The following sub-series are included within this series:

Centennial Committees
Centennial Scrapbook


Series Box Folder Title
A-4.3 2 - Centennial Committees, 1977-1982
A-4.3 2 -
Executive Committee
A-4.3 2 1
Chronological File, 1977-1982; 6 folders
A-4.3 2 1
Minutes of Meetings, 1978-1982
A-4.3 2 2
Final Report, July 30, 1982; 2 folders
A-4.3 2 -
Alumni Association
A-4.3 2 2
Planning Committee, Chronological File, 1980-1981
A-4.3 2 2
Minutes of Meetings, 1979-1981
A-4.3 2 2
Publicity Committee, 1979-1981
A-4.3 2 2
Ethnic Heritages Committee, 1980-1982
A-4.3 2 2
Creighton University, Centennial Scrapbook, 1978


Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.3 2 - Events
A-4.3 2 -
Program Proposals
A-4.3 2 3
Approved, 1979-1980
A-4.3 2 3
Rejected, 1979-1980
A-4.3 2 3
Calendar of Events
A-4.3 2 -
Centennial Events
A-4.3 2 3
A-4.3 2 3
Chairman's Checks
A-4.3 2 3
Opening Liturgy and Reception, February 15, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Conference on Ethics in Nursing, February 19-20, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Symposium on Women in Theology, February 20-22, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Aquinas Lecture, February 22, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Conferral of By-Line Award, February 27, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Symposium on Human Life, March 22-26, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
McGee Memorial Lecture, February 26, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Dental School Spring Table Clinic Day, March 23, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Business Administration Award Luncheon, March 27, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
College of Nursing Groundbreaking Ceremony, March 27, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Harlow Shapley Lectureship, April 2-3, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Pere Marquette Lecture, April 5, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Fine Arts Lecture, April 8, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
College of Speech Honors Convocation, April 21, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
College of Liberal Arts Honors Convocation, April 23, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
School of Education Cooperating Teachers' Dinner, April 27, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
College of Engineering Honors Convocation, April 28, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Pere Marquette Dinner, April 29, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Law School Honors Convocation, May 1, 1981
A-4.3 2 3
Quarter Century Club Dinner, May 13, 1981


Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.3 2 - Events (continued)
A-4.3 2 4
International Science Fair, May 13, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
College of Nursing Graduation Ceremony, May 16, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
100th University Commencement, May 17, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
National Conference on Dental Education, May 18-20, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
MURFA Annual Meeting, May 21, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Nursing Post Master's Research Conference, May 29, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Jesuit Congress on Faith and Justice, June 9-12, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Pere Marquette Discovery Award, June 13, 1981
A-4.3 2 -
A-4.3 2 4
"Marquette Thanks You" Centennial Party, June 13-14, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Centennial Parade, June 14, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Health Care Seminars, June 14, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Humanities Seminars, June 14, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Homecoming, June 19-21, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
President's Centennial Picnic, August 12, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Symposium on Freedom of Choice in Education, September 8-10, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Party of the Century, September 12, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Symposium on Student Life, September 14-17, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
American Indian Pow-Wow, September 19, 1981
A-4.3 2 4
Carillon Festival Concert, September 20, 1981


Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.3 2 - Events (continued)
A-4.3 2 5
Jerzy Peterkiewicz Lectures and Dinner, September 21-23, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Symposium on Medieval Philosophy, September 25-27, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Catholic Press Association Regional Meeting, October 1-3, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
President's Centennial Art Exhibition, October 4 -November 4, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Ethnic Heritage Plays, October 4 and 11, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Annual Meeting of the Reticuloendothelial Society, October 12-17, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Symposium on Genetic Engineering, October 29-31, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Conference on Ethics and Economics, November 1-4, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
The Catholic Worker and History, November 5-6, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Evening of Ethnic Music and Dance, November 8, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Allis Chalmers Distinguished Chair in International Affairs, November 20, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Centennial Band Concert, December 6, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Association of Commerce Testimonial Dinner, December 17, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Graduation Liturgy, December 20, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Centennial Essay Contests
A-4.3 2 5
Centennial History of Marquette, Correspondence, 1973-1980
A-4.3 2 5
Centennial Logo
A-4.3 2 5
Centennial Music and Songs
A-4.3 2 5
Centennial Slide Show
A-4.3 2 5
Centennial Scrapbook,Correspondence, 1982
A-4.3 2 5
Centennial Themes
A-4.3 2 5
Civic Testimonials
A-4.3 2 5
Conservation of Bishop Henni Portrait
A-4.3 2 5
Dental Continuing Education Programs, September 1980-June, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Dental Hygiene Events, May-October, 1981
A-4.3 2 5
Film Series, January-April, 1981


Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.3 2 - Publicity 1979-1981
A-4.3 2 6
Buttons (2), "ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, 1881-1981: Faith, Knowledge Justice"
A-4.3 2 6
Correspondence, 1979-1981
A-4.3 2 6
Historical Exhibits
A-4.3 2 6
Newspaper Clippings
A-4.3 2 6
Press Releases
A-4.3 2 6
Printed Programs, Flyers, Brochures
A-4.3 2 6
TV Public Service Announcements, 1980-1981
A-4.3 2 -
WITI-TV Centennial Program, Rough Cuts: Video Cassette Tape, 1981 (.mpg files on LAN)
A-4.3 2 7
Aerial Shots of Campus from Helicopter
A-4.3 2 7
1960's Headlines, Old Photos
A-4.3 2 7
Old Pictures
A-4.3 2 7
Classrooms, South Side of Dental Clinic


Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.3 2 - Publicity 1979-1981 (continued)
A-4.3 2 -
WITI-TV Centennial Program, Rough Cuts: Video Cassette Tape, 1981
A-4.3 2 9
Students on Campus Mall, Exterior Shots of Campus Buildings, Interior Shots of Students in Labs and Classrooms
A-4.3 2 9
Library, Union Interiors, Moot Court, Campus Interviews on Mall (DVD dub in box)
A-4.3 2 9
Old Photos, Media Center, Dorm Rooms
A-4.3 2 9
County Courtroom, Judge Foley, Old McGuire Photos
A-4.3 2 8
Tom Hooper Interviewing Dentist
A-4.3 2 8
Tom Hooper Interviewing Alumni: Terrence Evans
A-4.3 2 8
Tom Hooper Interviewing Alumni: Margo Huston
A-4.3 2 8
Margo Huston Shots, Kevin O'Conner Interview


Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.3 2 - Publicity 1979-1981 (continued)
A-4.3 2 -
WITI-TV Centennial Program, Rough Cuts: Video Cassette Tape, 1981
A-4.3 2 10
Al McGuire Interview
A-4.3 2 10
Hank Raymonds Interview, Old Sports Photos
A-4.3 2 10
Centennial Mass (1981), Milwaukee Bucks vs. Detroit Pistons


Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.3 2 - Publications, 1979-1982
A-4.3 2 11
Academic Year Calendar, 1981-1982
A-4.3 2 11
Dental Images, MU School of Dentistry, Winter Centennial Issue, 1980
A-4.3 2 11
Flambeau, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School 125 Anniversary Yearbook, 1982
A-4.3 2 11
Marquette Today, 1981-1982
A-4.3 2 11
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Annual Reports, 1979/80, 1980/81
A-4.3 2 11
Student Handbook, 1980-1981
A-4.3 2 11
Summer Session Bulletin, 1981
A-4.3 2 11
The Hilltop, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Centennial Yearbook, 1881-1981


Series 2

Series Box Folder Title
A-4.3 2 - Centennial Scrapbook
A-4.3 2 12
This scrapbook, completed by University Relations, consists of four volumes and includes publications, brochures, news releases, clippings, flyers, pictures, programs and cognate materials concerning the developments and events that were an integral part of the Centennial Celebration.