Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1961, Baccalaureate Address, 1961
A-4.2 7 1 Mid-Year Graduation December 1972, Invitation, Memo, 1972
A-4.2 7 1 Mid-Year Graduation December 1973, Memos, Correspondence, Invitation, 1973
A-4.2 7 1 Mid-Year Graduation December 1974, Memos, Correspondence, Invitation, 1974-1975
A-4.2 7 1 Mid-Year Graduation December 1975, Memos, Correspondence, Invitations, 1975
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1976: Dentistry School, Program, 1976
A-4.2 7 1 Mid-Year Graduation December 1976, Memos, Correspondence, Invitations, 1976-1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Arena/Auditorium, Fact Sheets, Diagrams, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Awards Prizes, Lists, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Baccalaureate Mass, Programs, Correspondence, 1977

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Caps/Gowns, Memo, Correspondence, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Commencement Luncheon, Memos, Program Notes, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Commencement Procedures, Memos, Minutes, Correspondence, 1976-1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Commencement Task Force, Memos, Survey, Roster, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Critique, Memos, Correspondence, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Deans/Directors Mailings, Memos, Correspondence, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Faculty and Administrator Mailings, Correspondence, Order Forms, Instructions, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: General Correspondence, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Grand Marshall, Instructions, 1976-1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Honorary Degrees, Correspondence, Biographies, 1977

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Honorary Degree Luncheon, Memos, Lists, Correspondence, 1976-1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Honors, Lists, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Invitations, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Program, Programs, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Ritual, Procedure Manuals, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Student Literature, Information Sheets, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1977: Ushers, Memos, Fact Sheets, 1977
A-4.2 7 1 Mid-Year Graduation December 1977, Memos, Correspondence, Invitations, 1977-1978
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement Expenses, Expense Reports, Memos, 1974-1978
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1978: Arena Staging and Seating, Diagrams, 1978

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1978: Caps and Gowns, Correspondence, 1978
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1978: Commencement Critique, Memos, Minutes, 1978
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1978: Critique, Memos, Clippings, 1978
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1978: Deans and Directors, Memos, 1978
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1978: Expenses, Expense Ledger, 1977-1978
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1978: Faculty/Administrator Mailings, Memos, Instruction Sheets, 1978
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1978: Honorary Degrees, Correspondence, 1978
A-4.2 7 1 Commencement 1978: Honorary Degree Luncheon, Guest Lists, Correspondence, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Honors, Lists, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Invitations, 1978

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Mecca Luncheon, Programs, Correspondence, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Miscellaneous, Correspondence, Information Sheets, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Parent Mailings, Information Sheets, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Program, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Ritual, Procedure Manuals, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Student Literature, Correspondence, Information Sheets, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Tickets, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1978: Ushers, Lists, Fact Sheets, 1978
A-4.2 7 2 Graduation August 1978: Trustee’s Lists/Galleys, Lists, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Mid-Year Graduation December 1978, Memos, Correspondence, Invitations, 1978-1979

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Baccalaureate Mass, Program, Correspondence, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Cap and Gowns, Correspondence, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Commencement Critiques, Memos, Minutes, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Deans and Directors, Correspondence, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Expenses, Expense Ledger, 1977-1978
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Faculty/Administrator Mailings, Memos, Information Sheets, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Honorary Degrees, Memos, Clippings, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Honorary Degree-Lerone Bennett, Jr., Correspondence, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Honorary Degree-Frederick Copleston, S.J., Correspondence, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Honorary Degree-K. Mary Straab, Correspondence, 1979

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Marshals and Grand Marshals, Information Sheets, Fact Sheet, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Miscellaneous Information, Memos, Speeches, Planning Information, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Parents Mailing, Correspondence, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Program, Programs, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Ritual, Procedure Manuals, Memos, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Stage Party Seating, Chart, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Staging and Seating, Diagrams, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Student Mailings, Correspondence, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Trustees Invitation, Memo, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: Ushers, List, Information Sheets, 1979

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement 1979: V.I.P. Luncheon, Correspondence, Guest Lists, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Graduation August/December 1979: Graduate School Trustee Lists/Galleys, Lists, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement December 1979: Memos, Correspondence, Programs, Invitations, 1978-1980
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement December 1979: Candidates for Graduation, Tentative, Lists, Memos, 1979
A-4.2 7 2 Commencement December 1979: Trustee’s Lists, Lists, 1979
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement Committee 1979-1980, Memos, 1978-1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Academic Apparel, Memos, Correspondence, 1979-1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Academic Honors, Memos, Lists, 1979-1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Announcements (Bookstore), Announcements, Memo, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1979-1980: Budget, Reports, 1979-1980

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Buildings and Grounds, Memo, Correspondence, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Candidates for Graduation/Galleys, Lists, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Commencement Behavior, Memos, Correspondence, 1979-1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Commencement Critiques, Memos, Correspondence, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Deans and Directors, Memos, Correspondence, 1978-1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Diplomas, Correspondence, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Expenses, Expense Ledger, 1979-1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Faculty/Administrators, Memos, Correspondence, Attendance List, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Graduate School - May 1980 Candidates for Graduation/Galleys, Lists, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Honorary Degrees, Memos, Press Releases, 1979-1980

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Honorary Degree-Claver, Francis F. (Bishop), Correspondence, Speech, 1977, 1979-1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Honorary Degree-Scott, David C., Correspondence, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Templeton, John M., Correspondence, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Honorary Degree Luncheon, Memos, Guest Lists, Correspondence, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Instructions/Fact Sheet, Fact Sheets, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Invitations, Invitations, Memos, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Mailings to Students/Parents, Information Sheets, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Marshall and Usher Information, Reports, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Miscellaneous, Memos, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Music, Correspondence, 1980

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Parking Permits, Permits, List, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Printed Program, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Prizes and Awards, Memos, Lists, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Reserved Seating Tickets, Tickets, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Ritual, Procedures Manuals, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Senior Week/President’s Reception, Memos, Correspondence, 1979-1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Special Arrangements, Memos, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Stage Party Seating, Chart, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Staging and Seating, Diagrams, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Trustees, Correspondence, Memo, 1980

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Trustee’s Lists, Lists, Memos, 1980
A-4.2 7 3 Commencement 1980: Vice-Presidents, Memos, 1980
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement December 1980, Memos, Programs, Invitations, Correspondence, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement December 1980: Trustees Lists, Lists, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Academic Apparel, Memos, Correspondence, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Academic Honors, Lists, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: All-University Luncheon, Programs, Posters, Report, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Announcements (Bookstore), Announcement, Memo, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Baccalaureate, Programs, Memos, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Budget, Memos, Reports, 1980-1981

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Business Administration, College of, Memos, Correspondence, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Commencement Address-Walter J. Burghardt, S.J., Speech, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Commencement Controversy, Clippings, Memos, Correspondence, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Commencement Critiques, Memo, Minutes, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Deans and Directors, Memos, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Dental Hygiene, Program in, Program, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Dentistry, School of, Memos, Schedules, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Diplomas, Correspondence, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Education, School of, Memos, Correspondence, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Engineering, College of, Memo, Correspondence, Program, 1981

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Expenses, Expense Statements, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Faculty/Administrators, Memos, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Graduate School-Hooding of Doctoral Candidates, Memos, Correspondence, Information Sheets, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Honorary Degrees, Memos, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Honorary Degree-Walter J. Burghardt, S.J., Correspondence, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Honorary Degree-Ruth B. Love, Correspondence, Memos, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Honorary Degree-Joseph W. McGuire, Correspondence, Biographies, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Honorary Degree-Henry S. Reuss, Correspondence, Biographical Sketches, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Honorary Degree-Herbert A. Simon, Correspondence, Biographical Sketches, 1979-1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Honorary Degree-Rembert Weakland, O.S.B., Correspondence, Biographical Sketches, 1981

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Honorary Degree Luncheon, Guest Lists, Correspondence, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Individual Graduation Programs, Memos, Information Sheets, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Instructions/Fact Sheet, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Invitations, Invitations, Memo, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Journalism, College of, Reports, Correspondence, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Law School, Memos, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Liberal Arts, College of, Memos, Correspondence, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Mailings to Students/Parents, Memo, Information Sheets, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Marshall and Usher Information, Information Packets, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Medical Technology, Program in, Correspondence, 1981

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Miscellaneous, Correspondence, Memos, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Music, Memos, Correspondence, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: New Commencement Format, Memos, Brochures, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Nursing, College of, Memo, Agenda, Schedule,1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Physical Therapy, Program in, Programs, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: President/Vice-President, Memos, 1981
A-4.2 7 4 Commencement 1981: Prizes and Awards, Memos, 1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Programs, 1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Reserved Seating, Memos, Tickets, 1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Ritual, Procedure Manuals, Memo, 1981

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Seating Chart-Stage, 1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Senior Week and Other Activities, Correspondence, Brochures, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Speakers and Honorary Degrees, Biographical Sketches, Photos, 1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Special Arrangements, Memos, 1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Speech, College of, Memos, Programs, Correspondence, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Staging and Seating, Charts, 1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Trustees, Correspondence, Memos, Lists, 1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Trustee Lists-August 1980, Lists, 1980-1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Trustee Lists-May 1981, Lists, 1981
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1981: Trustee Lists-August 1981, Lists, 1981-1982

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement: December 20, 1981, Memos, Programs, Lists, Invitations, 1981-1982; 2 folders
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement December 1981: Trustee Lists, Lists, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1982: Correspondence, Memos, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1982: Academic Apparel, Correspondence, Memos, 1982
A-4.2 7 5 Commencement 1982: Academic Honors, Memos, List, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: All-University Luncheon, Memos, Programs, Posters, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Announcements (Bookstore), 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1981-1982: Budget, Memos, Expense Statements, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Business Administration, Correspondence, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Clippings, 1982

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Commencement Address (Edmund Muskie), Speech, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Deans and Directors, Memos, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Dental Hygiene, Memos, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Dentistry, Memo, Newsletter, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Diplomas, Memo, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Education, Correspondence, Memo, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Engineering, Correspondence, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Expenses, Expense Statements, Memos, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Faculty/Administrators, Memos, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Fees, Memos, 1981-1982

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: General Information, Information Sheets, Charts, Speeches, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Graduate School-Hooding of Doctoral Candidates, Memos, Correspondence, Fact Sheets, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Honorary Degrees, Memos, Clippings, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Honorary Degree Luncheon, Memos, Correspondence, Lists, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Honorary Degree-Ashe, Bro. Booker T., Correspondence, Clippings, 1978, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Honorary Degree-Hopper, Grace M., Correspondence, Biographical Sketches, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Honorary Degree-Kohlberg, Lawrence, Correspondence, Articles, Memos, 1973, 1979-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Honorary Degree-Muskie, Edmund S., Correspondence, Articles, Biographical Sketches, 1968, 1980-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Individual Graduation Programs, Memos, Schedules, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Instruction Sheet/Cards, 1982

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Invitations, Invitations, Memo, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Journalism, Announcement, Notes, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Liberal Arts, Memos, Correspondence, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Mailings to Students/Parents, Memo, Flyers, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Mecca, Memos, Correspondence, Schedules, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Miscellaneous, Memos, Correspondence, Proposal, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: News Items, Clippings, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Physical Therapy, Memos, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: President/Vice-President Mailing, Memos, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Prizes and Awards, Lists, Memos, 1982

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Program, Program, Memos, 1982
A-4.2 7 6 Commencement 1982: Rehearsal, Memo, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Reserved Seating, Memos, Tickets, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Ritual, Procedure Manual, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Seating Chart-Stage, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Senior Week, Other Activities, Memos, Correspondence, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Speakers, Speeches, Biographical Sketches, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Speech, College of, Programs, Invitations, Memo, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Stage Seating Chart, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Staging and Seating, Diagrams, Memos, 1982

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Special Arrangements, Memos, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Thank You Letters, Correspondence, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Trustees, Memos, Correspondence, Lists, 1981-1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Trustee Lists-May 1982, Lists, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Trustee Lists-August 1982, lists, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1982: Trustee Lists-December 1982, Lists, 1982
A-4.2 7 7 Midyear Graduation: December 19, 1982, Memos, Programs, Invitations, 1982-1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Academic Apparel, Memos, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Academic Honors (Insert For Program), Lists, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: All University Luncheon, Memo, 1983

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Announcements (Bookstore), Announcements, Memo, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Budget Information, Memos, 1982-1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: "Celebration of Decency" Theme, Memo, Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Citations, Biographical Sketches, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Complaints, Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Expenses, Memos, Expense Ledger, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Fact Sheet, Fact Sheets, Memo, 1982-1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Faculty/Administrators, Memos, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Deans and Directors, Memos, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: First Aid, Correspondence, 1983

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Flags, Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Graduate School and Hooding of Doctoral Candidates, Lists, Memo, Fact Sheet, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Honorary Degree, Press Releases, Memo, Clippings, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Honorary Degree-Adler, Mortimer J., Correspondence, Memos, 1982-1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Honorary Degree-Drummond, Edward J., S.J., Correspondence, Memos, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Honorary Degree-Hytrek, Theophane, O.S.F., Sister, Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Honorary Degree-Keeshan, Robert, Correspondence, Clippings, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Honorary Degree: Koop, C. Everett, M.D., Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 7 Commencement 1983: Instruction Sheet/Card, 1983

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Marshals, Information Sheets, Correspondence, Memos, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Music, Notes, Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: News Clips, Clippings, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: News Reports, Clippings, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Notes For, Memo, Program, Correspondence, 1982
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Numbers (Candidates/School), Notes, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Photographer/Photos, Memos, Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Prizes and Awards, Memo, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Program-Miscellaneous Information, Memos, Schedules, Programs, 1982-1983

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Ritual, Memos, Procedure Manuals, 1982-1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Seating Chart-Candidates, Charts, 1982-1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Senior Week Activities, Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Space Needs, Memos, 1982-1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Speaker/Loret Miller Ruppe, Correspondence, Memos, Clippings, 1982-1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Speakers, Speeches, Biographical Information, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Speeches, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Stage Party-Academic Apparel, Memo, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Stage Party Seating Chart, 1983

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Student Speaker-John F. Simonis, Memos,
A-4.2 7 8 Correspondence, Clippings, 1982-1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Thank You’s, Memos, Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Timer, Time Sheet, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Trustees, Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Trustee’s Lists-May 1983, Lists, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Trustee’s Lists-August 1983, Lists, Memos, 1983-1984
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Trustee’s Lists-December 1983, Lists, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Vice-Presidents, Memos, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Commencement 1983: Ward, C. E. (Caps and Gowns), Correspondence, 1983
A-4.2 7 8 Midyear Graduation: December 18, 1983, Memos, Programs, Correspondence, Invitations, 1982-1984

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Academic Apparel, Memos, Correspondence, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Academic Honors (Insert), Memo, Lists, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Ad Hoc Committee on Student Behavior, Memo, Report, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Announcements (Bookstore), 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Buildings and Grounds, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Citations, Biographical Sketches, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Dean Boden Remembrance, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Deans and Directors, Memo, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Drinking and Disturbance, Memos, Correspondence, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Expenses, Expense Ledger, Budget, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Fact Sheet, 1984

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Faculty and Administrators, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: General Information, Correspondence, Memos, 1983-1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Graduate School and Hooding of Doctoral Candidates, Memos, Lists, Information Sheets, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Honorary Degree Recipient Luncheon, Memos, Correspondence, Lists, Invitations, 1983-1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Honorary Degree Recipients, Memos, Press Releases, Clippings, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Honorary Degree Recipient-Arnheim, Rudolf F., Dr., Correspondence, Memo, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Honorary Degree Recipient-Davis, Willie D., Correspondence, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Honorary Degree Recipient-Ganss, George E., S.J., Correspondence, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Honorary Degree Recipient-Gray, Hanna Holborn, Correspondence, Press Releases, 1983-1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Individual Programs, Memo, Correspondence, 1983-1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Info for Program, Memo, Correspondence, 1984

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Instruction Sheet and Card, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Invitations, Invitations, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Marshals/Ushers, Information Packets, Correspondence, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Master of Ceremonies, Memo, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Mecca, Worksheets, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Miscellaneous, Correspondence, Memos, Minutes, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Music-Organist and Vocalist, Memos, Correspondence, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Photographer, Correspondence, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Practice, Memo, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Prizes and Awards, Lists, Memos, 1984

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Programs, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Publicity, Clippings, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Reserved Seating, Tickets, Memo, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Ritual, Procedure Manual, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: ROTC, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Seating Chart, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: Senior Week, Correspondence, Flyers, Memos, 1982, 1984
A-4.2 7 9 Commencement 1984: School of Education, Memos, 1983-1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Space Needs, Memos, 1983-1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Speeches, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Stage Party-Seating, Charts, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Student Speaker, Speeches, Correspondence, Clipping, 1984

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Thank You, Correspondence, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Timer, Time Sheet, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Toast, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Trustees, Memos, Lists, Correspondence, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Trustee’s Lists (May 1984), Lists, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Trustee’s Lists (August 1984), Lists, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Trustee’s Lists (December 1984), Lists, Memos, 1984-1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Vice-Presidents, Memos, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1984: Visas, Correspondence, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Midyear Graduation: December 16, 1984, Memos, Programs, Lists, 1984-1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Academic Apparel-Cap and Gown Distribution, Memos, Correspondence, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Academic Honors Insert, Memo, List, 1985

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Administrative Committee Response, Minutes, 1984
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Announcements (Bookstore), 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Badger Expo, Memo, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Biography-President’s, Memo, Biographical Sketch, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Buildings and Grounds, Memos, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Committee on Honors, Correspondence, Memos, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Complaints, Correspondence, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Deans and Academic Directors, Memo, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Drinking and Disturbance, Correspondence, Memos, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Expenses, Budgets, Expense Ledger, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Fact Sheet, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Faculty and Administrators, Correspondence, Order Forms, 1985

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: General Information, Memos, Correspondence, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Graduate School and Hooding of Doctoral Candidates, Memos, Information Sheets, 1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Honorary Degree Information, Correspondence, Clippings, Memos, 1984-1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Honorary Degree Recipient-Feldstein, Martin, Correspondence, Memos, Articles, 1980, 1982, 1984-1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Honorary Degree Recipient-Hayes, Helen, Correspondence, Biographical Sketches, Memos, 1956, 1976, 1980-1981, 1984-1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Honorary Degree Recipient-Karl, Max H., Correspondence, Clippings, Biographical Sketches, 1977, 1984-1985
A-4.2 7 10 Commencement 1985: Honorary Degree Recipient-O’Donnell, Rev. E. J., S.J., Correspondence, Memos, Biographical Sketches, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Individual College Programs, Memos, Charts, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Instruction Sheet and Card, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Invitations, 1985

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Marshals and Ushers, Information Sheets, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Mecca, Memos, Work Sheets, 1983-1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Miscellaneous, Correspondence, Memo, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: News Clips and Speakers, Clippings, News Releases, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Party-Honorary Degree Recipients and Speaker (Mr./Mrs. David Scott), Memos, Correspondence, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Photographs, Correspondence, Memos, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Press, Clippings, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Printed Program, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Prizes and Awards, Memos, Lists, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Reserved Seating, Ticket, 1985

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Ritual, Memos, Procedure Manuals, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: ROTC and NROTC, Memos, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Seating Chart, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Senior Week, Brochures, Correspondence, Memos, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Space Needs, Memos, Correspondence, 1984-1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Speaker-C. Everett Koop, M.D., Correspondence, Memos, Biographical Sketches, 1984-1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Stage Party Seating, Charts, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Student Speaker, Memos, Correspondence, Clippings, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Thank You’s, Correspondence, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Timer, Time Sheets, 1985

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Toast, Correspondence, Toast, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Trustees, Memos, Rosters, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Trustee’s Lists (May 1985), Lists, Memos, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Trustee’s Lists (August 1985), Lists, Memos, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Trustee’s Lists (December 1985), Lists, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Commencement 1985: Vice Presidents, Memos, 1985
A-4.2 7 11 Midyear Graduation: December 15, 1985, Memos, Programs, Lists, 1985
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Academic Apparel, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Academic Honors, Correspondence, Lists, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Ambulance Service, Correspondence, 1986

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Baccalaureate Mass, Correspondence, Programs, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Biography of President, Correspondence, Biographical Information, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Cap and Gown Distribution, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Deans and Directors Mailings, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Drinking and Disturbance, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Expenses, Expense Sheets, Budget, 1985-1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Fact Sheets, Reference Sheets, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Faculty and Administrators Mailings, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: First Aid, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: General Information, Clippings, Press Releases, Memos, 1986

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Baccalaureate Mass, Correspondence, Programs, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Biography of President, Correspondence, Biographical Information, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Cap and Gown Distribution, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Deans and Directors Mailings, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Drinking and Disturbance, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Expenses, Expense Sheets, Budget, 1985-1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Fact Sheets, Reference Sheets, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Faculty and Administrators Mailings, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: First Aid, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: General Information, Clippings, Press Releases, Memos, 1986

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Graduate School Instructions, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Handicapped Seating, Instructions, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Honorary Degrees, General, Press Releases, Correspondence, 1985-1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Honorary Degree Recipients Luncheon, Invitations, Correspondence, Lists, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Honorary Degree-Samuel C. Johnson, Correspondence, Biographical Information, Articles, 1984-1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Honorary Degree-John Powell, S.J., Correspondence, Press Releases, Biographical Information, Articles, 1985-1987
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Honorary Degree-Loret Miller Ruppe, Correspondence, Biographical Information, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Individual College Programs, Correspondence, Information Sheets, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Invitations, Invitations, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Marshals and Ushers, Correspondence, Instructions, 1986

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Master of Ceremonies, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: MECCA, Correspondence, Stage Plans, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Music, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: News Releases, Articles, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Parking, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Photography, Correspondence, Copies of Photos, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Prizes and Awards, Correspondence, Lists, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Program, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Reserved Seating, Tickets, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Ritual, Correspondence, Instructions, 1986

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Senior Week, Correspondence, Information Sheets, Press Releases, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Space Needs, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Speakers and Honorary Degrees, Speeches, Biographical Sketches, Clippings, 1986
A-4.2 7 12 Commencement 1986: Speeches, Rev. Powell’s Address, 1986

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1986: Stage Party Seating, Instructions, Seating Plan, 1986
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1986: Student Speaker-Paul Hillen, Articles, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1986: Thank You's, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1986: Timing, Schedule, 1986
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1986: Toast, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1986: Trustees, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1986: Trustee's Lists of Graduates-May 1986, Lists, Correspondence, 1986
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1986: Trustee's Lists of Graduates-August 1986, Correspondence, Lists, 1986
A-4.2 7 13 Midyear Graduation: December 14, 1986, Memos, Programs, Correspondence, Lists, 1986-1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Academic Apparel, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Academic Honors Insert, Correspondence, Lists, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Ambulance Service, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: August 1986 Graduates for 1987 Program, Lists, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Baccalaureate Mass, Programs, Correspondence, Budget, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Badger Exposition Service, Correspondence, Invoice, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Barricading of Street, Correspondence, Permit, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Behavior, Correspondence, Minutes, Article, 1986-1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Biography of President, Correspondence, Biographical Information, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Buildings and Grounds, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Campus Buildings, Correspondence, 1985-1986
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Cap and Gown Distribution, Correspondence, Press Release, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Complaints, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Deans and Directors, Correspondence, Seating Plans, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: December 1986 Graduates for 1987 Program, Lists, 1986
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Expenses, Expense Sheets, Budget, 1986-1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Fact Sheets, Information Sheets, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Faculty and Administration, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: First Aid, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Foreign Students Letters, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Graduate School Hooding, Information Sheet, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Grand Marshall, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Handicapped Seating, Instruction Sheet, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Honorary Degrees-General, Correspondence, Press Releases, 1986-1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Honorary Degree Luncheon, Correspondence, Guest Lists, Invitations, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Honorary Degree-Rev. Virgil C. Blum, S.J., Correspondence, Press Release, Articles, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Honorary Degree-Walter E. Massey, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Honorary Degree-John Neumeier, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Hyatt Space, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Individual Programs, Correspondence, Lists, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Instruction Card/Sheet, Information Sheets, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Invitation, Invitations, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 13 Commencement 1987: Master of Ceremonies, Correspondence, 1987

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: MECCA, Correspondence, Lease, Surveys, 1986-1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Music, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: News Releases, Press Releases, Articles, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Parking, Correspondence, Tickets, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Photographs for Program-Deans and Directors, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Photography, Correspondence, Photos, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: President's Remarks, Speech, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Prizes and Awards, Program, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Program, Correspondence, Minutes, Program, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Registrar's Summary, List, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Reserved Seating, Tickets, Information Sheet, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Ritual, Instructions, Seating Plan, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: ROTC Graduates, Correspondence, Lists, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Senior Week, Correspondence, Brochures, Article, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Speaker-Michael Novak, Correspondence, Articles, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Stage Party, Seating Plan, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Student Speaker-John A. Behr, Correspondence, Press Clippings, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Thank You's from Public Relations, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Timing, Schedule, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Toast, Correspondence, Sample Speech, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Trustees, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Ushers, Information Sheets, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1987: Vice Presidents, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Midyear Graduation: December 20, 1987, Memos, Correspondence, Programs, Lists, 1987-1988
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1988: Academic Apparel, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1988: Academic Honors Insert, Correspondence, List, 1988
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1988: Ambulance, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1988: August 1987 Graduates for 1988 Program, Lists, 1987
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1988: Baccalaureate, Correspondence, Programs, Budget, Stage Plan, 1987-1988
A-4.2 7 14 Commencement 1988: Badger Expo, Correspondence, 1988

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Barricading the Street, Memo, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Behavior, Correspondence, Minutes, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Biography of President, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Buildings and Grounds, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Cap and Gown Distribution, Correspondence, News Release, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Citations, Nominations, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Continuing Education Statistics, Lists, 1986
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Deans and Directors, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Midyear Graduation (1987); Commencement (1988): Expenses, Charts, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Fact Sheet, Information Sheets, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Faculty and Administrators, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: First Aid, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Foreign Student Letter, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Graduate Student Hooding, Correspondence, Mailing, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Grand Marshal, Information Packet, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Handicapped Seating, Information Sheet, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Honorary Degree Luncheon, Correspondence, Lists, Invitations, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Honorary Degree Recipients, Correspondence, News Releases, 1987-1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Honorary Degree-J. Carter Brown, Correspondence, Biographical Information, 1987-1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Honorary Degree-Rev. Francis Paul Prucha, S.J., Correspondence, News Releases, 1987-1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Honorary Degree-William H. Rehnquist, Correspondence, 1986-1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Honorary Degree-James Q. Wilson, Correspondence, News Releases, 1987-1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Hyatt Space, Correspondence, 1987-1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Individual Programs, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Instruction Cards, Informational Cards, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Invitation, Invitations, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Letter to Students, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Master of Ceremonies, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: MECCA Space, Correspondence, Lease, Stage Plans, 1987-1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Music, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: News Releases, Releases, Articles, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Parking, Correspondence, Tickets, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Photography, Correspondence, Instructions, Photos, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Photographs-Deans and Directors, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Practice/Rehearsal, Correspondence, Instructions, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Printed Program, Programs, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Reserved Seating, Memos, Tickets, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: Ritual, Instructions, 1988
A-4.2 7 15 Commencement 1988: ROTC, Correspondence, 1988

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Senior Week, Correspondence, Articles, Tribune Special Edition, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Speaker, Advertisement, 1987
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Stage Party Seating, Diagrams, Instructions, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Student Seating, Diagrams, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Student Speaker, Correspondence, Articles, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Thank You's, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Timing, Schedules, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Toast, Correspondence, Samples, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees, Correspondence, Lists, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees Lists-August 1987, Lists, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees Lists-August 1988, Memos, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees Lists-December 1987, Correspondence, Lists, 1987
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees Lists-May 1988, Lists, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Vice Presidents, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Midyear Graduation: December 18, 1988, Memos, Correspondence, Programs, Invitations, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Midyear Graduation: December 18, 1988-Diploma Orders/Trustee Lists, Memos, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Academic Apparel, Correspondence 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Academic Honors Insert, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Ambulance, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Baccalaureate, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Badger Exposition, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Behavioral Observers, Memos, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Biography President's, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Bradley Center, Correspondence, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Buildings and Grounds, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Cap and Gown Distribution, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Citations, Biographies, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Complaints After Commencement, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Deans and Directors, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Eder Manufacturing, Memo, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Envelopes for Mailing, Memos, 1989

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Senior Week, Correspondence, Articles, Tribune Special Edition, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Speaker, Advertisement, 1987
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Stage Party Seating, Diagrams, Instructions, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Student Seating, Diagrams, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Student Speaker, Correspondence, Articles, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Thank You's, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Timing, Schedules, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Toast, Correspondence, Samples, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees, Correspondence, Lists, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees Lists-August 1987, Lists, Correspondence, 1987
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees Lists-August 1988, Memos, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees Lists-December 1987, Correspondence, Lists, 1987
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Trustees Lists-May 1988, Lists, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1988: Vice Presidents, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Midyear Graduation: December 18, 1988, Memos, Correspondence, Programs, Invitations, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Midyear Graduation: December 18, 1988-Diploma Orders/Trustee Lists, Memos, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Academic Apparel, Correspondence 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Academic Honors Insert, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Ambulance, Correspondence, 1988
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Baccalaureate, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Badger Exposition, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Behavioral Observers, Memos, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Biography President's, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Bradley Center, Correspondence, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Buildings and Grounds, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Cap and Gown Distribution, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Citations, Biographies, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Complaints After Commencement, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Deans and Directors, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Eder Manufacturing, Memo, 1989
A-4.2 7 16 Commencement 1989: Envelopes for Mailing, Memos, 1989

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Escorts, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989; Midyear Graduation 1988: Expenses, Charts, 1988, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Fact Sheet, Fact Sheets, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Faculty and Administrators, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: First Aid, Memos, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Foreign Student Letters, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Graduate School Hooding, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Honorary Degree Lunch, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Honorary Degree Recipients, Memo, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Honorary Degree Recipient-Halligan, John J., S.J., Correspondence, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Honorary Degree Recipient-Hazo, Samuel, Correspondence, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Honorary Degree Recipient-Jak, Stanley, O.S.B., Correspondence, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Hyatt Space, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Individual Programs, Memos, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Instruction Sheet and Card, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Invitation President to Parents, Receipts, Invitations, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Letter to Students (President), Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Master of Ceremonies, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: MECCA-Space, Correspondence, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: News Releases, Memos, News Reports, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Parking, Memos, Parking Permits, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Photographer, Memos, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Photographs, Deans and Directors, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Printed Program, Memos, Programs, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Prizes and Awards, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Rehearsal, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Reserved Seating, Memos, Tickets, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: Ritual, Procedures, 1989
A-4.2 7 17 Commencement 1989: ROTC for Program, Memos, 1989

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Senior Week, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Shuttle Service, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Speeches, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Stage Party, Receipts, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Stage Party Seating, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Student Seating, Diagrams, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Student Speaker, Correspondence, News Articles, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Stuffers and Ushers, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Thank You's, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Timer, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Toast, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Trustees, Memos, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Trustees Lists-May 1989, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Vice Presidents, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Video Taping, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Vocalist and Organist, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1989: Wilson, William J., Correspondence, 1988-1989
A-4.2 7 18 Graduation August 1989: Trustee Lists, Memos, 1989
A-4.2 7 18 Midyear Graduation: December 17, 1989, Memos, Programs, Invitations, Lists, 1989-1990; 2 folders
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Academic Apparel, Rental Forms, 1990
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Academic Honors Insert, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Announcements, Memos, Announcements, 1990
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Baccalaureate, Memos, Programs, 1990
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Badger Exposition, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Behavior, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Biography-President's, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Bradley Center, Correspondence, Memos, 1989-1990
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Buildings and Grounds, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 18 Commencement 1990: Cap and Gown Distribution, Memos, 1990

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Citations, Correspondence, Biographies, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Complaints After Commencement, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Deans and Directors, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Eder Manufacturing, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Envelopes for Mailing, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Escorts, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Midyear Graduation 1989: Expenses, Charts, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Fact Sheet, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Faculty and Administrators, Memos, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Foreign Student Letters, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Graduate School Hooding, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Hinshaw, Dr. Ada Sue, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Honorarium, Vouchers, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Honorary Degree Lunch, Memos, 1986, 1988, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Honorary Degree Recipients, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Hyatt Space, Correspondence, 1989
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Individual Programs, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Instruction Sheet and Card, Instructions, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Interpreter, Memos, 1989-1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Invitation-President to Parents, Invitations, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Marshals and Ushers, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: MECCA-Space, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Music, Vocalists and Organists, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: News Releases and Tribune, News Articles, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Observers, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Parking, Parking Passes, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Photographer, Correspondence, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Photographs-Deans and Directors, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Pilarczyk, Rev. Daniel, Memos, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Printed Program, Memos, Programs, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Prizes and Awards, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Rehearsal, Memos, 1989-1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Reserved Seating, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Ritual, Procedures, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Raboteau, Dr. Albert, Correspondence, Memos, 1989-1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Security, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Senior Week, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Shuttle Service, Memos, Notices, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Speeches, Speeches, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Stage Party, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Stage Party Seating, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Student Seating Diagrams, Diagrams, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Student Speaker, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 19 Commencement 1990: Sununu, John H., Correspondence, Memos, 1990

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1990: Thank You's, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1990: Timer, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1990: Toast, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1990: Trustees, Correspondence, 1990
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1990: Trustees Lists: August 1989, December 1989, May 1990, Lists, Correspondence, 1989-1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1990: Vice Presidents, Memos, 1990
A-4.2 7 20 Midyear Graduation: December 16, 1990, Memos, Correspondence, Lists, Programs, 1989-1991; 2 folders
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Academic Honors Insert, Lists, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Announcements (Book Store), 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Baccalaureate, Memos, Correspondence, Programs, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Badger Expo, Correspondence, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Barricading Street, Flyer, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Bradley Center, Correspondence, Memos, Diagrams, 1990-1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Budget (December 1990 and May 1991), Expense Ledgers, Contracts, 1990-1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Buildings and Grounds, Memo, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Cap and Gown Distribution, Memos, 1990-1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Citations, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Complaints After Commencement, Correspondence, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Deans and Directors, Memos, Flyers, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Fact Sheet, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Faculty and Administrator, Memos, 1990-1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Foreign Student Letters, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Graduate School Hooding-Ph.D's, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Honorary Degree Lunch, Memos, Lists, Invitations, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Honorary Degree Recipients, Memos, Correspondence, 1991
A-4.2 7 20 Commencement 1991: Honorary Degree Recipient-Coleman, James S., Dr., Correspondence, Memos, Curriculum Vitae, 1990-1991

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Honorary Degree Recipient-Kliebahn, Camille, Sr., Memos, Correspondence, 1990-1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Honorary Degree Recipient-McNeer, Charles S., Correspondence, Memos, 1990-1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Honorary Degree Recipient-Raynor, John P., S.J., Correspondence, Memos, 1990-1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Individual Programs, Memos, Correspondence, Programs, 1990-1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Instruction Sheet and Card, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Interpreter, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Invitation-President to Parents, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Marshals and Ushers, Correspondence, Instruction Sheets, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Master of Ceremonies, Announcements, Note, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: MECCA Space, Memos, Correspondence, 1990-1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Media Coverage, Clippings, Press Releases, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Music-Vocalists and Organist, Memos, Notes, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Observers, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Parking, Lists, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Photographer, Memo, Contact Sheets (photocopies), 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Photographs-Deans and Directors, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Practice/Rehearsal, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: President, Memo, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Printed Program, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Prizes and Awards, Memos, Lists, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Reserved Seating, Tickets, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Ritual, Procedure Manuals, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Senior Week, Correspondence, Schedule, Flyer, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Speeches, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Stage Party Seating, Seating Charts, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Student Seating Diagrams, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Student Speaker, Memo, Clipping, Correspondence, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Thank You Letters, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Timer, Time Sheet, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Toast, Toasts, Correspondence, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Trustees, Correspondence, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1991: Vice Presidents, Memos, 1991
A-4.2 7 21 Midyear Graduation: December 15, 1991, Memos, Lists, Correspondence, Programs, 1991-1992
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1992: Academic Apparel, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1992: Academic Honors Insert, Memos, Lists, 1992
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1992: Announcements (Book Store), Memo, Correspondence, 1992
A-4.2 7 21 Commencement 1992: Baccalaureate Mass, Memos, Correspondence, 1992

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Badger Exposition, Worksheet, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Biography-President's, Biographical Sketches, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Bradley Center, Diagrams, Notes, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Building and Grounds, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Cap and Gown Distribution, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Citations, Correspondence, Citations, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Deans and Directors, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Escorts, Lists, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Fact Sheets, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Faculty and Administrators, Memos, Correspondence, Flyers, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Foreign Student Letters, Correspondence, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Graduate School Hooding (White Cards), Correspondence, Lists, Memo, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Honorary Degree Lunch, Lists, Correspondence, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Honorary Degree Recipients, Press Releases, Memo, Correspondence, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Honorary Degree Recipient-Bush, Barbara, Correspondence, Clippings, Memos, 1990-1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Honorary Degree Recipient-Callahan, Sidney C., Correspondence, Memos, Nomination Forms, 1990-1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Honorary Degree Recipient-Clements, George Rev., Correspondence, Memos, Nomination Forms, 1991-1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Honorary Degree Recipient-Kelley, William F., S.J., Rev., Correspondence, Memos, Biographical Sketches, 1987, 1991-1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Honorary Degree Recipient-Moakley, John J., Honorable, Correspondence, Memos, Biographical Sketches, 1991-1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Honorarium, Correspondence, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Individual Programs, Memo, Report, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Instruction Sheet and Card, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Interpreter, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Invitation-President to Parents, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Marshals and Ushers, Lists, Diagrams, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: MECCA-Space, Correspondence, Lease, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Media Coverage, Clippings, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Music-Vocalist and Organist, Notes, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Observers, Memos, Lists, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Parking, Memos, Lists, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Photographer, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Practice/Rehearsal, Memo, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Printed Program, Programs, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Prizes and Awards, Lists, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 22 Commencement 1992: Reserved Seating, Tickets, 1992

Series 7

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Ritual, Procedure Manual, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Security, Memo, Special Order, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Senior Week, Flyers, Correspondence, Maps, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Speeches, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Stage Party-Academic Apparel and Seating, Charts, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Student Seating, Diagram, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Student Speaker, Clippings, Correspondence, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Thank You's, Correspondence, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Tickets, Tickets, Clippings, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Timer, Time Sheet, Memo, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Toast, Toasts, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Trustees, Correspondence, Lists, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1992: Vice Presidents, Memos, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Midyear Graduation 1992, Memos, Programs, Invitations, Speeches, Clippings, 1992
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1993: Faculty and Administrators, Correspondence, Memos, Information Sheets, 1993
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1993: Printed Program, Programs, 1993
A-4.2 7 23 Midyear Graduation 1993, Memos, Booklets, Correspondence, 1993
A-4.2 7 23 Midyear Graduation 1993, Programs, Invitations, Speeches, Clippings, 1993
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1994: Faculty and Administrators, Correspondence, Information Sheets, 1994
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1994: Printed Program, Programs, 1994
A-4.2 7 23 Midyear Graduation 1994, Programs, 1994
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1995: Printed Program, Program, 1995
A-4.2 7 23 Midyear Graduation 1995, Programs, 1995
A-4.2 7 23 Commencement 1996: Printed Program, Program, 1996
A-4.2 7 23 Midyear Graduation 1996: Program, 1996