Series Box Folder Title
C-1.9 2-JVT - Articles and Books by
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Bernard Bolzano, Czech Pioneer of Modern Mathematics"
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "A Collection of Dr. Talacko’s Publications"
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "A Compact ‘Simplex’ Algorithm and a Symmetric Algorithm for General Linear Programs, August, 1960
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Computational Algorithm of the ‘Dual-Symmetric’ Method," April, 1959 (Abstract)
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Confidence Interval Solutions of Stochastic Linear Inequalities," 1959 (Abstract)
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Equivalence of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator to a Minimum Entropy Estimator," 1968
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Estimation of the Confidence Interval for the Optimum Stochastic Linear Functional" (Abstract)
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Interval Solutions of Stochastic Linear Inequalities," Summary
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Introduction in the Symmetric Method"
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Linear Programming as a Tool of the Business Executive," 1957
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Linear Programming Problems Solved By Symmetric Methods,""Natural Computational Method of Finite Matrix Games"
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "A Note About a Family of Perk’s Distribution," 1958
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "On Stochastic Linear Inequalities," 1959
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "On Stochastic Linear Programming" (Abstract)
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "On Stochastic Linear Programming"
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "On the Solution of Linear Programming Problems Under Uncertainty," (Abstract)
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Perks Distribution and Their Role in the Theory of Wieners Stochastic Variables," 1956
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Professor Ronald A. Fisher: Su Vida, Trabajos Y Publicaciones," 1962
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Some Operational Methods in the Calculus of Finite Differences," 1957
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Special Methods of Inventory by Sampling if the Population Sets Have Approximately Negative Exponential Distribution," 1959
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Statistical Properties of Boolean Variables Generated by a Class of Binaru Arithmetic Processes," 1969
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Stochastic Linear Programs," MS
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 Stratified Sampling from the Negative Exponential Population," 1958
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 The Symmetric Method, Natural Computational Method of Finite Matrix Games, 1962
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "The Symmetric Method; A New General Computational Methodof Linear Programming and Matrix Games (Abstract)
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Two-Person Zero-Sum Game"
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "The Use of the Standard Sigmoid and the Logistic Curves in Pairwise Comparisons," 1966
C-1.9 2-JVT 1 "Vytahy Disertacnich Praci," Summary of his Doctor’s Dissertation de l’Universite’ Charles

Series 2-JVT
Series Box Folder Title
C-1.9 2-JVT - Articles - Possibly Authored by Talacko Basic Data
C-1.9 2-JVT 2 Bibliography and Information, 1955-1957
C-1.9 2-JVT 2 Correspondence and Information, 1950-1976
C-1.9 2-JVT 2 Letters, 1959
C-1.9 2-JVT 2 MAST 70 - Finite Mathematics, 1973
C-1.9 2-JVT 2 MAST 160 - Theory of Probability, 1973
C-1.9 2-JVT 2 MAST 167 - Theory of Games and Mathematical Programming, 1973
C-1.9 2-JVT 2 Novy’ Zivot, 1974-1976
C-1.9 2-JVT 2 Quality Control (Course), Information, 1952
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 An Example on Three Variables of the Symmetric Method
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Examples
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Fragments
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Information Theory
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Introduction to Statistics
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Introduction to Symmetric Method, 1959
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Linear Programming (Course), 1958-1959
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Markov Processes
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Miscellaneous
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Natural Computational Method of Two-Person Zero-Sum Games
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Programming Applications and Computations
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Simple Procedures, 1958
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Some Problems Solved by the Symmetrical Method, MSS
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Student Problems
C-1.9 2-JVT 3 Bibliographia 1953-1972, Facultas Mathematica Physicaque Universitatis Carolinae, Prague: 1975. (Given to ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ in Memory of Dr. Talacko.)