Record Group Series Box Title
C-1.17 2-DM - DVDs and VHS Tapes
C-1.17 2-DM 1
4th Street Forum, Program #405, "America's Storm: Issues of Life and Death: Contraception and Abortion," Taped October 14, 2005, DVD
C-1.17 2-DM 1
Bangor Theological Seminary, "185 Commencement Address, 'Christianity and the American Empire,'" May 21, 2004, DVD
C-1.17 2-DM 1
"FOCUS on Sacred Choices," featuring Maguire, March 12, 2003, VHS
C-1.17 2-DM 1
"I have a dream: USA as moral superpower," March 5, 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 1
Planned Parenthood Annual Gala, "Compassionate Choices," May 14, 2002, VHS (2 copies)
C-1.17 2-DM 1
Planned Parenthood Annual Conference, Washington DC, March 2000 (20 Mins)
C-1.17 2-DM 1
Planned Parenthood Luncheon, October 13, 2004
C-1.17 2-DM 1
"Sacred Choices and Abortion: 10 New Things to Think About," (c) 2004 Daniel Maguire, VHS and DVD copies
C-1.17 2-DM 1
University Club October 22, 2003
C-1.17 2-DM 1
"'Whose Choice?' 28 minute Film Advocating Abortion Choice," TBS Prime Time, revised version, 2001, DVD
C-1.17 2-DM - Audio Cassettes
C-1.17 2-DM 2
"Abortion: Listen to the Woman," (c) 1985 Planned Parenthood
C-1.17 2-DM 3
"Contemporary Moral Problems," by Daniel C. Maguire, Series of 12 Cassettes, (c) 1973 Viewpoint Enterprises, Albany, N.Y.
C-1.17 2-DM 1
Divestment in South Africa, appearance on Religion in the News with Father Francois Houtart and Maguire. Open-reel audiotape.
C-1.17 2-DM 2
Florida Winter Pastor's School Presentation, 9:00 A.M. Session, February 1, 2001 (2 copies)
C-1.17 2-DM 2
Florida Winter Pastor's School Presentation, 11:15 A.M. Session, February 1, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 2
Future of the American Church Conference Leadership in Post-Clerical Catholicism, 1992
C-1.17 2-DM 2
Great Decisions Radio Talk Show Featuring Maguire, (c) 1998 WUWM Radio Station FM 89.7 (2 copies)
C-1.17 2-DM 2
Healthcare Radio Talk Show Featuring Maguire, January 14, 1993, (c) 1993 Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin System
C-1.17 2-DM 2
Nurse of Distinction Home Care Session, 1991
C-1.17 2-DM 2
The Pope: Man of the Year, Radio Talk Show Featuring Maguire, January 26, 1995, (c) 1995 Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin System
C-1.17 2-DM 2
Vatican-Israeli Peace Accord, Radio Talk Show Featuring Maguire, January 3, 1994, (c) 1994 Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin System
C-1.17 2-DM 2
VST: Family Planning in the World's Religions, July 9, 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 2
World Population Policy Audio Press Conference, August 24, 1994

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Title
C-1.17 2-DM - Awards, Plaques, and Miscellaneous
C-1.17 2-DM 3
Relic Certificate Inducting Daniel Maguire into the Priesthood, December 20, 1956
C-1.17 2-DM 3
Portrait of Daniel Maguire, circa 1960
C-1.17 2-DM 3
The Council for Wisconsin Writers, Inc. Award for Writing, The Moral Choice, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 3
Award for Prophetic Leadership from The Consultation on Homosexuality, Social Justice, and Roman Catholic Theology, January 1985
C-1.17 2-DM 3
Award from Catholics for a Free Choice, December 5, 1986
C-1.17 2-DM 3
The Wisconsin Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies' Dick Ringler Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award, 1996-1997
C-1.17 2-DM 3
California State Assembly Certificate of Recognition, February 27, 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 3
Award from the State of Wisconsin, October 22, 2003

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM - - Articles by Daniel Maguire (arranged alphabetically)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"Abortion: The Issue is Power" (Unpublished)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"Abortion: A Question of Catholic Honesty," The Christian Century, Vol. 100 No. 26, September 14-21, 1983 (pages 803-807)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"Academic Freedom at Marquette" (unpublished)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"Affirmative Action at Bay," USA Today, Vol. 110 No. 2434, July 1981 (pages 47-49)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"An Attack on Prejudice emphasizes Jesus' Role Ministering to Outcasts," a review of Robert Goss' novel Jesus Acted Up: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto, January 16, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"The Anatomy of Power," first draft, undated
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"At the Population Conference: Cairo Consensus," Christian Century, October 12, 1994 (pages 196-918)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"Atheists for Jesus?," The Christian Century, Vol.110 No. 35, December 8, 1993 (pages 1228-1230)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"A Call for World Ecumenism," Creation Spirituality, Vol. 10 No. 1, Spring 1994 (pages 32-36)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"Catholic and Pro-Choice: Catholic Arguments for a Woman's Right to Choose an Abortion," undated
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"A Catholic Defense of Same-Sex Marriage," circa 2000
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"A Catholic Theologian at an Abortion Clinic," Ms., December 1984
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"A Peacemaking Church," undated and unknown source
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"Catholic Options in the Abortion Debate," Conscience, Vol. 11 No. 3, May/ June 1990 (pages 8-10)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 1
"Catholic Options in the Abortion Debate," Conscience, Summer 1996 (pages 19-23)
C-1.17 C-1.17 4 1

"Catholic Sexual and Reproductive Ethics: A Historical Perspective," SIECUS Report, Vol. XV No. 5, May-June 1987 (pgs. 1-4).

C-1.17 2-DM 4 2
"A Catholic View of Mercy Killing," Beneficent Euthanasia, copyright 1975 Prometheus Books, Buffalo, New York

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM - - Articles by Daniel Maguire (arranged alphabetically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 2
"Catholicism and Modernity," Horizons, Vol. 13 No. 2, pages 355-388
C-1.17 2-DM 4 2
"Catholicism in Crisis: A New Orthodoxy Test," Common Sense, February/ March 1997 (pages 1 and 3)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 2
"The Church is a Democracy: The Way to Reform in the Roman Catholic Church," The American Catholic, Vol. 10 No.4, November 2002 (page 7)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 2
"Death and the Moral Domain," The Saint Luke's Journal of Theology, Vol. 20 No. 3, June 1977 (pages 197-216)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 2
"Death by Chance, Death by Choice," Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 233 No. 1, January 1974 (pages 57-65)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 3
"Death by Chance, Death by Choice," Nursing Digest, Vol. 2 No. 8, October 1974 (pages 36-42)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 3
"Death by Chance, Death by Choice," Nursing Digest's 1975 Review of Medicine and Surgery, copyright 1975 Contemporary Publishing, Wakefield, Massachusetts (pages 175-181)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 3
"Death by Chance, Death by Choice," Nursing Digest's Focus on Care of the Elderly, copyright 1975 Contemporary Publishing, Wakefield, Massachusetts (pages 48-54)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 3
"Death by Chance, Death by Choice," Nursing Digest's Focus on Professional Issues, copyright 1975 Contemporary Publishing, Wakefield, Massachusetts (pages 9-15)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 3
"Death, Legal and Illegal," The Atlantic, February 1974 (pgs. 72-85)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 4
"Demilitarizing our Budget Dollars," Christianity and Crisis, Vol. 50 No. 3, March 5, 1990 (pages 57-60)

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM - - Articles by Daniel Maguire (arranged alphabetically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 4
"Different but Equal: A Moral Assessment of Women's Liberation," The Living Light: A Christian Education Review, Vol. 8 No. 2, Summer 1971 (pages 35-47)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 4
"Doctrine Revisited: The Old Morality," St. Mary's College Press, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 4
"Doing Justice to Justice," PACE 12, Saint Mary's Press, MN, 1981
C-1.17 2-DM 4 4
"The Encyclopedia of Bioethics," reprinted from Theological Studies, Vol. 41 No. 4, December 1980 (pages 752-763)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 4
"The Erosion of Affirmative Action," The Crisis, Vol. 88 No. 2, March 1981 (pages 90-92)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 4
"Ethical Method and the Problem of Death," Religious Studies Review (pages 258-279)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 4
"The Ethical and Technological Basis for the Right to Choose Death," Euthanasia Symposium, Sponsored by the Catholic Hospital Association of Canada and the Catholic Hospital Conferences of Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia, 1975 (pages 57-65)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
Excerpt from Death by Choice, copyright 1974 Doubleday and Company, Inc. in an issue of Cosmopolitan, July 1974 (pages 98-101 and 122)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
"The Feminist Turn in Ethics," Horizons, Vol. 10 No. 2, 1983 (pages 341-347)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
"The Feminization of God and Ethics," Christianity and Crisis, Vol. 42, No. 4, March 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
"The Feminization of God and Ethics," The A.M.E. Zion Quarterly Review, Vol. 94, No. 1, April 1982 (pages 2-17)

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM - - Articles by Daniel Maguire (arranged alphabetically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
"The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in John of St. Thomas," doctoral dissertation, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
"A Guide to Ethical Decision-Making," Focus on Adults, Vol. 1 No. 10, October 1973 (pages 3-9)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
"Holy Spirit and Church Authority," Commonweal, November 1968 (pgs. 213-20)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
"How To Be a Christian," St. Mary's Press, MN, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
"The Immorality Of It All," The Link, Vol. 47, No. 5, December 2014
C-1.17 2-DM 4 5
"In Search of the Sacred: Ethics and Interreligious Dialogue," Areopagus, Vol. 6 No. 3, 1993 (pages 6-10)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 6
"Let's Unmask the Face of Violence," Sign National Catholic Magazine, Vol. 53 No. 6, March 1974 (pages 20-23)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 6
"Ministry as a Creedal Response," Ethical Issues in the Practice of Ministry, 1984 (pages 1-11)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 6
Moral Absolutes and the Magisterium, copyright 1970 Corpus Publications, New York, N.Y.
C-1.17 2-DM 4 6
"Moral Dominion over Dying: the Case for Mercy Death," Bioethics Forum, Vol. 10 No. 2, Spring 1994 (pages 17-19)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 6
"Moral Theology," Dictionary of Christian Theology, February 1, 1983
C-1.17 2-DM 4 6
"Morality and Magisterium," Cross Currents, Winter 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 6
"La Mort Par Choix," Cosmopolitan, Fevrier 1975 / 6F (pgs. 46-49, 90-91)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 6
"‘Myth' in Politics," Worldview, Vol. 13 No. 10, October 1970 (pages 15-17)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 6
"National Chapter of Faults: A Lenten Exercise," Journal of The Liturgical Conference, Vol. 17 No. 3, 2002 (pages 59-63)

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM - - Articles by Daniel Maguire (arranged alphabetically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 7
"New Moral Theology: ‘Biblical, Liberationist and Upsetting the Vatican'," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 7
"No Religious Unanimity," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 7
"Part III: Reflections on the Dialogue," The Humanist, Vol. 32 No. 4, July/ August 1972 (pages 37-38)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 7
"Peace as Revolutionary Power," Christianity: A Revolutionary Catalyst, 1973 (pages 33-41)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 7
Plenary Address of Professor Daniel C. Maguire at the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, Egypt, September 8, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 7
"The Pope and Post-Clerical Catholicism," Conscience, Vol. 8 No. 5 and 6, September- December 1987 (pages 1-3)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 7
"The power that moves the stars," Creation, Vol. 6, No. 3, May-June 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 7
"The Psychotherapist as Moralist," Linacre Quarterly, Vol. 39, No. 3, August 1972
C-1.17 2-DM 4 7
"The Primacy of Justice in Moral Theology," Horizons, Vol. 10 No. 1, 1983 (pages 72-85)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 8
"Quotas: Unequal but Fair," Commonweal, Vol. CIV No.21, October 1977 (Pgs. 647-51)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 8
"Ratio Practica and the Intellectualistic Fallacy," The Journal of Religious Ethics, circa 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 8
"Reflections of a Catholic Theologian on Visiting an Abortion Clinic," Conscience, Vol. 17 No. 3, Autumn 1996 (pages 29-34)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 8
"The Reign of Hidden Absolutes: Religious and Moral Values in Contemporary Education," ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Education Review, Fall 1972 (pages 7-12)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 8
"The Religion Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health, and Ethics," a paper to prompt discussion at a conference, March 18-19, circa 1994

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM - - Articles by Daniel Maguire (arranged alphabetically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 8
"Reverie in a Nursery," (unpublished)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 8
"The Revolution in Death Consciousness," Thought, Vol. 57 No. 227, December 1982 (pages 502-513)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 8
"Secrecy and the Myths of Power," in The Right to Know, to Withhold, and to Lie by William J. Barnds, (c) 1969 The Council on Religion and International Affairs, New York, N.Y.
C-1.17 2-DM 4 9
"Service on the Common," Religious Studies Review, Vol. 10 No. 1, January 1984 (pages 10-14)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 9
"Statement Concerning Two Pamphlets," United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, March 26, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 9
"Toward Macromorality: a Response to Philip Turner," Anglican Theological Review, Vol. 61 No. 1, January 1979 (pages 54-59)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 9
"The Triumph of Unequal Justice,"The Christian Century, September 27, 1978 (Pg. 82-86)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 9
"Weakland Letter ‘Delicate and Prophetic'," National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 26 No. 33, June 15, 1990 (pages 20 and 4)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 9
Featured in "What do You Think? The Native Question" by Nick Pabst, Art Muscle, Vol. 4 No. 2, November 15/ January 15 1990 (pages 22-23)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 9
"What is a Christian?" St. Mary's Press, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 9
"Youth and the New Faith," circa 1969

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 32 Catholic Hour Transcripts (programs featuring Daniel Maguire), September 1968 (4 parts)
C-1.17 2-DM - - Editorial Pieces, Opinions, and Reviews by Maguire, 1965-2013 (arranged alphabetically)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"A Theology of Protest," Commonweal, Vol. 93 No. 4, October 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Bishops vs. Catholic Politicians," Religion Dispatches, September 5, 2008
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Blackmail," Tower, October 9, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Catholic Colleges, On Their Terms," The New York Times, November 19, 1999
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Commentary," Hastings Center Report, October 1978 (Pg. 24)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Cuomo Covered by Shifting Stance" by Bishop James T. McHugh, sent to Maguire from a reader of the paper, March 2, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Divorced Catholics and the Eucharist," The Catholic Connection, Vol. 2 No. 5, June/ July 1977 (page 5)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Falwell and Netanyahu," The New York Times, January 26, 1998
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"The Governor and the Bishop," The New York Times, January 30, 1990 (2 copies)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Hospital can't ignore moral principles," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, August 31, 2000
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Incompetence and the President," The New York Times, January 30, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Introduction," Counseling and Values, Vol. 22 No. 3, April 1978 (Pg. 138-9)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Israel, Iran, and the Nuclear Challenge," The New York Times, August 17, 2012
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Letter to the Editor concerning Congress and President Clinton, circa 1998
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Letters to the Editor of The New York Times concerning Maguire's Article "The Governor and the Bishop," The New York Times, February 9, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Letter to the Editor of Time, April 15, 1996 (page 6)

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM - - Editorial Pieces, Opinions, and Reviews by Maguire, 1965-2013 (arranged alphabetically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Lessons from the Mideast Agony," The New York Times, May 9, 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Is Medical Care a Right? The LEFT Answers" (collaboration of Daniel Maguire and Edith McFadden, MA MD), Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia, Vol. 82 No. 11, November 1993 (pages 580-586)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"MU's Caste System Belies Cura Personalis," The Marquette Tribune, November 21, 2013
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"MU must prevent segregation," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, May 27, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"No Relativist He," Commonweal, Correspondence section, 1979 (Pg. 130)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Nuclear Weapons May Already be Planted," The New York Times, February 2, 1985
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"On Abortion, Church Teaching isn't Absolute," The New York Times, November 20, 1998
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Perspectives on the U.N. Population Conference: It's the Best Hope for our Planet," "Commentary" section of the Los Angeles Times, September 5, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Post-Medical Subjects" Letter to the Editors, Commonweal, 1967
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Reformer Pope," The New York Times, June 9, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Review of A. Alvarez's The avage God and James A. Welchsler's In a Darkness, in Theology Today, circa 1972 (Pg. 206-9)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Review of Nancie Erhard's piece Review of Moral Habitat, December 31, 2005
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Manuscript Review of Free and Faithful in Christ, General Moral Theology Vol.2, and The Truth Will Set You Free
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Review of Gerard Gill's Meanness Mania: The Changed Mood,
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Review of Harry K. Girvetz's piece Beyond Right and Wrong, Horizons (pages 175-176)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Manuscript Review of Dermain Grisez's piece Beyond the New Mortality: Responsibilities of Freedom, copyright 1974 University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM - - Editorial Pieces, Opinions, and Reviews by Maguire, 1965-2013 (arranged alphabetically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Review of George McCauley's, S.J., piece The Truce of God: An End to the Conflict between Authority and Conscience?, America, Vol. 129 No. 19, May 19, 1973 (pages 470-471)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Review of Richard A. McCormick's piece Notes on Moral Theology, Theological Studies, 1965-1980 (pages 164-167)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
Review of Paul M. Van Buren's piece "The Edges of Language," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"‘Soaring Salaries' for Administrators," Chronicle of Higher Education, December 4, 1998
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Time for Candor in the Church…," The New York Times, March 16, 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Was Qaddafi Swayed by the War?," The New York Times, December 23, 2003
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Ways to Fight an Elusive Foe," The New York Times, July 15, 2005
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Where Will Pope Benedict Lead the Church?," The New York Times, April 21, 2005
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"Women Played Important Role," "Other Voices" Section of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 26, 1995
C-1.17 2-DM 4 10
"What would you Recommend? A College Introduction to Philosophy and Theology," Commonweal, Vol. 110 No. 7, April 8, 1983 (pages 213-214)

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Christians Get ‘Wage Peace' Appeal Here," The Pittsburgh Press, March 27, 1967
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Catholic Faculty Strikes To Protest Priest's Firing," Detroit Free Press, Vol. 136, No. 350, April 20, 1967
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"3 Catholic Theologians Back Suspended Priest," The Washington Post, July 5, 1967
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Furth, Maguire Initiate War, Peace Lectures," Tower, February 16, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Strings to the Bow" Column, Twin Circle, May 19, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Pope's Encyclical Called ‘Mistake'," The Commercial Appeal, August 21, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Group to Plan Adult Education Programs," The Oklahoma Courier, August 23, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Priests ask Church to Limit Celibacy," The New York Times, September 6, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Roman Church Must Allow Priests to Marry for Practical Reasons," China Post, Taiwan, September 7, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Cause for Revolt," circa 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Showoffs Distort Vatican II," circa 1969

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Church and Campus, Freedom of Inquiry is at Issue in Controversy at Catholic University," The Wall Street Journal, January 9, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"CU Priests Backed," The Washington Daily News, April 14, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Inquiry Clears 20 C.U. Profs," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 5 No. 25, April 16, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Is Heresy Dead?," Time, May 23, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Says Moral Questions Have No Set Answers," Catholic Chronicle, June 27, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Readers Write: Disturbed by Fr. Maguire," Catholic Chronicle, July 4, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"2 Priests Dissect Maguire ‘Morality'," Catholic Chronicle, July 11, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Maguire Ideas Defended," Catholic Chronicle, July 18, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Readers Write: Fr. Maguire to Monsignors," Catholic Chronicle, July 25, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Readers Write: Msgr. Kelly: to Make Clear," Catholic Chronicle, August 1, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Readers Write: Old Truths, New Language," Catholic Chronicle, August 15, 1969

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Maguire Circulates Anti-war Petition Calling for End to US Intervention," The Tower, Vol. 50 No. 3, October 10, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Maguire Quits Priesthood, Plans to Wed," The National Catholic Register, circa February 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Catholic U. Priest Seeks to Wed, Keep Job," The Washington Post, February 18, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"C.U. Priest to Marry, Plans to keep Teaching," The National Catholic Register, February 25, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Faculty Policies on Laicization Surveyed," NC News Service, February 27, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Faculty Policies on Laicization Surveyed (1,570)," "National Catholic News Service", February 27, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Maguire Quits Priesthood, Plans to Wed," The National Register, March 1, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"CU Professor Asks Laicization," The Anchor, March 5, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"CU Mulls Status of Teacher," The Catholic Standard and Times, circa March 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Father Maguire Speaks at Meeting for Priests," Toledo Dioceses Newspaper, circa March 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Will Philadelphian Leaving Priesthood be Permitted to Teach at Catholic U.?," The Catholic Standard and Times, March 5, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"A Crisis of Confidence," The Catholic Standard and Times, March 5, 1970

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Rigid Discipline and Frustration Stir Unrest in Voiceless Priests," The Evening Bulletin, Vol. 124, No. 44, May 25, 1970 (pages 1-8)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"The Church Is A Specific Distinctive Community," Momentum, Vol. 1, No. 3, August 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Walton Studies Contract after Maguire Laicization," Tower, Vol. 49, No.1, September 18, 1970 (pages 1-2)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Maguire Seeks New Position to Escape from ‘Harassment'," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 3, October 2, 1970 (page 1)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Maguire Explains Decision to Quit Faculty," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 3, October 2, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Pyhrric Victory," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 3, October 2, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Priest Disputes His Dismissal by Catholic U.," The Washington Post, October 8, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Students Protest CU Move to Fire Priest Who'll Wed," The Evening Star, October 9, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Maguire says he's Job Hunting," The National Catholic Reporter, October 9, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Walton Denies Due Process in Maguire Contract Case," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 4, October 9, 1970 (pages 1-2)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Tenure Controversy Centers on Legalities," Tower, October 9, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Due for Process," Tower, October 9, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Priest-Professor Asking Laicization May Lose Job," NC News Service, October 14, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 11
"Forum to Discuss Maguire Dispute," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 16, 1970 (page 1)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Philosophy Students Demonstrate Concern over Maguire Case," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 16, 1970 (page 5)

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Marriage Threatens Job, Professor Claims," The Washington Post, October 17, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"McGuire [sic] Tells CU Backers ‘I'm not Dead Yet'," The Washington Daily News, October 17, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"The New Morality- Older than the Old," Chestnut Hill Local, October 22, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Senate Conducts Maguire Inquiry," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 6, October 23, 1970 (pages 1-3)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Faculty to Probe Dismissal Threat," The Washington Post, October 24, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Maguire Fights for Rights at CU," The Evening Star, October 24, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Profs say:  Give Maguire Due Process," The National Catholic Reporter, October 30, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Bulletin," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 7, October 30, 1970 (page 1)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Philadelphian Leaving Priesthood Seeks to Remain at CU," The Catholic Standard and Times, November 5, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Father Maguire of Catholic University May Lose Teaching Position Because of Marriage or Contract," The Eagle, Vol. 45, No. 8, November 6, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Maguire and Catholic U.," The National Catholic Reporter, November 6, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"CU Senate Urges Tenure for Teacher," The Washington Post, circa 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Preliminary hearings Terminate in Maguire Tenure Controversy," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 12, January 22, 1971 (page 1)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Maguire's CU Job Threatened," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 7 No. 13, January 29, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"To Avoid ‘Scandal'?," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 13, January 29, 1971 (page 4)

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Both Sides Now," Tower, Vol. 49, No. 19, March 12, 1971 (page 2)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Pastoral Teaching Ban on Laicized Priests Emphasized," NC News Service, March 15, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Academic Senate Backs Priest in CU Dismissal," The Evening Star, May 6, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Priest Plans to Marry, Seeks Tenure at Catholic U.," The Evening Bulletin, May 7, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Controversial C.U. Professor is Recommended for Tenure," The Catholic Standard and Times, May 13, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"C.U. Senate Supports Maguire," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 22, No. 28, May 14, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Ex-Priest's Tenure Blocked," The Washington Post, May 20, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"CU Head Opposes Ex-Priest's Tenure," The Washington Post, May 20, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"The End of a Battle," Time, August 23, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"MU Puts Stress on Theology Study," The Milwaukee Sentinel, September 11, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Noted Theology Professor Impressed by MU ‘openness'," The Marquette Tribune, September 24, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Contemporary Moral Problems," National Catholic Reporter, December 7, 1973
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Speaker Discusses ‘Taboo' Subject," The Journal Times, March 8, 1974
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Death by Choice Author Explores Dying with Authority of 'Lived Life'," Montreal Gazette, Quebec, July 25, 1975
C-1.17 2-DM 4 12
"Comment: Living Will or Death Sentence," Columbia Magazine, Vol. 74 No. 9, September 1974 (page 4)

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"New Life in ‘Death'," Milwaukee Sentinel, September 25, 1976
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Book Discussion: American Society of Christian Ethics, topic:Death by Choice, January 17, 1976
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"Psychologist Explores Student Ethics, Sex," The Marquette Tribune, Vol. 61 No. 32, February 2, 1977 (pages 1 and 5)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, Kirkus Reviews, May 1, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, May 8, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, Publishers Weekly Newsletter, May 8, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, Clergy Book Services feature of the month, June 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Press Release, "Doubleday Catholic Book News," with blurb about The Moral Choice, June-July 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"‘Moral Choice' Difficult, but Worth it," The Baltimore Sun, August 4, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, Sign, September 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, Library Journal, October 1, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"The Rediscovery of Morality," The Los Angeles Times, October 15, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"Toward a Fallible Moral System," National Catholic Reporter, October 27, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"Ethical Realism and the Moral Muddle," The Christian Century, November 15, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, U.S. Catholic, December 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, Frost and Sullivan, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, by Robert O. Johann, Commonweal, January 19, 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"The Question of Ethics in the 20th Century," Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, Twin Cities, February 18, 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Letter to the editor about Maguire's book The Moral Choice, Twin Circle, March 18, 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
1979 Award Nomination for Maguire's book The Moral Choice, March 27, 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, By Richard Westley, The Critic, April 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"Rebirth of Wonder is Author's Goal," Milwaukee Journal, April 29, 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"Dinner for Resigned Priests Shows Changes in Attitude," Milwaukee Sentinel, May 19, 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"Of Dilemmas and Confusions," review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, Modern Age, Spring 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, by John C. Bennett, Worldview, June 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Two Views On The Moral Choice, Linacre Quarterly, August 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, by John R. Connery, Theological Studies, Vol. 40 No. 3, September 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, by Joseph W. Devlin, Horizons, Fall 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"Back to Equality of Opportunity," New York Times, Letter to editor, October 28, 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
"Our Country's Forgotten minority," New York Times, Letter to editor, November 4, 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by June O'Connor,Horizons, February 26, 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, Kirkus Reviews, June 15, 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Press release "Doubleday Catholic Book News," with blurb about Maguire's book A New American Justice, September 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, Clergy Book Services feature of the month, September 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by Lisa Sowle Cahill, America, October 4, 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by William R. David, NC News Service, November 26, 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by Roy C. Cella, December 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by Deborah Steely, Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Winter/Spring 1981
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by Arlene Swidler, NER, February 1981
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, Management Review, March 1981
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by Arlene Swidler, The Iliff Review, Spring 1981
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Mention of Maguire's book A New American Justice, Project Equality Update, July 1981
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by H. Preston Cummings, Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, July 10, 1981
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by James A. O'Donohoe, Theology Today, July 1981
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, Military Law Review, Summer 1981
C-1.17 2-DM 4 13

Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, Concilium, 1981

C-1.17 2-DM 4 14

Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by Jennifer L. Hothschild, Ethics, March 18, 1982

C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, Library Journal, School Library Journal, May 1, 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, Los Angeles Times, May 5, 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Richard Philbrick, NC News Service, July 2, 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
2 Reviews of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Bill Thomason and second by Sallie Bingham, Louisville Courier-Journal, July 11, 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Carol Flake O'Connor, Washington Post Book World, August 1, 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Michael O'Connor, Best Sellers, August 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Jim Bowman, National Catholic Reporter, September 3, 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by William Kloman, Washington Blade, September 10, 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by John A. Lapp, Provident Book Finder, September/October 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14

"Daniel Maguire Takes on the Religious Right," Conscience, Vol. 3 No. 5, September/ October 1982 (pages 4-5)

C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Benjamin Hubbard, Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, October 22, 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by LeRoy Kennel, Provident Book Finder, October 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Robert E. Schmitz, Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle, November 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by David M. Szonyi, Women's American ORT Reporter, Fall 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by Derrick A. Bell, Jr., Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review, 1982

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by David Becker, The Christian News, January 10, 1983
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's two books The New Subversives and A New American Justice, by William C. Behrens, Vanguard, February 1983
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Vincent Fecher, Pastoral Life, February 1983
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
"Theologian Addresses Homosexual Marriage," Milwaukee Sentinel, March 12, 1983
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Michael Lienesch, Political Science Quarterly, Spring 1983
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Richard M. Battistoni, Journal of Church and State, Vol. 25 No. 3, Autumn 1983
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
"Daniel C. Maguire: Retrospective," Religious Studies Review, Vol. 10 No. 1, January 1984 (pages 10-20)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, Theological Studies Fellow, May-June 1984
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
"‘Rebels' of Religion," The Capital Times, March 21, 1985
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book Death by Choice, Today's Parish, November/December 1985
C-1.17 2-DM 4 14
Review of Maguire's book Death by Choice, David Courtwright, New Oxford Review, January-February 1986
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, by Philip R. Malone, April 1986
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Academic Freedom and the Abortion Issue: Four Incidents at Catholic Institutions," Academe, July-August 1986
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Parts of Document Stir Sharp Disagreement from Theologians," The New York Times, March 11, 1987
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Revolution, by James Doyle, Sisters Today, Vol. 59, No. 1, August-September 1987
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Living Moral Theology With your Feet on the Ground," Review of Maguire's book The Moral Revolution, by James Doyle, Sisters Today, Vol. 59, No. 1, August-September 1987
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Revolution, Christian Sociological Society Newsletter, Vol. 15, No. 1, Fall 1987
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"The Catholic Legacy and Abortion," Commonweal, Multiple Letters to the editor, February 12, 1988
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Brotherly Love Bridges Gap for Atheist, Theologian, Priest," Milwaukee Sentinel Religion News Section, October 8, 1988 (page 9)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Revolution, by Guy Greenfield, Southwestern Journal of Theology, Spring 1988
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Revolution, Jean C. Lambert, Religious Studies Review, 1988
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Revolution, Paul D. Simmons, Review and Expositor, No. 85, 1988
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Marquette Owes much to Raynor Presidency," The Milwaukee Journal, September 6, 1989
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Dan is Back" Criticism of Maguire's ideas on Christian ethics, circa 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Bishop Repeated Church Teaching to Governor," The New York Times, February 9, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Very Un-American: Cancelling Lecture an Attempt at Thought Control," The Forum, October 28, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Community Must Live with Stifling Respectful Discourse," Fargo Forum, October 30, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Pro-Choice Activists Picket Fargo Bank," Fargo Forum, November 2, 1990

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Area Church will Host Maguire Talk," Fargo Forum, November 3, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 15
"Controversial Theologian Gets Chance to Air Views," Fargo Forum, December 12, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Mary Captures the Attention of a New Generation," The Orlando Sentinel, December 19, 1992
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Church's Proposal Rules Raise Fears at Some Catholic Colleges," The Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol. 40 No. 4, September 15, 1993
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Core of Judaism and Christianity, by Roland Thorwaldsen, The Living Church, September 19, 1993
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Core of Judaism and Christianity: Reclaiming the Revolution, by Werner E. Lemke, Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Vol. 31 No. 1, Winter/ Spring 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"To The Altar," The New York Times, June 4, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Fun with Ted and Jane," The Milwaukee Journal, July 26, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Theologians Endorse Aims of Population Conference," The Washington Post, August 25, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Catholic Theologian Blasts Vatican," September 8, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Behind the Pope's Unyielding Urgency," The New York Times, September 11, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Women Take the Lead in Cairo Battle of Sexes," The Observer, September 11, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Radical ‘Catholic' Theologian Plays Active Role in UN Conference," The Wanderer, September 15, 1994

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Feminists Win One in Cairo," The Plain Dealer, September 23, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
Article from International Dateline, October 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 16
"Catholic Theologian Criticizes Vatican," Christian Century, October 5, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 17
"View from the Bridge: Moral Systems," Catholic Accent, August 22, 1996
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Debate Rages: At Heart of Stem Cell Controversy is Question of When Life Begins," Catholic Herald, September 6, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Global Perspectives: Choice for the Common Good," Science and Spirit, Vol. 12, Issue 5, September/ October 2001 (pages 32-34)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Um Teologo na Contramao da Igreja," Journal do Brasil, November 26, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
Review of Maguire's book Sacred Choices, Network for Women's Spirituality, September/ October/ November 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Bishop's Decree Draws Praise," Wausau Daily Herald, January 10, 2004
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Cleric's Degree Causes Uproar," January 18, 2004
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"‘Sacred Choices': An Interview with Dr. Maguire," The New York Amsterdam News, Vol. 95 No. 9, February 26-March 3, 2004
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"For the Vatican, Schiavo's Case Hits Close to Home," Los Angeles Times, March 20, 2005
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"A moral creed for all Christians," Theology Digest, Vol. 52, No. 5, Winter 2005
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Speaker: U.S. an Empire Convinced ‘Might Makes Right'," The Holland Sentinel, March 8, 2006 (page A3)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
A Letter from Bishop Choby, Bishop of the Diocese of Nashville, to the Tennessee Register, May 19, 2006

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Articles About Daniel Maguire (Arranged Chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Exploring reproductive choice in world religions," Catholic New Times, September 10, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Bishops Denounce Writings of a Catholic Theologian," The New York Times, March 23, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Bishops denounce 2 pamphlets," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 24, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"MU Professor's Work Stirs Doctrine Debate," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 28, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"USCCB Body Offers 'Public Correction' to Marquette Professor's 'Views,'" The Catholic Standard and Times, March 29, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Theology Professor Under Fire," The Marquette Tribune, March 29, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Maguire Inspires, Grounds Students' Faith," "Respect Deserved for Maguire's Diversity of Catholic Perspectives," and "Scholars Should Raise Ire," The Marquette Tribune, April 10, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"New attention to questions of just-war theory," The Florida Catholic, August 3-16, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Theology Department Challenges MU to live up to Catholic Identity," by Eric Lompardi, Marquette Tribune, April 22, 2008
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Liberation (of Adjuncts) Theology," by Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher Ed, April 24, 2008
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
Your Opinions section, Adjuncts, "The answer: a union," by Joan Picard Bleidorn, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, May 23, 2009
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Dolan going to New York," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, February 23, 2009
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Marquette and the Heretical Dan Maguire," Marquette Warrior, January 21, 2010
C-1.17 2-DM 4 18
"Maguire Argues for Diversity of Catholic Views on Divisive Issues," The Chautauquan Daily, Vol. 136, No. 40, August 8, 2012

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Undated Articles About Maguire (arranged alphabetically)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"126 Women's Groups Attack Vatican's Stance on Population Plan," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Cancelling Speaker Was A Mistake," Fargo Forum, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Catholic Book Fair Takes Places Saturday, Nov. 15, in Holyoke," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Catholic Theologian: Abortion Isn't Always Wrong," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Criticism of Maguire's theories on Christian ethics, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Decisions in the Church is Lecture Topic," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Father Drane Gets Moral Support from Theologians," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Outrage at Molloy College," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Priest Defends Principle of Dissent in Church," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Producer of 'Catholic Hour' Resigns," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, by Donna Kustusch, The Living Light, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Choice, by Vernon J. Bourke, Review for Religions, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Revolution, Paradigms, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Review of Maguire's book The Moral Revolution, by Susan E. Henking, The Christian Century, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Review of Maguire's book 'The Moral Revolution: A Christian Humanist Vision', St. Luke's Journal of Theology, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Review of Maguire's book The New Subversives, by Erling Jorstad, Theology Today, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by Paula Kassell, unknown source, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, by David Anthony, ATLAN Book News and Reviews, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
Review of Maguire's book A New American Justice, manuscript by Jack Dick, Catholic Weekly, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Theology at Molloy: Mandate to Care for the Poor," no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"What's a Nice Church Like You Doing in a Place Like This?" New Book Review, no date
C-1.17 2-DM 4 19
"Why MU doesn't Muzzle Maguire," Milwaukee Journal, no date

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Correspondence About Daniel Maguire (arranged alphabetically by recipient)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Commonweal journal from John Kippley, Assistant Professor of Theology at College of Mount St. Joseph, Ohio, regarding Maguire's article "The Freedom to Die," dated December 14, 1972
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Archbishop Dolan from Jack Melloh, Chairperson CTA-Wisconsin criticizing Dolan's editorial "Don't miss the bigger picture" in the Catholic Herald, September 2, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Robert Heller, editor at Doubleday from Professor Victor Ferkiss. with comment on The Moral Choice, dated March 30, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Evy Herr, publicist at Doubleday, from Faustine C. Jones, Journal of Negro Education, regarding A New American Justice, dated August 5, 1980
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to The Molloy College Board of Trustees from Mary Jane Tobin concerning the controversial presentation by Daniel Maguire at Molloy College, November 6, 1997
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Rev. Pilarz, S.J., from Jim Fitzgerald concerning an editorial piece written by Daniel Maguire entitled "How the Pope Surprised the World," February 12, 2013
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Michael Pinkston of Continuum from Letty Cottin Pogrebin with comment about unnamed Maguire book, dated June 8, 1982
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger from Edward J. Mitchell concerning Maguire's article "Sacred Choices: The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions", July 12, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Rockville Centre Police Department from Joseph A. Raftery, Molloy Security, concerning the security surrounding Maguire's presentation at Molloy College, November 13, 1997
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Facsimile to Dr. Martin Snyder, President of Molloy College, from Nick Fargnoli concerning a lecture being given at the College by Daniel Maguire, November 12, 1997
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Dr. Martin Snyder from Fr. Robert J. Batule concerning the controversial presentation by Daniel Maguire at Molloy College, October 27, 1997
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Dr. Martin Snyder from Fr. Robert J. Batule concerning the controversial presentation by Daniel Maguire at Molloy College, October 30, 1997
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Dr. Martin Snyder from Thomas W. Groenewold concerning the controversial presentation by Daniel Maguire at Molloy College, October 30, 1997
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Dr. Martin Snyder from Rev. John R. McGann concerning the controversial presentation by Daniel Maguire at Molloy College, November 3, 1997
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
C-1.17 2-DM 4 20
Letter to Fr. Robert Wild, SJ - President from S. Marion Verhaalen, SSSF concerning criticism of Maguire by US bishops, April 7, 2007

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Correspondence To/From Daniel Maguire (arranged chronologically)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 21

Letter from John O'Brien regarding Pope's comments on governments encouraging family planning, August 6, 1968

C-1.17 2-DM 4 21
Letter from Edwin Seaver concerning publishing a book, September 9, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 21
Memo from Don Wilhelm with attached article "Disturbed by Fr. Maguire" by Msgr. Ignatius T. Kelly, Catholic Chronicle, July 4, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 21
Letter to Reverend Thomas O'Malley regarding work at Boston College, June 17, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 21
Letter from Reverent T.P. O'Malley regarding meeting, June 22, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 21
Incomplete letter to Cardinal John Krol, concerning Maguire's laicization, June 28, 1971
C-1.17 2-DM 4 21
Letter from Madalyn Murray O'Hair, American Atheists Inc., thanking Maguire for participation in Catholic-Humanist Dialogue in New York City, June 14, 1972
C-1.17 2-DM 4 22
Letter to John F.X. Sheehan, S.J. concerning Maguire's teaching, March 15, 1976
C-1.17 2-DM 4 22
Letter from Unknown Professor in Religious Studies at UC-Riverside, regarding The Moral Choice, August 2, 1978
C-1.17 2-DM 4 22
Letter from William Cenkner of the College Theology Society and Catholic University of Americas regarding The Moral Choice, May 14, 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 22
Letter to Editorial Sal Terrae in Spain regarding publishing The Moral Choice in Spanish, December 10, 1979
C-1.17 2-DM 4 22
Letter from Joseph Fletcher, concerning Maguire's Planned Parenthood Report, October 8, 1986
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter from Fr. Philip Rossi, S.J. concerning the faculty appointment of Fr. Charles Curran, October 19, 1988, attached is a paper by Maguire entitled "Academic Freedom at Marquette"
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter from Alice Lynn, Marriage, Family, and Child Counselor, concerning Maguire's presentation in Los Angeles, November 8, 1989
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter to Francis Lazarus, Vice President for Academic Affairs of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, concerning the performance of student Joe Nethen in Dr. Maguire's Theology course, January 5, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter from Margaret Dunbar, Customer Service Manager for Land's End, regarding the lack of minority models in their catalogs, January 11, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter to Gregory Lucey, S.J., Rector, regarding a letter Michael Zeps wrote to The New York Times, February 14, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter from George A. Sinner, Governor of North Dakota, regarding Maguire's ideas, April 9, 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter from DeAnne Hilgers concerning the cancellation of Maguire's presentation in Fargo, North Dakota, circa 1990
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter from Marquette Student Michelle Joyce concerning the cancellation of Maguire's presentation in her hometown of Fargo, North Dakota, November 20, 1990, attached are articles discussing the cancellation
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter from Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland to Rev. Philip Rossi, Chair of the Theology Department, regarding a meeting to discuss procedures for obtaining a mandatum in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, October 19, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 4 23
Letter from Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland to "Friends;" official follow-up to November 2 meeting to discuss the Mandatum, January 2, 2002

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Correspondence To/From Daniel Maguire (arranged chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 33
Series of correspondence with Francis Lazarus, VP for Academic Affairs, Curry First, Joseph McFadden, regarding Maguire's own retirement proposal and compensation, July-August 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 24
Letter to Maguire from Paul Knitter praising Maguire's The Moral Core of Judaism and Christianity, June 2, 1994.
C-1.17 2-DM 4 24
Letter from Adele Simmons, President of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, concerning a follow-up meeting after a meeting in Washington with Jack Gibbons, July 15, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 24
Letter to Dan Maguire from Paul Knitter concerning Maguire's "Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health, and Ethics," September 6, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 24
Letter to the Board of The Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health and Ethics regarding a sampling of materials of the activities of the Consultation board members in Cairo, October 9, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 24
Facsimile to Bill Starr regarding an undergraduate scholarship fund for African-American Residents of the city of Milwaukee at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, November 20, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 24
Four Letters of Correspondence between Dan Maguire and Timothy E. Wirth, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs, concerning Maguire's attendance of a global affairs senior staff meeting, November 2, 1994- December 29, 1994
C-1.17 2-DM 4 25
Facsimile from Sandro Spiasanti regarding Maguire's visit to Rome, June 4, 1996
C-1.17 2-DM 4 25
Three Facsimiles from Maurizo Mori regarding Maguire's visit to Milan and Rome, May 28, 1996 and October 8, 1996
C-1.17 2-DM 4 25
Letter from Sylvia Marcos concerning how well his theories coincide with feminist thought, October 27, 1996
C-1.17 2-DM 4 25
Facsimile from Jose Barzelatto concerning individuals to whom he suggested they contact Dr. Maguire concerning different ethics-based topics, including a list of their names and contact information, December 2, 1996
C-1.17 2-DM 4 25
Letter from Charles Curran, Elizabeth Scurlock University Professor of Human Values, concerning a conversation with Pat Carey, February 23, 1998
C-1.17 2-DM 4 25
Facsimile from Sandro Spiasanti concerning the Italian translation of one of Maguire's books, October 10, 1998
C-1.17 2-DM 4 25
Letter from David Pfrimmer concerning Dr. Maguire's inclusion of him as a "Participating Scholar" in Maguire's upcoming talk, including about David Pfrimmer, October 22, 1998

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Correspondence To/From Daniel Maguire (arranged chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Four Letters of Correspondence with Kit Dodgson, concerning the publication of Maguire's piece Sacred Choices: The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions, June 19, 2001- August 28, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Joanna Cain, Chair of the FIGO Committee for the Ethical aspects of Human Reproduction and Women's Health, regarding the agenda of the next FIGO Committee meeting, September 17, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Bob Todd concerning a report of publicity efforts on "Sacred Choices" (attached), October 2, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Two Facsimiles from John F. Cunningham, Professor of Philosophy at Providence College, agreeing with Maguire's arguments and congratulating Maguire on his success as a Philosophy professor, October 15, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Tammy Baldwin, member of the House of Representatives, regarding the topic of Maguire's recent research on reproductive rights, sexuality, and religion, October 22, 2001
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Under-Secretary-General for UNFPA, concerning Maguire's invitation to the UNFPA's Expert Consultation on the Role of Culture and Religion, January 15, 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Veronica Higgs, Reference Project Manager for Continuum International Publishing Group, Ltd., concerning a contract to publish an article in one of their encyclopedias, including copies of the contract, January 28, 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Most Reverend Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B. concerning his views on Maguire's publications, April 12, 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. concerning his views on Maguire's publications, June 17, 2002

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Correspondence To/From Daniel Maguire (arranged chronologically) (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Gloria Feldt, President of Planned Parenthood, asking if Maguire will make a comment for her upcoming book Behind Every Choice Is a Story, November 15, 2002
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from the Chautauqua Institution Department of Religion including a contract that implies agreement to present at an event, March 26, 2003
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Kathie Zieve Norman, Chair of the Governance Committee for Planned Parenthood, concerning his acceptance to become a PPWI Honorary Board member, June 6, 2003
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Karyn L. Morrison, Permissions Coordinator for Wadsworth Custom Publishing, regarding permission to print Maguire's article "When I Boarded the Midwest Express to Washington D.C. on 9/11" in an upcoming project, May 10, 2004
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Steve Harrelson, representative in Arkansas' House of Representatives, thanking Maguire for sending him a copy of Maguire's book Sacred Choices: The Right to Contraception and Abortion in Ten World Religions, May 13, 2005
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Kurt G. Calia, concerning their pro bono representation of The Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health and Ethics in the case Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, October 7, 2005
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Walter Brueggemann, of the Columbia Theological Seminary, thanking Dr. Maguire for sending Brueggemann his new book, January 17, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter to Lance concerning their unavailability in regards to Maguire's home renovation, March 8, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Series of letters to and from Maguire, Rev. David R. Choby, and Rev. James K. Mallet regarding Maguire's invitation to speak at a parish in Nashville, May 19, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter to the Catholic Bishops regarding same-sex unions, June 19, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Thomas G. Doran, Bishop of Rockford, regarding pamphlets Maguire sent on same-sex marriage, July 3, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Timothy M, Dolan, Archbishop of Milwaukee, regarding pamphlets Maguire sent on same-sex marriage, July 13, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Jerome Listecki, Bishop of La Crosse, regarding pamphlets Maguire sent on same-sex marriage, July 13, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Maguire to Archbishop Timothy Dolan in response to his July 13 letter, July 18, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Donald W. Shriver, Jr. praising Maguire's article "The Abnormality of War," August 5, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Daniel Maguire to various recipients containing Archbishop Dolan's editorial "Don't miss the bigger picture" in the Herald of Hope, August 28, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Maguire to the Editors of Herald of Hope requesting to submit a response to and criticizing Archbishop Dolan's editorial piece, August 28, 2006
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Robert J. Willis to Maguire in support of his work, April 2, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Message from ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ President Robert A. Wild to Maguire regarding concerns Maguire raised related to academic freedom, April 3, 2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 34
Series of Correspondence regarding Maguire's efforts for adjunct justice at Marquette, April-September 2008
C-1.17 2-DM 4 26
Letter from Allen Verhey, President of Duke University Divinity School, awarding Daniel Maguire the Society's Lifetime Achievement Award, May 15, 2013
C-1.17 2-DM 4 27
Letter from Joseph Fletcher of the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, MA, undated

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 28 Religious Consultation Reports, Scattered, 1997-2007
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Newspaper Coverage of Dissenters to Humanae Vitae at Catholic University
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Encyclical Stirs Psychology Unit: Catholics Question Pope's Points on Contraception," The New York Times, September 3, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Vatican will Reply to Papal Critics," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 5, No. 11, January 8, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Catholic U. Teachers Cleared," The Washington Post, April 6, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Inquiry Clears 20 C.U. Profs," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 5, No. 25, April 16, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Inquiry Board Advises ‘Due Process' Norms," The Tower, April 18, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Inquiry Exonerates Dissidents, Committee to Consider Report," The Tower, April 18, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"It's Over…" Student Opinion Piece, The Tower, April 18, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Catholic U. Delays ‘Not-Guilty' Verdict," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 5, No. 26, April 23, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Senate Brings Back Watchdog Committee to Clarify Discrepancies with Inquiry," The Tower, Vol. 49, No. 19, April 25, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Freedom and Catholic U(u)niversity(ies)," Twin Circle, May 18, 1969
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Lawyers for 21 at CU Accuse U.S. Hierarchy," The Evening Star, January 7, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 29
"Inquiry Committee Urged at Catholic U," The National Catholic Register, November 8, 1970

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Stories Regarding Cardinal O'Boyle, Humanae Vitae, and the Washington Priests
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Richmond Diocese Calm-A Contrast to D.C.," The Evening Star, circa 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Religion: Discipline for Priests on Birth Control," circa 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Corrigan Says O'Boyle Blocked Teaching Job at Catholic U.," The National Catholic Reporter, circa 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"87 Theologians Reject Edict on Birth Control," The Evening Star, Vol. 116, No. 212, July 30, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Accept Birth Edict, Pope Paul Pleads, Clerics Assail Ban," The Evening Star, Vol. 116, No. 213, July 31, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Text of Pope's Encyclical ‘Of Human Life'," The Catholic Standard, Vol, 18, No. 31, August 1, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Encyclical Confirms Birth Control Ban," The Catholic Standard, Vol, 18, No. 31, August 1, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Six U.S. Secular Aides of Pope Reported Opposed to Birth Control Edict," The Evening Star, August 2, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Both O'Boyle, 51 Dissenters Make Appeals," The Evening Star, August 5, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"O'Boyle Talks to Dissenters," The Washington Post, August 21, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Most Catholics Oppose Pope's Birth-Curb Ban," The Washington Post, September 1, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"O'Boyle Visits Priest, Suspends Him in Person," The Washington Post, September 1, 1968

Series 2-DM

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1.17 2-DM 4 - Stories Regarding Cardinal O'Boyle, Humanae Vitae, and the Washington Priests (continued)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"O'Boyle Suspends Birth-Edict Critic," The Sunday Star, September 1, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Laymen Picket O'Boyle Back Suspended Priest," The Evening Star, Vol. 116, No. 246, September 2, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Priests Get O'Boyle Ultimatum," The Evening Star, Vol. 116, No. 246, September 3, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"O'Donoghue Sticks to Guns," The Evening Star, September 4, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Buffalo Sem Fires Critics of Encyclical," The National Catholic Reporter, September 4, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Priest Leaves Rectory but Will Live in Parish," The Evening Star, September 5, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"CU Trustees Order Inquiry on 17 Birth-Edict Dissenters," The Evening Star, September 6, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"National Priests' Unit asks O'Boyle to Reconsider Ouster," The Washington Post, September 10, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Review on O'Donoghue Asked by Priest Group," The Evening Star, September 10, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Catholic U. Trustees Warn Dissenters, Order Inquiry," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 4, No. 45, September 11, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"O'Boyle Suspends Fr. O'Donoghue, Faces Showdown with 51 Other Priests," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 4, No. 45, September 11, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Debate Continues On Birth Control," The Tablet, September 12, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"O'Boyle Statement Hitting at Dissent Mailed to Parishes," The Evening Star, September 12, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"O'Boyle Rebuffs Priests Here on ‘Freedom of Conscience' Plea," The Washington Post, September 12, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"O'Boyle Takes Dispute to Pulpits," The Evening Star, Vol. 116, No. 264, September 20, 1968 (pages A1-A6)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Church Walkout Set Today," The Washington Post, Vol. 91, No. 292, September 22, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Both Walkouts and Ovation Greet O'Boyle at 3 Masses," The Evening Star, September 23, 1968
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Catholic Church Moves Toward Biggest Crisis in 400 Years," The U.S. News & World Report, September 30, 1968 (pages 66-67)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"Wright Slows Case of ‘Washington 19'," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 6, No. 43, October 9, 1970 (pages 1-11)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 30
"A Test Case Can Be Trying," The National Catholic Reporter, Vol. 6, No. 43, October 9, 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 31 Miscellaneous Items, 1968-2004
C-1.17 2-DM 4 31
The Catholic University of America, Course Evaluation, Spring 1970
C-1.17 2-DM 4 31
Thirkield-Jones Lectures featuring Dan Maguire program, March 9-11 1982 (small and large booklets)
C-1.17 2-DM 4 31
Small card to Maguire from Norman Perry, OFM concerning Maguire's article "Facing Moral Decisions," May 26 1982