Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 - Academic Librarians Assembly 
A-10.1 7 8
Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Documents, Report to Academic Librarians Assembly, November 22, 1988
A-10.1 7 18
Ad Hoc Committee on Community with Faculty, 1990-1991
A-10.1 7 18
Ad Hoc Committee on Goals and Objectives, Correspondence and Reports, 1981-1983
A-10.1 7 6
Ad Hoc Committee on Librarians' Salaries, Correspondence, Information, and Reports, 1974-1980
A-10.1 7 -
Ad Hoc Committee on Merit Increases
A-10.1 7 8
Merit Increase Formula, 1989
A-10.1 7 8
Ranking Procedures Report, 1989
A-10.1 7 8
Ad Hoc Committee on Professional Evaluations, Memos, Reports, 1968-1979, 1983-1984
A-10.1 7 8
Ad Hoc Committee Paired Ranking/Salary Issue, Director/Assistant Directors Questionnaires, undated
A-10.1 7 8
Ad Hoc Committee on Ranking, Reports, 1973-1976
A-10.1 7 18
Ad Hoc Committee on Recycling, 1990-1991
A-10.1 7 18
Ad Hoc Committee on Staff Lounge Use, 1985
A-10.1 7 8
Ad Hoc Committee on Travel and Continuing Education Support, 1988-1989
A-10.1 7 8
Ad Hoc Committee Reports, 1975-1979, 1981-1982, 1988, 1991-1996
A-10.1 7 -
Agenda and Minutes,
A-10.1 7 8
1975/76-1984/85 (10 folders)
A-10.1 7 9
1985/86-1994/95 (10 folders)
A-10.1 7 9
Annual Reports, 1975-1979
A-10.1 7 9
Annual Salary Survey Questionnaires, 1988
A-10.1 7 -
Appointments and Promotions Committee,
A-10.1 7 6
Correspondence and Information, 1973-1976
A-10.1 7 18
Correspondence, 1977-1995
A-10.1 7 10
Forms, 1975, 1977, 1979-1980, 1985-1986, 1990
A-10.1 7 10
Non Renewal of Librarians Procedure, 1980, 1982, 1988
A-10.1 7 10
Procedures, 1982-1983, 1987-1989 
A-10.1 7 18
Reports to the Assembly, 1976-1996
A-10.1 7 10
Assembly Documents Revision, 1990




Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 - Academic Librarians Assembly (continued)
A-10.1 7 18
Brief History and Description
A-10.1 7 -
A-10.1 7 10
A-10.1 7 18
A-10.1 7 6
Chairman's Annual Report, 1975/76
A-10.1 7 -
Colloquium Committee
A-10.1 7 21
Correspondence, Promotional Material, 1999-2005
A-10.1 7 21
National Poetry Month Readings, 2001-2005
A-10.1 7 21
Proposed Additions and Corrections to the Academic Librarians Assembly Constitution and By-Laws, 1995
A-10.1 7 21
Reports to Assembly, 1991-2005
A-10.1 7 21
Survey, 1996, 2005
A-10.1 7 19
Committee on Leaves and Sabbaticals, 1978
A-10.1 7 -
Compensation Committee
A-10.1 7 18
Academic and Law Surveys, 1986/87-2002/03 (3 folders)
A-10.1 7 19
Correspondence, Minutes, and Information, 1977-1991, 2002
A-10.1 7 6
Correspondence and Reports,  1977-1982
A-10.1 7 10
Data, 1988
A-10.1 7 18
General Information, 1975-1986
A-10.1 7 10
General Information, 1977-1989
A-10.1 7 10
Report to Assembly, 1988
A-10.1 7 10
Survey, Memos, 1987/88
A-10.1 7 10
Survey Responses, Data Entry Form, 1988/89
A-10.1 7 1
Constitution and Statement on Status of Librarians, 1975, 1985 
A-10.1 7 10
Correspondence, 1975-1983, 1985-1987, 1989-1995 (3 folders)
A-10.1 7 21
Correspondence, 1975-1985, 1990-1992 (2 folders)
A-10.1 7 6
Correspondence and Information, 1986-1988, 1990-1993
A-10.1 7 20
Documents and By-Laws, 1990
A-10.1 7 1
Evaluation Report, 1975 
A-10.1 7 -
Executive Committee
A-10.1 7 11
1975/76-1985/86, 1992, 1994 (8 folders)
A-10.1 7 19
Correspondence, 1997-1998
A-10.1 7 19
Minutes, 1989-1991
A-10.1 7 -
Grievance Committee
A-10.1 7 11
A-10.1 7 1
Policy and Procedures, 1977 
A-10.1 7 11
Library Award, 1976, 1980, 1989
A-10.1 7 19
Library Colloquiums, 1991
A-10.1 7 11
Merit Increase/Paired Ranking Issue, Correspondence, 1984-1991
A-10.1 7 -
Minutes and Information
A-10.1 7 1
1975-1986 (7 folders) 
A-10.1 7 19
1977-1998 (3 folders)
A-10.1 7 6
A-10.1 7 21
A-10.1 7 21
A-10.1 7 11
Non-Renewable and Termination of Contract Committee, Correspondence, 1978-1980
A-10.1 7 1
Receptions Honoring Various Faculty Members, 1976, 1980 
A-10.1 7 20
Roster of Members, 1976-1985, 1990-1994
A-10.1 7 1
Salary Committee, Reports and Information, 1977-1982
A-10.1 7 11
Security Committee, Questionnaires, Reports, 1975-1976
A-10.1 7 20
State of the Libraries Meeting, 1991
A-10.1 7 11
Statement on Status of Librarians, 1990, 1995
A-10.1 7 6
Status of Librarians, Correspondence and Statement, 1972-1979
A-10.1 7 2 Administrative Policy Manual for the Library Faculty, Compiled by Olive S. Caulker, Robert J. Haertle, and Carrie L. West, 1970
A-10.1 7 2 Assignments, 1947-1952




Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 2 Betten, Francis Salesius, S.J., Clippings and Information, 1941-1943
A-10.1 7 2 Budget Requests, Correspondence and Information, 1954-1956
A-10.1 7 2 Busch, Mary N., Librarian's Report, 1944-1945
A-10.1 7 11 Catholic Librarians Association, Memos, Correspondence, Information, 1971-1972, 1974, 1976, 1979
A-10.1 7 11 Center for Research Libraries, Memo, Report, 1974
A-10.1 7 2 Committee on Administrative Policy Manual for Library Faculty, Correspondence and Minutes, 1968-1970
A-10.1 7 11 Committee on Institutional Cooperation, Press Release, 1974
A-10.1 7 2 Couche, Gladis, Retirement Reception, Photographs and Negatives, 1977
A-10.1 7 - Council of Wisconsin Libraries (COWL)
A-10.1 7 11
Annual Reports, 19709/71-1973/74
A-10.1 7 11
Budgets, 1977-1979
A-10.1 7 11
By-Laws, 1977
A-10.1 7 11
Committee on Serials, 1970-1972
A-10.1 7 11
Committee on Shared Cataloging, 1972
A-10.1 7 12
Correspondence, 1970-1981 (7 folders)
A-10.1 7 12
Executive Committee, 1972-1973, 1981
A-10.1 7 12
Funding and Finance Committee, 1973-1980
A-10.1 7 12
Minutes, 1970-1979 (6 folders)
A-10.1 7 12
Treasurer's Reports, 1972-1977
A-10.1 7 12 Council on Library Resources, Report, 1969
A-10.1 7 2 Dempsey, Mary K., Correspondence and Information, 1948-1973
A-10.1 7 2 Fitzgerald, William S., Correspondence and Information, 1963-1970
A-10.1 7 2 Gardner, William M., Director of Libraries, Information, 1974
A-10.1 7 2 Gratke, Paul, Retirement Reception, Photos, 1977
A-10.1 7 2 Holiday Calendar, 1981




Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 12 International Federation of Library Associations, Memo, 1968
A-10.1 7 2 Job Descriptions, 1969
A-10.1 7 2 Kortendick, James J., S.S., Acting Director of Libraries, 1973-1974
A-10.1 7 2 Library Award Committee, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1980
A-10.1 7 2 Library Board, Minutes and Information, 1967, 1975
A-10.1 7 - Library Faculty Association of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ (LFAMU)
A-10.1 7 2
Annual Report, 1973, 1974
A-10.1 7 2
Constitution, 1970
A-10.1 7 2
Correspondence and Information, 1970-1975 (2 folders)
A-10.1 7 2
Executive Board, Minutes of Meetings, 1970-1975
A-10.1 7 2
General Meetings, Minutes, 1968-1975




Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 - Library Faculty Association of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ (LFAMU), continued
A-10.1 7 3
Newsletter, 1972-1973
A-10.1 7 3
Officers and Members, 1970-1975
A-10.1 7 3
Orientation for New Faculty, 1973-1974
A-10.1 7 3
Receptions and Tours, Correspondence and Information,  1971-1974
A-10.1 7 3
Treasurer's Accounts, 1970-1976
A-10.1 7 - Library Steering Committee
A-10.1 7 3
Minutes of Meetings, 1973
A-10.1 7 3
Status of Professional Librarians, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1975 (3 folders)




Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 - Library Support Staff Association (LSSA)
A-10.1 7 6
Academic Librarians Assembly, Joint Meeting Minutes,  1984-1986
A-10.1 7 -
Ad Hoc Survey Committee on Library Organizations, Full Report, 1987
A-10.1 7 -
Annual Reports
A-10.1 7 7
A-10.1 7 20
1992, 1996-1999
A-10.1 7 7
Announcements, 1986-1987
A-10.1 7 13
Committee on Staff (COS), Minutes, Correspondence, 1986-1988, 1996
A-10.1 7 -
Constitution and By-Laws
A-10.1 7 7
Drafts, 1983
A-10.1 7 7
Final, 1983
A-10.1 7 7
Samples, 1975-1981
A-10.1 7 13
1983-1984, 1988
A-10.1 7 7
Correspondence, 1983-1988
A-10.1 7 13
Correspondence, 1987-1989
A-10.1 7 7
Elections Procedures, Correspondence and Information, 1983-1985
A-10.1 7 7
Executive Committee, Minutes and Information, 1983-1986
A-10.1 7 13
Executive Committee, Minutes, Correspondence, 1985-1989
A-10.1 7 7
General Information, 1984
A-10.1 7 -
Grievance Committee
A-10.1 7 7
Correspondence and Information, 1984-1985
A-10.1 7 13
Grievance Policy, Rough Drafts, 1984-1985, 1988
A-10.1 7 7
Grievance Procedures, Information, undated
A-10.1 7 20
Minutes, 1997-1998
A-10.1 7 -
Joint LSSA-Academic Librarians Assembly
A-10.1 7 13
Executive Committee, Minutes, 1986-1989, 1993, 1997-1998
A-10.1 7 20
Executive Committee, Minutes, 1991, 1993, 1998
A-10.1 7 -
Meeting Attendance Records
A-10.1 7 7
A-10.1 7 20
A-10.1 7 -
Membership and Elections Committee
A-10.1 7 7
Minutes and Correspondence, 1983-1986
A-10.1 7 13
Minutes, Correspondence, 1983, 1985-1990
A-10.1 7 -
Membership Rosters
A-10.1 7 7
A-10.1 7 13
1986-1989, 1996-1999
A-10.1 7 20
1988-1989, 1993, 1997-1998, 2011
A-10.1 7 7
Minutes and Information, 1983-1988
A-10.1 7 13
Minutes, 1984-1990
A-10.1 7 13
Minutes, Flyers, Memos, 1989-1998
A-10.1 7 13
Orientation Packet, 1988
A-10.1 7 13
Policies and Procedures, 1975-1982, 1987
A-10.1 7 13
Policies and Procedures, Handbooks, 1985, 1988





Series 7


Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 13 Library Board, 1975, 1982
A-10.1 7 - Library Council of Metropolitan Milwaukee (LCOMM)
A-10.1 7 13
Cooperative Processing Subcommittee, 1975
A-10.1 7 -
Coordinated Collections Committee
A-10.1 7 21
Agendas, minutes, reports, 1976-1992 (2 folders)
A-10.1 7 -
A-10.1 7 13
A-10.1 7 14
A-10.1 7 14
Financial Report, 1974-1975
A-10.1 7 -
Long Range Planning Committee,
A-10.1 7 14
First Draft, 1976
A-10.1 7 14
Final Draft, 1976
A-10.1 7 14
Report, November 1975
A-10.1 7 14
Minutes, Agendas, Memos, 1992-1995
A-10.1 7 14
Photograph Conservation Symposium, 1988
A-10.1 7 14
Reports, Memos, Agendas, 1990-1992
A-10.1 7 14
Search for LCOMM Director, 1982
A-10.1 7 14 Library Faculty Association, Memos, Minutes, Reports, 1967-1975
A-10.1 7 - Maria Dittman Research Competition
A-10.1 7 20
General Information
A-10.1 7 20
Winners, 1999, 2001-2004, 2006-2011, 2015
A-10.1 7 3 Memoranda, 1967-1974
A-10.1 7 14 Memorial Library Committees, 1977-1978
A-10.1 7 14 Milwaukee Area Academic and Research Library Directors, Correspondence, General Information, 1983-1984
A-10.1 7 3 Murphy, Ellen M., Institute on Women Today, Information and Report, 1975
A-10.1 7 4 Open Houses, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1976
A-10.1 7 4 Payroll/Personnel Forms and Procedures, 1969
A-10.1 7 15 Position Description, 1978-1979
A-10.1 7 15 Position Objectives, 1983-1984
A-10.1 7 4 Ready, William B., Director of Libraries (1956-1963), Information, 1960-1963
A-10.1 7 4 Riley, James P., Directors of Libraries (1971-1973), Information, 1970-1974
A-10.1 7 15 Special Libraries Association, 1992
A-10.1 7 4 Staff Association, Correspondence and Information, 1957-1961
A-10.1 7 4 Staff Directory, 1964-1986
A-10.1 7 15 Staff Directory, 1989-1995
A-10.1 7 15 Staff Objectives, 1988
A-10.1 7 - Staff Openings, Correspondence and Information
A-10.1 7 4
1945-1980 (3 folders)
A-10.1 7 5
A-10.1 7 15
A-10.1 7 15




Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 5 Staff Photo, 1972
A-10.1 7 - Staff Salaries,
A-10.1 7 5
Correspondence and Information, 1948-1953, 1968-1971
A-10.1 7 5
Departmental Time Rolls, 1945-1955 (3 folders)
A-10.1 7 15 Statement on Status of Librarians, 1973-1975, 1979
A-10.1 7 15 Steering Committee, Minutes, Memos, Reports, 1973-1975
A-10.1 7 - Status and Tenure of Librarians, Articles and Correspondence,
A-10.1 7 5
A-10.1 7 6
1968-1974 (2 folders)




Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 15 Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU), Articles of Incorporation, Correspondence, 1961-1981
A-10.1 7 - Wisconsin Interlibrary Loan Service/Wisconsin Library Consortium
A-10.1 7 15
Annual Report, 1980-1981
A-10.1 7 15
Advisory Committee, Minutes, 1975-1977
A-10.1 7 - Wisconsin Interlibrary Loan Service (WILS)
A-10.1 7 -
A-10.1 7 15
1971-1973 (3 folders)
A-10.1 7 16
1974-1976, 1978-1981 (7 folders)
A-10.1 7 16
Funding/Budget Reports, 1974
A-10.1 7 16
Statistics, 1973-1980




Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-10.1 7 16 Wisconsin Librarians Association, Brochures, Reports, 1991, 1993
A-10.1 7 - Wisconsin Library Consortium (WCC)
A-10.1 7 16
Budget, 1978
A-10.1 7 16
Correspondence, 1975-1981 (7 folders)
A-10.1 7 16
Memo (Newsletter), 1977-1981
A-10.1 7 16
Statistics, By-Laws, 1979
A-10.1 7 17 (Outsized) Assembly, Disk, undated
A-10.1 7 17 (Outsized) Academic Librarians Assembly, Documents, Rosters, Minutes (Current), etc., undated
A-10.1 7 17 (Outsized) SCFW, Assembly, Disk, 1986