Newspaper Collections

With a few exceptions, the newspapers maintained in the Department of Special Collections and University Archives consist of original newspapers printed on rag paper prior to 1880. More comprehensive spans of these newspapers are usually available on microfilm or via electronic sources, but archivists have retained this limited collection for instructional and exhibition purposes. A few of these newspapers represent the earliest gifts to the Marquette College Library. The newspapers within this inventory have been cataloged in , the Raynor Memorial Libraries' electronic catalog.

Newspapers collected and preserved as a part of a larger archival collection are not listed within this checklist. Please visit the online inventories for processed manuscript collections to learn more about these holdings. Furthermore, newspapers edited by ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ students are maintained by the University Archives. An inventory of student newspapers is also available online.

CATHOLIC ADVOCATE, February 21, 1846-May 9, 1846, May 30, 1846-August 1, 1846, August 15, 1846-November 14, 1846, December 12-19,1846, January 9-17, 1847. Vol. 11: No. 4-42. (Bardstown, Kentucky) BX801 .C38

LE COURRIER DES ÉTATS-UNIS,July 2-December 31, 1864.  Vol. 26: No. 1-27.  (New York, New York) AP21 .C69

DER WAHREITS-FREUND, 1873-1877, 1881-1895. (Cincinnati, Ohio)  F499.C557 W44

DIE WOCHE, 1929,1931-1934. (Berlin, Germany) AP30 W62

FEDERAL REPUBLICAN, March 15, 1815. Vol. 9: No 1203. (Georgetown, VA)

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRIRTE ZEITUNG, 1866. Volume 18:  No 1-26. (New York, New York) AP31 .F8

THE HOME JOURNAL, December 22, 1855. Whole No. 515. (New York, New York)


Thirteen newspapers spanning November 22-29, 1963. The newspapers represented in the collection include The Dallas Morning News, The Dallas Times Herald, The New York Times, and The New York Herald. The collection also includes the March 15, 1964 edition of The Dallas Times Herald, featuring coverage of Jack Ruby's trial. One copy is a reprint. Donated by Dr. John McAdams. Connect to Inventory.

HARPER'S WEEKLY, 1857-1904. Vol. 1-43. (New York, New York) AP2. H32

The Department of Special Collections and Archives also maintains approximately 300 cut sheets from Harper's Weekly, mostly featuring Civil War political cartoons and engravings by Thomas Nast.  These unbound sheets were donated by the Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art.

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, 1828-1847. (Washington. D.C.)  F198. N37

NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, 1861-1870.  (New York, New York)  F128.44 .N48

POULSON'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER,  March 21, 1803. Vol. 32: No. 8197 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).


Single sheets and partial copies of 15 newspapers spanning December 8, 1941, to August 15, 1945. The newspapers represented in the collection include the Milwaukee Sentinel, Milwaukee Journal, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Herald American, Los Angeles Times, and The Daily News. The newspapers feature headline coverage of the attack on Pearl Harbor, D-Day, the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, V-E and V-J Day.