Volume 3: Western United States
Alaska: AK-15

University of Alaska Fairbanks. Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. Alaska and Polar Regions Collections and Archives
310 Tanana Drive
P.O. Box 756808
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Phone: 907-474-2791
Email: See website (Collections: Alaska and Polar Regions Collections and Archives)


Hours: See website (Collections: Alaska and Polar Regions Collections and Archives)

Access: See website (Collections: Alaska and Polar Regions Collections and Archives)

Copying facilities: Yes 


Holdings of Catholic records about Native Americans: 

Inclusive dates: 1885-1998

Volume: Approximately 2 cubic feet

Description: 16 collections include Native Catholic records


Manuscript Collection:

/1 “Brother George Feltes Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1929-ca. 1970s

Volume: Approximately .4 cubic foot

Description: Papers (copies) related to Brother George Feltes, S.J. [Jesuits], life in Alaska and his aviation achievements, including photographs of himself, Holy Cross Mission, and Copper Valley School plus related notes and clippings.


Oral History Collections:

/2 “Alaska Native Review Commission Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1984, undated (ca. 1980)

Volume: Ca. .1 cubic foot


A. “Emmonak Hearing,” 1984; 1 audiocassette and transcript; re: testimony by Rev. Rene Astruc, S.J.

B. “Nome Hearing,” undated (ca. 1980), 1 audiocassette and transcript; re: testimony by Rev. Thomas Carlin, S.J.


/3 “Bland, Laurel, Tapes”

Inclusive dates: Undated

Volume: Ca. .4 cubic foot (8 audiocassettes and 14 open reels)

Description: Laurel Bland recollections; re: Catholic Church in Alaska and Eskimo (Inuit) religion and history. 


/4 “Elders in Residence Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1986 

Volume: 2 audiocassettes 

Description: Recollections of “Madeline Solomon:” re: mission education, religious beliefs, and Rev. Julius Jetté, S.J.


/5 “Faces of ’84 Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1984 

Volume: 2 audiocassettes

Description: Includes recollections of Rev. William Loyens, S.J., 1984; re: Holy Cross and Nulato.  


/6 “Feltes, Brother, Biography Tapes”

Inclusive dates: 1988

Volume: 10 audiocassettes

Description: Recollections of Brother George Feltes, S.J. 


/7 “Gates of the Arctic National Park Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1992 

Volume: 2 audiocassettes

Description: Recollections of “Angeline Derendoff, 1992; re: encounters with Catholic missionaries. 


/8 “Here’s a Pioneer Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1947

Volume: 1 open reel, in part

Description: Recollections of Rev. Bellarmine LaFortune, S.J., Fairbanks, Alaska, 1947; 1 reel, in part; re: Alaskan experiences, including epidemics in 1900 and 1918. 


/9 “Jesuit Mission in Alaska Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1983-1984

Volume: 46 audiocassettes

Description: Recollections of Brother George Feltes, S.J., Brother Francis Fox, S.J., Brother Edmund Anable, S.J., Brother George Carrol, S.J. Sister Ida Brasseur, S.S.A. [Sisters of St. Anne], Sister M. George Edmund, S.S.A., and Sister Margaret Cantwell, S.S.A.; re: Jesuits and Sisters of St. Ann (St. Anne) missions in Alaska, including Holy Cross Mission, Holy Cross, and St. Peter Claver Mission, Nulatto. 


/10 “Kodiak Oral History Project”

Inclusive dates: 1992-1996 

Volume: 8 audiocassettes 


A. Billye Routzahn, 1992, 1 audiocassette and transcript; re: Kodiak earthquake and tidal wave and Catholic chapel

B. “Florence B. Daneliuk,” 1994, 1 audiocassette: St. Mary Church in Kodiak, Alaska

C. “Judie Salas,” 1996, 1 audiocassette and transcript: Driving with a religious sister and Immaculate Conception Church in Bethel, Alaska

D. “Mary Cichoski,” 1995, 2 audiocassettes and transcript: St. Mary Church in Kodiak, Alaska

E. “Sister Diane Bardol, G.N.S.H. [Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart],” 1996, 1 audio cassette and transcript: Recollections of a Grey Nun at St. Mary Church and School in Kodiak, Alaska

F. “Sister Hilary’s farewell from the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart,” 1978-1978, 1 audio cassette: Message by Sister Hilary Sheldon and Dr. Johnson’s reminiscences of the history of the Catholic Church

G. “Sister Margaret Ann Silvey,” 1993, 1 audiocassette: Recollection of the Grey Nuns in Kodiak, Alaska including at Griffin Memorial Hospital and at St. Mary School


/11 Oral History Collection 

Inclusive dates: 1998, undated 

Volume: 4 audiocassettes and some transcripts


A. “Father Jim Kolb interviewed by Robyn L. Russell, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1998; 2 audiocassettes and transcripts; re: Jesuit volunteer, career as a priest, including at St. Nicholas Church, North Pole and St. Mark and St. Raphael Church, Fairbanks, various people known to Reverend Jim Kolb, S.J. in Alaska, including clergy, individuals at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and the public

B. “Father Mac” [Reverend Joseph McElmeel, S.J.], undated; 2 audiocassettes; re: Chaplain, Galena, St. Michaels, and Nulato, Native life, teaching Catholicism and early church history in Alaska


/12 “On the Road Recording Old Timers, British Petroleum Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1991

Volume: 2 audiocassettes

Description: Oral history collection with 2 interviews, re: Native Catholics.

A. “Father William Loyens,” 1991, 1 audio cassette; re: Holy Cross Mission and School, Jesuits, Reverend Julius Jetté, S.J., Nulato, Kaltag, Koyukon Athapascan, and St. Marys

B. “Father Louis Renner,” 1991, 1 audio cassette; re: Jesuits, Rev. George Boileau, S.J., Rev. Julius Jetté, S.J., Rev. [Thomas F.?] Healy, S.J., Rev. Bellamine LaFortune, S.J., Rev. Jim Poole, S.J., Rev. Rebeaux, S.J., Rev. Pascal Tozi [Tosi], S.J., Sisters of St. Anne, Hudson Stuck, KNOM Radio, Nome, King Island, Eskimo, and Eskimo language


/13 “Pioneers of Alaska, Igloo #4 Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1994

Volume: 2 audiocassettes

Description: Interview of “Martin Ott,” 1994; recollections of Native people and Jesuits at Holy Cross Mission, 1925-1936. 


/14 “Songs and Legends Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1972-1973 

Volume: Ca. .05 cubic foot 


A. “Pauline Peters,” 1972, 1 audiocassette and 1 open reel: Song of the Rosary, Catholic prayers, and the Ten Commandments in English and an unidentified Native language

B. “Vivian Peter,” 1973, 1 audiocassette and 1 open reel: Unidentified Catholic mission.


Photography Collections:

/15 “Alaskan Shepherd Photograph Collection”

Inclusive dates: 1930s

Volume: Ca. .3 cubic foot (460 items)

Description: Prints (copies) attributed to Rev. Bernard R. Hubbard, S.J., re: King Island and Eskimo life; from the Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska.   


/16 “Father Bernard R. Hubbard Photographs”

Inclusive dates: 1920s-1930s

Volume: 53 prints

Description: By or of Rev. Bernard R. Hubbard, S.J. in northern Alaska. 


Unless otherwise noted, the repository on this page holds (or held) the records described here and they are not held at the ĂŰĚŇÓ°Ďń Archives.
