Selected images of African Americans and Catholic Church leaders from the records of the Black and Indian Mission Collection, The Catholic Negro-American Mission Board, and the National Black Sisters Conference.


, 1925-[ongoing], 2.4 feet.

Records of the national Jesuit honor society, founded at Ӱ as Alpha Sigma Tau in 1915-16, including constitutions and bylaws, correspondence of officers, membership lists, publications, and records of meetings and conventions. Included are records of Gamma Pi Epsilon, a national Jesuit honor society for women (also founded at Marquette), which merged with Alpha Sigma Nu in 1973.
[Connect to Alpha Sigma Nu Inventory]



Color photographs and two video recordings collected by the America’s First Nations Summer Institute for K-12 social studies teachers hosted by Ӱ in 2000 with a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Most materials were subsequently incorporated in the corresponding America's First Nations website. The photographs pertain to institute field trips in Wisconsin and American Indian celebrations in Virginia and Oneida, Wisconsin. One video recording features an interview of Alan Caldwell, a Menominee Indian educator regarding the warrior tradition of the Menominee Indians, past and present.
[Connect to America's First Nations Curricula Inventory]



The American Indian Catholic Schools Network supports faith-based Catholic schools that promote their students' Native American cultural identities. Member schools are located on the Blackfeet (Montana), Pine Ridge (South Dakota), Winnebago-Omaha (Nebraska), San Carlos (Arizona), and Navajo (Arizona) reservations.


, 1947-1990, 26.3 feet

Papers of a professor of political science at Ӱ who was a leading proponent of educational vouchers for private school students, documenting his role in the founding and leadership of Citizens for Educational Freedom and the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, of which he was the first president.
[Connect to Rev. Virgil Blum, S.J. Inventory]


, 1848-, undated, 609.8 feet + 64.7 GB [421 reels microfilm] (25.1 feet unprocessed).

The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions (formerly, The Office of Catholic Commissioner for Indian Missions, 1874-) supports Catholic evangelization among Native American Indians and Alaskan Natives in the United States and dependent territories through advocacy for and financial support of Native American Catholic missions, schools, and parishes in need. The records include correspondence, reports, publications, audio and video recordings, photography, government documents, and websites. The collection also includes the records of two other affiliated agencies, and with the BCIM, they are known collectively as the Black and Indian Mission Office (Washington, D.C.). However, since the BCIM accumulated the bulk of the records, its name designates the overall collection.
[Connect to Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Inventory]



Selected images of Native Americans and Catholic Church leaders from the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records, the Sacred Heart Province Franciscan Records, and the Walter Bernard “Ben” Hunt Collection.



The Commission for Catholic Missions among the Colored People and the Indians (1884-), also known as the Black and Indian Mission Collection, has supported Catholic evangelization among African Americans and Native Americans in the United States and dependent territories with advocacy and financial support of the Catholic missions, schools, and parishes that have served these populations. This has been accomplished through the solicitation and redistribution of funds through dioceses in the United States and dependencies, plus adjacent countries ecclesiastically subject to and/or supported by the Church in the U.S. (e.g. Bahamas, Haiti, Philippines, U.S. Virgin Islands). The Commission records include correspondence, reports, publications, audio/ video recordings, photography, and websites, which comprise Record Group 2 within the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records. Today, the Commission and BCIM represent two of three affiliated agencies in the Black and Indian Mission Office (Washington, D.C.).
[Connect to Commission for Catholic Missions among Colored People and Indians Inventory]


, 1929-[ongoing], 17.3. feet.

Correspondence, minutes, publications, reports, and other materials documenting the educational and promotional activities of the national association of Catholic libraries, such as Catholic Book Week and the Regina Medal for children's literature. Included are records of officers, committees, sections, and chapters and units. The Presidents and Executive Directors correspondence series contains letters and articles concerning the CLA's refusal to include The Wanderer in its Catholic Periodical and Literature Index.
[Connect to Catholic Library Association Inventory]


The Catholic Negro-American Mission Board (formerly, The Catholic Board for Mission Work among Colored People, 1907-) supports Catholic evangelization among African Americans in the United States and dependent territories through advocacy for and support of African American Catholic schools and parishes in need of financial assistance. The records include correspondence, reports, publications, audio and video recordings, photography, government documents, and websites.  As one of three affiliated agencies of the Black and Indian Mission Office (Washington, D.C., since 1980-), the CNAMB records comprise one of three record groups within the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records, after the oldest of the three agencies that accumulated the bulk of the records.
[Connect to The Catholic Negro-American Mission Board Inventory]


, 1961-1978, 7.8 feet.

Records of an organization that lobbied for equal treatment of private and public school children in government aid programs, including correspondence, financial records, minutes, publications and reports.
[Connect to Citizens for Educational Freedom (Wisconsin Federation) Inventory]


, 1876-1980, 0.1 foot [3 reels microfilm].

Conception Abbey Benedictine (Conception, Missouri) records pertaining to Catholic missions and schools in North and South Dakota among the Arikara, Hidatsa, and Mandan, Hunkpapa, Santee, and Sisseton-Wahpeton Indians.
[Connect to Conception Abbey Inventory]


, 1986-, 187.0 feet (153 feet unprocessed).

Records of humanitarian projects throughout the world, which were administered by Catholic religious sisters and funded by the Hilton Fund for Sisters (1986-). Most projects sought to alleviate critical community needs in education, health care, clean water, and economic or energy development, whereas others targeted the internal needs of congregations of Catholic women religious, especially those in former Communist countries. Several projects in the United States, and elsewhere in North and South America, targeted needs among indigenous Native American, African American, and other minority populations.
[Connect to Hilton Fund for Sisters Inventory]


, 1974-1994, 6.9 feet

Records of a non-profit organization that works to further expand college opportunities for low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities. Includes board of directors’ meeting minutes; executive directors’ files; records documenting the organization’s contacts with Congressional committees considering the appropriation federal funds for higher education; in addition to news clippings, newsletters, and the records of some state and regional affiliates.
[Connect to Council for Opportunity in Education Inventory]


, 1961-2002, 3.7 feet.

Papers of a professor of economics at Ӱ who actively supported parochial schooling and parental choice in education. The collection documents his involvement with several educational reform organizations, including Citizens for Economic Freedom (CEF), the Governor's Commission on Education (a.k.a. Kellett Commission), the Milwaukee Archdiocesan Education Foundation, and Partners Advancing Values in Education (PAVE).
[Connect to Peter Danner Inventory]


, 1580-1716, 1981-1992, undated, 0.5 foot + 11.6 GB [400 35mm slides].

Spanish language correspondence and reports regarding Dominican and Franciscan evangelization of Maya and Zoque Indians in Chiapas and Jesuit evangelization of Tarahumara Indians in Nueva Vizcaya (Chihuahua and Durango), Mexico.
[Connect to Diocese of San Cristobal Inventory]


, 1977-2016, undated, 3.8 feet + .9 GB (0.7 cubic foot unprocessed).

Photographs, interviews, and background documentation about notable Native Americans, primarily from South Dakota, who were engaged in their Dakota-Lakota cultural reawakening, 1960s-1970s. Most materials were compiled for the book, Vision Quest: Men, Women, and Sacred Sites of the Sioux Nation. School fundraising calendars from Red Cloud Indian School (Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota) and St. Augustine School (Winnebago Indian Reservation, Nebraska) are also included.
[Connect to Don Doll Inventory]


, 1906-1973, undated, 1.4 feet.

Correspondence of Elizabeth Mary Hulsman Eisenman (1868-1959) and sons Rev. Omer H. Eisenman (1889-1980), Rev. Sylvester Eisenman (1891-1948), O.S.B., Leonard John Eisenman (1893-1947), and Rev. Edward L. Eisenman (1895-1966) for My Dear Sons. Father Sylvester developed St. Paul's Mission on the Yankton Reservation, Marty, South Dakota.
[Connect to Eisenman Family Inventory]

, 1955-, 2.4 feet and 5.5 GB.

Papers of a prominent Jewish liberation theologian, including correspondence, diaries, subject files, and writings documenting his academic career, scholarly and personal        relationships, and the development of his thought.
[Connect to Marc Ellis Inventory]


GESU PARISH AND SCHOOL RECORDS, 1850-2013, undated, 48.3 feet.

Records of the parish church on Ӱ's campus (and of St. Gall's and Holy Name parishes which preceded it), including correspondence, financial records, photographs, publications, and reports, but not sacramental records.
[Connect to Gesu Parish and School Records Inventory]


, 1868- [ongoing], 162.1 feet [35 reels microfilm] (92 feet unprocessed).

Records pertaining to Dakota-Lakota (Oglala) Indians on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota with evangelization, pastoral, educational, farming and ranch activities by Jesuits, Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity, and Native American collaborators. Of special note is the Heritage Center, which has sponsored the annual Red Cloud Art Show, 1972-. Also included are some materials pertaining to Dakota-Lakota (Brulé) Indians on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota and events there by Jesuits and Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity.  Notable persons include Chief [Peter] Red Cloud, Holy Man [Nicholas W.] Black Elk, Rev. Eugene Buechel, S.J., and Rev. Joseph A. Zimmerman, S.J.
[Connect to Holy Rosary Mission - Red Cloud Indian School Inventory]



Selected images of Native Americans and Catholic Church leaders from the Holy Rosary Mission-Red Cloud Indian School Records.



Records of a Jesuit based educational organization composed primarily of faculty from business colleges. Records relate, for the most part, to their International World Forums. Records include documents for planning and presenting the academic conferences, correspondence and financial records.
[Connect to International Association of Jesuit Business Schools Inventory]



A-Z Index: All Things Lincoln (Feb. 2009), Catholic Ladder Pictorial Catechisms (Jan. 2009), Celebrating Marquette's Presidents (Sept. 2011), Exploration & Discovery: Stamps (Dec. 2008), Holy Rosary Mission - Red Cloud Indian School 1000th Image (Mar. 2010), Marquette's Study Abroad Pioneer (May 2009), Mother Theresa: Discovering God in the Poorest of the Poor (Oct. 2009), New in the M Club Hall of Fame (Nov. 2011), Over Hill and Dale: Cross Country at Marquette (Sept. 2009), Presidential Campaign Visits (Oct. 2008), Television Girl: Hildegarde! (Mar. 2009), The Civil Defense Projects: Dorothy Day (Apr. 2009), Van Vechten's Portrait Archives: 250 Subjects and Growing (Nov.-Dec. 2009), World War I at Marquette (Nov. 2008), Zablocki: Wisconsin's Mr. Democrat (Jan.-Feb. 2010).


, 1966-1969, 1986, 0.3 foot.

A collection of documents and tape recordings pertaining to the controversy over contraception in the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, including the attempt by The Catholic University of America's administration to fire Fr. Charles Curran and the subsequent conflict between Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle and members of the Association of Washington Priests. Included is a videotape of Curran's appearance on Meet the Press (1986).


, 1981-1986, undated, 4.6 feet (1.2 feet unprocessed).

Recordings produced at Native ministry seminars and public celebrations in western Canada. The seminars include notable U.S. and Canadian speakers.


, 1901-1991, 0.3 foot [1 reel microfilm].

Primarily minutes of the board of directors and The Calumet [newsletter], 1913-1958, of a U.S. lay fund-raising organization for Catholic schools serving Native American students.
[Connect to Marquette League Inventory]


, 1889-1893, 0.6 foot.

Facsimiles of letter books compiled by Thomas Jefferson Morgan as Commissioner of Indian Affairs, which pertain to his administration of the U.S. Office of Indian Affairs, American Indian assimilation and education and conflicts with the Catholic Church.


, 1971-2010, 6.1 feet.

Correspondence, minutes, publications, reports, audio recordings, and related records documenting the programs and services of the National Interfaith Coalition on Aging (NICA). Included are project files for its Survey on Programs for the Aging Under Religious Auspices and for Project-GIST (Gerontology in Seminary Training), Project-GIST (Gerontology in Seminary Training), which sought to enhance the ability of the religious community to serve the needs of the aging by improving the knowledge and skills of seminary educators. Also documented is NICA's involvement with the White House Conference on Aging, which included sponsorship of the National Intra-decade Conference on the Spiritual Well-being of the Elderly (1977) and an official mini-conference of the 1981 WHCOA, the National Symposium on Spiritual & Ethical Value Systems Concerns, which NICA convened in 1980. NICA dissolved as a corporation at the end of 1990 and reorganized as a constituent unit of the National Council on the Aging. It affiliated with the American Society on Aging in 2010, as a subcommittee of the Forum on Religion, Spirituality, and Aging.
[Connect to National Interfaith Coalition on Aging Inventory]


OBLATE SISTERS OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT COLLECTION, 1960s-1980s. 0.5 foot (0.5 foot unprocessed).

Recordings from three South Dakota conferences regarding Dakota-Lakota Indian traditions and digitized photography of Dakota Indians in South Dakota. Benedictines and Oblate Sisters are included in the materials.


, bulk 1920-1956 [16 reels microfilm].

Correspondence and writings by Bishop O'Hara regarding Bible translations, the Catholic Broadcasters Association, the Chemawa Government Indian School (Salem, Oregon), the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, rural life and the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, and Catholic Action or Acción Católica. His concerns regarding rural life and Catholic Action pertained to Latin America and the United States.
[Connect to Edwin O'Hara Inventory]


, 1847-1881, 0.4 foot [1 reel microfilm].

Records pertaining to the Osage Mission and the Osage Manual Labor School for Osage Indian students, including a students' attendance and account book, 1847-1866; a students' account book/English-Osage dictionary, ca. 1885; and a students' attendance, accounts and reports, and correspondence book, 1855-1881. The principal correspondent is John Schoenmakers, S.J.
[Connect to Osage School Inventory]



Records of a school choice advocacy organization founded in 1993 by Dr. Quentin L. Quade, who was director of the Virgil C. Blum, S.J., Center for Parental Freedom in Education on Ӱ's campus. Attorney Michael D. Dean served as executive director of P.A.C.E. and donated the records in this small collection. The collection includes Articles of Incorporation, by-laws, newsletters, and planning documents. Additional P.A.C.E. materials can be found in the Blum Center records.
[Connect to Parents Acquiring Choice In Education Inventory]


, 1991-2010, 6.9 feet.

Records of a private, non-profit organization that provided scholarship aid to low-income students attending private and parochial schools in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The collection documents this scholarship program as well as PAVE's later programs designed to directly support educators and schools participating in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP). The collection also contains information on PAVE's role in the struggle to expand MPCP to religious schools in the 1990s.
[Connect to Partners Advancing Values In Education Records Inventory]



See -- Holy Rosary Mission -- Red Cloud Indian School Records.
[Connect to Holy Rosary Mission - Red Cloud Indian School Inventory]


RYAN, BROTHER LEO V., C.S.V., PAPERS, 1945-present, 61.8 feet (34.2 feet unprocessed).

Papers of a Catholic educator active in business and adult education who has served as a Peace Corps administrator and consultant to numerous schools and religious communities.


, 1878-[ongoing], 47.9 feet [22 reels microfilm] (20.0 feet unprocessed).

Records pertaining to Dakota-Lakota (Brulé) Indians on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota with evangelization, pastoral, educational, farming and ranch activities by Jesuits and Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity and Native American collaborators. Of special note is the Medicine Men and Clergy Dialogue, 1973-1978, which was succeeded by the Inculturation Task Force of the Diocese of Rapid City under the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Also included are some materials pertaining to Dakota-Lakota (Oglala) Indians on the Pine Ridge Reservation and events there by Jesuits and Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity. Notable persons include Holy Man, [Nicholas W.] Black Elk, Rev. Eugene Buechel, S.J., and Rev. Joseph A. Zimmerman, S.J.
[Connect to St. Francis Mission Inventory]



Selected images of Native Americans and Catholic Church leaders from the St. Francis Mission Records.


, 1991-1995, undated, 0.5 foot.

Recordings regarding St. Joseph's Indian Industrial School, a Catholic mission school in Wisconsin. Respondents were former students--Menominee and Potawatomi Indians--and teachers--Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet.
[Connect to St. Joseph's Indian Industrial School Oral History Inventory]


, 1851-1871, 0.03 foot [1 reel microfilm].

Baptismal records of St. Mary's Mission and school for Potawatomi Indians, which was administered by Jesuits.
[Connect to St. Mary's Mission Inventory]


, 1867-1989, 0.7 foot.

Primarily photographs pertaining to Yankton Indians and Benedictines in South Dakota.
[Connect to St. Paul's Mission Inventory]


, 1865, 1886-[ongoing], 7.8 feet [10 reels microfilm] (3.2 feet unprocessed).

Records regarding evangelization of Arapaho and Shoshoni Indians by Jesuits and Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia in Wyoming.
[Connect to St. Stephen's Mission Inventory]


SIOUX SPIRITUAL CENTER RECORDS, 1972-, undated (5.0 feet unprocessed).

Primarily photography and minutes, printed materials, and video recordings pertaining to Dakota-Lakota (Brulé, Hunkpapa, Oglala, Sans Arc) and other Indian Catholics and their activities of the Sioux Spiritual Center, Plainview, South Dakota. In 1978, Jesuits, under the auspices of the Diocese of Rapid City, established and have administered the center, which supports permanent diaconate (established 1973) and lay ministry formation in the diocese and beyond.
[Connect to Sioux Spiritual Center Inventory]


, 1936-[ongoing], 40.3 feet.

Records of an organization, founded in 1954 as the Sister Formation Conference (the name changed in 1976 when men formation personnel were added to its membership), which helped bring about a dramatic change in the status of women religious within the (Roman) Catholic Church and within American society as a whole, including general correspondence and subject files, minutes of meetings of the national leadership, records of conferences and workshops, and publications issued by the Conference. Personal papers of Ritamary Bradley and Annette Walters concerning their involvement in the Sister Formation movement are also included. The conflict in the early 1960s between the Sister Formation Conference officers and the leadership of the Conference of Major Superiors of women over the restructuring of the SFC to more directly subordinate it to the CMSW is especially well documented in correspondence, memoranda, and reports. Notable correspondents include Ritamary Bradley, Michael Novak, Mary Emil Penet, David Riesman, and Annette Walters.
[Connect to Sister Formation Conference Inventory]


1948-2006, undated, 6.3 feet.

Papers of a theologian and Assumptionist priest known for his work on ecumenism. Includes manuscripts for published and unpublished works; professional and personal correspondence; audio recordings of lectures and speeches; published articles and book reviews. Also includes records from his assignment as a "peritus" (expert advisor to the bishops) during the Second Vatican Council, including his involvement in the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, and subsequent interreligious dialogues.
[Connect to George H. Tavard Inventory]


, 1957-[ongoing], bulk 1986-2001, 305 feet.

Papers documenting the political career of the Wisconsin Republican who served as State Assemblyman from 1967 to 1986, Governor from 1987 to 2001, and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) from 2001 to 2005. The collection includes speeches, photographs, audio & video cassette recordings, personal correspondence, and memorabilia. The collection includes documentation of Thompson’s role in education and welfare reform, including school choice and Wisconsin Works (W2).
[Connect to Tommy Thompson Inventory]



Records of a privately funded center, located on the Marquette campus, that served as a clearinghouse of information and advice for educational reform advocates trying to implement school choice programs in the United States. Dr. Quentin L. Quade founded the center in honor of Rev. Virgil C. Blum, S.J. (1913-1990), a longtime proponent of school choice. The collection includes correspondence between the Blum Center and choice advocates across the country. The largest component of the collection is an Information Library, assembled gradually over the years, containing an impressive array of articles, reports, surveys, legislative models, and newspaper editorials pertaining to parental choice in education.
[Connect to Virgil Blum Center for Parental Freedom in Education Inventory]


, 1975-1994, 0.3 foot

Records of the professional organization for people affiliated with Educational Opportunity Programs in the State of Wisconsin, including conference programs, meeting minutes, newsletters, and reports.


, 1936-2016, 3.1 feet.

Correspondence, minutes, newsletters, press clippings, and other records of the Wisconsin Catholic Library Association, including its sections and committees. The WCLA dissolved in 2017.
[Connect to Wisconsin Catholic Library Association Inventory]


, 1980-[ongoing], 2.6 feet.

Records of the federation of diocesan religious education leadership organizations in the state of Wisconsin.
Connect to Wisconsin Directors of Religious Education Federation Inventory]

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