"; Vol. 12 No. 2 "Review of D. A. Levy and the Mimeograph Revolution" "Review of Louis McKee's Near Occasions of Sin" "Review of Robert Pomerhn's Abuse Art. Not Children" "Review of T. Kilgore Splake's Celebration of Samantha"; Vol. 13 No. 1 "The Often Too Short, Unpredictable, yet Glorious Life of an Independent Small Press Magazine or God Bless the Small Press" "Review of Karla Huston's An Inventory of Lost Things" "Review of Michael Kriesel's The Light of Fields"
1 - ‘e²â±ð', Peter Schwartz, 2005 <>.
No. 3 "Big WOO"
1 - Alexander, Kwame and Dianne Beverly Family Pictures: poems & photographs celebrating our loved ones, Capital BookFest, 2007.
"A Very Silent Man"
1 - Fight These Bastards [Warsaw, IN] Platonic 3way Press, 2006.
No. 2 "Review of Dan Powers' Mighty Good Land" "Review of John Lehman's Shorts: 101 Brief Poems of Wonder and Surprise" "Review of Alan Catlin's Playing Tennis with Antonioni" "A Letter to Mr. Charles Wiman"; No. 3 "Review of Norman J. Olson's 15 Images" "Review of Norman J. Olson's Reflections on an Imaginary Sphere" "Review of T. Kilgore Slpake's Backwater Graybeard Twilight"
1 - The Finest [Santa Cruz, CA] Christopher Robin, 2002.
"Oblivious" "The Truth about Great Sex" "South for a Season"
1 - First Class [Milwaukee, WI] Four-Sep Publications, 2002-2004.
No. 20 "Plaza de Toros"; No. 23 "Watching a River Flow"
Series 1
Series Box Box Title
1 - Free Verse [Marshfield, WI] Linda Aschbrenner, 2002-2009.
April 2002 "A Very Silent Man"; May 2002 "Cheddar's Lament (A Tribute to Art Kumbalek, Ya'know?) " "The Last Time" "Review of Charles P. Ries' Bad Monk: Neither Here nor There Reviewed by Kris Rued-Clark"; June/July 2002 "Fifty and Still Fishing"; August 2002 "Time"; October 2002 "Los Huesos (The Bones)"; November/December 2002 "Jesus Shoots Craps" "The Big Smoothie" "Scent is Sight"; January 2003 "The Moon was January in Wisconsin"; February 2003 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Monjé Malo Speaks English Reviewed by Kris Rued-Clark"; No. 61 "Good Night"; No. 62 & 63 "Seed of Greatness"; No. 65 "Hansel, Johannes, and Scott winners in Free Verse poetry contest sponsored by Charles P. Ries"; No. 66 "A Perfect Place" "Once Again"[Also contains a publisher's insert with a quote by Ries]; No. 67 "South for a Season"; No. 68 & 69"Killing for Fashion" "Feather for Carlos"; No. 70 "Valentine"; No. 71 & 72 "Woodland Pattern Book Center: Learning to Embroider Silk on Water" [Also contains a publisher's insert with a quote by Ries]; No. 73"It Said ‘Vacant'" [Also contains a publisher's insert with a quote by Ries]; No. 74 & 75 "Anti-Gravity Man" "I Love" "What it Isn't" "Review of Alan Catlin's The Schenectady Chainsaw Massacre"; No. 77 "The Fathers We Find: The Making of a Pleasant, Humble Boy: A Novel for Memory" "Review of Barbara Jordan Bache-Wiig's Marking Time: New and Selected Poems"; No. 78 "An Open Letter to Poetry Magazine"; No. 79 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Odd Reviewed by Alan Catlin, Phil Wagner, and Kris Rued-Clark"; No. 80 "Review of Dan Carroll's Forever Changed"; No. 81 "Review of Charles P. Ries' The Last Time Reviewed by Lou Roach"; No. 83 "Review of Michael Kriesel's Saturday Night" "Review of Ellaraine Lockie's Finishing Lines"; No. 84 "Review of Doug Holder's Wrestling with My Father" "Why I Write Poetry"; No. 85 "Fictions" "Right Words" "Interview with Charles Nevsimal"; No. 86 "Equal Pages for Equal Poetry: Women in the Small Press by Charles P. Ries and Ellaraine Lockie" " Review of Nancy Gauquier's Words"; No. 87 "PG-13" "Four Year Anniversary"; No. 89 "Get Out of My Basement: My Trip to Santa Cruz"; No. 90 "Review of Mark Wisniewski's One of Us One Night" "Review of Christopher Robin's Freaky Mumbler's Manifesto" "Review of Charles P Ries' The Fathers We Find Reviewed by Pablo Teasedale"; No. 91 "How Shall We Submit: Examining Submission Guidelines"; No. 92 "The Dwarf Did It" "My Cat's Human"; No. 94 "Review of Ralph Murre's Crude Red Boat"; No. 95 "Is Writing Trying to Kill Me? My Life Before I'm a Famous Novelist" "Review of Peter Schwartz's My Novena"; No. 96 "Review of William Taylor Jr.'s Words for Songs Never Written: New and Selected Poetry"; No. 97 & 98 "The Honeypot" "Giving and Getting" "Made It" "Review of Curt Johnson's Salud"; No. 99 & 100 "The Often Too Short, Unpredictable, yet Glorious Life of an Independent Small Press Magazine or God Bless the Small Press"
1 - Fuck! [Tucson, AZ] Fuck!, 2004-2006.
Vol. 7 No. 12 "Birch Street" "What It Isn't" "The Last Time (Thinking about Love and Remembering Albert Huffstickler)" "Influence of Light"; Vol. 8 No. 10 "Groping for God" "Karl Rove's Big Adventure"; Vol. 9 No. 4 "New Life"; Vol. 9 No. 6 "Exit Strategy"; Vol. 9 No. 11 "My Youth" "Saks Fifth Avenue" "Fictions" "Ideas of Grace"
1 4 Girl Friend & Other Mysteries of Love: New and Selected Poems, 2013.
1 - The Gloom Cupboard [Liverpool] Erbacce Press, 2008.
"Red Head"
1 - GPPReader, Guerilla Poetics Press, 2007 <>.
"Birch Street" "I Love" Big WOO" "Communion"
1 - GPR [Hopkinsville, KY] Loosey Goosey Press, 2008.
"Gift of Rain"
1 - Guerilla Poetics Project
"Perfect Saint" "A Perfect Order"
1 - Guys & Dolls, Charles Ries and Rex Sexton, 2010.
June 2 "Thin Sip of Ice Water"; June 10 "Sad Visitor"
1 - Hadrosaur Tales [Las Cruces, NM] Hadrosaur Productions, 2002.
Vol. 15 "I Saw the Dead"
1 - The Harbinger Asylum, 2012.
"The Mystery of Waters"
1 - Hazmat Review [Rochester, NY] Clevis Hook Press, 2005-2007.
Vol. 7 No. 2 "Seeing Nothing"; Vol. 9 No. 2 "Watching a River Flow" "A Perfect Place" "When Penis Walked the Earth"

Series 1

Series Box Box Title
1 - The Hiram Poetry Review [Hiram, OH] English Dept., Hiram College, 2006-2007.
No. 67 "Review of New American Underground Peotry Vol. 1: The Barbarians of San Francisco" "Review of Baby Beat Generation & The 2nd San Francisco Renaissance"; No. 68 "Review of Louis McKee's Near Occasions of Sin"; No. 73 "Review of Bruce Dethlefsen, Unexpected Silly Things"
1 - I-70 Review, 2011
Fifth Edition "Influences of Light"
1 - Ibbetson Street [Somerville, MA] Ibbetson Street Press, 2006.
No. 20 "Are Women Underrepresented in the Small Press? A Dueling Essay with Ellaraine Lockie"
1 - The Iconoclast [Mohegan Lake, NY] Wagner Lab and Enterprises, 2003-2014.
No. 76 "I Dare You"; No. 88 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Odd"; No. 89 "Excerpts from an Open Letter to Poetry Magazine"; No. 91 "Review of Charles P. Ries' The Last Time"; No. 110 Book Reviews: Girl Friend & Other Mysteries of Love
1 - Inkpot [Fallbrook, CA] Lit Pot Press, Inc., 2004.
1 - Iodine Poetry Journal [Charlotte, NC] Jonathan K. Rice, 2002-2004.
Fall 2002 "Snow Falling in Carlos"; Fall/Winter 2004 "A Very Silent Man"
1 - Joey and the Black Boots [Laramie, WY] Kitty Litter Press, 2002.
No. 39 "Esparenza for Pale Face" "Diminishing Light"; Contest Issue "Below the Floor"
1 - "Just Stories" [Buffalo, NY] Wondering Press, 2001.
No. 4 "Cousin Greg's Big Head Gets Stuck"
1 - Katnip Reviews [Nederland, CO] Kitty Litter Press, 2002.
No. 11 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Bad Monk: Neither Here nor There"
1 - Kudzu [Hazard, KY] Hazard Community & Technical College, 2008.
"The Composition of Tears"
1 - The Laughing Dog [Tucson, AZ] Subsynchronous Press, 2005-2006.
No. 11 "Free to Fall"; No. 12 "Corporate" "Big Woo"
1 - The League of Laboring Poets [Covina, CA] Tom Conroy, 2007-2008.
Vol. 1 No. 1 "Plaza de Toros"; Vol. 2 No. 1 "In This Moment of Air"; Vol. 2 No. 4 "Review of William Taylor Jr.'s Words for Songs Never Written: New and Selected Poems"; Vol. 2 No. 3 "Review and Interview of Ellaraine Lockie's Blue Ribbon at the County Fair"; Vol. 3 No. 1 "Review of Gloria Mindock's Blood Soaked Dresses" "Review of Mark Sonnenfeld's Typewriter Art" "Review of Francine Witte's The Wind Twirls Everything"
1 - Letter Head [Buffalo, NY] Highest Hurdle Press, 2007.
Vol. 1 "Killing Season"
1 - Lines [Berthoud, CO] Clark Street Review, 2006.
No. 1 "Sailor Boy"; No. 2 "Miss Valley City, North Dakota"
1 - Lummox Journal [San Pedro, CA] Lummox Productions, 2003-2006.
Vol. 9 No. 1 "Review of Gary C. Busha's Lines on Lake Winnebago"; Vol. 10 No. 1 "Review of Bruce Dethlefsen's Something Near the Dance Floor"; Vol. 10 No. 3 "Review of Alan Catlin's The Schenectady Chainsaw Massacre"; Vol. 10 No. 4 "Bukowski's City"; Vol. 10 No. 5 "Review of Robert Schuler's In Search of ‘Green Dolphin Street'"; Vol. 10 No. 6 "Review of Laura Stamp's Cat Daze: New and Selected Poems"; Vol. 11 No. 1 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Odd reviewed by Alan Catlin" "Review of Rhina P. Espaillat's Mundo y Palabra / The World and the Word"; Vol. 11 No. 2 "Review of Barbara Jordan Bache-Wiig's Marking Time: New and Selected Poems"; Vol. 12 No. 1 "Review of Ellaraine Lockie's Finishing Lines"; Vol. 12 No. 3 "Review of Baby Beat Generation & the 2nd San Francisco Renaissance"; Vol. 12 No. 5 "Review of New American Underground Poetry Vol. 1: The Barbarians of San Francisco-Poets from Hell" "Review of Norman J. Olson's 15 Image Poems" "Review of Norman J. Olson's Reflections on an Imaginary Poems"; Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4 "Review of Joseph Farley's Suckers"

Series 1

Series Box Box Title
1 - LSR [Miami] Latino Stuff Review, Inc., 2003-2005.
No. 34 "Perfect Saint" "Snow Falling in Carlos" "Below the Floor"; No. 36 "Los Huesos (The Bones)" "Birch Street" "Reading Octavio Paz (Early Poems 1935-1955)"; No. 37 "Review of Alan Catlin's The Schenectady Chainsaw Massacre"
1 - Main Channel Voices [Winona, MN] Main Channel Voices, 2005-2006.
Vol. 1 No. 4 "Howl Redux"; Vol. 2 No. 2 "Blow the Floor"
1 - The Middlewesterner, Tom Montag, 2004.
"Esperanza for Pale Face"
1 - Monkey Kettle [Bedfordshire, England] Next Century Books Limited, 2004-2005.
Vol. 1 "Birch Street"; No. 19 "Influences of Light"
1 - The Moon [Tucson, AZ] Starry Night Magick Productions, 2005-2007.
Vol. 3 No. 7 "A Brief Nation"; Vol. 3 No. 8 "PG-13"; Vol. 3 No. 9 "Our Four Year Anniversary"; Vol. 3 No. 10 "Karl Rove's Big Adventure"; Vol. 4 No. 4 "Half Zen Girl"; Vol. 4 No. 6 "How to Land a Man"; vol. 4 No. 7 "Exit Strategy"; Vol. 4 No. 8 "My Youth"; Vol. 5 No. 3 "Review of Patrick Carrington's Rise, Fall  and Acceptance" "Review of Louis McKee's Near Occasions of Sin"
1 -
[Fort Wayne, IN] The Moon Publishing & Printing, 2007-2012.
Vol. 5 No. 6 "Interview with the Poet Spiel"; Vol. 5 No. 7 "Review of Michael Graves' Adam and Cain"; Vol. 5 No. 8 "Review of D. A. Levy and the Mimeograph Revolution" "Review of Scott Virtes' Peripheral Visions"; Vol. 5 No. 9 "Right Foot into Wings" "The Dwarf Did It" "How Shall We Submit: Examining Submission Guidelines"; Vol. 5 No. 10 "Anti-Gravity Man" "Howl Redux" "He Know I'm Here. I An Here Right?" "Hello, I Talk To You? You Like Me?" "This is Your Dream"; Vol. 5 No.11 "Review of T. Kilgore Splake's Celebration of Samantha" "Review of Robert Pomerhn's Abuse Art. Not Children"; Vol. 6 No. 5 "Review and Interview of Curt Johnson's Salud: Selected Writings" "Review of Èervena Barva" "Review of Ed Miller's The Whole Enchilada" "Review of Lucille Lang Days' God of The Jellyfish" "Review of Doug Holder's Of All the Meals I Had Before: Poems about Food and Eating" "Review of Flavia Cosma's Gothic Calligraphy" "Review of Richard Kostelanetz's Bilingual Poems" "Review of George Held's W is for War" "Review of Judy Ray's Fishing in Green Waters" "Review of Ellaraine Lockie's Blue Ribbons at the County Fair"; Vol. 6 No. 6 "Review of Peter Schwartz's My Novena" "Review of Ralph Murre's Crude Red Boat"; Vol. 6 No. 8 "Review of William Taylor Jr.'s Words for Songs Never Written: New and Selected Poems"; Vol. 7 No. 1 "Review of Francine Witte's The Wind Twirls Everything" "Review of Mark Sonnenfeld's Typewriter Art"; Vol. 7 No. 5 CReview of Bruce Dethlefsen's Breather"; Vol. 8 No. 1 "The Often Too Short, Unpredictable, yet Glorious Life of an Independent Small Press Magazine or God Bless the Small Press"; Vol. 7 No. 9 "Review of Michael Kriesel's The Light of Fields" "Review of Karla Huston's An Inventory of Lost Things" Vol. 10 No. 3 "Review of Unexpected Shiny Things"; Vol. 11 No. 1 "Ten Ways of Knowning Your Poetic Sun is Setting..."; Vol. 11 No. 2 "Why Being an Obscure Poet Isn't Such a Bad Life After All"; Vol. 11 No. 3 "How To Make Friends and Influence Poetry Editors"
1 - Museletter [Lakeville, MN] Christine Falk, 2001-2008.
Fall 2001 "Carole Maso's Master Class: Poet 0 / Monkey 1 (I Fell in Love with Her Words)"; Fall 2002 "A Very Silent Man"; Summer 2003 "Reading Octavio Paz (Early Poems 1935-1955)"; Fall 2004 "South for a Season"; Summer 2005 "Fat Elvis"; Fall 2006 "Milwaukee's First Dance"; Winter 2006 "Where I'm From"; Fall 2008 "First Blood"
1 - Mush [Wausau, WI] Writer's Workshop of the University of Wisconsin-Marathon County, 2003.
"Jesus Told Me I'm Just Fine"
1 - Nerve Cowboy [Austin, TX] Liquid Paper Press, 2003.
No. 15 "Birch Street"
1 - Notes from the Underground…, Norbert Blei, 2008.
No. 143 "Almost Patrick" "In Movement of Air" "Why I Gave up Writing and Joined the Circus" "Jack" "My Cat's Human" "South for a Seasons" "Pickled" "Silent" "Plaza de Toros" "The Mystery of Waters"
1 - Only Connect [Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd] Cinnamon Press, 2007.
"I Love"
1 - Open Cut: and Iodine summer broadside [Charlotte, NC] Main Street Rag, 2004.
Spring/Summer 2004 "Risen"
1 - The Other Side of Sorrow [Farmington, NH] Poetry Society of New Hampshire, 2006.
"A Perfect Order"
1 - Over the Transom [San Francisco] Over the Transom, 2006.
No. 16 "Half Zen Girl" "Review of Baby Beat Generation & the 2nd San Francisco Renaissance"
1 - Pearl, Pearl, 2004 <>.
No. 33 "First Blood"

Series 1

Series Box Box Title
1 - Peninsula Pulse [Ellison Bay, WI] T. McKenzie & D. Eliot, 2005-2006.
Vol. 11 No. 21 "Man Eating Waffles-Reading Paper"; Vol. 12 No. 15 [This is a three piece issue. Ries is only published in third section.] "Dad Drives"
1 - Philadelphia Poets [Darby, PA] Philadelphia Poets, 2004-2007.
Vol. 10 No. 1 "Odd" "A Perfect Place"; Vol. 12 No. 2 "Review of Robert Schuler's In Search of ‘Green Dolphin Street'"; Vol. 12 No. 1 "Review of Dan Powers' Mighty Good Land"; Vol. 13 "Review of Louis McKee's Near Occasions of Sin"
1 - Poems, SNReview, 2005. <>.
"Valentine" "Fly of Inspiration" "Bad at Buddha" "Odd" "Watching a River Flow" "When Penis Walked the Earth"
1 - Poems for the Genuine Outsider, Christopher Robin, 2004.
No. 2 "Coffee at the Comet"
1 - Poesia [Fayetteville, AR] Indian Bay Press, 2006-2008.
Vol. 4 No. 1 "Review of Ellaraine Lockies' Finishing Lines"; Vol. 4 No. 4 "Review of New American Underground Poetry Vol. 1: The Barbarians of San Francisco-Poets from Hell"; Vol. 5 No. 2 "Review of Mark Wisniewski's One of Us One Night"; Vol. 6 No. 1 "Review of D. A. Levy & the 2nd Mimeograph Revolution"; Vol. 6 No. 2 "Review of Mark Sonnenfeld's Typewriter Art"
1 - Poesy [Santa Cruz, CA] Poesy Magazine, 2003-2007.
No. 19 "Marlboro Man on Michigan Ave"; No. 28 "A Perfect Order" "Review of Charles P. Ries' Odd reviewed by Laura Stamps"; No. 29 "Review of A. D. Winans' The Wrong Side of Town"; No. 30 "Review of New American Underground Poetry Vol.1: The Barbarians of San Francisco-Poets from Hell"; No. 31 "Esperanza for Pale Face" "The Foundation of Poetry: an Interview with Charles P. Ries by Brian Morrisey" "Review of Baby Beat Generation & the 2nd San Francisco Renaissance" "Open Letter to Poetry Magazine"; No. 32 "Interview with Charles Nevsimal"; No. 35 "Review of Louis NcKee's Near Occasions of Sin"
1 - Poetry Canada, [Kilbride, Ont] InnerSurf Publishing for the Canadian Federation of Poets, 2005.
Sept/Oct/Nov 2005 "The Mystery of Waters"
1 - The Poetry Market
 "Embroidering Silk on Water" "Carole Maso's Master Class Poet 0 / Monkey 1"
1 - Poetry Pamphlet, [Coral Gables, FL] Real Eight View, 2005.
"Points of View" "Influences of Light"
1 - Poetry Super Highway, 2002.
September 16-22, 2002 "Birch Street" "Esperanza for Pale Face"
1 - Poiesis [Cambridge, MA] Alternating Current, 2009.
No. 2 "Why I Gave up Writing and Joined the Circus"; No. 3 "Right Foot into Wings"
1 - Pop Gun E-zine
No. 5 "Milwaukee's First Dance"
1 - Pop Poets [Lenoir, NC] Pop Poets Press, 2001-2002.
Vol. 2 No. 1 "Ghost Boy's Last Supper" "I Saw the Dead" "Man Eating French Waffles-Reading Paper" "Our Whispering Obsessions"; Vol. 2 No. 2 "High Above" "Big Woo" "The Mystery of Waters" "Dinner for Dionysus" "At Random"
1 - Poultry Broadside [Yellow Springs, OH] Gunch Press, 2006.
No. 7 "Ideas of Grace"
1 - PRESA [Rockford, MI] Presa Press, 2007-2009.
No. 5 "Hearing Perfectly" "Review of Christopher Robin's Freaky Mumbler's Manifesto"; No. 6 "Review of ÄŒervená Barva Press" "El Latino Blanco (The White Latin)" "Just Some Days"; No. 8 "Seeing Nothing" "Review of Mark Sonnenfeld's Typewriter Art" "In This Moment of Air" "Review of Gloria Mindock's Blood Soaked Dresses"; No.  9/10 "Hearing Perfectly" "El Latino Blanco" "Just Some Days" "Seeing Nothing" "In this Moment of Air" "This Land Within"
1 - Private Line [Orange, CA] California State Poetry Society, 2004.
No. 2 "Dear Clara"
1 - Pudding Magazine[Columbus, OH] Pudding Magazine, 2005.
No. 50 "Return Home"
1 - The Quirk [Warsaw, IN] Kaveh Akbar and Erik Scott.
No. 1 "Sex for Liver" "Get Out of Your Basement"
1 - Rattle [Sherman Oaks, CA] Frieda C. Fox Foundation, 2003.
Vol 9 No. 2 "Standing Naked"
1 - Recovering the Self [Ann Arbor, MI] Loving Healing Press, 2009.
Vol. 1 No. 1 "Free to Fall"

Series 1

Series Box Box Title
1 - "remark" [Port St. Lucie, FL] Kathleen Paul-Flanagan, 2005-2007.
No. 31 "A Perfect Place" "A Perfect Order" "It Made Me Wonder"; No. 33 "Review of Joseph Farley's Suckers"; No. 38 "A Brief Nation" "Karl Rove's Big Adventure" "PG-13" "Review of Christopher Robin's Who Will Pay the Royalties for the Voices in My Head and Other Poems"; No. 39 "Review of Peter Magliocco's This Junkyard Heaven" "Review of Michael Kriesel's Chasing Saturday Night: Poems about Rural Wisconsin"; No. 41 "Review of Ellaraine Lockie's Finishing Lines"; No. 42 "Review of Dan Powers' Mighty Good Land" "Review of new American Underground Poetry Vol. 1: The Barbarians of San Francisco-Poets from Hell"; No. 44 "Review of Doug Holder's Wrestling with My Father" "Review of John Lehman's Shorts-101 Brief Poems of Wonder and Surprise"; No. 46 "Review of Alan Catlin's Playing Tennis with Antonioni"; No. 47 "Review of Baby Beat Generation & the Second San Francisco Renaissance"; No. 48 "Review of Nancy Gauquier's Words"; No. 50 "First Blood (May 7, 2002)"; No. 57 "Get Out of Your Basement"
1 - Re)verb [sic] St. Garden Grove, CA] C. Lee, 2004.
No. 3 "Killing Season"
1 - The Rockford Review [Rockford, IL] Rockford Writers' Guild, 2003-2005.
Vol. 22 No. 1 "Scent is Sight"; Vol. 22 No. 3 "Seed of Greatness"; Vol. 24 No. 1 "When Penis Walked the Earth"
1 - Romantics Quarterly [Weston, FL] K.N. Roberts, 2004.
Vol. 4 No. 2 "Holy Water"
1 - Rosebud [Cambridge, WI] Rosebud, Inc., 2007.
No. 39 "Why I Gave up Writing and Joined the Circus"
1 - Shoes [Bridgeport, CT] Ragtime Productions, 2001.
No. 2 "Our Whispering Obsessions"
1 - The Silt Reader [Orange, CA] Temporary Vandalism, 2007.
No. 10 "This is Your Dream"
1 - Small Press Review [Paradise, CA] Dustbooks, 2004-2008.
Vol. 36 No. 5-6 "Review of Alan Catlin's The Schenectady Chainsaw Massacre"; Vol. 36 No. 7-8 "Review of Robert Schuler's In Search of ‘Green Dolphin Street'"; Vol. 37 No. 1-2 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Odd Reviewed by Michael Kriesel"; Vol. 38 No. 3-4 "Why Write Poetry Reviews?"; Vol. 38 No. 5-6 "Letter: In response to George Held's guest…"; Vol. 38 No. 7-8 "Letter: SPR arrived today…"; Vol. 38 No. 9-10 "Disclosures"; Vol. 38 No. 11-12 "Review of William Taylor Jr.'s So Much is Burning"; Vol. 39 No. 1-2 "Review of Norman J. Olson's 15 Image Poems" "Review of Norman J. Olson's Reflections on an Imaginary Sphere"; Vol. 39 No. 3-4 "Review of Mark Wisniewski's One of Us One Night"; Vol. 39 No. 7-8 "Review of Scott Virtes' Peripheral Visions" "Letter: I just finished reading…"; Vol. 39 No. 11-12 "Review of Robert Pomerhn's Abuse Art, Not Children"; Vol. 40 No. 5-6 "Review of Christopher Robin's Angelflies in My Idiotsoup"; Vol. 40 No. 7-8 "Review of William Taylor Jr.'s Words for Songs Never Written"; Vol. 40 No. 11-12 "Is Writing Trying to Kill Me?"
1 - Soultree [Pittsburgh] Meeting of the Minds Publications, 2006.
Ed. 12 Vol. 2 "Ghost Boy's Last Supper"
1 - St Vitus Press & Poetry Review Theron Moore and Todd Moore, 2004.
No. 5 "Watching a River Flow"
1 - Staplegun Press [Birmingham, AL] Staplegun Press, 2002-2004.
No. 14 "Thin Sip of Water"; No. 15 "Esperanza for Pale Face"; No. 16 "Seeing Nothing" "Miss Valley City, North Dakota" "Flying South" "Review of Gary C. Busha's Lines of Lake Winnebago"; No. 17 "Seed of Greatness" "Dear Clara" "Review of Bruce Dethlefsen's Something Near the Dance Floor"
1 - Superior Poetry News [Superior, MT] Superior Poetry Press, 2001.
Vol. 7 No. 2 "Glass Half Empty"
1 - The TMP Irregular, [Taos, NM] Tamafyhr Mountain Poetry, 2004.
No. 25 "I Love" "Return Home"
1 - Trim: A Mannequin Envy Anthology, Jennifer VanBuren, 2007.
No. 1 "Bill the Mink"

Series 1

Series Box Box Title
1 - Verse Wisconsin [Middleton, WI] Linda Aschbrenner, 2011.
No. 107 "How To Make Friends and Influence Poetry Editors"
1 - Voices Israel: poetry from Israel and abroad [Herzelia, Israel] Helen Bar-Lev, 2007.
Vol. 33 "Why I Gave up Writing and Joined the Circus"
1 - Wilderness House Literary Reviews [Littleton, MA] ISCSpress, 2007.
Vol. 1 "Fictions" "Ideas of Grace"
1 - Wisconsin Academy Review [Madison, WI] Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, 2005.
Vol. 51 No. 4 "Killing Season"
1 - Wisconsin Review [Oshkosh, WI] University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 2003-2005.
Vol. 38 No. 2 "Plaza de Toros" "When Penis Walked the Earth"; Vol. 38 No. 3 "Stars Suspended from Branches" "Groping for God"; Vol. 39 No. 2 "Bill the Mink"
1 - Wisconsin River Valley Journal [Wausau, WI] Wisconsin River Valley Journal, 2002-2009.
Vol. 9 No. 4 "Black River"; Vol. 10 No. 4 "A Very Silent Man"; Vol. 15 No. 1 "The Boy King"; Vol. 15 No. 2 "Dad Drives"; Vol. 16 No. 1 "Review of Bruce Dethlefsen's Breather" "I Dare You"
1 - Woodland Pattern Book Center's 11th Annual Poetry Marathon Anthology.
No. 11 "A Perfect Place"
1 - Working Writer [Libertyville, IL] Deartrack Books, 2007-2008.
Vol. 8 No. 1 "Review of Baby Beat Generation & the 2nd San Francisco Renaissance"; Vol. 8 No. 2 "Get out of Your Basement"; Vol. 9 No. 1 "How Shall We Submit: An Examination of Submission Guidelines"; Vol. 9 No. 4 "Review of D. A. Levy & the Mimeograph Revolution"; Vol. 9 No. 6 "Is Writing Trying to Kill Me? My Life Before I'm a Famous Novelist"
1 - Write on!!: poetry magazine [Richfield, UT] Jim-n-I Lyrics & Poetry, 2001.
October 2001 "Student of Face"
1 - X magazine [London] Flipped Eye Publishing, 2005.
No. 8 "Killing Season" "A Perfect Order"
1 - Ya'Sou! [San Francisco] JOJUMA Press, Ya'sou! Press, 2001.
January 2001 "The Town of Corazones Llenos del Amor (Hearts Overflowing with Love)" "She Tends to My Words" "Returning Home"; April 2001 "Two Sisters" "Aunt Nora's Poppy Seed Tort";  July 2001 "Fallen" "Big Eating"; October 2001 "Living Color" "This Land Within"
1 - Zen Baby [Santa Cruz, CA] Zen Baby, 2003-?.
No. 1 "Monjé Malo Speaks English"; No. 10 "Review of Charles P. Ries' Bad Monk (Neither Here Nor There)"; No. 11 "Review of Alan Catlin's The Schenectady Chainsaw Massacre"; No. 12 "A Vegetable is not a Fruit"; No. 13 "It Made Me Wonder" "Be Here"; No. 14 "PG-13"; No. 16 "Fictions"; No. 17 "My Youth"; No. 18 "Exit Strategy"
1 - Zygote in my Coffee [Kettering, OH] Zygote in My Coffee, 2006.
No. 1 "Right Words"

Series 1

Series Box Box Title
1 - Baby Boomer Birthright [Rienzi, MS] PoetWorks Press, LLC., 2008.
"Pickled" "My Youth"
1 - Express Yourself 101: Dancing with Words [Miami] Readers Are Leaders, 2005.
"Fly, Fall Dreaming" "Holy Water"
1 - In the Telling [Blaenau Pfestiniog, Wales] Cinnamon Press, 2009.
"In This Movement of Air"
1 - LAST CALL: The Legacy of Charles Bukowski [San Pedro] The LUMMOX Press, 2004.
"Carole Maso's Master Class: Poet 0 / Monkey 1"
1 - M: Milwaukee's Lifestyle Magazine, 2013.
Vol. 17 No. 11 "Witty Muse"
1 - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 2013.
"Poet tells of love, loss, liver"
1 - Poiesis Review [Palo Alto, CA] Alternating Current, 2013
No. 6 "Redhead" "Near to Him" "Influence of Light"
1 - They Didn't Leave Notes [Greensboro, NC] March Street Press, 2007.
"Praise for ‘They Didn't Leave Notes'(Back Cover)"
1 - This Path [Abilene, TX] Silver Boomer Books, 2009.
"Black River"
1 - Wisconsin Poets' Calendar [Dodgeville, WI] Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets. 2005-2006, 2010, 2013.
2005 "November's Final Kiss"; 2006 "Snow Falling in Carlos"; 2010 "The Composition of Tears"; 2013 "Perfect Saint"

Series 1

Series Box Box Title
1 - Unlikely Stories of the Third Kind [Sunset, LA] Unlikely Books, 2010.
"This Is Your Dream"