Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Advisory Committee, Minutes, 1964-1978; 5 folders
C-1.17 1 1 Academic Calendars, 1977-1982; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 1 Area Projections, Correspondence, 1980
C-1.17 1 2 Book Orders, Summer Session, 1973-II Semester, 1979/1980; 17 folders
C-1.17 1 2 Budget, Correspondence and Information, 1961-1973
C-1.17 1 2 Buildings and Grounds, Correspondence, 1968-1974
C-1.17 1 2 Career Services, Correspondence, Information, 1974-1975
C-1.17 1 3 Class Schedules, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1983
C-1.17 1 3 Committee on Activities and Relations, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1973
C-1.17 1 3 Combined Bulletin, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1980
C-1.17 1 4 Committee on Graduate Studies, Minutes and Information, 1970-1980; 6 folders
C-1.17 1 4 Conference of Jesuit College Teachers of Sacred Doctrine, Report, 1963
C-1.17 1 4 Conference on the Morality of Modern Warfare, Address by Theodore R. Weber, 1967
C-1.17 1 4 Coughlin Hall, Committee Minutes and Information, 1972-1977; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 5 Course Approvals, Correspondence and Information , 1969-1980
C-1.17 1 - Course Descriptions
C-1.17 1 5
1969-1980; 4 folders
C-1.17 1 6
1974-1981; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 6
(Undergraduate and Graduate), 1985-1987
C-1.17 1 6 Course/Instructor Lists, Religion, 1931-1952; Theology, 1952-1955
C-1.17 1 6 Departmental Directory, 1966/1967-1967/1968, 1972/1973; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 6 Departmental Lecturers/Speakers, Data Sheets, 1970
C-1.17 1 6 Departmental Reading List, 1968-1969
C-1.17 1 6 Evening Division Courses, Information, 1968-1975
C-1.17 1 - Faculty Meetings, Minutes and Information
C-1.17 1 6
1951-1973; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 7


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Faculty Seminar, 1968-1978; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 7 Faculty Tenure and Promotion, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1974
C-1.17 1 7 Faculty Travel Requests, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1975
C-1.17 1 7 Faculty Work Load, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1971
C-1.17 1 7 Freshman Bulletin, Correspondence, 1980
C-1.17 1 7 Gadamer-Ricoeur Colloquium, Correspondence, 1974
C-1.17 1 7 General Correspondence, 1950-1980
C-1.17 1 7 Grade Survey, 1971-1972
C-1.17 1 - Graduate Assistants
C-1.17 1 7
Correspondence and Information, 1967-1976
C-1.17 1 7
Proposal, 1969
C-1.17 1 7 Graduate Class Lists, 1972-1974


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 8 Graduate Class Lists, 1974-1981; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 8 Graduate Courses Taught, Information, 1969-1978
C-1.17 1 - Graduate Programs
C-1.17 1 8
Information and Brochures, 1953-1979
C-1.17 1 8
Standard Operating Procedures, 1971
C-1.17 1 8 Graduate School Bulletin, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1980
C-1.17 1 8 Graduate School, Statistical Information, 1968-1978
C-1.17 1 - Graduate Students
C-1.17 1 8
Adviser's Role, 1971
C-1.17 1 8
Names and Information, 1968-1977


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 8 Jesuit Theologate at Marquette, Correspondence and Information, 1965-1968
C-1.17 1 8 Kiecker, James, Seminar Presentation:  Nicholas of Lyra, undated
C-1.17 1 8 Hans Küng Lecture, Correspondence and Information, 1971
C-1.17 1 8 Library Committee, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1973
C-1.17 1 8 Lonergan Symposium, Correspondence and Information, 1978-1980
C-1.17 1 57 Lonergan Workshop - Boston College, Schedule, Papers and Discussion Materials, June 14-18, 1976.  
C-1.17 1 8 Luther Institute, Brochure, 1982
C-1.17 1 - Luther Studies in a Catholic Context
C-1.17 1 9
Martin Luther and Ignatius Loyola, Correspondence and Information, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 9
The Augsburg Confession: 450 Years Later, 1979-1980
C-1.17 1 9 Luther Symposium, Brochures, 1983


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 9 Medieval Studies Colloquium, Correspondence and Information, 1979-1980
C-1.17 1 9 Memos and Bulletins, 1962-1978; 4 folders
C-1.17 1 9 Objective of Teaching Theology at Marquette, Report for JEA Workshop, 1962
C-1.17 1 9 Occasional Lectures, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1981
C-1.17 1 - Pere Marquette, Theology Lecture, Correspondence and Information
C-1.17 1 9
1969-1974; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 10
1975-1979, 1981-1982; 5 folders
C-1.17 1 10 Placement Service for Theology and Graduate Students, Correspondence and Information, 1969
C-1.17 1 10 Policy on Faculty Recruiting, Marquette Tribune, Articles, 1975
C-1.17 1 10 Pre-Registration, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1981


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 10 Profession of Faith Formula, undated
C-1.17 1 10 Proposed Core Curriculum, Departmental Response, 1970
C-1.17 1 - Rahner Symposium
C-1.17 1 11
Correspondence and Information, 1977-1979
C-1.17 1 11
Rev. Kenneth E. Baker, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 11
Rev. Joseph A. Bracken, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 11
Rev. Patrick J. Burns, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 11
Correspondence and Information, 1979-1980
C-1.17 1 11
Ms. Toni Craven, Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 11
Rev. Avery Dulles, S.J., Correspondence and Papers, 1978-1981


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Rahner Symposium, continued
C-1.17 1 11
Rev. William V. Dych, S.J., Correspondence and Paper, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 11
Dr. Keith Egan, Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 11
Rev. Harvey D. Egan, S.J., Correspondence and Paper, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 11
Expenses, 1979-1980
C-1.17 1 11
Dr. Dean R. Fowler, Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 11
General Information, 1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, S.J., Correspondence, 1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Robert Kress, Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Matthew L. Lamb, Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Rahner Symposium, continued
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Bernard J. Lonergan, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 12
Mailing List, 1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Gerald A. McCool, S.J., Correspondence and Paper, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Johannes B. Metz, S.J., Correspondence and Paper, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. George Muschalek, S.J., Correspondence and Paper, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 12
William J. O'Brien, Correspondence and Commentary, 1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J., Correspondence and Paper, 1978-1980
C-1.17 1 12
Dr. Thomas B. Ommen, Correspondence and Paper, 1978-1980


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Rahner Symposium, continued
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Ladislas Orsy, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Karl Rahner, S.J., Correspondence and "Forward," 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. Richard R. Roach, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 12
Dr. Mary F. Rousseau, Correspondence and Commentary, 1979
C-1.17 1 12
Rev. J. Peter Schineller, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 13
Rev. Bruno, Schüller, S.J., Correspondence and Paper, 1979
C-1.17 1 13
Dr. Fernando Segovia, Correspondence, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 13
Rev. John F. X. Sheehan, S.J., Correspondence and Paper, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 13
Rev. Richard J. Sklba, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Rahner Symposium, continued
C-1.17 1 13
Rev. Jon Sobrino, S.J., Correspondence and Paper, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 13
Rev. Walter J. Stohrer, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 13
Symposium Papers, 1979
C-1.17 1 13
Dr. Andrew Tallon, Correspondence and Commentary, 1979
C-1.17 1 13
Rev. Roland J. Teske, S.J., Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 13
Rev. David Tracy, Correspondence and Commentary, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 13
Rev. Michael J. Walsh, S.J., Correspondence and Publication, 1977, 1979
C-1.17 1 14 Reading and Research Courses, Information, 1971-1972
C-1.17 1 14 Registration Statistics,1971-1975


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 14 Retreat Brochures, undated
C-1.17 1 14 ROTC at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, Discussion and Information, 1969
C-1.17 1 14 Schedule Information, 1968-1976
C-1.17 1 14 Student Orientation, Information, 1981
C-1.17 1 14 Statutes, 1968
C-1.17 1 14 Student Representatives and Director (SRAND), Minutes and Information, 1968-1969
C-1.17 1 - Summer School, Correspondence and Information
C-1.17 1 14
1958, 1962-1974; 5 folders
C-1.17 1 15
1975-1980; 6 folders
C-1.17 1 15 Summer School Registration, Statistics, 1967-1972


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 15 Symposium in Honor of Karl Barth, Correspondence and Information, 1969
C-1.17 1 15 Symposium on Human Life, Brochure and Flyer, 1981
C-1.17 1 15 Teaching Major/Minor in Religious Studies, Information, 1972-1973
C-1.17 1 15 Teaching Loads, Information, 1971, 1979
C-1.17 1 15 Teilhard de Chardin Symposium, Program and Information, 1969 (?)
C-1.17 1 15 Theology and Jesuit Colleges, JEA Consensus Statement, 1969
C-1.17 1 - Theology Outreach Program
C-1.17 1 16
Applications, 1977-1979
C-1.17 1 16
Correspondence, Proposal and Information, 1976-1980
C-1.17 1 16 Thomas Merton Semester, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1978
C-1.17 1 16 Tuition and Fees, Information, 1973-1974


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Undergraduate Class Lists
C-1.17 1 16
II Semester 1973/74-II Semester 1975/76; 6 folders
C-1.17 1 17
I Semester 1976/77-II Semester 1980/81; 10 folders
C-1.17 1 18 Undergraduate Committee, Minutes and Information, 1964-1976; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 18 Undergraduate Theology Requirement, Proposal and Information, 1971, 1973
C-1.17 1 18 Women in Theology Symposium, Correspondence and Information, 1979-1981
C-1.17 1 - Creative Communication of Theology, Summer Institute
C-1.17 1 18
Correspondence and Information, 1968-1973; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 18
Data on Penny Richardson and Charles Callanan, 1972
C-1.17 1 18
Publicity, 1972


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 19 Jesuit Education Association, Proceedings of the National Jesuit Institute on College Religion, 1951
C-1.17 1 19 Affirmative Action Program, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1982
C-1.17 1 19 Academic Calendars, 1982-1984
C-1.17 1 - Annual Report
C-1.17 1 19
Correspondence and Information, 1972-1982
C-1.17 1 19
Drafts and Final Reports, 1970-1982; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 20 Balthsar, Hans Urs von, Correspondence, 1980
C-1.17 1 20 Class Lists, Summaries, 1968-1982; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 20 Computer Bibliography, Instructions for Use, 1970
C-1.17 1 20 Course Descriptions, 1980-1982


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 20 Course Descriptions, Summer Sessions, 1981-1983
C-1.17 1 - Course Load Matrices
C-1.17 1 20
C-1.17 1 20
Correspondence, 1972-1981
C-1.17 1 20 Dean's Advisory Council, Minutes and Information, 1976-1979, 1982-1985
C-1.17 1 21 Departmental Memoranda, 1975-1981; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 21 Faculty Course Load, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1975
C-1.17 1 21 Faculty Meetings, Minutes and Information, 1976-1981
C-1.17 1 21 Faculty Teaching Preference Forms, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1972
C-1.17 1 21 Faculty Teaching Preference Forms, 1980-1981; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 22 Financial Aid/University Scholarships, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1981
C-1.17 1 22 Graduate Assistants, Correspondence and Information, 1973-1980; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 22 Graduate Bulletin Revisions, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1981
C-1.17 1 22 Graduate Class Lists, 1981-1982
C-1.17 1 - Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Validity Study
C-1.17 1 22
Correspondence and Information, 1980-1981
C-1.17 1 23
Manuals, 1980-1982
C-1.17 1 23
Report, 1982
C-1.17 1 23 Graduate School, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1978
C-1.17 1 23 Graduate Teaching Preference, Correspondence, 1982
C-1.17 1 23 Honors Council, Minutes, 1969-1971


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Honors Program
C-1.17 1 23
Annual Report, 1966-1969
C-1.17 1 23
Correspondence and Information, 1965-1982
C-1.17 1 23 Humanities Excellence Reserve Proposal, Correspondence and Information, 1981-1982
C-1.17 1 - Liberal Arts, College of, Dean's Office, Correspondence and Information
C-1.17 1 23
1970-1978; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 24
C-1.17 1 24 Liberal Arts, College of, Faculty Member Listing, 1975-1980
C-1.17 1 24 Liberal Arts, Curriculum Committee, Minutes, 1976-1977
C-1.17 1 24 Liberal Arts Faculty, Minutes and Information, 1967-1969, 1977-1979


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Liberal Arts Faculty Council
C-1.17 1 24
Articles of Incorporation, undated
C-1.17 1 24
Final Reports, 1972-1978
C-1.17 1 24
Minutes and Information, 1961-1977
C-1.17 1 24 Library, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1982; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 24 Mellon Foundation Grants, Correspondence and Proposals, 1973-1983
C-1.17 1 - Nashotah House
C-1.17 1 25
Correspondence and Information, 1967-1981
C-1.17 1 25
The Nashotah Quarterly Review, Winter, 1968
C-1.17 1 25 National Endowment for the Humanities, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1978


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - North Central Association
C-1.17 1 25
Accreditation Review, Correspondence and Information, 1981-1983
C-1.17 1 25
Accreditation, "Major Themes and Aspirations of Marquette," Drafts, 1981, undated
C-1.17 1 25
Self Study, Faculty Academic Biographies, 1982
C-1.17 1 - Office of Research Support
C-1.17 1 25
Correspondence and Information, 1978-1980
C-1.17 1 25
Extramural Applications and Awards, General Information, 1975-1980
C-1.17 1 25
Grants Manual, undated
C-1.17 1 25
Newsletter, Vol. 1-Vol. 2, 1978-1980
C-1.17 1 25 Readings and Research Course, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1983; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 26 Registration Assignments and Procedures, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1982
C-1.17 1 26 Schmitt and Smith Fellowships, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1982
C-1.17 1 26 Summer School, Correspondence and Information, 1978-1982
C-1.17 1 26 Undergraduate Bulletin Revisions, Correspondence and Information, 1976-1982
C-1.17 1 26 Undergraduate Class Lists, 1981
C-1.17 1 27 Academic Vice-President, Correspondence and Information, August, 1975-May, 1979
C-1.17 1 - Advisory Committee
C-1.17 1 27
Agendas, Correspondence, Memos, Minutes, September, 1978-July, 1981
C-1.17 1 27
Elections of (Rules), 1980-1981
C-1.17 1 27
Funding Prospects, April, 1980-November,1983
C-1.17 1 27
Programs, Reflecting Marquette's Religious Commitment, Proposal, Correspondence, December, 1979-October, 1981
C-1.17 1 27
Funding Proposals, Correspondence, August, 1981


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 27 American Academy of Religion, Correspondence, Agendas, March, 1972-October, 1982
C-1.17 1 27 Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Correspondence, Papers, February, 1973-October, 1982
C-1.17 1 27 Bible Awards, Correspondence, Papers, January-March, 1976, April, June, 1980
C-1.17 1 27 Bishop's Committee on Priestly Formation, Memos, Reports, 1973-1981
C-1.17 1 27 Board of Graduate Studies (Unapproved) Minutes, October, 1979-May, 1980
C-1.17 1 27 Budget Summaries, July, 1980-December, 1983
C-1.17 1 27 Calendars, Correspondence, Memos, March, 1972-February, 1973
C-1.17 1 27 Campaign for Human Development, Correspondence, July-September, 1972
C-1.17 1 27 Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), Correspondence, March, 1972
C-1.17 1 27 Carmelites at Marquette, Correspondence, March, 1968


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 27 Catholic Biblical Association, Correspondence, Clipping, 1970-1971
C-1.17 1 27 Catholic Family Life Conference, Information, Papers, 1976-1977
C-1.17 1 27 Centennial Celebration, Correspondence, Proposal, October, 1979-April, 1980
C-1.17 1 27 Chancery Office, Correspondence, March, 1963-August, 1968
C-1.17 1 27 CIDALA, Correspondence, Information, May, 1977-December, 1979
C-1.17 1 27 Claretian Seminarians at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, Memo, May, 1971
C-1.17 1 27 College Theology Society, Correspondence, February, 1970-October, 1971
C-1.17 1 27 Colleges, Correspondence, Proposals, November, 1966-September, 1973
C-1.17 1 27 Committee Appointments, Memorandums, News Releases, Notices, Correspondence, July, 1968-March, 1971, April, 1972-October, 1977; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 28 Committee on Faculty, Minutes, Memos, December, 1981-December, 1982


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 28 Concordia College, Correspondence, September, 1968-July, 1969
C-1.17 1 28 Conference on Human Life and Health Care Ethics, Correspondence, Program, April-June, 1982
C-1.17 1 28 Contemplative Studies Institutes, Correspondence, Reports, Brochures, August, 1969-June, 1974; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 28 Council on the Study of Religion, Correspondence, Bulletin, May-June, 1973
C-1.17 1 28 Departmental Directories, 1967-1980; 5 folders
C-1.17 1 28 Departmental Memorandums, August, 1979-April,1980
C-1.17 1 29 Directory, 1966-1968; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 29 Directory/Information, 1968-1969
C-1.17 1 29 Doctoral Program for S.J. College Theology, Correspondence, Lectures, Proposals, September, 1959-January 10, 1961
C-1.17 1 29 Faculty Meetings, Minutes, Memos, Agendas, September, 1966-May, 1968, September, 1981-April, 1982, September, 1982-September, 1983; 3 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 29 Film Series Project, "Life on Earth" 1982-1983, Correspondence, Information, April-May, 1982
C-1.17 1 29 Graduate Committee, Actions, Requests, Agendas, Memos, Minutes, September, 1981-May, 1982
C-1.17 1 29 Graduate School, Correspondence, Memos, January, 1978-December, 1980, June, 1981-July, 1983; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 29 Graduate Student Data Sheets, Correspondence, Data, Memos, September, 1976-June, 1978, September, 1978-November, 1982; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 29 Graduate Student Lists, Fall, 1976-Fall, 1982
C-1.17 1 29 Grandmora (Old Theology Offices), Correspondence, Information, 1973-1977
C-1.17 1 30 Indian Institute, Correspondence, March-April, 1974
C-1.17 1 30 Jablonwski's (Fr.) Proposal, Correspondence, Information, December, 1974-January, 1975, undated
C-1.17 1 30 Jerusalem Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies, Correspondence, Information, Brochures, Newsletters, April, 1969-February, 1973
C-1.17 1 30 Jesuit Educational Association Workshop, Speech, August 6-14, 1969


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 30 Jewish Chautauqua Society, Correspondence, Brochures, Programs, 1963-1976; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 30 Joint Commission on Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations (ARC), News Release, May, 1970
C-1.17 1 30 LACO 100 (Liberal Arts Colloquium), Memos, Program Descriptions, March, 1975-March, 1976
C-1.17 1 30 Liberal Arts, Memos, Lists, Information, 1980-1984; 6 folders
C-1.17 1 30 Lines (Budget), ca. 1975-1976
C-1.17 1 30 Luther and the Middle Ages Conference, 1983, Correspondence, Brochures, Programs, Materials, 1981-1983
C-1.17 1 30 Lutheran/Catholic Dialogue, Group-Cohost, 14 September 1983, February 1983-February, 1984
C-1.17 1 30 MA's Study, June, 1971
C-1.17 1 30 MFSAPEI (Marquette Faculty-Staff Association for Political Education Involvement), Information, December, 1971
C-1.17 1 30 Memos, September-December, 1960


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 31 Majors/Minors/Graduates, Lists, Memos, 1969-1980; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 31 Memos/Guidelines, September, 1973-April, 1975
C-1.17 1 31 Memos, Newspapers, Brochures, Counsel Instructor Profiles, Fall, 1976-Fall, 1978
C-1.17 1 31 Memos, Information, Announcements, September, 1975-July, 1976
C-1.17 1 31 Memos, Proposals, October, 1969-April, 1971
C-1.17 1 31 Metcalf Chair in Liberal Studies, Memos, Schedules, November, 1981-February, 1983
C-1.17 1 31 Milwaukee Area Consortium of Religious Education, Guidelines, Memos, Reports, 1973-1975; 4 folders
C-1.17 1 31 Milwaukee Theological Colloquium, Minutes, Programs, October, 1967-April, 1969
C-1.17 1 31 Miscellaneous Comments on Teaching, Writing, Etc., Memos, May-September, 1972
C-1.17 1 31 Miscellaneous Responses on Church and Revision, Speech Response, ca. August, 1971


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 32 Nashotah House, June-July, 1983
C-1.17 1 32 National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Correspondence, Memos, Reports, November, 1966-October, 1972
C-1.17 1 32 National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), Correspondence, Programs, Information, Summer, 1972-January, 1975
C-1.17 1 32 Parish and Diocesan Correspondence, 1969-1971; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 32 Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities Program, Correspondence/Release, 1977
C-1.17 1 32 Peace Corps, Memo, Lists, 1971
C-1.17 1 32 Phi Beta Kappa, Correspondence, Memos, 1976-1984
C-1.17 1 32 Police Ministry Program, Memos, Reports, 1973
C-1.17 1 32 Programs, Posters, 1967, 1976-1978; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 32 Publicity, Clippings, Brochures, ca. 1956-1969, 1971-1975; 4 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 32 Religion Courses in Public Schools, Correspondence, Information, 1973
C-1.17 1 32 Religious Education Correspondence, Information, 1907-1972, 1982, undated
C-1.17 1 32 Registry of Women in Religious Studies, 1974
C-1.17 1 33 Religious Education Association, Correspondence, Financial Reports, 1968-1969
C-1.17 1 33 Sabbaticals, Correspondence, Plans, Proposals, 1976-1981
C-1.17 1 33 St. Francis Seminary, Brochures, Reports, Press Release, 1967-1969, 1982
C-1.17 1 33 Seminaries, Correspondence, 1972
C-1.17 1 - Society of Jesus
C-1.17 1 33
Conference on, Planning and Priorities for Jesuit Higher Education, St. Louis, Missouri, December, 1970
C-1.17 1 33
Interprovincial Committee on Theological Studies, Correspondence, Reports, 1967-1979
C-1.17 1 33
Jesuit Associates, Inc., Correspondence, 1970-1971
C-1.17 1 33
Jesuit WISCOM, Correspondence, undated
C-1.17 1 33
Jesuit Writers, Jesuit Report, 1967
C-1.17 1 33
World Jesuit Congress Committee, Correspondence, Report, 1968
C-1.17 1 33
Jesuit Editorial Association, Correspondence, Reports, 1966-1967
C-1.17 1 33
Jesuit Theology Institute 1969, Correspondence, 1968


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 33 Study of Graduate Education in Religion, Correspondence, Questionnaire, 1970
C-1.17 1 33 Suggestions, Undergraduate Curriculum Revision, Memos, Proposals, Reports, 1970-1971
C-1.17 1 33 Survey of Student Religious Attitudes, 1961, 1974
C-1.17 1 33 Teacher Education Committee, Meetings, Memos, Minutes, 1968-1974
C-1.17 1 33 Teacher Evaluation Committee, Minutes, 1975
C-1.17 1 33 Teacher Excellence, 1982-1983; Memos, Information, 1975-1984
C-1.17 1 - Teaching Excellence (Faculty Award for):
C-1.17 1 33
Dr. Keith Egan, Correspondence, Resume, 1983
C-1.17 1 33
Dr. Fernando Segovia, Correspondence, Resume, 1982
C-1.17 1 33
Rev. Robert Wild, Correspondence, Resume, 1983


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 33 Temple Emanu-El B'Ne Jeshrun, Correspondence, Programs, Brochures, undated
C-1.17 1 33 Theology and Communications, Correspondence, Notes, 1968
C-1.17 1 - Theology and Society
C-1.17 1 34
Background Materials/General, Correspondence, Proposals, Reports, Information, 1968-1971
C-1.17 1 34
Director, Memos, 1970-1973
C-1.17 1 34
Education Department, Memos, 1968
C-1.17 1 34
Political Science Dept., Memos, Responses, 1968, 1971
C-1.17 1 34
Proposals, ca. 1968-1973
C-1.17 1 34
Quade Material, Reports, 1969
C-1.17 1 34
Reactions, Other Departments, Memos, 1970-1971


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 34 Theology Graduate Student Association, Minutes, Memos, Announcements, 1969-1973; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 34 UW-Milwaukee/Madison, Department of Hebrew Studies, Newsletter, Course Descriptions, ca. 1982-983
C-1.17 1 - Undergraduate Committee
C-1.17 1 34
Correspondence with Fr. Kelly, 1978-1979
C-1.17 1 34
Course Approvals and Miscellaneous, 1975-1979
C-1.17 1 34
Minutes, 1976-1979; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 35
Minutes/Fr. Kelly's Correspondence, 1978-1981; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 35
Proposals, 1981
C-1.17 1 35 Vanderbilt University, Correspondence, Resumes, 1965-1968
C-1.17 1 35 Welch Report and Marquette, ca. 1971


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 35 Wisconsin Philosophical Association, Correspondence, Information, 1977-1981
C-1.17 1 35 Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning, Correspondence, Newsletters, 1969-1982
C-1.17 1 35 Woodstock Theological Center, Pamphlets, 1979-1982
C-1.17 1 35 Work Study Program, Memos, Newsletter, Forms, Information, 1969-1982; 4 folders
C-1.17 1 35 Work Study Program, Payroll/Personnel Forms and Procedures, 1969
C-1.17 1 35 Yivo Institute for Jewish Research,Correspondence, 1974
C-1.17 1 35 Academic Affairs, Vice President, 1984-1987, Memos, 1981-1987; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 35 Anniversary Symposium, September, 1986-April, 1987
C-1.17 1 35 Board of Undergraduate and Professional Studies (BUPS), Correspondence, Reports, Minutes, 1985-1988
C-1.17 1 35 Brochures, Theology Graduate Program, 1981/82-1985/86


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Budgets
C-1.17 1 36
1969-1978, 1980-1982; 6 folders
C-1.17 1 36
General Correspondence, 1985
C-1.17 1 -
Monthly Statement
C-1.17 1 -
All Theology Accounts (0114), 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 36
Equipment (Movable) (0114.60), 1986
C-1.17 1 36
Expense Contra (0114.999), 1986
C-1.17 1 36
Fringe Benefits (0114.41), 1986
C-1.17 1 36
John H. Wild Theology Fund (5130), 1986
C-1.17 1 36
John H. Wild Theology Fund (5130), Correspondence, 1986
C-1.17 1 36
Office Supplies and Expense (0114.10), 1986


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Budgets, continued
C-1.17 1 -
Monthly Statement, continued
C-1.17 1 36
Office Supplies and Expense (0114.10), Correspondence, 1986
C-1.17 1 36
Professional Fees (0114.46), 1986
C-1.17 1 36
Professional Fees (0114.46), Correspondence, 1986
C-1.17 1 36
Schedule of Open Purchase Orders (0114), 1986
C-1.17 1 36
Special Fund Lectures (5147), 1986
C-1.17 1 36
Special Fund Lectures (5147), Correspondence, 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 36
Summary (0114), Correspondence, 1982
C-1.17 1 36
Travel (0114.65), 1986


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Bulletin
C-1.17 1 36
Combined, 1984-1985
C-1.17 1 36
Undergraduate Revisions, 1985
C-1.17 1 36 Campus Ministry, Correspondence, Memos, Minutes, Proposals, 1974-1980; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 - Class Preferences
C-1.17 1 36
1983-1984, Survey, August, 1983
C-1.17 1 36
1984-1985 (Spring), Memos, Survey, August-October, 1984
C-1.17 1 36
Memos, Surveys, September-December, 1984
C-1.17 1 - Class Schedules
C-1.17 1 36
1982-1983 (Fall), Memos, Schedules, August, 1981-1982
C-1.17 1 36
1982-1983 (Spring), Memos, Schedules, November, 1981-November, 1982
C-1.17 1 36
1983-1984, Memos, Correspondence, Schedules, Information, December, 1982-January, 1984; 2 folders
C-1/17 1 36
Fall 1984, Schedules, January, 1984


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Class Schedules, continued
C-1.17 1 37
1984-1985 (Fall Semester), Memos, Schedules, December, 1983-August, 1984
C-1.17 1 37
1984-1985 (Spring), Memos, Schedules, December, 1983-November, 1984
C-1.17 1 37
1985-1986, Memos, Schedules, 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 37
1986 (Fall), Memos, Schedules, 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 37
1987 (Spring), Memos, Schedules, 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 37 Committee on Faculty, Minutes, 1983, 1985-1988
C-1.17 1 - Complaints
C-1.17 1 37
Correspondence, Memos, Clippings, 1983-1985; 5 folders
C-1.17 1 38
Correspondence, Memos, Clippings, 1985; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 38 Computer Services Division, Correspondence, Memos, April, 1983-May, 1984
C-1.17 1 38 Continuing Education, Correspondence, 1980, 1983-1988
C-1.17 1 38 Correspondence with Dean, Arts and Sciences, 1987-1989
C-1.17 1 38 Correspondence, Faculty Notices 1981-1986, January, 1982-December, 1985; 5 folders
C-1.17 1 38 Coughlin Hall Annual Review Meeting, Correspondence, Minutes, 1978-1979, 1983
C-1.17 1 38 Course Descriptions, 1982/83-1983/84; 4 folders
C-1.17 1 39 Course Descriptions, 1983-1985
C-1.17 1 39 Dean's Advisory Council, Minutes, 1984-1986, 1988
C-1.17 1 39 Departmental Area Meetings, Minutes, 1985-1986


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Director of Graduate Students
C-1.17 1 39
Alumni File, 1973, 1978-1982, undated
C-1.17 1 39
Continuous Enrollment, 1986-1987
C-1.17 1 39
Doctoral Boards, 1975, 1976, 1978-1982, 1984; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 39
Doctoral Thesis, 1978-1981, 1984, undated
C-1.17 1 39
Exit Evaluations by Graduate Students, 1985-1989
C-1.17 1 39
Graduates-1981/82, 1978, 1981-1982
C-1.17 1 39
MA Essay/Thesis, 1976, 1979, undated
C-1.17 1 39
Memos - Advisors, 1970, 1972, 1978-1982
C-1.17 1 39
Minutes (Graduate Students Association Meeting), 1979, 1980, 1982-1984, undated
C-1.17 1 39
Placement File, 1978-1984, n.d
C-1.17 1 40
Qualifying Exams, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1982, undated
C-1.17 1 40
Resume Booklet Information, 1979, 1981, 1984, 1985, undated
C-1.17 1 40
Schedule-General File, 1978-1984


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 40 Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies of Tantur, 1975-1980
C-1.17 1 40 Exchange Program with Sankt Georgen, Correspondence, Brochures, etc., February, 1982-Spring, 1985
C-1.17 1 - External Review '77
C-1.17 1 40
Correspondence, Memos, Minutes, Course Descriptions, Reports, 1970-1977; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 40
Fahey-Osborne Report, Discussion, Reports, Memos, Notes, Agendas, 1977
C-1.17 1 40 Faculty Colloquium, 1988, January-April, 1988
C-1.17 1 40 Faculty Meetings, Minutes, Agendas, 1982-1986; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 - Faculty Notices
C-1.17 1 40
April-May, 1985; January-September, 1986
C-1.17 1 41
October, 1986-July, 1987


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Faculty Recruitment
C-1.17 1 41
Available List of Applicants for Teaching Positions, Correspondence - Jesuit Recruitment, 1 December 1971
C-1.17 1 41
Available List of Applicants for Teaching Positions, Correspondence/Resumes, 1969-1973
C-1.17 1 41 Financial Aid, Graduate Student-Rankings for Financial Aid -1981-1982, 1980
C-1.17 1 - Graduate School
C-1.17 1 41
Memos, Correspondence, etc., April, 1983-June, 1985
C-1.17 1 41
Continuous Registration, Correspondence, November, 1979-November, 1983
C-1.17 1 - Graduate Student
C-1.17 1 41
Brochures, Original Drafts, 1980-1981, 1981-1982
C-1.17 1 41
Evaluations, 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 41
Notices, 1982-1987; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Graduates
C-1.17 1 41
Ph.D. & MA, Lists, 1967-1973, 1976-1982; 4 folders
C-1.17 1 41
MA, August, 1972-May, 1979, Lists-Current Addresses & Employment, May, 1979
C-1.17 1 - Handbooks/Manuals
C-1.17 1 41
"Excerpts from Bulletin, Guide Sheets, General Norms...for Department Advisor (Theology), Reference Material for Pre-Registration, 1972-1973
C-1.17 1 41
Graduate School Handbook for Department Chairmen, 1969, 1974; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 41
Graduate School Handbook for Department Chairmen with Addendum, 1972
C-1.17 1 41
Procedures, 1965-1966, 1968-1972
C-1.17 1 42
Standard Operating Procedures, Graduate Programs in Theology (Revised Edition, July 1972), 1992; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 42
Standard Operating Procedures, Graduate Programs in Theology (Revised Edition, September, 1973), 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, undated; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 42 Hillebrand Bequest, 1965-1979
C-1.17 1 42 Instituto Paolo VI-International Prize, 1984, Correspondence, Booklets, June, 1983-August, 1984
C-1.17 1 42 Internal Review, 1979-1980
C-1.17 1 42 Jewish Chautauqua Society, 1975, 1977-1979, 1982, 1984-1987
C-1.17 1 42 John Wild Trust, 1980-1982
C-1.17 1 42 Louis Calder Foundation, 1979-1982
C-1.17 1 42 Mellon Grant Proposals, Correspondence, Memos, Proposals, 1982-1985; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 42 Mellon Grant-Theology, 1981, 1985-1987
C-1.17 1 42 "Moral Imagination, Media, and the Shape of Public Culture" Conference, 1988 (2 folders)
C-1.17 1 42 National Endowment for the Humanities, Proposals, Correspondence, Memos, Guidelines, December, 1978; October, 1981-November, 1982
C-1.17 1 - O'Donnell Lecture Series
C-1.17 1 42
C-1.17 1 42
1986, Correspondence, Program, Information, April-December, 1986


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 42 Outreach Data, Memos, Information, May-June, 1978
C-1.17 1 - Pere Marquette Lecture
C-1.17 1 42
1981, Memos, Correspondence, April, 1980-May, 1981
C-1.17 1 42
1982, Memos, Correspondence, October, 1980-April, 1982
C-1.17 1 42
1984, Correspondence, Memos, Reports, March-September, 1984
C-1.17 1 43
1984-1985, Memos, Programs, Information, May, 1985-December, 1986
C-1.17 1 43
1985-1986, Memos, 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 43
Series, Correspondence, Memos, Posters, Programs, February-May, 1971; July, 1979-March, 1982
C-1.17 1 43
Series Accts., Memos, Correspondence, Lists, Information, August, 1973-Spring, 1986
C-1.17 1 43 Promotion and Tenure, Memos, Information, October, 1983-June, 1986


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Registration
C-1.17 1 43
Fall, 1982, Memos, Registration Assignments, June-December 1982
C-1.17 1 43
Spring, 1982/83, Memos, Registration, Assignments, Schedules, August, 1982-February, 1983
C-1.17 1 43
Fall, 1983/84, Memos, Registration, Assignments, January-August, 1983
C-1.17 1 43
Spring, 1983/84, Memos, Registration, Assignments, January-August, 1983
C-1.17 1 43
Fall, 1984/85, Memos, Registration, Assignments, 1984-1985; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 43
1984-1986, Miscellaneous Information, 1985-1986, undated
C-1.17 1 43
Spring, 1986, Memos, Registration, Assignments, 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 43
Fall, 1986, Memos, Registration, Assignments, 1986
C-1.17 1 43
Spring, 1987, Memos, Registration, Assignments, 1986-1987


Series C-1.17
Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 44 Religious Commitment Fund, Memos, Proposals, September, 1981-May, 1985; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 44 Religious Education Proposal, Correspondence, Memos, Minutes, Proposals, Reports, Fall, 1973-December, 1980, undated; 5 folders
C-1.17 1 44 Reports, Academic Area Survey, 1981/82-1983/84, 1985/86, Reports, 1982-1984, 1986; 4 folders
C-1.17 1 44 Revisions to Grad/Undergrad Bulletin, 1982/83-1984/85, Memos, Forms, etc., November, 1981-August, 1984; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 45 Sabbaticals, 1985-1988, Memos, Correspondence, 1984-1987
C-1.17 1 - Search Committee
C-1.17 1 45
Faculty Search Part-time Position, Authorization, 1986, 1987
C-1.17 1 45
Faculty Search for Systematics Prof., Miscellaneous, 1985-1987
C-1.17 1 45 Speakers, 1981/82-1985/86, Correspondence, Memos, Programs, Information, June, 1981-1986; 5 folders
C-1.17 1 45 Summer Institute, 1979-1982, Correspondence, Memos, Brochures, Information, October, 1978-August, 1982; 6 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Summer Sessions
C-1.17 1 45
1983, September, 1982-July, 1983
C-1.17 1 46
1984-1985, Course Descriptions, Memos, Reports, Correspondence, Schedules, Information, September, 1983-October, 1985; 6 folders
C-1.17 1 46 Symposium (Proposed Von Balthasar), Correspondence, April-November, 1980
C-1.17 1 46 TA/RA Assignment Requests, Fall, 1981-Spring, 1984, Memos, Information, May, 1981-January, 1984; 5 folders
C-1.17 1 46 Undergraduate Committee, Minutes, 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 - AAR (American Academy of Religion)
C-1.17 1 46
Annual Meeting, 1988
C-1.17 1 46
MU, Reception:  Washington, D.C., 1993
C-1.17 1 46
SBL (Society of Biblical Literature), Panel, 1986


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 46 Academic Affairs, Vice President, 1988-1989, 1992-1994; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 46 Academic Area Survey, 1984-1988
C-1.17 1 - Administrative Records
C-1.17 1 46
Faculty Meetings:  Memos, Minutes, 1992-1993
C-1.17 1 46
Graduate Committee Minutes, 1992-1994
C-1.17 1 46
Summer Session:  Memos, Calendar, Listing of Courses, 1991
C-1.17 1 47 Admissions Office, 1988/89
C-1.17 1 47 Advising:  Pre-Major, 1987-1990
C-1.17 1 47 Advisory Committee, 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 47 Administrative Records, Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, 1990, 1992, 1993


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 47 Advisory Committee, Minutes, 1990-1992
C-1.17 1 47 Agenda Chairs/Dean Meeting in San Antonio, 13 June 1993
C-1.17 1 47 Amnesty International, Regional Meet, 1992
C-1.17 1 47 Anniversary Symposium, Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1986-1987
C-1.17 1 47 Application for Visiting Speakers, 1987-1988
C-1.17 1 47 Article from Tribune, 2 December 1987
C-1.17 1 47 Arts and Sciences-Dean, 1988-1991; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 47 Ascetical Funds, 1964-1966
C-1.17 1 47 Anniversary Symposium, Photo Album, 26-30 June 1986
C-1.17 1 48 Budget, Miscellaneous, 983-1985


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 48 Budget Statement (Monthly), 1984-1985; 6 folders
C-1.17 1 48 Budget, Monthly Summaries, 1988-1993; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 49 Budget Development, 1987-1989; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 49 Budget, Monthly Summaries, 1991-1994; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 49 Buckley Amendment, 1976, 1981
C-1.17 1 49 BUPS (Board of Undergraduate and Professional Studies), 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 49 Bulletin Revisions, 1990-1992
C-1.17 1 49 By-Laws of the Department of Philosophy, 1982
C-1.17 1 49 Candidates of Religious Studies, 1985-1986
C-1.17 1 49 College of Arts and Sciences:   Curriculum Committee, 1986-1994


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 49 Colloquium (Faculty), 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 49 Comments and Suggestions on Rank and Tenure, 1991
C-1.17 1 49 Committee on Faculty, Minutes, 1983, 1990-1995
C-1.17 1 49 Computer Competency, Report, 1985
C-1.17 1 50 Class Lists:  Graduate Students, 1991-1992
C-1.17 1 50 Class Schedule, 1991-1992
C-1.17 1 - Class Lists
C-1.17 1 50
Spring Term, 1991-1992
C-1.17 1 50
Undergraduate, 1991-1992; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 50 Correspondence, Arts and Sciences Dean, 1993


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 50 Council of Societies for the Study of Religion (CSSR), Correspondence, 1991
C-1.17 1 50 Course Approval Forms, 1985-1987
C-1.17 1 - Course Descriptions
C-1.17 1 50
Graduate and Undergraduate, 1990-1991
C-1.17 1 50
C-1.17 1 50 CTSA Correspondence, Patrick Carey MU Contact, 1991-1992
C-1.17 1 50 Curriculum Vitae, 1986-1987
C-1.17 1 51 Dean's Advisory Council, 1986-1988
C-1.17 1 51 Dean's Correspondence, 1991
C-1.17 1 51 Departmental Area Meeting, 1988-1989


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 51 Department Grant Activity, 1984-1987
C-1.17 1 51 Departmental Meeting Minutes, 1987-1996; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 51 Departmental Statutes, 1968, 1977, 1987, 1989-1992; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 51 Director of Graduate Students, 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 51 Distinguished Scholar Reception, 1990,1991
C-1.17 1 51 D-3 Graduate Committee, 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 51 Economic Indicators, 1984-1990
C-1.17 1 51 English Department, By-Laws, undated
C-1.17 1 51 Evening Division Degree Program, 1983-1984, 1986
C-1.17 1 51 Extramural Applications & Awards, 1993-1994


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 51 Faculty Committee Report, 1983-1984, 1990-1994
C-1.17 1 - Faculty Meeting
C-1.17 1 51
C-1.17 1 51
Minutes, 1990-1992
C-1.17 1 52 Honorary Degree Nominations, 1981, 1985-1987
C-1.17 1 52 Honors Program Advisors, 1988-1993
C-1.17 1 52 Institution for Family Studies, 1984, 1989
C-1.17 1 52 Jesuit Mission/Agreement for Services, 1970, 1986, 1987
C-1.17 1 52 Library Budget, 1958-1962, 1964-1976
C-1.17 1 - Library Correspondence
C-1.17 1 52
1957-1958, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1977-1978, 1980, 1991-1992; 3 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Library Correspondence
C-1.17 1 52
New Books, 1969-1970
C-1.17 1 52
Periodicals in Graduate Theology and Philosophy Collections, 1974, 1976
C-1.17 1 52
St. Mary's College, 1966
C-1.17 1 52
Series-Periodicals Catalogs, 1958, 1967, 1970
C-1.17 1 52
Series of Periodicals Catalogs, 1967, 1971
C-1.17 1 52
Standing Orders, 1956-1957, 1964-1965, 1969-1970
C-1.17 1 52
W. E. Dooley, S.J., 1969-1971
C-1.17 1 52 Library Finances, 1975-1977
C-1.17 1 52 Library Board, 1960-1962, 1969


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 52 List of Graduate Students, 1982-1987
C-1.17 1 52 Location of Philosophy and Theology Sciences in Library, 1971
C-1.17 1 52 Mellon Fund Grant, 1988-1990
C-1.17 1 52 Memos from Dean, 1973
C-1.17 1 52 Miscellaneous Administrative Correspondence, 1984-1986
C-1.17 1 52 Miscellaneous Department Memos, 1983-1984, 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 52 Part-time Faculty, 1980-1983
C-1.17 1 52 Pere Marquette Lecture, 1986-1989
C-1.17 1 53 Faculty Publication Lists, 1981, 1983
C-1.17 1 53 Faculty Special Assignments, 1992-1994


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 53 Financial Aid, Fellowship, 1992-1993
C-1.17 1 53 Freshman Colloquium, 1988
C-1.17 1 53 Fullbright Nominees, 1987
C-1.17 1 53 Full and Part-time Students, 1980-1987
C-1.17 1 53 Functions of the Departmental Advisory Committee, undated
C-1.17 1 53 GAFAC and Director of Graduate Students, 1990-1991
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Advisors Handbook, 1986, 1991
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Student Meeting, Minutes, undated
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Bulletin Revisions, 1987-1989; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Committee, 1983-1984


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Committee Minutes, 1990-1992
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Course in Historical Theology, 1987-1990
C-1.17 1 53 Grant Info, 1987-1988
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Course Projections, 1981-1987
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Program Information, 1968, 1988-1990; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Program Procedures/Responsibility, 1968-1973
C-1.17 1 53 Graduate Questionnaire Results, 1981
C-1.17 1 53 Guidelines on Teaching Loads, 1992
C-1.17 1 53 Handbook for Graduate Units, 1978
C-1.17 1 53 History Department Constitution, Consulted by Theology Department, 1970
C-1.17 1 52 History of Theology Department, Ph.D. Program, 1963, 1986-1971


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 54 Pere Marquette Lecture, 1987, 1990-1992
C-1.17 1 - Procedures and Policies
C-1.17 1 54
Graduate Program, 1984-1985
C-1.17 1 54
Graduate Students, 1987-1988
C-1.17 1 54 Procedure for Expanded Faculty Evaluation, 1983
C-1.17 1 54 Program for Certification to Teach Religious Studies in Public Schools, 1986
C-1.17 1 54 Promotion and Tenure Guidelines, 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 54 Proposed Courses and Course Preferences, 1991
C-1.17 1 54 Quality of Students, ca. 1980s
C-1.17 1 - Readings/Research Course
C-1.17 1 54
THEO 195/295, 1993-1994
C-1.17 1 54
(295), 1993-1994


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 54 Recruitment Goals and Facts, ca. 1980s
C-1.17 1 54 Recruitment Procedures/Promotion and Tenure, Political Science, 1980
C-1.17 1 54 Registration-Fall, 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 54 Registration-Spring, 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 54 Religious Commitment, 1988-1989
C-1.17 1 54 Request for Teaching Position, 1987-1994; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 54 Research Committee, 1988-1993; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 54 Research/Teaching Assistants, 1984-1991
C-1.17 1 54 Review of Students Progress, ca. 1980s
C-1.17 1 55 Sabbaticals, 1988-1989, 1991-1992; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 55 Saint Francis Seminary-MU Exchange Agreement, 1987-1988, 1990, 1992
C-1.17 1 55 Schedule for NCATE visit, 1987
C-1.17 1 55 Secretarial, Library Collections/Services, Three and Five Year Summary, ca. 1980s
C-1.17 1 55 Self-Study Report, North Central Association, 1993; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 55 Smith/Schmitt Documents, 1990-1992
C-1.17 1 55 Speakers, 1990-1993
C-1.17 1 55 Status of Department Chairmen, 1972-1973
C-1.17 1 55 A Study of Final Grades, 1992-1993
C-1.17 1 55 Summer Faculty Fellowship, 1977-1986
C-1.17 1 55 Syllabus for THEO 001, Fr. John X. Sheehan, S.J., 1984-1985


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - Symposium,  Theology:   University and Church
C-1.17 1 55
Correspondence, 1983-1987
C-1.17 1 56
Correspondence, 1986-1987
C-1.17 1 56
Correspondence and Miscellaneous Information, 1986-1987
C-1.17 1 56 TA/RA Assignment Requests, 1987-1991; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 56 Teaching Fellowship Applications, 1990
C-1.17 1 56 Theology and Society Program, undated
C-1.17 1 56 Theology Department Statutes, 1968-1970; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 56 Theology 150, 1986
C-1.17 1 56 Transfer Credit Requests, 1985-1986


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 1 - University and Church (Symposium)
C-1.17 1 56
Scrapbook, Correspondence, 1987; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 56
Scrapbook, Photos, 1987
C-1.17 1 56 Treatment of Non-Research-Active Faculty, 1988
C-1.17 1 56 Travel Allocations, 1990-1992
C-1.17 1 56 Undergraduate Bulletin Revisions, 1987-1989; 2 folders
C-1.17 1 57 Undergraduate Committee, 1982-1984, 1988-1989; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 57 Undergraduate Committee Minutes, 1990-1992
C-1.17 1 57 University Board of Graduate Studies, 1986-1989; 3 folders
C-1.17 1 57 "Urban Faith Roundtable," 2003