Arts, Entertainment and Broadcasting

, 1956-1972, undated, 0.6 foot.

26 song recordings of approximately 17 hours of Native American music in Dakota-Lakota and other Native American languages of the Great Plains region.
[Connect to Frank Andrews Music Inventory]


BELLOC, HILAIRE, COLLECTION, 1905-1938, undated, 0.4 foot.

A collection of 35 brief letters and 3 typescript articles by Belloc, purchased from a rare book dealer.


, 1927-1987, 2.4 feet.

Papers documenting the professional theatrical career of a ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ graduate, including playbills and programs, press clippings, photographs, and a limited amount of correspondence.
[Connect to Mary McCormack Best Inventory]


, 2002-, 7.8 feet + 58.7 GB (7.0 feet unprocessed).

Records of an association of Catholic radio and television professionals, which hosts the Gabriel Awards to recognize outstanding broadcast journalism. Both the Catholic Broadcasters Association and UNDA-USA preceded the Catholic Academy, which merged with the Catholic Press Association.
[Connect to Catholic Academy Inventory]


, 1946-1975, undated, 5.9 feet.

Records of an association of Catholic radio and television professionals, which founded the Gabriel Awards to recognize for outstanding broadcast journalism. Correspondence, publications, photographs, and proceedings comprise the bulk of the collection. First UNDA-USA and then the Catholic Academy for Communication Arts Professionals succeeded this organization.
[Connect to Catholic Broadcasters Inventory]


CATHOLIC FILMS AND TELEVISION PROGRAMS COLLECTION, 1952-1953, 1955, 1959, undated, 1.0 foot.

A collection of films from the 1950s relating to the Catholic faith, including Christopher Close Up programs with James Cagney, Danny Thomas, and Robert Young; a Catholic Hour program on corrupt practices in US politics; and a film of a Midnight Pontifical High Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.


CHESTERTON, GILBERT K., COLLECTION, 1900-1974, undated, (bulk 1922-1936),  4.2 feet.

A collection of items by and about Chesterton, including 6 literary manuscripts (5 in his hand), several letters, articles and pamphlets, and a run of G.K.'s Weekly.
[Connect to Gilbert Chesterton Inventory]


°ä±«´³Ã‰ MILWAUKEE MUSIC COLLECTION, circa 1940s-2020, undated, 0.3 feet processed.

A unique collection of music in all formats recorded by artists in the Milwaukee area. Materials include compact discs, cassettes, phonodiscs, videos and related items. Music of all types is collected. Most of the material is currently unprocessed as an archival collection. At present, the only processed part of the collection are the Peter Roller oral history interviews that record memories of the Milwaukee music scene from the 1950s to the very early 2000s.
[Connect to Cujé Collection Inventory]


DALEY, SR. JOEANN, O.P., COLLECTION, 1992-1993, undated, 1.6 feet.

Framed laser art prints and video discussions by Catholic religious sisters from East-Central Europe regarding their spiritual captivity (1945-1989) and reawakening during and after Communism. Daley created the artwork from etchings, paintings, and photo collages, and used the discussions to formulate the theme, "New Spring, New Spirit." Several prints use Easter and floral imagery. Dailey served as a participant in the Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters' East-Central European revitalization initiative for Catholic religious sisters.
[Connect to Joeann Daley Inventory]


, 1977-2016, undated, 3.8 feet + .9 GB (0.7 cubic foot unprocessed).

Photographs, interviews, and background documentation about notable Native Americans, primarily from South Dakota, who were engaged in their Dakota-Lakota cultural reawakening, 1960s-1970s. Most materials were compiled for the book, Vision Quest: Men, Women, and Sacred Sites of the Sioux Nation. School fundraising calendars from Red Cloud Indian School (Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota) and St. Augustine School (Winnebago Indian Reservation, Nebraska) are also included.
[Connect to Don Doll Inventory]


GLASS SLIDE COLLECTION, ca. 1900-ca. 1930, 35.5 feet. Over 9,000 slides from the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, Campion High School (Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin), and the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Lecture Bureau, pertaining to art, geography, Native Americans, and the Catholic Church.


, 1918-1996, 17.6 feet [5 reels microfilm].

Correspondence, diaries, photographs, recordings, press clippings, programs, scrapbooks, and ephemera documenting the career of the cabaret and cafe singer/pianist Hildegarde Loretta Sell (known professionally as "The Incomparable HILDEGARDE!), a native of Adell, Wisconsin who attended the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ School of Music in 1924-1925. Most of the documents are contained in an extensive collection of diaries and scrapbooks.
[Connect to Hildegarde Inventory]


1900-1945, 2.8 feet.

Letters and manuscripts of 30 American and English authors, including Lascelles Abercrombie, Rupert Brooke, Walter De La Mare, Wilfrid Wilson Gibson, A.E. Housman, Joyce Kilmer, T.E. Lawrence, Sir Edward Howard Marsh, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Siegfried Sassoon. Many of the letters were written to John Drinkwater.
[Connect to Elizabeth Whitcomb Houghton Inventory]



A-Z Index: All Things Lincoln, Catholic Ladder Pictorial Catechisms, Celebrating Marquette's Presidents, Exploration & Discovery: Stamps, Holy Rosary Mission - Red Cloud Indian School 1000th Image, Marquette's Study Abroad Pioneer, Mother Theresa: Discovering God in the Poorest of the Poor, New in the M Club Hall of Fame, Over Hill and Dale: Cross Country at Marquette, Presidential Campaign Visits, Television Girl: Hildegarde!, The Civil Defense Projects: Dorothy Day, Van Vechten's Portrait Archives: 250 Subjects and Growing, World War I at Marquette, Zablocki: Wisconsin's Mr. Democrat.


JANDA, JAMES PAPERS, undated, (0.6 foot unprocessed).

Primarily poetry, plays, and children's stories. Most notable is "The Hanbelachia Collection," which pertains to Native Americans and Catholic evangelization by Jesuits in western South Dakota. This collection is closed.


, 1942-1996, undated, 4.9 feet.

Papers of a writer and editor for Viking Press, consisting largely of manuscripts of unpublished novels, short stories, and plays. Also included are diaries, journals, scattered correspondence, book reviews and other published writings, and background material for Kennebeck's book on the trial of 13 Black Panthers (1970), for which he served as a juror.
[Connect to Edwin Kennebeck Inventory]


1909-1975, 0.8 foot.

Materials relating to the poet and his relationship with Campion College of the Sacred Heart, a high school for boys operated by the Society of Jesus in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. Included are letters from Kilmer to James Daly, S.J., letters from literary figures to Kilmer, handwritten drafts of five poems, and typescript drafts of two essays and a talk. Notable correspondents include Edna Ferber, Susan Glaspell, and Gene Stratton-Porter.
[Connect to Joyce Kilmer / Campion College Inventory]


, ca. 1930-ca. 1962, 3.0 feet.

The collection consists of 774 original drawings by a long-time cartoonist for the Milwaukee Sentinel, largely concerning politics and sports (especially baseball). Many of the sports cartoons depict the Milwaukee Braves.
[Connect to Frank Marasco Inventory]


McDARIS, STEVEN "CATFISH", PAPERS, 1969-present, 4.0 feet.

Published works and personal papers of a Milwaukee poet.
[Connect to Steven McDaris Inventory]


McGUIRE, AL, FILM AND VIDEOTAPE COLLECTION, 1953-present, 39.0 feet.

A collection of audio, video and 16 mm film relating primarily to McGuire's second career in broadcasting. A large portion of the gift collection consists of master videotape interviews with prominent college basketball coaches and players. Highlights include McGuire's own interview with WTMJ the day he was hired by Marquette (4/11/64) and 15-minute half-time (NBC) shows with Digger Phelps, Bobby Knight, and Michael Jordan. The collection also documents McGuire's civic contributions with many reels of "Al's Run" for Children's Hospital.
[Connect to Al McGuire Inventory]


1913-1979, 26.4 feet.

Records documenting the broadcasting career of the host of the long-running ABC Network radio program The Breakfast Club (1933-1968) and Don McNeill's TV Club (1950-1951), including audio and video recordings; advertising, publicity, and production files; audience mail; and photographs.
[Connect to Don McNeill Inventory]


MURPHY, JAMES P.J., PHOTOGRAPH COLLECTION, ca. 1883-1962, 0.3 foot.

A collection of signed photographs of artists, musicians, poets, public figures, visual artists, and writers from the early twentieth century.
[Connect to Fr. James Murphy Inventory]


, 1922-1992, 6.7 feet.

Papers of a Milwaukee artist known for his etchings of architectural structures, portraits of prominent Milwaukeeans, and commercial art for Miller Brewing Company. New also lectured at Mount Mary College and ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ. Included are scattered correspondence, original prints, etching plates,photographs, and newspaper clippings documenting the artist's life and work in Milwaukee.
[Connect to George New Inventory]


, bulk 1920-1956 [16 reels microfilm].

Correspondence and writings by Bishop O'Hara regarding Bible translations, the Catholic Broadcasters Association, the Chemawa Government Indian School (Salem, Oregon), the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, rural life and the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, and Catholic Action or Acción Católica. His concerns regarding rural life and Catholic Action pertained to Latin America and the United States.
[Connect to Edwin O'Hara Inventory]


, 1946-1996, 8.2 feet.

Papers of a pioneer in local news in Milwaukee who served as news editor of WTMJ-TV from 1963 to 1980, including correspondence, office memoranda, photographs, press clippings, and publications.
[Connect to Arthur Olszyk Inventory]


1960-2010, 19.6 feet.

Papers of a television writer and producer, consisting of research and production files, memoranda, scripts and event programs. The bulk of records document the development of major award programs, including the Academy Awards, Emmy Awards, Costume Designers Guild, and Screen Actors Guild, in addition to the Miss America Pageant competition. Also includes scripts and production materials from cultural programs and telethons, including the 2001 Concert for New York City; primetime cast reunion programs; television network anniversaries; and the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. Also includes copies of autobiographical manuscripts written by two other television producers and writers.
[Connect to Stephen Pouliot Inventory]


, 1924-2001, undated, 1.7 feet.

Papers of a Wisconsin poet and Discalced Carmelite nun (Sister Miriam of the Holy Spirit, 1905-1988) including correspondence (mostly letters received), handwritten and typescript drafts of poems, clippings of her poetry and other writings from magazines and newspapers, and writings about her. Notable correspondents include August Derleth, Raymond E. F. Larsson, Robert F. Morneau, and Regina Siegfried.
[Connect to Jessica Powers Inventory]


, 1900-1978, 9.5 feet.

Papers of a Milwaukee artist (1914-1976), including letters and postcards sent to Priebe, literary manuscripts, sketchbooks, original drawings, exhibition catalogs, memorabilia, clippings, photos, slides, and other papers, reflecting Priebe's interests in art, bird watching, jazz, and black culture. Includes 4,000 photos by Carl Van Vechten. Correspondents include Gertrude Abercrombie, Carol Blanchard, Gwendolyn Brooks, Jackie Cain, Morton Da Costa, Owen Dodson, Edward Harris Heth, Langston Hughes, Roy Kral, Willard Motley, Charles Sebree, Carl Van Vechten, and John Wilde.
[Connect to Karl Priebe Inventory]


, 1990-2010, 4.4 feet.

Published works of a poet and essayist prolific in the small literary press community between 2001-2010. The collection chiefly contains printed copies of 400+ works published in 115 literary magazines. Many of the independent literary journals and poetry magazines included in the collection ceased publication after a few years. Also includes radio interviews and poetry readings by the writer on compact disc.
[Connect to Charles Ries Inventory]


, 1878-, undated, 48.1 feet + 181.0 GB [22 reels microfilm] (20.2 feet unprocessed).

Records pertaining to Dakota-Lakota (Brulé) Indians on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota with evangelization, pastoral, educational, farming, ranch, and radio broadcast (KINI Radio) activities by Jesuits, Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity, and Native American collaborators. Of special note is the Medicine Men and Clergy Dialogue, 1973-1978, which was succeeded by the Inculturation Task Force of the Diocese of Rapid City under the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Also included are some materials pertaining to Dakota-Lakota (Oglala) Indians on the Pine Ridge Reservation and events there by Jesuits and Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity. Notable persons include Holy Man, [Nicholas W.] Black Elk, Rev. Eugene Buechel, S.J., and Rev. Joseph A. Zimmerman, S.J.
[Connect to St. Francis Mission Inventory]


, 1913-2000, 3.9 feet.

Research files of Thomas C. Reeves for his biography, America's Bishop: The Life and Times of Fulton J. Sheen (2001). The records include interview transcripts, photographs, press clippings, publications by and about Sheen, and subject files.
[Connect to Fulton J. Sheen Research Inventory]


, 1846-1963, undated, 56.7 feet.

A collection of music for string and wind instruments and voice, including many manuscript and printed compositions and arrangements by Christoph Bach and Hugo Kaun.
[Connect to Sheet Music Inventory]


SONDHEIM, STEPHEN, RESEARCH COLLECTION, ca. 1947-present (31.7 feet unprocessed).

Collection amassed by Paul Salsini, a journalist, Sondheim enthusiast and founder of The Sondheim Review, including 400 audio casette tapes, 200 videotapes, 150 lps, and 100 compact discs documenting Sondheim's two dozen musicals and revues. Also includes a small collection of letters from Sondheim, plus photographs, research subject files, press clippings, playbills, posters and ephemera about Sondheim's shows.


, 1962-1964, undated, 1.4 feet (1.0 foot unprocessed).

Audio recordings of approximately 40 traditional American Indian songs in native languages with English language commentaries. Most songs were recorded for instructional purposes by Sutton in Chicago as master recordings under his label, "Chunksa-Uha Sings." Most songs originated in North and South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin, which reflects the tribal diversity of Chicago in the 1960s.
[Connect to Lee Sutton Inventory]


, 1911-present, 126 feet (3.0 feet unprocessed).

Published and unpublished materials relating to the life and fantasy writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, including the original manuscripts for three of his most celebrated books - "The Hobbit" (1937), "Farmer Giles of Ham" (1949), and "The Lord of the Rings" (1954-55) - as well as the original handwritten and illustrated copy of the children's book "Mr. Bliss" (published in facsimile form in 1982). Books by and about Tolkien, and periodicals produced by Tolkien enthusiasts, are cataloged separately. Other literature consists of auction sale notices, book reviews, conference announcements and programs, exhibit catalogs, journal and anthology articles, obituaries, and unpublished scholarly papers and essays. Also included are calendars, dramatizations, games and puzzles, poems and songs, sketches and paintings, and teaching materials, in addition to audio recordings of readings and radio adaptations and video recordings of movie adaptations and commemorative documentaries. Also includes a film treatment of "The Lord of the Rings," written in 1957 by Morton Grady Zimmerman and annotated by J.R.R. Tolkien.
[Connect to Tolkien Inventory]


, 1972-2003, 10.2 feet. (11.4 feet unprocessed).

Records of an association of Catholic radio and television professionals, which sponsored the Gabriel Awards to recognize outstanding broadcast journalism. Correspondence, publications, photographs, and proceedings comprise the bulk of the collection. The Catholic Broadcasters Association preceded UNDA-USA and the Catholic Academy for Communication Arts Professionals succeeded it.
[Connect to UNDA-USA Inventory]




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