1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 |  1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 |  1994 | 
1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 |  1999 | 2000-2001 | undated

[Original format was VHS unless otherwise noted. All recordings, save for the ones in Box 36, have been reformatted to digital.]

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 1 1 3/17/1986 Campaign Luncheon at Chez Doulet in Oconto, WI
5-1-2 1 2 4/28/1986 Bill Dyke Show - Plain Talk "State Issues" with Tommy Thompson (WYOU-TV Madison)
5-1-2 36 1 5/21/1986 Tommy Thompson for Governor: 30-second campaign commercial prodcued by Lebrecht & Ritenour
5-1-2 1 3 5/22/1986 "Tommy Thompson The Movie" extended campaign commercial; produced by Lebrecht & Ritenour (6:26 min) [BETAMAX format]
5-1-2 36 2 5/22/1986 "Tommy Thompson The Movie" extended campaign commercial; produced by Lebrecht & Ritenour (6:26 min)
5-1-2 1 4 5/1986 Tommy Thompson for WI #1: Raw footage and outtakes for "Tommy Thompson The Movie" [U-MATIC format]
5-1-2 1 5 5/1986 Tommy Thompson for WI #2: Raw footage and outtakes for "Tommy Thompson The Movie" [U-MATIC format]
5-1-2 1 6 5/1986 Tommy Thompson for WI #3: Raw footage and outtakes for "Tommy Thompson The Movie" [U-MATIC format]
5-1-2 2 1 6/30/1986 "Tommy Thompson The Movie" extended campaign commercial; produced by Lebrecht & Ritenour (6:26 min) [U-MATIC format] [Segment 1]
"Tommy Thompson for Governor" campaign commercial VT#2448-36; produced by Lebrecht & Ritenour (30 seconds) [U-MATIC format] [Segment 2]
5-1-2 30 1 7/4/1986 "Choices," produced by Council of Small Business Executives (COSBE) (16:30 min)*
5-1-2 30 2 7/22/1986 Political Focus Group meeting in Green Bay, WI* †
5-1-2 2 2 1986 Four 30-second campaign spots on Welfare, Economy, Taxes & Spending, and Family [Segment 1]
Focus group of citizens discussing campaign issues [Segment 2] †
5-1-2 36 3 1986 Thompson for Governor: "Reagan" & "Referendum" - two 30-second campaign commercials
5-1-2 36 4 1986 Thompson for Governor: "Business" & "Believe" - two 30-second campaign commercials
5-1-2 36 5 1986 Thompson for Governor: "Spending and Taxes" & "Family" - two 30-second campaign commercials
5-1-2 36 6 1986 Thompson for Governor:  two 30-second pre-primary campaign commercials, produced by Mattola
5-1-2 36 7 1986 Thompson for Governor: four 30-second advertisements
5-1-2 36 8 1986 Thompson for Governor: compilation reel of commercials, including Tommy Thompson The Movie (6:26) and 20 30-second commercials
5-1-2 2 3 1986 Rough cuts of 30-second campaign commercials
5-1-2 2 4 1986 Mock press conference on campaign issues
5-1-2 2 5 1986 Mock press conference on campaign issues
5-1-2 30 3 1986 Thompson / Earl Debate; hosted by League of Women Voters, Madison, WI*
5-1-2 30 4 1986 For the Record, featuring candidate Tommy Thompson (WISC Channel 3 Madison)*

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 2 6 1/5/1987 Inauguration Day footage (Dub) (Wisconsin Public Television)
5-1-2 2 7 1/12/1987 AMC Press Conference in Kenosha, WI (30 min)
5-1-2 3 1 2/1987 Drunk Driving Public Service Announcements (PSAs); produced by ATS-CLE State Bar of Wisconsin
5-1-2 3 2 2/1987 "Constitutional Minutes"; produced by ATS-CLE State Bar of Wisconsin
5-1-2 3 3 3/14/1987 ALEC Midwest Economic Summit (WMVS-TV)
5-1-2 3 4 5/1/1987 The Wisconsin Magazine program #1328 about Governor Thompson (Dub from Master) Host: Dave Iverson; Producer: Mark Weller (57:46 min)
5-1-2 3 5 7/26/1987 National Governor’s Conference (NGC) Live Call-in Program (C-SPAN)
5-1-2 3 6 9/1/1987 TV Interview in Racine with Jim Meyers of Robert W. Baird Company (aired in Racine and Kenosha)
5-1-2 3 7 11/25/1987 Report on Learnfare in Wisconsin (CNN) [U-MATIC format]
5-1-2 3 8 1987 "West Bend Welcomes Ronald Reagan;" produced by the West Bend Chamber of Commerce

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 3 9 2/3/1988 Council of Great Lakes Governors News Conference (54:00 min)
5-1-2 3 10 2/16/1988 Primetime Wisconsin: 216 Arts Board Awards (29:40 min)
5-1-2 3 11 4/25/1988 – 5/1/1988 Trade Mission to Israel
5-1-2 3 12 6/24/1988 "Governor News Bytes" about Drunk Driving penalties; produced by WI Dept. of Transportation
5-1-2 30 5 6/28/1988 Governor Thompson Thank You Party in Kenosha, WI; produced by Creative Professionals, Inc. (30 min)*
5-1-2 3 13 7/24/1988 – 7/25/1988 State Government in Western Wisconsin: Governor Thompson’s Visit; produced by UW-River Falls
5-1-2 4 1 7/29/1988 State Government in Western Wisconsin: Cabinet Meeting and Press Conference; produced by UW-River Falls
5-1-2 30 6 7/29/1988 State Government in Western Wisconsin: Governor's visit to Ashley Furniture*
5-1-2 4 2 9/2/1988 "Wisconsin Lottery" produced by McDonald Davis and Associates; Thompson/PSA version 1&2; RWV #3875 (30 seconds)
5-1-2 4 3 9/18/1988 The High Ground: Wisconsin Vietnam Veterans Memorial Dedication (1 hour, 40 min)
5-1-2 4 4 9/1988 Habitat for Humanity event (WISN Channel 12 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 30 7 10/10/1988 Columbus Day Banquet hosted by Italian American Society of Kenosha, WI*
5-1-2 4 5 1988 Governor Thompson Video: HVS Productions
Press Conference promoting Business and Tourism [Segment 1]
Taped Message in Governor’s Office [Segment 2]
State Republican Party Annual Convention [Segment 3]
Western Wisconsin Week [Segment 4]
Fishing Season Opener Interview [Segment 5]
Fishing on Lake Michigan [Segment 6]
5-1-2 4 6 1988 Forward Wisconsin "Success" (15:50 min.) produced by Midland Video Productions, Inc.
5-1-2 4 7 1988 Governor’s Conference on Small Business (15:25 min.) produced by ANR Pipeline Company
5-1-2 4 8 1988 Fire Hazard State of Emergency Public Service Announcements (PSAs) (30 seconds & 10 seconds)
5-1-2 4 9 1988 Republican Party of Wisconsin "Foundations of Victory" (7:50 min)
5-1-2 4 10 1988 Five 10-second TV spots for the Wisconsin Lottery; produced by Concept Productions
5-1-2 4 11 1988 Press Conference at Geneva National Golf Club
5-1-2 35 1 1988 Kenosha Chrysler plant security guards wage increase demands (WISN-TV)
5-1-2 4 12 1988 Wisconsin Forest Products Week Video News Release (Rough Draft); produced by Wisconsin DNR

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 4 13 1/25/1989 State of the State Address (Wisconsin Public Television)
5-1-2 4 14 4/10/1989 Racine Correctional Institution press conference and groundbreaking
5-1-2 5 1 4/28/1989 Arbor Day/Forest Productions Week Celebration at the State Capitol; produced by Wisconsin DNR
5-1-2 5 2 5/4/1989 Report on Spearfishing (WISC Channel 3 Madison News at 10pm)
5-1-2 5 3 5/5/1989 Governor’s Press Conference on Spearfishing
5-1-2 5 4 5/14/1989 - 5/20/1989 Wisconsin Association of Nursing Homes "Nursing Homes Week"
5-1-2 5 5 5/31/1989 "The Great Lakes Protection Fund" – Governor’s Address to Gubernatorial Association for Great Lakes Research at UW-Madison
5-1-2 5 6 6/2/1989 "Chippewa Treaty Rights" – segments of speeches by Governor Thompson and DNR Secretary C.D. Besadny to the Wisconsin Conservation Congress
5-1-2 5 7 6/12/1989 Harry Smith’s interview of Governors Tommy Thompson and Rudy Perpich from Alliance for Acid Rain Control (CBS This Morning)
5-1-2 5 8 7/23/1989 â€“ 7/29/1989 Northeast Wisconsin Week: Complete DNR Field Tapes 1-11 (Super Long Play Speed with Time Code Window)
5-1-2 5 9 7/26/1989 – 7/29/1989 Governor’s Visit to Manitowoc; produced by DCR Studios (Dub copy) (1 hour, 10 min.)

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 5 10 9/14/1989 NBC Today Show After 8 segment: Interview with Governor Thompson about Two-Tiered Welfare (Dub) (9:00 min)
5-1-2 5 11 9/20/1989 President Bush meeting with Governor Thompson and Wisconsin Volunteers (White House Television) (Dub)
5-1-2 5 12 10/1989 "Video Review of Governor Thompson’s Day at Ice Age Trail;" produced by Gungor Productions
5-1-2 5 13 10/30/1989 Inauguration of Amtrak Hiawatha Service between Milwaukee and Chicago; produced by WI Dept. of Transportation
5-1-2 30 8 10/30/1989 Inauguration of Amtrak Hiawatha Service between Milwaukee and Chicago*
5-1-2 5 14 11/21/1989 TV coverage of News Conference in Milwaukee (Dub)
Channel 4 at 6:00pm [Segment 1]
Channel 12 at 6:00pm [Segment 2]
Channel 18 at 9:00pm [Segment 3]
Channel 6 at 10:00pm [Segment 4]
Channel 4 at 10:00pm [Segment 5]
5-1-2 34 7 12/5/1989 Political Focus Group in Appleton, WI (2 hours)**†
5-1-2 30 9 1989 Wisconsin Lottery - How to Play Megabucks Commercials; produced by Pro Video
5-1-2 6 1 1989 Habitat for Humanity Work Project with Jimmy Carter
5-1-2 6 2 1989 Governor’s Awards in Support of the Arts
5-1-2 6 3 1989 "The Lower Wisconsin State Riverway;" produced by Wisconsin DNR, A-271 (25 min)
5-1-2 34 8 ca. 1989 Focus Group on Election Issues - Milwaukee (City)(1 hour, 48 min.)**†
5-1-2 34 9 ca. 1989 Focus Group on Election Issues - Milwaukee (Suburbs)(1 hour, 46 min.)**†
5-1-2 34 10 ca. 1989 Focus Group on Election Issues - Racine (Parts I & II)(2 hours, 19 min.)**†

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 6 4 1/16/1990 TV News reports on Learnfare in Wisconsin (No sound on tape):
NBC Nightly News [Segment 1]
CBS Evening News [Segment 2]
5-1-2 6 5 1/30/1990 State of the State Address
5-1-2 6 6 2/12/1990 Governor’s Visit to Southwest Wisconsin Technical College (SWTC) in Fennimore, WI
5-1-2 6 7 2/21/1990 High Speed Train News reports:
WISC Channel 3 (Madison) [Segment 1]
WMTV Channel 15 (Madison) [Segment 2]
WKOW Channel 27 (Madison) [Segment 3]
5-1-2 6 8 3/22/1990 WMVS-TV Business of Wisconsin Program #1220, "State of Business in the State" hosted by Helen Barnhill with guest Governor Tommy Thompson
5-1-2 6 9 3/29/1990 CBS News 48 Hours: "Stuck on Welfare"
5-1-2 6 10 4/9/1990 Smith & Company Program #528: "Learnfare;" produced by WMVS Channel 10/36 (Milwaukee) (30 min)
5-1-2 6 11 4/24/1990 White House event with President Bush, Governor Thompson, Senator Bob Kasten, and the Wisconsin Badgers Ice Hockey Team NCAA Champions
5-1-2 30 10 4/25/1990 Focus Group campaign spot analysis -- First Session Overlay; conducted by Tarrance & Associates and Decision Labs, Ltd. (12:41 min) [poor sound quality]*†
5-1-2 30 11 4/25/1990 Focus Group campaign spot analysis -- First Session Discussion; conducted by Tarrance & Associates and Decision Labs, Ltd. (54:12 min) [poor sound quality]*†
5-1-2 30 12 4/25/1990 Focus Group campaign spot analysis -- Second Session Overlay; conducted by Tarrance & Associates and Decision Labs, Ltd. (8:47 min) [poor sound quality]*†
5-1-2 30 13 4/25/1990 Focus Group campaign spot analysis -- Second Session Discussion; conducted by Tarrance & Associates and Decision Labs, Ltd. (54:11 min) [poor sound quality]*†

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 30 14 4/26/1990 Four (4) 30-second TV campaign spots produced by Robert Goodman Agency:*
#303 "Zones" [Segment 1]
#306 "Cheers" [Segment 2]
#304 "Likes Best [Segment 3]
#305 "Views" [Segment 4]
5-1-2 31 1   TV campaign spots, produced by Robert Goodman Agency:*
Four (4) 30-second campaign spots, 4/26/1990 [Segment 1]
Six (6) 30-second campaign spots, 8/17/1990 [Segment 2]
5-1-2 36 9 5/2/1990 Four (4) 30-second TV campaign spots produced by Robert Goodman Agency:*
#303 "Zones" [Segment 1]
#306 "Cheers" [Segment 2]
#304 "Likes Best [Segment 3]
#305 "Views" [Segment 4]
5-1-2 31 2 5/24/1990 Governor Thompson appearing with Vice-President Quayle at Wausau West High School*
5-1-2 6 12   TV programs about Learnfare:
Wisconsin Week, featuring Secretary Goodrich, 6/9/1990 [Segment 1]
Oprah Winfrey Show, featuring Diane Waller, 6/11/1990 [Segment 2]
5-1-2 31 3 6/7/1990 Milwaukee TV news coverage of President Bush's visit to support Thompson campaign:*
WTMJ Channel 4 [Segment 1]
WISN Channel 12 [Segment 2]
WITI Channel 6 [Segment 3]
5-1-2 31 4 6/7/1990 President Bush's visit to support Thompson campaign - raw footage*
5-1-2 6 13 6/28/1990 Governor Thompson reviewing the Wisconsin National Guard at Fort McCoy; HVS Productions (Dub)
5-1-2 35 2 6/1990 Main Street Program Induction -- Marshfield, WI
5-1-2 31 5 8/14/1990 Smith & Company Program: Campaign analysis with Zeppos and Murphy; produced by WMVS Channel 10 (Milwaukee)*
5-1-2 6 14 8/25/1990 Turtle-Flambeau Flowage Dedication


Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 7 1 9/3/1990 BBC’s Public Eye: "Child Maintenance" episode on child support in Wisconsin
5-1-2 31 6 9/12/1990 Thompson / Loftus Debate; hosted by Public Expenditure Survey of Wisconsin:*
WMVS Channel 10 coverage of entire debate (1 hour) [Segment 1]
WTMJ Channel 4 coverage at 10pm [Segment 2]
WISN Channel 12 coverage at 10pm [Segment 3]
WITI Channel 6 coverage at 10pm [Segment 4]
5-1-2 36 10 9/27/1990 One (1) 30-second TV campaign spot produced by Robert Goodman Agency:*
#351 "Door" [Segment 1]
5-1-2 37 1 9/28/1990
Three (3) 30-second TV campaign spots produced by Robert Goodman Agency:*
#371 "Sponsored Bill" [Segment 1]
#395 "Letters" [Segment 2]
#318 "Up" [Segment 3]
5-1-2 31 7   Milwaukee news coverage of Thompson appearances:*
Black Voter Rally, 9/30/1990 (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee) [Segment 1]
Hispanic Voter Rally, 10/2/1990 (WITI Channel 6 Milwaukee) [Segment 2]
5-1-2 7 2 9/1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger’s visit to promote Youth Fitness
5-1-2 31 8 10/8/1990 Smith & Company Program #616: Campaign analysis with Zeppos and Murphy; produced by WMVS Channel 10/36 (Milwaukee) (30 min)*
5-1-2 7 3 10/28/1990 This Week featuring Governor Thompson (WISN Channel 12 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 7 4 11/3/1990 "Tommy Thompson’s Whistle Stop Tour of 1990;" produced by Keepsake Video
5-1-2 7 5 11/6/1990 Milwaukee TV News coverage of Election Night (WISN Channel 12 and WTMJ Channel 4)
5-1-2 7 6 1990 "Wisconsin: The Best is Yet to Come" campaign commercial
5-1-2 31 9 1990 "Wisconsin: The Best is Yet to Come" campaign commercial and song; produced by HVS Video Productions*
5-1-2 7 7 1990 Diploma Endorsement "Measuring-Up" by the Janesville School District; produced by Videogenics

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 7 8 2/3/1991 Call-In program on International Trade at the National Governors’ Association (NGA) mid-winter meeting (C-SPAN)
5-1-2 35 3 2/20/1991 3rd Annual Legislative Health and Fitness Day at State Capitol
5-1-2 7 9 4/12/1991 USA Exports: Opening Remarks
5-1-2 35 4 4/23/1991 Governor Tommy Thompson Viewer Call-in Program (C-SPAN)
5-1-2 7 10 5/18/1991 Spring Quarter Commencement Exercises at Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) (1 hour, 48:30 min); produced by Academic Media Services
5-1-2 7 11 5/18/1991 Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) Spring Quarter Commencement
5-1-2 7 12 6/24/1991 Wisconsin Public Television (WPT) McNeil-Lehrer News Hour: "Carrots and Sticks"
5-1-2 35 5 7/1991 "River Days" Thompson at River Crossing/Dewey House/Meeting with Chicago Bears
5-1-2 7 13 8/29/1991 Thomas Jefferson Freedom Award Ceremony in Seattle, WA (25 min)
5-1-2 7 14 9/30/1991 – 10/01/1991 Report on US/Japan Business Conference (WISC Channel 3 Madison)
5-1-2 35 6 10/10/1991 "Capital Gains" -- Business success report
5-1-2 8 1 11/1991 "Governor Thompson’s 50th Birthday Tribute"
5-1-2 8 2 1991 "Can The Garbage Habit;" produced by Wisconsin DNR, A-406 (13:15 min)
5-1-2 31 10 1991 For the Record: Governor's Budget (WISC Channel 3 Madison) (28:57 min)*

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 31 11 2/21/1992 Focus Group in Green Bay; sponsored by Republican Party of WI (2 hours, 3 min)*†
5-1-2 31 12 3/11/1992 Governor's speech at Wisconsin Realtors Association (WRA) meeting*
5-1-2 35 8 3/17/1992 "Inside Opinion" -- Interview with Gov. Thompson and Gov. Wilder (CNBC)
5-1-2 8 3 5/4/1992 Governor’s Introduction at the Joint Public Information System event at City of Madison Fire Department (33 min)
5-1-2 8 4 5/1992 Governor’s Fitness Fair at the State Capitol [U-MATIC format]
5-1-2 8 5 6/6/1992 State Republican Party Convention Banquet with former Governor Lee Dreyfus (40 min)
5-1-2 8 6 6/8/1992 NBC’s Tonight Show with Jay Leno
5-1-2 31 13 6/11/1992 Sanity Check Focus Group in Milwaukee's Inner City; conducted by Chamberlain Research Consultants (2 hours)*†
5-1-2 31 14 6/15/1992 Sanity Check Focus Group in Janesville, WI; conducted by Chamberlain Research Consultants (2 hours)*†
5-1-2 32 1 6/1992 Sanity Check Focus Group in Eau Claire, WI; conducted by Chamberlain Research Consultants (2 hours)*†
5-1-2 32 2 6/1992 Sanity Check Focus Group in Appleton, WI; conducted by Chamberlain Research Consultants (2 hours)*†
5-1-2 32 3 6/1992 Sanity Check Focus Group in Milwaukee's Suburbs; conducted by Chamberlain Research Consultants (2 hours)*†
5-1-2 8 7 8/2/1992 National Governors’ Association (NGA) Annual Conference (C-SPAN) (10 min)
5-1-2 32 4 8/18/1992 Governor Thompson's speech at Republican National Convention (dub from television)*
5-1-2 8 8 9/1992 Press Conference with Mayor Norquist and Dr. Louis Sullivan unveiling new Mammograph Van
5-1-2 8 9 10/1992 We The People – "Vote November 3" Primary Election Public Service Announcement (PSA); produced by Wood Communications Group
5-1-2 8 10 11/1992 DPDA-T92-301 "Beautiful World" Public Service Announcement (PSA) featuring Sue Ann Thompson; produced by Dept. of Health and Social Services (30 seconds)
5-1-2 8 11 12/6/1992 "Let’s Talk Sports" show; produced by Wisconsin Sports Authority, Inc
5-1-2 8 12 12/1992 Trade Mission to Mexico
5-1-2 35 7 12/1992 "A Question of Judgment" -- News report on drunk driving sentencing (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 8 13 1992 President Bush’s Press Conference announcing Welfare Reform Waivers for Wisconsin (CNN)
5-1-2 8 14 1992 Wisconsin Schools Special (WMTV) [Segment 1]
This Week with David Brinkley: report on Welfare Reform (ABC-TV) [Segment 2]
5-1-2 35 9 1992 News coverage of Madison Convention Center plan and state gambling bill (WISC Channel 3 Madison)
5-1-2 9 1 1992 "Illegal Refuse Dumping" Public Service Announcements (PSA); produced by Wisconsin DNR:
Cut #1 (30 seconds) [Segment 1]
Cut #2 (10 seconds) [Segment 2]

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 9 2 1992-1993 Governor Tommy Thompson: "Majority G.O.P."; produced by Stephen Clouse & Associates; authorized and paid for by Republican Party of Wisconsin (archives copy was gift from Taylor Electric; Mequon, WI)
5-1-2 9 3 1992-1993 The Tech Prep Connection: Learning Earning and Living; produced by Tech Prep Wisconsin
5-1-2 9 4 2/2/1993 Report on welfare reform (NBC Nightly News)
5-1-2 9 5 4/1993 Governor’s Thank You Address to California Republicans for Reagan Freedom Fighter Award
5-1-2 9 6 4/1993 Governor’s Thank You Address to California Republicans for Reagan Freedom Fighter Award [BETACAMSP format]
5-1-2 9 7 5/4/1993 Wisconsin Manufacturing & Commerce’s Thompson Ads in support of Property Tax Freeze; produced by RYP Filmworks Cramer Krasselt (RYP0429935):
ZKCM-6302 "Disgusted" (60 seconds) [Segment 1]
ZKCM-3301 "Raise" (30 seconds) [Segment 2]
ZKCM-3302 "Rate" (30 seconds) [Segment 3]
ZKCM-3303 "Farm" (30 seconds) [Segment 4]
ZKCM-3304 "Freeze" (30 seconds) [Segment 5]
ZKCM-6301 "Disgusted" with female voiceover (60 seconds) [Segment 6]
5-1-2 9 8 6/1/1993 We The People - Property Tax Rate Freeze TV commercials
5-1-2 32 5 6/1/1993 Republican Neighborhood Meeting; produced by Republican Exchange Satellite Network*
5-1-2 9 9   X-2000 Train’s visit to Wisconsin (WITI Channel 6 Milwaukee)
6pm Newscast, 6/28/1993 [Segment 1]
10pm Newscast, 6/28/1993 [Segment 2]
Wake Up News, 6/29,1993 [Segment 3]
6pm Newscast, 6/29/1993 [Segment 4]
5-1-2 9 10 7/18/1993 "Sunday Night" interview with Tommy Thompson (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 35 10 7/1993 "Flood Aid" Fundraiser; sponsored by American Red Cross (Wisconsin Public Television)
5-1-2 9 11 8/5/1993 Thompson and Governor Numata of Chiba Prefecture at the Wisconsin State Fair (WISN Channel 12 Milwaukee)

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 9 12 8/1993 Japanese language documentary on trade mission to Wisconsin, including speeches from Governors Thompson and Numata at the Wisconsin State Fair
5-1-2 9 13 9/3/1993 Both Sides with Jessie Jackson: Debate on North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (no sound)
5-1-2 35 11 9/20/1993 Smith & Company program:  Interview with Gov. Thompson (Milwaukee Public Television)
5-1-2 10 1 9/21/1993 C-SPAN Viewer Call-in Program about North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
5-1-2 35 12 9/1993 Wisconsin Fights Back -- Flood documentary
5-1-2 10 2 10/1993 Discover Snowmobiling / Governor on Snowmobiling -- Two 30-second TV/Radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs); produced by Wisconsin DNR
5-1-2 10 3 11/4/1993 NAFTA Debate sponsored by U.S. News and World Report (CNBC)
5-1-2 10 4 11/1993 American Agenda: segment on Welfare Reform (ABC News)
5-1-2 10 5 12/17/1993 Wisconsin Foundation for the Arts: "1993 Governor’s Awards;" produced by RW Video, #7716 (28:57 min)
5-1-2 10 6 12/1993 Editorial about Trade Mission to Asia (WISC Channel 3 Madison)
5-1-2 10 7 12/1993 "Reduction Deduction" Holiday Waste Reduction Public Service Announcement (PSA); produced by Wisconsin DNR (30 seconds)
5-1-2 10 8 1993 Outdoor Wisconsin: Deer Hunt ‘93
5-1-2 10 9 1993 Pro-NAFTA Video produced by USA NAFTA/Wisconsin Jobs (16:30 min)
5-1-2 10 10 1993 Interview with Governor Thompson about NAFTA (C-SPAN)
5-1-2 10 11 1993 Landfill Bans Public Service Announcements (PSA); produced by Wisconsin DNR:
30-second spot [Segment 1]
10-second spot [Segment 2]

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 11 1 1/1994 Republican Neighborhood Meeting: "The Truth About The Clinton Health Care Plan" (1 hour, 32:09 min)
5-1-2 11 2 2/17/1994 Governor Thompson Receives Tempo Mentor Award at Pfister Hotel; Milwaukee, WI; produced by HVS
5-1-2 11 3 3/25/1994 Interview with Governor Thompson on Property Tax Plan and recent Legislative session (Wisconsin Public Television)
5-1-2 11 4 4/7/1994 Thompson and Fond du Lac County: "Work not Welfare" Program
5-1-2 11 5 4/25/1994 Property Tax Relief Signing Ceremony in Governor’s Conference Room at State Capitol; produced by BWM Productions [BETACAMSP format]
5-1-2 11 6 5/6/1994 Walter Cronkite program on Welfare Reform (PBS)
5-1-2 11 7 5/13/1994 Coretta Scott King Introductory Speech at Milwaukee Community Event; produced by Midland Video Productions (Window Dub)
5-1-2 38 3 5/26-27/1994 "Announcement" :60, "Real", "Everything", "Work", "Tomorrow" 4 x :30. Produced by the Goodman Group. 
5-1-2 11 8 5/29/1994 Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer: "Welfare Reform" episode with Gov. Tommy Thompson, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Cheryl Williams (CNN)
5-1-2 11 9 5/1994 Republican Exchange Satellite Network: Republican Neighborhood Meeting on Welfare Reform (30 min)
5-1-2 11 10 6/14/1994 Report on Clinton Welfare Plan (CBS Evening News)
5-1-2 32 6 6/16/1994 Milwaukee Focus Group Overlay & Discussion; conducted by The Tarrance Group*†
5-1-2 11 11 6/24/1994 Report on Blatnick Bridge Dedication (Channel 39 News)
5-1-2 11 12   Report on Two-tier Welfare Program, 6/30/1994 (WMTV Channel 15 Madison) [Segment 1]
Report on Two-tier Welfare Program, 6/30/1994 (WISC Channel 3 Madison) [Segment 2]
Report on Federal Welfare Waivers, 8/1995 (WISC Channel 3 Madison) [Segment 3]
5-1-2 11 13 7/5/1994 State of Wisconsin Telecommunications Bill: Signing Ceremony and Press Conference (32 min)
5-1-2 12 1 7/5/1994 State of Wisconsin Telecommunications Bill: News Coverage of Signing Ceremony & Press Conference (6 min)
5-1-2 12 2 7/19/1994 Viewer Call-In Program (C-SPAN)

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 37 2 8/1/1994
Nine (9) 30-second TV campaign spots produced by The Goodman Group:*
#309T "Workout" [Segment 1]
#310T "Wastebasket" [Segment 2]
#311T "Gunsight" [Segment 3]
#542T "Diapers" [Segment 4]
#312T "Nickel" [Segment 5]
#313T "Like (Union)" [Segment 6]
#314T "Jobs" [Segment 7]
#315T "Statement" [Segment 8]
#316T "Bear Facts" [Segment 9]
5-1-2 37 3 8/25/1994
One (1) 60-second and thirteen (13) 30-second TV campaign spots produced by The Goodman Group, labeled "First & Second Flight*
5-1-2 12 3 9/22/1994 GOP-TV Rising Tide: Interview with Governor Thompson and Viewer Call-In
5-1-2 37 4 10/4/1994
One (9) 30-second TV campaign spots produced by The Goodman Group:*
#542T "Diapers" [Segment 1]
5-1-2 12 4 10/7/1994 Second Gubernatorial Debate in Green Bay, WI (Wisconsin Public Television)
5-1-2 37 5 10/12/1994
Two (2) 30-second TV campaign spots produced by The Goodman Group:*
#320T "Your Place" [Segment 1]
#321T "Team" [Segment 2]
5-1-2 37 6 10/26/1994
One (1) 30-second TV campaign spots produced by The Goodman Group:*
#323T "Sick 1" [Segment 1]
5-1-2 12 5 11/21/1994 Speech by Steve Forbes at Republican Governors Association (RGA) Meeting
5-1-2 32 7 11/23/1994 Thompson for Governor "Thompson Reel" - compilation of TV campaign advertisements; produced by The Goodman Group*
5-1-2 12 6 12/5/1994 CNN-TV’s Moneyline: Governor Tommy Thompson (6:09 min)
5-1-2 12 7 12/9/1994 Report on Republicans and welfare reform (ABC World News Tonight)
5-1-2 12 8 1994 MARC ‘94 Wisconsin Preview; produced by Discover Wisconsin Productions, Inc.
5-1-2 12 9 1994 Amtrak news coverage:
NBC Today Show: Metroliner Anniversary [Segment 1]
CBS Evening News: Eye on America [Segment 2]
5-1-2 12 10 1994 National Governors’ Association (NGA) Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign; produced by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Cancer Society (15:33 min)
5-1-2 12 11 1994 "Hats off to Chappie!" Fundraiser Party video invitation
5-1-2 12 12 1994 Governor’s Awards in Support of the Arts (28:57 min)
5-1-2 12 13 1994 "The Dells;" produced by Wisconsin DNR, A-354 (3 min)
5-1-2 32 8 1994 Skills for the Future: Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship; produced by WI Dept. of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations (DILHR)
5-1-2 34 11 1994 "Governor Thompson For Wisconsin" -- campaign video and interview (19:30 min)**
5-1-2 34 12 1994 National Policy Forum on Welfare Reform -- "Listening to America"**

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 13 1 1/3/1995 Inaugural Address (WMTV Channel 15 Madison)
5-1-2 13 2 1/3/1995 Inaugural Address (Wisconsin Public Television)
5-1-2 13 3 1/12/1995 GOP-TV’s Rising Tide: "Unfunded Mandates" (60 min)
5-1-2 13 4 1/13/1995 ABC World News Tonight: report on welfare reform
5-1-2 13 5 1/19/1995 GOP-TV’s Rising Tide: "Welfare Reform/Unfunded Mandates" (60 min)
5-1-2 13 6 1/29/1995 CBS-TV’s Face the Nation: segment on Welfare Reform, featuring Thompson, Shalala, and Shaw
5-1-2 13 7   Late Edition: report on Welfare, 1/29/1995 (CNN) [Segment 1]
Report on Welfare, 2/2/1995 (CBS Evening News) [Segment 2]
5-1-2 13 8 2/2/1995 GOP-TV’s Rising Tide: "New Partnership" (60 min)
5-1-2 13 9 2/8/1995 Report about possible Thompson presidential bid (WMTV Channel 15 Madison)
5-1-2 13 10 2/19/1995 Sunday Night with Mike Gousha; guest: John Benson, DPI (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 13 11 2/21/1995 NBC’s Dateline: segment on welfare reform
5-1-2 13 12 2/26/1995 Sunday Night with Mike Gousha; guest: Governor Thompson (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 14 1 2/28/1995 Interview with Sue Ann Thompson (WISN Channel 12 Milwaukee 10pm News)
5-1-2 14 2 2/28/1995 Interview with Sue Ann Thompson (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee 10pm News)

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 14 3 3/23/1995 GOP-TV’s Rising Tide: "Keeping our Promises: Budget and Welfare Reform" (60 min)
5-1-2 14 4 5/20/1995 R.M. Leadership Conference in Green Bay, WI; produced by Discover Wisconsin Productions, Inc.
5-1-2 14 5 6/10/1995 Report on Thompson’s announcement at State GOP Convention at Paper Valley Hotel in Appleton not to run for President in 1996 (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 14 6 6/10/1995 Report on Thompson’s announcement at State GOP Convention not to run for President in 1996 (WLUK-TV Green Bay)
5-1-2 14 7 6/10/1995 Report on Thompson’s announcement at State GOP Convention not to run for President in 1996 (WFRV Channel 5 Green Bay)
5-1-2 14 8 6/10/1995 Report on Thompson’s announcement at State GOP Convention not to run for President in 1996, including a Live Interview with the Governor (WITI Channel 6 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 15 1 7/25/1995 Wood Communications Group Fighting Hunger: "Gov. Thompson Characterizes Hunger;" MEG#8605 (30 seconds)
5-1-2 15 2   Thompson signs Budget Bill and School Choice at Messmer High School, 7/26/1995 (WISN Channel 12 News Milwaukee) [Segment 1]
C-SPAN: United We Stand in Dallas, TX, 8/12/1995 [Segment 2]
5-1-2 15 3 7/29/1995 Quest for America’s Best: QVC’s 50/50 Tour Wisconsin
5-1-2 15 4 8/3/1995 GOP-TV’s Rising Tide: "National Governor’s Association" (60 min)

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 15 5 8/8/1995 Wood Communications Group Fighting Hunger: "Gov. Thompson Characterizes Hunger;" MEG#8620 (30 seconds)
5-1-2 15 6 8/10/1995 TV News Editorial on W-2 program (WISC Channel 3 Madison)
5-1-2 15 7 9/2/1995 Report on School Choice in Milwaukee (CBS Evening News)
5-1-2 15 8 11/16/1995 GOP-TV’s Rising Tide:  "Budget Showdown" Guests: Senator John Ashcroft and Governor Tommy Thompson (60 min)
5-1-2 15 9 11/1995 Crossfire: segment on W-2 program (CNN) [Segment 1] 
Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) Annual Meeting [Segment 2]
Report on W-2 program (CBS This Morning) [Segment 3]
5-1-2 15 10 12/3/1995 Russ Darrow Group’s 30th Anniversary (37 min)
5-1-2 15 11 12/5/1995 Press Conference in Washington D.C. on Education reform
5-1-2 15 12 12/31/1995 - 1/1/1996 For the Record: "1995 Year in Review" (WISC Channel 3 Madison) (28:57 min)
5-1-2 16 1 1995 Stadium Scorecard: Reporter Duane Pohlman’s coverage of stadium financing vote (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 16 2 1995 Wisconsin State Fair: Governor’s Blue Ribbon Auction; produced by Best Pictures (22 min)
5-1-2 16 3 1995 Capitol City Sunday TV Program (Featuring Governor’s Press Secretary Kevin Keane)
5-1-2 16 4 1995 NBC’s Dateline: report on Welfare Reform in Wisconsin
5-1-2 16 5 1995 For the Record: Interview with Press Secretary Kevin Keane [Segment 1]
NBC Today Show: Interview with Governor Tommy Thompson and Governor Howard Dean on welfare reform and Contract With America [Segment 2]
Report on possibility of Thompson presidential run (WMTV Channel 15 News Update) [Segment 3]
5-1-2 16 6 1995 CBS News 48 Hours: "The Rage over Welfare"

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 16 7 1/6/1996 News coverage of Governor Thompson’s Cavalcade in Des Moines, IA:
NBC Channel 13 News at 5pm [Segment 1]
NBC Channel 13 News at 10pm [Segment 2]
ABC Channel 5 News at 10pm [Segment 3]
CBS Channel 8 News at 5pm [Segment 4]
CBS Channel 8 News at 10pm [Segment 5]
5-1-2 16 8 1/8/1996 CNN’s Crossfire: "Dole on a Roll" with Don Fowler and Gov. Tommy Thompson (transcript enclosed)
5-1-2 16 9 1/30/1996 State of the State Address
5-1-2 16 10 2/3/1996 – 2/4/1996 South African Embassy welcomes the National Governor’s Association, 2/3/1996 (37 min) [Segment 1]
C-SPAN Interview with Governors Tommy Thompson and Bob Miller, 2/4/1996 (2 min) [Segment 2]
5-1-2 16 11 2/6/1996 Report on 1996 presidential election (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 16 12 2/8/1996 GOP-TV’s Rising Tide:  "NGA" Guest: Governor Tommy Thompson (60 min)
5-1-2 17 1 2/20/1996 News Hour with Jim Lehrer: report on Welfare Reform in Wisconsin (PBS)
5-1-2 17 2 3/18/1996 Conference on Agriculture at UW-Oshkosh; produced by D. Freshner at University Relations (52 min)
5-1-2 17 3 3/18/1996 UW-Oshkosh Chancellor John Kerrigan interviews Governor Thompson about "Agriculture/Education/Athletics/Being Irish ..." Produced by D. Freshner at University Relations (12:30 min)
5-1-2 17 4 3/1996 NBC Today Show: report on Education Summit
5-1-2 17 5 4/10/1996 DNR Reorganization External Presentation; A-564; produced by Wisconsin DNR (5:40 min)
5-1-2 17 6 4/25/1996 GOP-TV’s Rising Tide:  "Welfare Reform" Guest: Governor Tommy Thompson (60 min)
5-1-2 32 9 4/1996 Skills for the Future: School to Work Wisconsin; produced by WI Dept. of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations (DILHR) (9 mins)*
5-1-2 17 7 5/3/1996 Dedication of the Governor Tommy G. Thompson State Fishing Hatchery in Spooner, WI; A-588; produced by Wisconsin DNR

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 17 8 5/17/1996 Green and Profitable Printing – Wisconsin Segment; UWEX-CE Satellite Videoconference (60 min)
5-1-2 17 9 5/17/1996 Green and Profitable Printing – National Segment; UWEX-CE Satellite Videoconference (120 min)
5-1-2 17 10 5/28/1996 Republican Governors’ Association (RGA) Press Conference (Edited Version)
5-1-2 17 11 5/29/1996 National Press Club: Thompson and Welfare Reform
5-1-2 18 1 6/2/1996 Interview with Governor Tommy Thompson (C-SPAN)
5-1-2 18 2 6/4/1996 Washington Review Special Report from Madison, Wisconsin: The Devolution of Federal Authority to the States
5-1-2 18 3 7/28/1996 BET News Lead Story: Interview with Governor Thompson about Federal Welfare Reform Bill
5-1-2 18 4 8/13/1996 Republican National Convention Session 3 (Tape 1 of 2)
5-1-2 18 5 8/13/1996 Republican National Convention Session 3 (Tape 2 of 2)
5-1-2 18 6 10/3/1996 Milwaukee TV News coverage of new Ameritech-funded UW On-Line Application process demonstrated at Riverside High School:
WISN Channel 12 [Segment 1]
WTMJ Channel 4 [Segment 2]
WDJT Channel 58 [Segment 3]
WITI Channel 6 [Segment 4]
5-1-2 18 7   Interview with Governor Thompson on Election Night, 11/5/1996 (WMTV Channel 15) [Segment 1]
1997 State of the State Address, 1/29/1997 (WHA Channel 21) [Segment 2]
5-1-2 18 8 12/12/1996 Governor’s Awards In Support of the Arts (WMSN Channel 47 Madison) (28:57 min)
5-1-2 18 9 1996 Rotary Club’s video tribute to Tommy Thompson, winner of Annual Vocational Recognition Award
5-1-2 18 10 1996 "Be Smart;" produced by Wisconsin DNR, A-580 (9:35 min)
5-1-2 38 4 1996 Thompson for Governor: Additional Advertisements. 4 x :30

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 18 11 1/29/1997 State of the State Address (WHA Channel 10 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 18 12 2/12/1997 Governor’s Biennial Budget Address (Wisconsin Public Television) (49:07 min)
5-1-2 18 13 2/25/1997 Public Service Announcement (PSA) for "Cops in Shops" Alcohol Awareness Program; produced by Bresnan Communications
5-1-2 18 14 3/13/1997 License Fee Increase Bill Signing with DNR and State Officials (5 min)
5-1-2 19 1 3/27/1997 National Press Club event about Education (C-SPAN)
5-1-2 19 2 4/6/1997 Republican Governors’ Association (RGA): Governor Thompson’s Awards; produced by Kirsten Fedewa, Communications Director for RGA
5-1-2 32 10 4/8/1997 Political Focus Group - Racine Females*†
5-1-2 32 11 4/8/1997 Political Focus Group - Racine Males*†
5-1-2 19 3 4/9/1997 – 4/12/1997 Trade Mission to Israel (180 min)
5-1-2 19 4 4/1997 The Great Circus Parade: Wisconsin’s National Treasure; produced by Communication Studios
5-1-2 19 5 5/12/1997 Organ Donor Coalition’s "Sign up for Life" TV spot; produced by Knupp & Watson (30 seconds)
5-1-2 19 6 5/13/1997 FOX-TV’s O’Reilly Report featuring Governor Thompson and Gwen Moore
5-1-2 19 7 5/20/1997 Press Conference about Federal "Welfare to Work" legislation, with subsequent interview of Governor Thompson; produced by Kirsten Fedewa, Communications Director for Republican Governors’ Association (RGA) [BETACAMSP format]
5-1-2 19 8 5/20/1997 Reports on President Clinton naming Governor Thompson to be co-chair of Welfare to Work Partnership:
WMTV Channel 15 Madison [Segment 1]
WKOW Channel 27 Madison [Segment 2]
NBC Nightly News [Segment 3]
WMTV Channel 15 Madison [Segment 4]
WISC Channel 3 Madison [Segment 5]
5-1-2 19 9 5/29/1997 GOP-TV’s Rising Tide: "Welfare to Work" Guest: Governor Tommy Thompson (30 min)

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 19 10 5/1997 Export-Import Bank of the United States: "Keeping America Competitive"; produced by Edge City Productions
5-1-2 19 11 5/1997 Amtrak Presents: The Flexliner (4 min)
5-1-2 19 12 6/20/1997 Wisconsin Organ Donor Program "Sign Up for Life" TV spot; produced by Knupp & Watson (Closed Captioned) (30 seconds)
5-1-2 20 1 6/1997 Amtrak Hiawatha-Flexliner Press Conference
5-1-2 20 2 7/8/1997 Recognition Ceremony for Governor Thompson and Wisconsin Technical Colleges; produced by Rockwell Automation
5-1-2 20 3 7/11/1997 College Republicans ’97 (C-SPAN)
5-1-2 20 4 7/16/1997 "Gov. Thompson’s WI Elk Interpretive Sign Ceremony"; produced by Wisconsin DNR (4 min)
5-1-2 20 5 7/28/1997 Inside Politics: report on Federal Budget (CNN)
5-1-2 20 6 7/1997 Public Service Announcement (PSA) for Sesquicentennial License Plates; produced by Laughlin/Constable
5-1-2 20 7 8/21/1997 "Governor Thompson Visits AMS" (Raw Footage); produced by American Medical Security (20 min)
5-1-2 20 8 9/1/1997 Milwaukee TV News coverage about W-2 Welfare Reform:
WTMJ Channel 4 at 5pm [Segment 1]
WTMJ Channel 4 at 6pm [Segment 2]
WTMJ Channel 4 at 10pm [Segment 3]
WITI Channel 6 at 9pm [Segment 4]
WDJT Channel 58 at 10pm [Segment 5]
WISN Channel 12 at 10pm [Segment 6]
5-1-2 20 9 9/2/1997 Milwaukee TV News coverage about W-2 Welfare Reform:
WISN Channel 12 at 5pm [Segment 1]
WISN Channel 12 at 6pm [Segment 2]
WISN Channel 12 at 10pm [Segment 3]
WDJT Channel 58 at 6pm [Segment 4]

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 20 10 9/4/1997 ABC’s Nightline: W-2 Implementation
5-1-2 20 11 9/29/1997 BBC’s Panorama: "Hard Labour" program about Welfare Reform in Britain and Wisconsin
5-1-2 20 12 9/29/1997 TVO’s Studio 2: Interview with Governor Thompson about Welfare Reform (Taped on 9/29/1997; aired 10/16/1997)
5-1-2 20 13 10/17/1997 News coverage of Trade Mission to Thailand:
TV Channel 7: Interview with Wisconsin Trade Mission [Segment 1]
IVT News Clip: "U.S. Investors in Thailand with brief opinions by Wisconsin Governor Thompson and International Sales Manager, Canning Corp." [Segment 2]
5-1-2 21 1 11/24/1997 "Governor’s Waste Reduction & Recycling Awards" at Monona Terrace; produced by Wisconsin DNR (25 min)
5-1-2 21 2 11/1997 "Hike Wisconsin" Public Service Announcement (PSA); produced by Governor’s Council of Physical Fitness and Health (30 seconds)
5-1-2 21 3 12/3/1997 Governing Magazine’s 1997 Public Official of the Year Award Ceremony
5-1-2 21 4 12/23/1997 & 12/25/1997 Reports about Governor’s Mansion at Christmas (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 21 5 1997 Governor’s Awards in Support of the Arts
5-1-2 21 6 1997 Video message for Wisconsin Leadership Institute Conference participants
5-1-2 21 7 1997 Today’s Life Choices #1203: "Welfare Reform: Social Impact"; produced by Golden Dome Productions (28:30 min)
5-1-2 21 8 1997 Today’s Life Choices #1204: "Welfare Reform: Social Responsibility"; produced by Golden Dome Productions (28:30 min)
5-1-2 32 12 ca. 1997-1998 Political Focus Group - Milwaukee Females*†

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 21 9 1/2/1998 "Proficiency Assessment: How Good is Good Enough?" Produced by Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction
5-1-2 21 10 1/201998 State of the State Address (WHA-TV Madison)
5-1-2 21 11 1/20/1998 State of the State Address (WISC-TV Madison)
5-1-2 21 12 1/23/1998 AMA Luncheon; produced by Northwestern Mutual Life
5-1-2 22 1 2/2/1998 W-2 Service Agencies TV spots; produced by Knupp & Watson:
CMR-8300-A "Inspiration" (30 seconds) [Segment 1]
CMR-8300-B "Take Charge" (30 seconds) [Segment 2]
5-1-2 22 2 2/19/1998 W2-8600 Jobseeker Version (W-2 promotional video); produced by Knupp & Watson (8 min)
5-1-2 22 3 3/16/1998 Public Service Announcement (PSA) by Sue Ann Thompson about Wisconsin Women’s Health Conference sponsored by Dept. of Health & Family Services (30 seconds)
5-1-2 32 14 3/19/1998 Focus Group #1184 - Group 1: Milwaukee Females @ 5:30pm; conducted by Chamberlain Research Consultants*†
5-1-2 32 15 3/19/1998 Focus Group #1184 - Group 2: Milwaukee Males @ 5:30pm; conducted by Chamberlain Research Consultants*†
5-1-2 33 1 3/24/1998 Focus Group 1: Appleton Females @ 5:30pm*†
5-1-2 33 2 3/24/1998 Focus Group 2: Appleton Males @ 7:30pm*†
5-1-2 22 4 3/31/1998 Report on end of Welfare in Wisconsin (NBC Nightly News)
5-1-2 22 5 3/1998 "Sports Cooking" with guest Governor Thompson; produced by Video Trend Associates
5-1-2 33 3 ca. 3/1998 - 4/1998 Focus Group 3: Appleton Females *†
5-1-2 33 4 ca. 3/1998 - 4/1998 Focus Group 4: Appleton Males*†

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 33 5 4/9/1998 Focus Group 7: Eau Claire Females @ 5:30pm*†
5-1-2 33 6 4/8/1998 Focus Group 8: Eau Claire Males @ 7:30pm*†
5-1-2 22 6 4/14/1998 Media coverage of Women’s Health Conference; produced by Knupp & Watson
5-1-2 22 7 4/17/1998 NBC’s Dateline: Stories on W-2
5-1-2 22 8 4/20/1998 Thompson’s Lecture on W-2, delivered in Wallenburg Hall at Augustana College
5-1-2 22 9 5/22/1998 150 Sesquicentennial Special (Wisconsin Public Television)
5-1-2 22 10 5/1998 Republican Governor’s Association: Leading America Forward; produced by RGA Communications (5:40 min)
5-1-2 33 7 6/2/1998 Thompson for Governor, "Elroy;" produced by Murphy Pintak Gautier Hudome Agency, Inc.*
5-1-2 22 11 6/10/1998 Report on School Choice (WMTV Channel 15 Madison News at 6pm)
5-1-2 22 12 6/19/1998 Illinois News coverage of Thompson’s visit to Springfield during sesquicentennial Harley-Davidson Ride to Washington D.C.
5-1-2 22 13 6/19/1998 Footage of Thompson’s visit to Springfield, IL during sesquicentennial Harley-Davidson Ride to Washington D.C.
5-1-2 23 1 6/29/1998 – 6/30/1998 Wisconsin Law Enforcement Memorial Dedication
5-1-2 23 2 7/1998 Thompson Fundraiser in Milwaukee featuring Brett Favre and Barry Alvarez
5-1-2 38 1 8/24/98 Thompson for Governor "Leilani" :60
5-1-2 38 4 8/25/98 Thompson for Governor "Pride V.2" :60. Produced by the Murphy Pintak Gautier Hudome Agency
5-1-2 33 8 8/26/1998 Thompson for Governor Focus Group in Madison, WI @ 5:45pm; conducted by The Tarrance Group*†
5-1-2 33 9 8/26/1998 Thompson for Governor Focus Group in Madison, WI @ 7:45pm; conducted by The Tarrance Group*†
5-1-2 33 10 8/26/1998 Thompson for Governor Focus Group in Madison, WI @ 7:45pm -- Overlay and Discussion; conducted by The Tarrance Group*†
5-1-2 37 9 9/23/98 Thompson for Governor "Number One" Produced by The Murphy Pintak Gautier Hudome Agency
5-1-2 37 8 9/25/98 Thompson for Governor "Number Three" Produced by The Murphy Pintak Gautier Hudome Agency
5-1-2 33 11 9/29/1998 Governor's Youth Apprenticeship Employer's Recognition Reception

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 23 3 10/13/1998 Eyewitness News biographical Interview with Governor Thompson
5-1-2 37 10 10/15/1998 Thompson for Governor "Number Five" Produced by The Murphy Pintak Gautier Hudome Agency
5-1-2 35 13   "Watch-It" program (MSNBC): Thompson interviewed about Clinton impeachment, 11/23/1998 [Segment 1]
"700 Club" program:  W-2 Discussion, 12/7/1998 [Segment 2]
5-1-2 23 4 12/17/1998 Thompson for Governor 1998 Client Compilation Reel; produced by Murphy Pintak Gautier Hudome Agency, Inc.:
Eight TV spots that aired [Segment 1]
Six TV spots that did not air [Segment 2]
Three Radio spots [Segment 3]
Tommy Thompson Video [Segment 4]
5-1-2 37 7 12/17/1998 Thompson for Governor 1998 Client Compilation Reel; produced by Murphy Pintak Gautier Hudome Agency, Inc.:
Eight TV spots that aired [Segment 1]
Six TV spots that did not air [Segment 2]
Three Radio spots [Segment 3]
Tommy Thompson Video [Segment 4]
5-1-2 23 5 12/23/1998 Inside Politics: Interview with Governor Thompson (CNN)
5-1-2 23 6 12/29/1998 Medicaid "Birthday" TV Spot; produced by Knupp & Watson (30 seconds)
5-1-2 23 7 1998 1998 Governor’s Awards In Support of the Arts (Closed Captioned); produced by Wisconsin Public Television (28:57 min)
5-1-2 23 8 1998 Local News coverage of Bill Signings in Eau Claire:
Channel 18 [Segment 1]
Channel 13 [Segment 2]
5-1-2 23 9 1998 A Preview – The Wisconsin Sesquicentennial Project (6 min)
5-1-2 23 10 1998 Video tribute to Al DeSimone, CLU, 1998 Old Guard Honor Agent
5-1-2 23 11 1998 Only in America: Horatio Alger Awards; produced by PBS and Horatio Alger Association
5-1-2 23 12 1998 In Retrospect: 1998 Horatio Alger Awards; produced by Horatio Alger Association
5-1-2 23 13 1998 1998 Horatio Alger Awardees’ Video Biographies; produced by Horatio Alger Association
5-1-2 33 12 1998 Tourism Works for Wisconsin; produced by WI Dept. of Tourism (5:53 min)
5-1-2 35 14 1998 Wisconsin Sesquicentennial Sponsor Thank You Video
5-1-2 33 13 1998-1999 Governor's Youth Apprentice Employer Forum, containing scenes from 6/29/1998 Reception interspersed with employer and apprentice testimonies about program; produced by Wisconsin Dept. of Workforce Development (11:38 min)

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 24 1 1/4/1999 Governor’s Inauguration (56:36)
5-1-2 24 2 1/16/1999 Biennial Budget Address (WHA-TV) (Dub)
5-1-2 24 3 1/27/1999 State of the State Address (Wisconsin Public Television)
5-1-2 24 4 1/27/1999 State of the State Address (WKOW-TV Channel 27 Madison)
5-1-2 24 5 2/22/1999 Crossfire with guests Gov. Tommy Thompson and Gov. Howard Dean (CNN)
5-1-2 33 14 2/25/1999 Women's Health 30-second TV spots; produced by Knupp & Watson, Inc.:
General [Segment 1]
Heart Attacks [Segment 2]
Depression [Segment 3]
Breast Cancer [Segment 4]
Osteoporosis [Segment 5]
Sue Ann Version [Segment 6]
5-1-2 24 6 3/26/1999 Milwaukee TV News coverage of Home & Garden Show (Dub):
WTMJ Channel 4 at 11am, 6pm [Segment 1]
WITI Channel 6 at 6am, 5pm, 6pm [Segment 2]
WISN Channel 12 at 6am, 6pm [Segment 3]
WDJT Channel 58 at 5pm [Segment 4]
5-1-2 24 7 4/9/1999 Press Conference on variety of issues
5-1-2 24 8 4/14/1999 Republican National Committee (RNC) State Chairman’s Meeting in Williamsburg, VA (Dub)
5-1-2 35 15 4/15/1999 Duesenberg Motors, Inc. "Re-Creating the Legend" promotional video
5-1-2 34 1 4/19/1999 Wisconsin Partnership Program; produced by WI Dept. of Health and Family Services (DHFS) (15:30 min)
5-1-2 24 9 4/22/1999 Testimony before Congress regarding Welfare Reform [Segment 1]
GOP-TV Newsfeed of Testimony [Segment 2]
5-1-2 25 1 5/24/1999 Local News coverage of Governor’s Summit on Community and Youth:
WTMJ Channel 4 (Milwaukee) [Segment 1]
WITI Channel 6 (Milwaukee) [Segment 2]
WKOW Channel 27 (Madison) [Segment 3]
WISC Channel 3 (Madison) [Segment 4]
WISC Channel 3 Madison) coverage of Governor’s Bike to Work [Segment 5]

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 25 2 6/9/1999 The Les Aspin Center for Government Democracy Dinner in Washington D.C.; produced by ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ
5-1-2 25 3 6/22/1999 "Lawnmower Boy" Ryan Tripp’s visit to State Capitol (21 min)
5-1-2 25 4 6/30/1999 Report on BadgerCare program roll-out (WTMJ Channel 4 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 25 5 7/9/1999 BadgerCare Advertisements, BDGR-T99-93, Sweetened/Not Final GFX; produced by Krupp & Watson
5-1-2 25 6 10/23/1999 "It’s the Law!" Show #13 with guest Governor Thompson (28:30 min)
5-1-2 25 7 10/1999 Wisconsin State Crime Stoppers, Inc. Public Service Announcement (PSA); produced by Becker Communications, Inc. (30 seconds)
5-1-2 25 8 12/7/1999 Interview about School Choice (taped 12/3/1999) (WTVO Channel 17 (Rockford, IL) (12:38 min)
5-1-2 25 9 1999 National Governors’ Association (NGA) Meeting in St. Louis, MO: Video Highlights
5-1-2 25 10 1999 Governor’s Awards in Support of the Arts (28:57 min)
5-1-2 25 11 1999 "W-3: Wisconsin Works Worldwide": Promotional video for Governor’s WITCO Task Force on International Education (17 min)
5-1-2 25 12 1999 "A Day with the Governor" by reporter Jeff Gillan (WKOW Channel 27 Madison)
5-1-2 34 2 1999 Wisconsin Women's Health Series; produced by Knupp & Watson, Inc.:
Sue Ann Thompson Introduction (3 min) [Segment 1]
Breast Cancer (5 min) [Segment 2]
Depression (7:15 min) [Segment 3]
Heart Disease (7:30 min) [Segment 4]
Osteoporosis (7 min) [Segment 5]
Domestic Violence (8:30 min) [Segment 6]

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 26 1 1/26/2000 State of the State Address (Wisconsin Public Television)
5-1-2 26 2 1/2000 "For the Record" Governor Thompson’s Legacy (WKOW Channel 27 Madison)
5-1-2 26 3 2/9/2000 International Education Scholarships Press Conference and Awards Ceremony at Marshall Middle School (45 min)
5-1-2 26 4 3/15/2000 Organ Donation Report (The Early Show) [Segment 1]
Report on Elevator inspections (Channel 4 Milwaukee) [Segment 2]
5-1-2 26 5 4/13/2000 National Education Goals Panel: "Creating A Framework for High Achieving Schools," A National Teleconference; produced by Atlantic Video Inc.
5-1-2 26 6 5/5/2000 Hardball with Chris Matthews: interview with Governor Thompson (MSNBC)
5-1-2 26 7 6/15/2000 WI Dept. of Transportation Public Service Announcements (PSAs); produced by Knupp and Watson:
"Road Safety-Governor" DIST-TOO-0301 [Segment 1]
"Road Safety-Tommi" DIST-TOO-300 [Segment 2]
5-1-2 26 8 7/2000 Today’s Life Choices #1505: "Education: The Right Choice"; produced by Golden Dome Media (28:30 min)
5-1-2 26 9 9/6/2000 Wisconsin Lottery TV Spot: "You Don’t Have to Play to Win" ZSSG-0602; produced by Hoffman York (30 seconds)
5-1-2 26 10 9/21/2000 Inside Politics: interview with Governor Thompson (CNN)
5-1-2 26 11 10/29/2000 "Centennial Parks Announcement" Madison & Crivitz (A-730); produced by Wisconsin DNR (5:18 min)
5-1-2 27 1 12/7/2000 University of Wisconsin David Ward Tribute; produced by John Roach Projects:
"Scrapbook" (8:40 min) [Segment 1]
"A Chartered Course" (10 min) [Segment 2]
"Varsity" (2 min) [Segment 3]
5-1-2 27 2 12/29/2000 Presidential Cabinet Announcement (CNN)
5-1-2 27 3 12/29/2000 CNN’s Inside Politics: Appointment Discussion [Segment 1]
Resignation announcement Live at State Capitol (WMTV Channel 15 News at 5pm) [Segment 2]
Report on Resignation announcement (WMTV Channel 15 News at 10pm): [Segment 3]

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 27 4 12/29/2000 Presidential Cabinet Announcement (MSNBC) [Segment 1]
Presidential Cabinet Announcement (CNN Live)[Segment 1]
Resignation announcement Live at State Capitol (WKOW Channel 27 Madison) [Segment 3]
Report on cabinet appointments (ABC World News Tonight) [Segment 4]
Report on Governor’s resignation (WKOW Channel 27 Madison News at 10pm) [Segment 5]
5-1-2 27 5 12/29/2000 Presidential Cabinet Announcement and Resignation speech (WISC Channel 3 News Madison)
5-1-2 27 6 12/29/2000 Presidential Cabinet Announcement (FOX News Live) [Segment 1]
Resignation announcement Live at State Capitol (WISC Channel 3 News at 5pm) [Segment 2]
Report on Governor’s resignation (WISC Channel 3 News at 10pm) [Segment 3]
5-1-2 27 7 12/29/2000 Footage of Farewell Address at State Capitol [Segment 1] [BETACAMSP format]
Narrated retrospective on Thompson leaving Wisconsin [Segment 2] [BETACAMSP format]
5-1-2 27 8 2000 Governor’s Awards In Support of the Arts (WMSN-TV Fox 47 Madison) (28:57 min)
5-1-2 27 9 2000 Wisconsin Pathways to Independence; produced by Worthwhile Films (19 min)
5-1-2 34 3 2000 Wisconsin Partnership Program Video II: Participants and Their Stories; produced by WI Dept. of Health and Family Services (DHFS) (11 min)
5-1-2 28 1 1/18/2001 Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Confirmation Hearing before U.S. Senate Finance Committee (C-SPAN)
5-1-2 34 4 1/25/2001 Tourism TV Advertising Campaigns, 1987-2001; produced by WI Dept. of Tourism (46:30 min)
5-1-2 28 2 2/2/2001 Welcoming ceremony for Tommy G. Thompson at Health and Human Services Great Hall, Washington D.C. (48 min) [BETACAMSP format]
5-1-2 28 3 4/16/2001 Announcement at Wisconsin Energy Corporation of Tommy G. Thompson Center for Excellence in Teaching; produced by ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ [BETACAMSP format]
5-1-2 28 4 6/6/2001 Representative Mark Green’s remarks for Tommy Thompson [BETACAMSP format]
5-1-2 28 5 2001 "Tommy Thompson: A Living Legacy"; produced by DWP, Inc.

Series 5-1-2

Series Box Tape Date Title / Contents
5-1-2 29 1 undated Jeff Immelt Message to Governor Thompson of Wisconsin
5-1-2 29 2 undated Governor Thompson presenting Award to Wrestler Hulk Hogan at Dane County Coliseum (ca. first term in office).
5-1-2 29 3 undated "Wisconsin’s Looking Good" – Governor’s Message from the Executive Office (ca. first term in office)
5-1-2 29 4 undated "Straight Talk" Drug and Alcohol Awareness spot (WVTV Channel 18 Milwaukee)
5-1-2 29 5 undated "Say Cheese" NFL Cheese League promotional video; produced by Wisconsin Bell
5-1-2 29 6 undated "Steer Clear" Snowmobile Safety Public Safety Announcement (PSA)
5-1-2 29 7 undated Forward Wisconsin: Capital of Quality (28:30 min) (ca. early to mid-1990s)
5-1-2 29 8 undated "SSN: The Information Super Highway" 1039-94; produced by Ameritech (7:10 min)
5-1-2 29 9 undated "Hide & Seek" Delinquent TV Public Service Announcement (PSA), Supp-T96-6300; produced by WI Bureau of Child Support (30 seconds)
5-1-2 29 10 undated "Gov. Thompson for Energy Assistance;" produced by DHSS Division of Economic Support (30 seconds)
5-1-2 34 5 undated Focus Group in Brookfield, WI, Part 1; sponsored by Republican Party of WI (2 hours, 2 min)*†
5-1-2 34 6 undated Focus Group in Brookfield, WI, Part 2; sponsored by Republican Party of WI (13 min)*†

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* Donated by James R. Klauser in 2006.
** Donated by Philip Prange in 2007.

† No duplication or public screening without consent of copyright holder. Researchers may only view these videos onsite at the archives.