Athletic Events/Individuals:
Baseball | Basketball | Boxing | Football | Ice Skating | Tennis | Track and Field
Buildings | Chicago World's Fair, 1933 | Camp Chickagami | Miscellaneous

1932 Olympic Trials | Misc. Individuals

Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Athletics - - -
- - -
Game, circa 1934
7 L1415, L1417, L1464 Glass Plates
Holy Assumption Team
8 L1648 Glass Plate
- - -
Gesu Team
11 L2557 Acetate
Players, Various Teams, Including St. Stanislaus and St. Mary's
11 L2556 Acetate
Players, Various Teams, Including St. Stanislaus, St. Hedwig, St. James, and St. Leo
11 L2561 Acetate
Players, Various Teams, Including St. Thomas, St. Florian, St. Robert's, and St. Rose
11 L2560 Acetate
St. Robert's Team, With Trophy
11 L2562 Acetate
Unidentified Player, St. Michael's
8 L2190-2192 Glass Plates
Unidentified Player, St. Robert's
11 L2565 Acetate
Unidentified Player, St. Stanislaus
11 L2558 Acetate
C.A.A.U. Basketball Team Photos
- - -
Holy Rosary (includes Lawrence Dooley, Dan Donohue, Robert Ward, and Fred Nemmers)
3 L418 Glass Plate
St. Elizabeth Junior Team, 1932
3 L421 Glass Plate
St. Francis Junior Team, 1932
3 L419 Glass Plate
St. Francis Senior Team, 1932
2 L415 Glass Plate
St. Gall's Senior Team, 1932
2 L412 Glass Plate
St. Hedwig School, 1932
3 L416 Glass Plate
St. Lawrence School, 1932
2 L408 Glass Plate
St. Robert's Junior Team, 1932
2 L413 Glass Plate
St. Robert's Senior Team, 1932
2 L409-411 Glass Plates
St. Robert's, 1933
5 L922 Glass Plate
St. Rose Parochial School, 1932
3 L420 Glass Plate
St. Thomas School, 1932
2, 3 L414, L417 Glass Plates
- - -
Boxers, Unidentified, circa 1934
8, 11, 12 L2146-2147, L2171, L2173 #2146-2147: Glass Plates;#2717: Acetate; #2173: Ilford HP5+ Film
Boxers, Unidentified
11 L2569-2571 Acetate (Interpositives)
11 L2567 Acetate

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Athletics (Continued) - - -
- - -
Chicago Bears at Soldier Field, October 1, 1933 (Including Harold "Red" Grange)
6 L1125, L1128-1129 Glass Plates
Chicago Bears Players, Unidentified
13 L1699 Photographic Print
Chicago Bears vs. New York Giants in game at Wrigley Field, circa 1933
6 L1149 Glass Plate
Football Action
5 L833, L835-836, L840 Glass Plates
Football Action at Soldier Field, 1933
6 L1139-1141 Glass Plates
Football Action, St. Francis Seminary in the Background
6 L1144-1145 Glass Plates
Football Action, Unidentified, circa 1933 (Several of these Images are likely Bears/Giants Games at Wrigley Field)
6 L1130-1131, L1142-1143, L1146-1147, L1150, L1159, L1161 Glass Plates
Football Fans
5 L838 Glass Plate
Green Bay Packers vs. Chicago Cardinals
6 L1162 Glass Plate
Murray, William, circa 1932
3 L430-431 Glass Plates
Night Football Game, Unidentified, circa 1933
6 L1122-1123 Glass Plate
Team Photo, Unidentified ("R" Uniforms), circa 1934
8 L2104-2106 Glass Plate
Ice Skaters
8 L2186-2187 Glass Plate

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Athletics (Continued) - - -
Tennis Matches and Individuals
- - -
Action Shots
2 L312-315, L319-324 Glass Plates
Action Shots, circa 1934
8, 12 L1587, L1592, L1602-1604, L1610-1611, L1616, L2103 1587, 1592, 1610, 1616 and 2103 are Glass Plates; 1602-1604 and 1611 are Ilford HP5+ Film
Action Shots, undated (after 1934)
9, 10 L2366-2367, L2369-2376, L2378-2382, L2417-2421, L2423-2427 Glass Plates
Cohn, Jay
4 L581 Glass Plate
Cohn, Jay with Unidentified Man
4 L582 Glass Plate
Cohn, Jay with Two Unidentified Men
4 L583 Glass Plate
Dewey, Dan
4 L574-577, L696, L698 Glass Plates
Dewey, Dan, Louis Rechcygl, and an Unidentified Man
4 L578 Glass Plate
Group Photo (Including Urban and Frank Parker?)
4 L690 Glass Plate
National Boys Tennis Championships, 1931 (Culver, Indiana)
- - -
Action Shots
2 L340-343 Glass Plates
Cohn, Jay, Judge Beaver, Kendall Cram and an Unidentified Man
2 L345 Glass Plate
Parker, Frank
2 L338 Glass Plate
Players Shaking Hands
2 L339 Glass Plate
Russell, Ned, Frank Parker, and Two Unidentified Men
2 L344 Glass Plate
National Boys Tennis Championships, 1932 (Culver, Indiana)
- - -
Awards, Frank Parker and Fred Burns (?)
4 L654 Glass Plate
Cannon, Dunlap and Unidentified Boy
4 L625 Glass Plate
Condy, William
4 L628 Glass Plate
Condy, William and Arthur Nelson
4 L629 Glass Plate
Examining the Net
4 L649 Glass Plate
Four Unidentified Tennis Players
4 L652 Glass Plate
Nelson, Arthur
4 L630 Glass Plate
Overview of Courts
4 L627 Glass Plate
Parker, Frank
4 L617, L620 Glass Plates
Parker, Frank and George Boynton
4 L621 Glass Plate
Parker, Frank and Jay Cohn
4 L626 Glass Plate
Parker, Frank and Unidentified Boy
4 L632 Glass Plate
Parker, Frank and Unidentified Male Player
4, 11 L631-631A #631: Glass Plate; #631A: Acetate
Riggs, Robert (Bobby) and Unidentified Player
4 L619 Glass Plate
Riggs, Robert (Bobby), Edgar Weller, and Two Unidentified Boys
4 L651
Glass Plate
Two Players Shaking Hands
4 L616 Glass Plate
Two Players Shaking Hands (Frank Parker?)
4 L633 Glass Plate
Two Players Shaking Hands #2 (Frank Parker?)
4 L650 Glass Plate
Two Unidentified Players
4 L624 Glass Plate
Unidentified Player #1
4 L615 Glass Plate
Unidentified Player #2
4 L618 Glass Plate
Unidentified Player #3
4 L623 Glass Plate
National Boys Tennis Championships, 1933
- - -
Group Photo
6 L1089 Glass Plate
Tennis Court
5 L1081 Glass Plate
Two Individuals, Shaking Hands
6 L1090 Glass Plate
Unidentified Action Shots
5 L1078-1079, L1083 Glass Plates
Unidentified Players
5 L1086 Glass Plate
John Drew
5 L1087-1088 Glass Plates
National Boys Tennis Championship, Culver, Indiana, August 1936
- - -
Action Shots, Unidentified Players
9 L2386-2390, L2395-2402, L2404, L2406-2407 Glass Plates
Awards Presentation, Group Photos
9 L2391-2393 Glass Plates
Officials, Group Photo
9 L2394 Glass Plate
Players and Coaches, Unidentified
9 L2405, L2408 Glass Plate
Players and Coaches (John Kramer and George McQuown?)
9 L2408 Glass Plate
Two Male Players, Unidentified, One Wearing a Kenyon Shirt
9 L2385 Glass Plate
Tennis Referee
9 L2403 Glass Plate

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Athletics (Continued) - - -
Tennis Matches and Individuals (Continued)
- - -
Parker, Frank, Action Shots
2, 4 L316-318, L327-328, L692, L694-695, L697 Glass Plates
Parker, Frank, Still/Portrait
1 L326 Glass Plate
Parker, Frank and Bill Tilden
1 L334, L336 Glass Plates
Quinn, James
3 L553 Glass Plate
Quinn, James and James Reilly
2 L325 Glass Plate
Quinn, James and Peter Murphy, Washington Park Tennis Club
3 L552 Glass Plate
Quinn, James (Far Left), Fred Coombs, William Whittier (at Far Right), and Three Other Unidentified Boys with Tennis Rackets
3 L536-537 Glass Plates
Rechcygl, Louis, Teaching a Boy to Play Tennis
3 L534-535 Glass Plates
Ruehl, Milton
3, 4 L554, L603-612 Glass Plates
Schommer, William
3, 4 L568-569, L613-614 Glass Plates
Schrader, John
3, 4, 11 L532, L546-548, L586-588, L671 #532, 546-548, 586-588: Glass Plates #671: Acetate
Schrader, John and Peter Murphy, Washington Park Tennis Club, 1932
3 L549 Glass Plate
Simmons, Bud
12 L702 Ilford HP5+ Film
Sonnenberg, Ray
4 L713 Glass Plate
Suchy, Ray
2, 3 L329, L555 Glass Plates
Tilden, Bill, Serving Tennis Ball
2 L335 Glass Plate
Two Male Players with Girl, Unidentified (One Boy Same as #2331)
9 L2330 Glass Plate
Two Male Players #1, Unidentified
9 L2368 Glass Plate
Two Male Players #2, Unidentified (One Boy the Same as #2412, 2414)
9 L2413 Glass Plate
Two Male Players #3, Unidentified
10 L2422 Glass Plate
Unidentified Players
3, 4, 11, 12 L533, L538-545, L565-567, L570-573, L579-580, L584, L675, L699-L701, L703, L708-709, L725 #533, 538-545, 565-567, 570-573, 579-580, 584, 699-700, 725: Glass Plates; #675: Acetate; #701, 703, 708-709: Ilford HP5+ Film
Unidentified Players, circa 1934
12 L1601, L1608 Ilford HP5+ Film
Unidentified Player #1 (Also included in #2330)
9 L2331 Glass Plate
Unidentified Player #2
9 L2383-2384 Glass Plates
Unidentified Player #3
9 L2412, L2414 Glass Plates
Unidentified Female Player #1
11 L672 Acetate
Unidentified Female Player #2
11 L2428, L2431 Acetate
Unidentified Female Player #3
10 L2444-2451 Glass Plates
Unidentified Female Player, circa 1934
8 L2089-2093 Glass Plates
Weigler, Dick
11 L674 Acetate
Weller, Edgar
4 L585 Glass Plate
Wisconsin State Open Tennis Tournament, Stadium, 1932
4 L684, L691 Glass Plates
Track and Field
- - -
Beaudry, Charles, Running on Track, Summer 1946
13 L3839 Photographic Print
Unidentified Hurdlers, Indoors
7 L1340 Glass Plate
Unidentified Runner, Indoors
7 L1339 Glass Plate
Wisconsin State High School Track Meet, May 1932
- - -
Runners on Track in Distance Race, Including Prey (Shorewood High School) and O'Brien (EDHS)
3 L455 Glass Plate
Finish Line, Distance Race, Including Carl Sterbenk (BTHS)
3 L456 Glass Plate
Runners Going Around Curve, Distance Race, Including Aaron Teitelbaum (South Division High School)
3 L457 Glass Plate
Relay Race, Exchanging the Baton
3 L458 Glass Plate
3 L459-460 Glass Plates

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Buildings - - -
Milwaukee Auditorium, 1936 (#2198 featuring Father Wagner's "Round Up" Sign)
8, 11 L2198, L2200 2198: Glass Plate; 2200: Acetate
Building, Unidentified #1
11 L99 Acetate
Building, Unidentified #2, circa 1933
6 L1096 Glass Plate
Chicago Municipal Airport
11 L2351 Acetate
Church, 1932 (St. Mary's Novitiate?)
11 L669 Acetate
Gesu School, circa 1934
7 L1413 Glass Plate
Houses on 16th Street (Numbers 945 and 947), 1934
7 L1360 Glass Plate
House (#224 of an Unidentified Street), With Children on Porch
11 L2538 Acetate
Illinois Armory, Illinois University.
11 L94, L101 Acetate
Marquette Academy, 10th and State, 1934
7 L1376 Glass Plate
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Stadium, West Stands, September 3, 1933
13 L1097 Photographic Print
Mount Mary College
11 L795 Acetate
Murphy Specialty Company and Teweles Seed Co. Building (222 S. Third Street, Milwaukee), 1934
7 L1358 Glass Plate
Ohio Statehouse, Columbus Ohio
8 L2243 Glass Plate
Railroad Station in Bloomer, Wisconsin
8 L2202 Glass Plate
Stadium, Unidentified (Illinois?)
11 L96, L102 Acetate
Stadium, With Track Participants on the Field, circa 1934
8 L1501 Glass Plate
St Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana
11 L668 Acetate
St. Mary's Novitiate, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1932
11 L664, L667 Acetate
Urbana-Lincoln Hotel, Urbana, Illinois
11 L95 Acetate
Xavier University (Louisiana)
- - -
Administration Building
11 L2530 Acetate
Football Home Schedule on Sign, 1936 (Ralph Metcalfe by Sign)
12 Ilford HP5+ Film

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Peter Murphy Photographs

Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Chicago World's Fair, A Century of Progress, 1933 - - -
The Federal Building
11 L1058 Acetate
The Sky-Ride, Close-up
11 L1059 Acetate
Aerial Shots
11, 12 L1060-1062, L1067-1068, L1070 #1060-1062: Acetate; #1067-1068, 1070: Ilford HP5+ Film
The Sky-Ride, View from Water Between Islands
12 L1066 Ilford HP5+ Film
Two Men in Front of Hall of Science
11 L1064 Acetate
Soldier Field, Aerial Shot
11 L1063 Acetate
Camp Chickagami - - -
Boys at Lake
4 L590-591 Glass Plates
Bunch, James
4 L600 Glass Plate
4 L595 Glass Plate
O'Haire, Harry J., Horseback Riding
4 L593 Glass Plate
O'Haire, Harry J., Sitting Near Tent
2 L337 Glass Plate
O'Haire, Harry J., Robert Bowman, James Bunch, and Others
4 L597 Glass Plate
Community - - -
Scout Troop #27, Mr. Day
5 L995-996 Glass Plat

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative No. Preservation Rating
- - -
Aerial View from Airplane
8 L2247 Glass Plate
Aerial View of a City at Night (Probably 1934 Chicago World's Fair), circa 1934
12 L1476 Ilford HP5+ Film
American Airlines Plane
9, 11, 12 L2337, L2339-2340, L2342, L2344-2346 #2337, 2339: Acetate; #2340, 2342, 2344-2346: Glass Plates
American Airlines Plane, John Drew (#1875) and Peter Murphy (#1876) Posed at Door
8 L1875-1876 Glass Plate
American Airlines Plane, Boy in Front
9, 12 L2338, L2347, L2349 #2338, 2347: Acetate; #2349: Glass Plate
Archway (Possibly in San Antonio, Texas)
11 L2523 Acetate
Baseball Stadium
8 L1877 Glass Plate
Havana, Cuba and Environs
- - -
Baseball Game
12 L2512-2513 Ilford HP5+ Film
12 L2499 Ilford HP5+ Film
Campo Polar Soccer Field
12 L2511 Ilford HP5+ Film
Capitolio (Capitol Building), Havana
12 L2483 Ilford HP5+ Film
Catedral de la Habana
12 L2502-2503 Ilford HP5+ Film
Colegio de Belen
12 L2514 Ilford HP5+ Film
Cuban House
12 L2515 Ilford HP5+ Film
Havana Club
12 L2491 Ilford HP5+ Film
Hotel Saratoga, Building and Street Scene
12 L2492 Ilford HP5+ Film
Iglesia del Santa Angel Custodio
12 L2484 Ilford HP5+ Film
Man and Woman at Table
12 L2493-2494 Ilford HP5+ Film
Man and Woman in Front of Capitolio
12 L2509 Ilford HP5+ Film
Man and Woman Talking
12 L2495 Ilford HP5+ Film
Man and Woman under Arch
12 L2497 Ilford HP5+ Film
Man and Woman with the Sea Plane
12 L2506-2508 Ilford HP5+ Film
Man Smoking in Archway
12 L2498 Ilford HP5+ Film
Museo de la Revolución
12 L2486 Ilford HP5+ Film
Parque de la Fraternidad
12 L2510 Ilford HP5+ Film
Sea Plane
12 L2477 Ilford HP5+ Film
Sea Plane, Pan American Airways
12 L2504-2505 Ilford HP5+ Film
Sea Plane, View of City from Window
12 L2481 Ilford HP5+ Film
Sloppy Joe's Bar
12 L2490 Ilford HP5+ Film
Teatro Fausto
12 L2487 Ilford HP5+ Film
Teatro García Lorca
12 L2482 Ilford HP5+ Film
Three People in front of Unidentified Havana Building
12 L2488 Ilford HP5+ Film
Three People Walking in Havana Street
12 L2489 Ilford HP5+ Film
Two Men Talking (One Peter Murphy?)
12 L2496 Ilford HP5+ Film
View of Street
12 L2485 Ilford HP5+ Film
Woman Standing in Street
12 L2500-2501 Ilford HP5+ Film
Historical Site (Possibly in San Antonio, Texas)
12 L2524 Ilford HP5+ Film
Human Pyramid
8 L2145 Glass Plate
Ice Skating Pair and Audience, circa 1934
12 L1579 Ilford HP5+ Film
Milwaukee Armored Street Car Before Strike, June 25, 1934
11 L1518 Acetate
New York City Skyline, Featuring Chrysler Building
11 L2334 Acetate
Niagara Falls, August 30, 1930
- - -
American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls
8 L2246 Glass Plate
Murphy, Peter, Overlooking Niagara Falls
11 L154 Acetate
Niagara Falls, Whirlpool Aero Car
11 L152 Acetate
Niagara Falls from Bridge
11 L153 Acetate
People Swimming
4 L718 Glass Plate
River Through City (Possibly in San Antonio, Texas)
12 L2525 Ilford HP5+ Film
San Antonio, Texas
- - -
San Fernando Cathedral
12 L2517 Ilford HP5+ Film
Mission Concepcíon
12 L2518-2519 Ilford HP5+ Film
Mission San Francisco de la Espada
12 L2520 Ilford HP5+ Film
Mission San Jose
12 L2521 Ilford HP5+ Film
Randolph Field
12 L2526-2527 Ilford HP5+ Film
Mission San Juan Capistrano
12 L2522 Ilford HP5+ Film
Sport Shop, Display Window
9 L2253 Glass Plate
Stuffed Dogs
7 L1342, L1359 Glass Plate
Tower, circa 1934
12 L1477 Ilford HP5+ Film
Track Trophy, Sitting on Chair
12 L1508 Ilford HP5+ Film
Washington Bicentennial Issue, 1932
3 L530-531 Glass Plate
"Z.W. Day," Father Peacock, S.J., Len Schlenk, and Others
4 L780 Glass Plate

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Olympic Trials (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1932) - - -
Action Shots
- - -
Dawson, Glenn (Oklahoma, Distance Runner in the Steeplechase)
3 L521 Glass Plate
Indiana Runner (Middle-Distance) at Tape, Ahead of Group of Runners (Unidentified)
3 L518 Glass Plate
Indiana Runner at Tape
3 L523 Glass Plate
Owen, James (Maplewood, Missouri High School), Gregory Simpson, and Eddie Thompson, Sprinters
3 L520 Glass Plate
Metcalfe, Ralph (At Tape) Ahead of Sprinters James Owen and Snowden at the Completion of a 100 meter Exhibition Race
3, 13 Glass Plate, Photographic Print
Sprinters at Tape, Including Eddie Tolan and George Simpson
3 L525 Glass Plate
Steeplechase, Water Landing
3 L522 Glass Plate
- - -
Iowa Runner (Middle-Distance)
3 L519 Glass Plate
Jennings, Coach Conrad Says Goodbye to Ralph Metcalfe, Leaving for Olympic Trials from the Northwestern Depot, July 7, 1932
3, 13 Glass Plate, Photographic Print
Metcalfe, Ralph, with Coach Conrad Jennings Presenting Him a Watch, Gift of Marquette Friends
3, 13 Glass Plate, Photographic Print
Metcalfe, Ralph, with George Simpson (Ohio State) and Eddie Tolan (Michigan)
3 Glass Plate

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Individuals - - -
Athlete #1 Posing
11 L2159 Acetate
Athlete #2 Posing
8 L2161 Glass Plate
Athlete #3 Posing
9 L2254-2258 Glass Plates
Athlete, Track, at Starting Block
9 L2259 Glass Plate
Athletic Team #1, circa 1934
8 L1509-1510 Glass Plates
Athletic Team #2, circa 1934
8 L1520 Glass Plate
Ball, Robert, circa 1932
3 L436-437 Glass Plates
Bauer, Hans and Stanislaus Zbyszko, Professional Wrestlers
5 L898 Glass Plate
Bell, Robert and Oliver Blank, circa 1929-1930
1 L34 Glass Plate
Boy in Bed, circa 1930
11 L9 Acetate
Boy Pulling Fire and Police Alarm, Unidentified (Also Pictured in #2548)
11 L2546 Acetate (interpositive)
Boy with Adult, Unidentified
9 L2411 Glass Plate
Burg, Jack
11 L231 Acetate
Carnero, Primo, circa 1930
11 L144 Acetate
Children in Graduation Robes, circa 1934
7 L1478 Glass Plate
Couple, Unidentified (With Son?)
12 L877-880 Ilford HP5+ Film
Day, Leon and Imogene Leon
11 L875 Acetate
Devitt, Joseph, Athlete, December 1929
1 L43 Glass Plate
Duehren, John, in Commencement Robes, June 1930
1 L121-122 Glass Plates
Duehren, Norbert, June 1930
1 L141-142 Glass Plates
Duehren, Norbert and Peter Murphy, circa 1930
1 L143 Glass Plate
Duehren, Wilfred in the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School Chapel, January 1930
1 L11 Glass Plate
Duehren, Wilfred and Norbert Duehren at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School, June 1930
1 L92 Glass Plate
Family Portrait, Unidentified, circa 1934
7 L1343-1344 Glass Plates
Family Portrait, Unidentified
10 L2438 Glass Plate
Family Portrait, circa 1934
12 L1487 Ilford HP5+ Film
Fox, Jean, in the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School Gym, January 1930
1 L36 Glass Plate
Girl in Winter Coat
6 L1220 Glass Plate
Girl on Front Porch (See #2536)
11 L2539 Acetate
Group of Girls Posing
4 L774 Glass Plates
Group of People Walking Down the Street (A Parade?)
6 L1126 Glass Plate
Group Photo, Athletes from Assorted Schools
11 L2188 Acetate
Group Photo, Men and Women Dressed Up
6 L1236 Glass Plate
Heintskill, Peter, 1932
4 L722 Glass Plate
Iding, Joseph in Commencement Robes, June 13, 1930
1 L134 Glass Plate
Jennings, Conrad and William Kinsella, Marquette Stadium, June 26, 1934
8, 13 L1524 Glass Plate, Photographic Print
Jones and Wife Outside Johnston Hall, circa 1932
5 L846 Glass Plate
Kinsella, William, at Marquette Stadium, June 26, 1934
8, 13 L1525 Glass Plate, Photographic Print

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Individuals (Continued) - - -
Man and Woman, Unidentified
9 L2377 Glass Plate
Man by River, Unidentified
4 L719 Glass Plate
McKenney, Ken in the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School Gym, December 1929
1 L35, L38 Glass Plates
Muenzner, George, December 1929
1 L37 Glass Plate
Muenzner, Richard, December 1929
1 L8 Glass Plate
Multhauf, Cyril, 1931
11 L330 Acetate
Murphy Family, circa 1931
11 L302-304 Acetate
Murphy Family, Woman, circa 1931
11 L311 Acetate
Murphy, Mary Agnes, Day Before Leaving for the Convent, July 4, 1931
11 L307 Acetate
Murphy, Mary Agnes, in High School Graduation Dress, July 4, 1931
11 L309 Acetate
Murphy, Peter, At the Beach (Probably in Cuba or Texas)
11 L2516 Acetate
Murphy, Peter, Upper Milwaukee River, 1932
4 L720 Glass Plate
Murphy, Peter, Jr., circa 1931
11 L306 Acetate
Murphy, Peter, Jr., at Marquette Stadium, June 1930
13 S229, S233 Photographic Prints
Murphy, Peter and Cyril Multhauf, July 14, 1931
11 L332 Acetate
Murphy,Peter and Peter Heintskill, 1932
4 L723-724 Glass Plate
Murphy, Peter and Peter Heintskill at the World's Fair, June 18, 1933
5 L1054 Glass Plate
Musso, Major, St. John's Military Academy
4 L589 Glass Plate
Nemmers, Fred, in "R" Sweater, circa 1932
3 L434-435 Glass Plates
O'Connell, Ambrose, on the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School Campus, May 1930
11 L49 Acetate
O'Connell, Emmett, at Marquette Stadium, May 1930
11 L51-54 Acetate
O'Connell, Emmett and Ambrose O'Connell at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School, circa 1930
1 L86-87 Glass Plates
O'Connell, Emmett and Wilfred Duehren, May 1930
11 L50 Acetate
O'Connell, John
3 L505-506 Glass Plates
O'Haire, Harry J.
11 L229 Acetate

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Individuals (Continued) - - -
Soldat, Victor, Professional Wrestler
5 L897 Glass Plate
Strange, Arthur, circa 1930
1 L48 Glass Plate
Swimmer, Unidentified Boy
9 L2409-2410 Glass Plates
Swimmers, Unidentified Boys
9 L2289-2290 Glass Plates
Three Boys (ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School?)
3 L475 Glass Plate
Three Boys, Posing
7 L1347 Glass Plate
Three Children, in Front of House (#224 on an Unidentified Street)
11 L2536 Acetate
Three Men (One is Peter Murphy)
5 L1073 Glass Plate
Three Men (One Peter Murphy, one also pictured in #46), at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School (?), circa 1930
1 L47 Glass Plate
Three Men in Overcoats
11 L98 Acetate
Three Men in Stadium, circa 1930
11 L93 Acetate
Trebby, Jack
5 L1021-1022 Glass Plates
Two Boys on Bicycles #1, circa 1934
7 L1345 Glass Plate
Two Boys on Bicycles #2, circa 1934
7 L1354 Glass Plate
Two Boys on Bicycles #3, circa 1934
7 L1355 Glass Plate
Two Boys on Bridges (Max Schoetz?)
11 L797-798 Acetate
Two Boys in Doorway, circa 1934
7 L1357 Glass Plate
Two Boys in Front of Building, circa 1930
11 L135 Acetate
Two Boys, Near Car
7 L1351 Glass Plate
Two Boys, Outside, circa 1933
6 L1119 Glass Plate
Two Boys, Posing #1, 1934
7 L1346 Glass Plate
Two Boys, Posing #2, circa 1934
7 L1379 Glass Plate
Two Boys, Posing #3, circa 1934
7 L1380 Glass Plate
Two Boys, Posing (One is Also Pictured in #2546)
11 L2548 Acetate (interpositive)
Two Boys Shaking Hands
7 L1362, L1390 Glass Plates
Two Boys, Sitting on Railing, circa 1934
7 L1349-1350 Glass Plates
Two Boys at Stop Sign (Max Schoetz?)
11 L799 Acetate
Two Boys Trespassing
7 L1389 Glass Plate
Two Children (Boy and Girl) by Virgin Mary Statue, circa 1934
12 L1486 Ilford HP5+ Film
Two Men by Car, 1934
7 L1352-1353 Glass Plates
Two Men in Car, 1934
7 L1377 Glass Plate
Two Men in Coats, circa 1934
6 L1246 Glass Plate
Two Men, Dressed Up, circa 1930 (One at left in this photo also in #47)
1 L46 Glass Plate
Two Men, Eating, circa 1934
12 L1507 Ilford HP5+ Film
Two Men Posing, circa 1934
7 L1378 Glass Plate
Two Men Talking (Also in Group Photo #2438)
11 L2434 Acetate
Two Men, Unidentified #1
11 L301 Acetate
Two Men, Unidentified #2, circa 1934
12 L1527 Ilford HP5+ Film
Two Men, Unidentified #3, circa 1934 (#1535 with Peter Murphy)
8, 12 L1533-1535, L1538 1533-1535: Glass Plates; 1538: Ilford HP5+ Film

Peter Murphy Photographs

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Description Box Negative Number(s) Format
Individuals (Continued) - - -
Unidentified Boy #1, circa 1932
3 L432 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #2, circa 1932
3 L433 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #3, circa 1932
3 L438-439 Glass Plates
Unidentified Boy #4, circa 1934
7 L1443 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #5, circa 1934
7 L1461 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #6, circa 1934
7 L1462 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #7, circa 1934
7 L1479 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #8, circa 1934
8 L2083 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #9, circa 1934
8 L2084 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #10, circa 1934
8 L2085 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #11, circa 1934
8 L2134-2135 Glass Plates
Unidentified Boy #12, circa 1934
8 L2136 Glass Plate
Unidentified Boy #13
9 L2260-2261 Glass Plates
Unidentified Boy #14
9 L2286-2288 Glass Plates
Unidentified Boy #15, Standing on Roof, New York City Skyline in Background
11 L2335 Acetate
Unidentified Boy #16
11 L2544 Acetate (interpositive)
Unidentified Boy #17 (same as from #2546)
11 L2551, L2553 Acetate (interpositives)
Unidentified Group Shot (Team and Coach?)
6 L1095 Glass Plate
Unidentified Man, circa 1930
1 L13 Glass Plate
Unidentified Man #1, circa 1932
5 L893 Glass Plate
Unidentified Man #2, circa 1934
7 L1463 Glass Plate
Unidentified Man #3, circa 1934
12 L1571 Ilford HP5+ Film
Unidentified Man #4
8 L2201 Glass Plate
Unidentified Man #5 (#2244 and 2245 at Niagara Falls; #2248 in front of Northwest Airlines Plane)
8 L2244-2245, L2248 Glass Plates
Unidentified Man #6, on Boat with City Skyline Behind (Probably New York City)
19 L2333 Glass Plate
Unidentified Man #7
11 L2432 Acetate
Unidentified Man #8 (Also in Group Photo #2438)
10 L2440-2441 Glass Plates
Unidentified Man #9, circa. 1934 (Conrad Jennings?)
12 L1544 Ilford HP5+ Film
Unidentified Man in Graduation Robe, circa 1930
1 L129B-132 Glass Plates
Unidentified Man in "L" Cardigan, circa 1930
1 L31 Glass Plate
Unidentified Man in "M" Sweater, circa 1930
1 L12 Glass Plate
Unidentified Man with Megaphone
2 L177 Glass Plate
Unidentified Man with "Official" Pin, circa 1933
6 L1115 Glass Plate
Unidentified Woman #1 (Also in Group Photo #2438)
10 L2442-2443 Glass Plates
Whittier, William, with Two Unidentified Women
3 L550-551 Glass Plate
Zbyszko, Stanislaus, Professional Wrestler
5 L899-900 Glass Plate
Zummach Family
3 L563-564 Glass Plates
Zummach, Frank and Jerome Zummach
3 L562 Glass Plate
Zummach, Frank and Jerome Zummach (With Unidentified Individual in Middle)
3 L561 Glass Plate
Zummach, Jerome (Includes Headshots, #557-560 are Swimming)
1, 3 L39, L528-529, L556-560 Glass Plates