Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Absences
C-1 1 1
Policies and Information, 1949-1974
C-1 1 1
Reports, Survey on, 1959-1968
C-1 1 1 Academic Achievements (Significant) for College of Liberal Arts, 1961-1966
C-1 1 1 Academic Affairs, Office of, Correspondence and Directives, 1958-1974
C-1 1 1 Academic Consulters, Board of, 1965-1966
C-1 1 1 Academic Government Support, Workshop, 1965
C-1 1 1 Academic Life, Committee on, 1957-1962
C-1 1 1 Academic Master Plan, Liberal Arts, Plan, Minutes and Information, 1964-1972
C-1 1 1 Administrative Structure, Reorganization, 1970
C-1 1 1 Admission of Freshmen, 1948-1954


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Admission of Students
C-1 1 1
Deadlines and Procedures, 1967-1977
C-1 1 1
General, 1948, 1949
C-1 1 1 Advising
C-1 1 1
General Information, 1966-1979
C-1 1 1
List of Advisors, 1965-1968, 1970, 1972-1976
C-1 1 1 Advising Center Brochure, undated
C-1 1 - Advising of Freshmen
C-1 1 2
Freshmen Advising Manual, 1972/73-1977/78; 5 folders
C-1 1 3
Freshmen Advising Manual, 1978/79-1984/85; 3 folders
C-1 1 3
Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Guide, 1978/79, 1980/81, 1982/83
C-1 1 3 Advising at Registration, 1971-1979; 3 folders
C-1 1 4 Affiliations, General Information, Re: 1. Alverno College, Board of Directors, 1968;
2. Inter-Institutional Cooperation with Jesuit Colleges, 1964


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Affiliation, continued
C-1 1 4
Appalachian Study Center, Glenmary Sisters, Chicago, Illinois, 1966-1969; 2 folders
C-1 1 4
Grailville, Loveland, Ohio, 1968-1969
C-1 1 4
Holy Cross Junior College, Merrill, Wisconsin, 1964-1966
C-1 1 4
Instituto Technology y de Estudios, Monterey, Mexico, 1964-1965
C-1 1 4
Jesuit College, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1954-1960
C-1 1 4
Jesuit College, St. Boniface, Minnesota, 1960-1970
C-1 1 4
Mount St. Paul, Waukesha, Wisconsin, 1965-1966
C-1 1 4
Oblates of Mary Immaculate, (OMI), St. Paul, Minnesota, 1965-1967
C-1 1 4
Affiliation, Our Lady of Carey Seminary, Carey, Ohio, 1963
C-1 1 4
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Columbia, South America, 1964-1965
C-1 1 4
School Sisters of St. Francis, Proposed Agreement with ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, 1936-1937


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Affiliation, continued
C-1 1 4
School Sisters of St. Francis (Teachers College), 1936-1937
C-1 1 4
Presentation Sisters, 1963-1966
C-1 1 4
St. Benedict’s Seminary, Benet Lake, Wisconsin, 1965
C-1 1 4
St. Columban’s College and Seminary, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, 1965
C-1 1 4
St. Francis Convent, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1965-1967
C-1 1 4
St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1967
C-1 1 4
St. Joseph College, Darjeeling, India, 1966 (Note: No affiliation has been set up. R. Gassert)
C-1 1 4
St. Joseph Seminary, White Fathers, Onchiota, New York, 1965
C-1 1 4
St. Norbert College, West De Pere, Wisconsin, Information, 1963
C-1 1 4
Stonebridge Priory (Servites), Lake Bluff, Illinois, 1964


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Affiliation, continued
C-1 1 5
Sisters of Divine Savior, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1963-1966
C-1 1 5
Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico, Information, 1964
C-1 1 5
Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1965-1967
C-1 1 5 American Democracy Programs, Institute of American Democracy, 1960-1961
C-1 1 5 Anti-Poverty Bill, Work Study Program in Liberal Arts Schools, 1964
C-1 1 5 Asian Institute, Correspondence, 1957-1961
C-1 1 5 Assistant Deans, 1959-1977
C-1 1 5 Associate Degree, 1973-1978
C-1 1 5 Association of American Colleges, Annual Meeting, 1959, 1965-1967, 1972; 3 folders
C-1 1 5 Association of General and Liberal Education, 1944, 1945
C-1 1 5 Association for Higher Education, National Conference on Higher Education, 17th Annual Conference, 4-7 March 1962; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 6 Association for Higher Education, Annual Meetings, 1957, 1958
C-1 1 6 Attendance Policy for Class, 1969-1970
C-1 1 6 Auditing and Class Drops, 1958, 1960, 1962
C-1 1 - Biology, Department of
C-1 1 6
Annual Reports, 1955-1961, 1963-1973; 4 folders
C-1 1 -
Building Committee
C-1 1 7
Minutes, 1954-1959
C-1 1 7
Correspondence, 1952-1961
C-1 1 7
Correspondence to and from Reis, Raymond A. (Rev.), S.J., Chairman of the Department, 1954-1959; 2 folders
C-1 1 7
Correspondence, 1957-1968; 3 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Biology, Department of
C-1 1 8
Correspondence, 1969-1975; 3 folders
C-1 1 8
Course Changes, 1970-1974
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 -
Biology 1 & 2
C-1 1 8
Content and Philosophy, 1967-1968
C-1 1 8
Report on, 1969
C-1 1 8
Biology 3, Correspondence, 1968-1969
C-1 1 8
Proposal, 1969
C-1 1 8
Biology 90, 1973-1974
C-1 1 8
Biology Major: Dental School Courses, 1973
C-1 1 8
Handbook, 1968-1973
C-1 1 8
Lecture Outlines, 1971
C-1 1 8
Minutes of Meetings, 1957


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Biology, Department of
C-1 1 9
Minutes of Meetings, 1958-1974; 3 folders
C-1 1 9
National Science, 1961, 1967
C-1 1 9 Black Students in American Colleges, by A. E. Bayer and R. T. Boruch, American Council of Education, 1969
C-1 1 9 Borden Freshmen Prize, Discontinued, 1957-1971
C-1 1 10 Budget, 1928/29-1931/32, 1960-1978; 2 folders
C-1 1 10 Buildings and Grounds, 1969-1973
C-1 1 10 Bulletin Revision Notes, Curricula, 1948-1955
C-1 1 10 Bulletin, 1967-1972
C-1 1 10 Business Administration, Correspondence, 1946-1963
C-1 1 - Buttons
C-1 1 10
"Chart Your Course, March 3, 1993" Button
C-1 1 10
"Arts & Sciences, 1994" Button


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Calendar
C-1 1 10
Office Calendar, Liberal Arts, 1968-1977
C-1 1 10
Academic, Ad Hoc Committee on, 1965-1966
C-1 1 10 Catholic Dramatic Movement, 1938-1941
C-1 1 10 Catholic Influence, Committee on, 1961
C-1 1 10 Catholic Youth Organization, 1939-1940
C-1 1 11 Chemistry Building, Committee, 1964-1965
C-1 1 11 Chemistry, Curriculum, 1966-1974
C-1 1 - Chemistry, Department of
C-1 1 11
Correspondence, 1957-1974; 5 folders
C-1 1 11
General Information, 1961-1975
C-1 1 11
Grade Study, 1973
C-1 1 11
Departmental Meetings, Minutes, 1956-1965


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Chemistry, Department of
C-1 1 12
Minutes, 1966-1974
C-1 1 12
Annual Reports, 1955-1974; 2 folders
C-1 1 12 Chemistry-Physics Building, Committee, 1963-1964
C-1 1 12 Class Scheduling, Ad Hoc Committee on, 1964-1965
C-1 1 12 Classics, Department of, Report of the Committee on Latin and Greek, 1913
C-1 1 12 Classification and Rank, Norms, 1977
C-1 1 12 Class Visitation, 1961


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - College and University Administrators, Institute for
C-1 1 12
Harvard, 1958
C-1 1 12
University of Michigan, 1961, 1965
C-1 1 12 College Bowl, Television Show, 1961, 1966
C-1 1 12 College Cooperative Programs of Wisconsin, 1967-1968 (See also:  Affiliations)
C-1 1 12 College Day, 1969-1973
C-1 1 12 "College of the Air," The New Biology, Columbia Broadcasting System, 1961
C-1 1 13 College Entrance Examination Board (CLEP), Information from Marquette, 1957-1978
C-1 1 13 College Level Examination Program (CLEP), 1972-1979
C-1 1 13 Community Conference, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Community Conference, 1969-1971


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 13 Computer Services, Data Processing Center, 1955-1977; 3 folders
C-1 1 13 Consortium of Enrichment, Inter-College Lectureand Concert Program, 1971-1972
C-1 1 14 Contact Hour Study, 1971-1972
C-1 1 14 "Continental Classroom," NBC Television Program, Mathematics and American Government Courses, 1961-1962
C-1 1 14 Correspondence, General, 1921-1966; 4 folders
C-1 1 14 Counseling Center, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1979
C-1 1 - Counseling
C-1 1 14
General, 1955-1976
C-1 1 14
Jesuits, 1960-1972
C-1 1 14
Letters to Students, 1966-1977
C-1 1 14 Credit, Advanced Standing Program, 1960-1979


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 15 Credit by Examination, 1939, 1963-1976
C-1 1 15 Credit: Evaluation of, 1961-1979
C-1 1 15 Credit, Other MU, 1963-1976; 2 folders
C-1 1 15 Curative Workshop of Milwaukee, Inc., Correspondence and Information about the liaison with Curative Workshop and Marquette, 1959-1963, 1975-1976
C-1 1 15 Curriculum Changes of MU over 20 Year Intervals, 1881-1980, by Sheila Kerrigan. 1981
C-1 1 - Curriculum Committee
C-1 1 15
Background and By-Laws, 1964-1972
C-1 1 15
Correspondence and Information, 1963-1970; 3 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Curriculum Committee
C-1 1 16
Correspondence and Information, 1971
C-1 1 16
Minutes, 1967-1978; 2 folders
C-1 1 - Curriculum
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 16
Information and Execution, 1972
C-1 1 16
Plan and Information, 1968-1971
C-1 1 16
Sub-Committee, 1961-1962
C-1 1 -
Course Changes
C-1 1 16
Approvals Arranged by Departments, 1963-1974
C-1 1 17
Proposals, Arranged by Departments, 1963-1974; 3 folders
C-1 1 17
Courses, Duplication of, 1957-1969, Also Duplication of Textbooks, 1969
C-1 1 17
Courses from other Colleges in the University Accepted by Liberal Arts, ca. 1963-1977
C-1 1 17
Course of Studies for the Colleges of the (Jesuit) Missouri Province, 1887-1903, 1911, 1915, 1919; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 18 Curriculum: Courses of Upper and Lower Division, 1935-1958
C-1 1 18 Curriculum Study Committee, 1949-1960
C-1 1 18 Dean, Regulations and Directives, 1958-1959
C-1 1 18 Dean, Assistant, Correspondence, Letters Out, 1965/66-1966/67; 2 folders
C-1 1 18 Dean’s Advisory Council, Department Chairmen Meetings, 1955/56-1966/67; 4 folders
C-1 1 19 Dean’s Advisory Council, Department Chairmen Meetings, 1967/68-1979/80; 7 folders
C-1 1 19 Dean’s Ways and Means Committee, 1959/60
C-1 1 - Dean of Men, Office of
C-1 1 19
Correspondence, 1961-1973
C-1 1 19
Ryan, Francis A. (Rev.), S.J., Correspondence, 1938-1952
C-1 1 - Degree
C-1 1 19
Double Degrees or Combined Degrees, 1963-1978
C-1 1 19
General Studies Program, 1951-1956
C-1 1 19
Navy Science (Bachelor of), 1943-1961


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 19 Degree Requirements, 1929-1959, 1961-1976; 2 folders
C-1 1 19 Degree Requirements for Courses in Other MU Colleges but Taught in Liberal Arts, 1971
C-1 1 20 Departmental Abbreviations and Alphabetical Code to be Used for all Tabulating Services, 1948, 1972
C-1 1 20 Departments, Appointments, 1967-1975
C-1 1 20 Departmental Efficiency a Pilot Study, 1969
C-1 1 20 Diplomas, Issuing at Graduation Day, 1964-1966
C-1 1 20 Directives from Dean (Assorted needs further sorting), 1953-1976; 2 folders
C-1 1 20 Dishonesty (Cheating), 1956-1977
C-1 1 20 Draft, 1950-1969
C-1 1 - Economics, Department of
C-1 1 20
Correspondence and Information, 1959-1974
C-1 1 20
Minutes, 1961-1966


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Education, Department of
C-1 1 20
Accreditation Report, 1965, 1966
C-1 1 20
Correspondence and Information, 1928-1940, 1956-1967; 3 folders
C-1 1 21
Correspondence and Information, 1968-1970
C-1 1 21
Ad Hoc Committee Report on Proposed School of Education, 1967
C-1 1 21
Reports, 1955-1959
C-1 1 21
Staff Meetings, Minutes, 1958-1963
C-1 1 -
Teacher Education Committee
C-1 1 21
Annual Reports, 1961/62-1966/67
C-1 1 21
Minutes, 1953-1970
C-1 1 -
Teacher Education
C-1 1 21
Courses Under, 1960-1970
C-1 1 21
Director of, Search For, 1968-1969; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 22 Effort Reports, Quarterly, 1965-1971
C-1 1 - English, Department of
C-1 1 22
Correspondence, 1953-1974; 8 folders
C-1 1 23
Course Approvals, 1968-1974
C-1 1 23
Minutes, 1956-1974; 3 folders
C-1 1 23
Annual Reports, 1955-1964; 3 folders
C-1 1 24
Statistics, 1965-1970
C-1 1 24 English Proficiency Examination, Correspondence and Information, 1959-1968
C-1 1 24 Enrollment Information, 1960, 1961, 1969
C-1 1 24 Enrollment Projection, 1965-1967
C-1 1 24 Equivalency Rating, 1963-1973


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Examinations
C-1 1 24
Directive on, 1966-1979
C-1 1 24
Mid-Semester, 1947-1950
C-1 1 24
Final, 1958-1970
C-1 1 25 Examination Schedules, 1945-1974
C-1 1 - Executive Committee
C-1 1 25
1934-1939, 1952-1954, 1966, 1972-1974, 1976-1979
C-1 1 25
Summary of Actions, 1961-1978
C-1 1 25 Faculty, Appointment of, 1963
C-1 1 25 Faculty Bulletins, 1933-1944
C-1 1 25 Faculty Children Exchange Program (FACHEX), 1974
C-1 1 - Faculty Council, Liberal Arts (LAFC)
C-1 1 25
Constitution, 1962, 1972, 1976
C-1 1 25
Minutes and Correspondence, 1961-1969; 3 folders
C-1 1 26
1969-1978; 7 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 27 Faculty Evaluation Study, 1958-1961; 2 folders
C-1 1 27 Faculty and Staff, Fringe Benefits (Also cf. folder on retirement), 1962-1970
C-1 1 27 Faculty Guide to Procedures, ca, 1995, 2000-2001, 2004-2005
C-1 1 27 Faculty Handbook, Correspondence, 1961-1970
C-1 1 - Faculty Lists
C-1 1 27
1938-1981; 4 folders
C-1 1 28
Jesuit, 1955-1977
C-1 1 28
Summer Session, 1946-1975
C-1 1 28 Faculty Meetings, 1928-1943, 1955-1964; 2 folders
C-1 1 28 Faculty (Liberal Arts), Meetings, 1965-1979; 2 folders
C-1 1 29 Faculty Notices, from the Office of Liberal Arts, 1965-1970; 2 folders
C-1 1 29 Faculty Orientation, 1961, 1965


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 29 Faculty Parking Spaces, 1966-1969
C-1 1 - Faculty
C-1 1 29
Rank and Tenure, 1957-1977
C-1 1 29
Recruiting Procedures, 1946-1974
C-1 1 29
Sabbaticals, Leaves of Absences and Terminations, 1964-1977
C-1 1 29
Salary Study, 1948
C-1 1 29
Salaries, 1956-1973
C-1 1 -
Teaching Loads
C-1 1 29
Individual Reports, 1943
C-1 1 29
1947-1953, 1955-1970; 2 folders
C-1 1 29
Teaching Overloads, 1955-1977


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 30 Financial Matters, Information, 1971-1972
C-1 1 30 Fine Arts, Department of, Correspondence, 1961-1971
C-1 1 30 Ford Foundation Experiment, English, 1960
C-1 1 - Foreign Languages and Literature, Department of
C-1 1 30
Annual Reports, 1955-1975; 2 folders
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 30
1956-1970; 3 folders
C-1 1 31
1970-1974; 4 folders
C-1 1 31
German Area Studies, 1956/57, 1981
C-1 1 31
Italian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Polish, Russian, 1956-1966
C-1 1 31
Language Laboratory, 1959-1970
C-1 1 31
Minutes, 1957-1974; 2 folders
C-1 1 32
Study Center at Madrid, Spain, 1964-1975; 6 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 32 Form Letters, 1966-1979
C-1 1 32 Forms Used by Liberal Arts Office, 1969-1979
C-1 1 33 Freshman Class, Various Items On, 1961-1976
C-1 1 33 Freshman Frontier Program, 1969-1979; 3 folders
C-1 1 33 Freshman Lecture, 1928-1964; 5 folders
C-1 1 33 Freshmen Orientation (Formerly Freshmen Lecture), 1965-1979
C-1 1 34 Gamma Pi Epsilon, 1957-1971
C-1 1 34 German Affairs, Institute for, 1956-1967
C-1 1 34 German Language Training Center, West Germany, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1970
C-1 1 34 German Language Institute for Jesuits, 1960-1965
C-1 1 34 General Studies Program, 1951-1958


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 34 Governor’s Commission on Education, 1969
C-1 1 34 Governor’s Conference on Education Beyond High School, 1958
C-1 1 - Grade Studies
C-1 1 34
1946-1953, 1959/60, 1960/61; 3 folders
C-1 1 35
1961/62-1965/66; 5 folders
C-1 1 36
1966/67-1970/71; 5 folders
C-1 1 36
Comparing 1st and 2nd Semesters, 1960-1965
C-1 1 36
Ten Year Grade Study, Unsatisfactory Grades, Superior Grades, 1959-1969
C-1 1 36
1st Semesters, Graphs, 1959-1969
C-1 1 37
1971/72-1974/75; 4 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Grades
C-1 1 38
Changes of, 1971-1979
C-1 1 38
Engineering, Modified Plan for, 1969
C-1 1 38
Evaluation of, 1957-1971
C-1 1 38
F - Change About, 1973-1976
C-1 1 38
Faculty, Instructions for, 1963-1975
C-1 1 38
Freshmen, 1959-1979
C-1 1 38
Graduating Seniors, 1965, 1966
C-1 1 38
Inflation, 1975, 1978
C-1 1 38
Late, 1970-1977
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 38
Study of, 1964-1967
C-1 1 38


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Grades
C-1 1 38
New System, 1965-1974
C-1 1 38
Numerical, Prior to 1949, 1966, 1974
C-1 1 38
S/U Option, 1967-1973
C-1 1 38
Student Load, 1965
C-1 1 38
X and I, 1958-1979; 2 folders
C-1 1 38 Graduate Courses, Undergraduates, 1967-1971
C-1 1 39 Graduate Record Exam, 1950-1956
C-1 1 39 Graduates, 1962-1964, 1967-1979; 4 folders
C-1 1 39 Graduation Requirements, 1958-1976
C-1 1 39 Guidance Center, Correspondence, Siebers, Alan C., Director, 1948-1952


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 39 Guide Book, 1957-1974
C-1 1 39 Higher Education Act of 1965, NDEA - Title VI, 1964-1971
C-1 1 39 High School Class Visitation Days, 1958, 1966
C-1 1 - History, Department of
C-1 1 40
Correspondence, 1956-1975; 3 folders
C-1 1 40
Course of Studies, Supplement to, Report on the Committee on History, 1915
C-1 1 40
Minutes, 1963-1973
C-1 1 40
Reports, Annual, 1955-1974
C-1 1 40 Honors, Norms, Analysis, 1967-1977
C-1 1 - Honors Convocation
C-1 1 41
1939-1970; 2 folders
C-1 1 41
Programs, 1959-1982


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 41 Honors, Dean’s List, 1944-1979; 4 folders
C-1 1 41 Honors Degree Proposal, 1967-1968
C-1 1 41 Honors Program, Honors Council, Minutes, 1963-1972
C-1 1 42 Honors Handbook, 1968-1969
C-1 1 - Honors Program
C-1 1 42
Annual Reports, 1963-1974; 2 folders
C-1 1 42
Correspondence, 1963-1968; 2 folders
C-1 1 42
Information, 1969-1978
C-1 1 42 Honors Programs, From Other Colleges, 1936-1950


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 43 "Incomplete Reading List," ed. Rev. John P. Schlegel, S.J., 1987
C-1 1 43 Integrated Science Course, 1956-1962
C-1 1 - Intercollegiate English Contest
C-1 1 43
C-1 1 43
Brenner Contest, 1951-1970
C-1 1 43 Inter-institutional Cooperation Committee, 1963-1970
C-1 1 43 Intern Program, State Department, 1962-1970
C-1 1 43 Inventory, Liberal Arts Office, 1969
C-1 1 43 ITESO, Instituto Technico Español Studios Oreintale, 1967-1969
C-1 1 43 Jesuit Counseling, 1965-1972
C-1 1 44 Jesuit College, 1956-1970
C-1 1 44 Jesuit Counselors, 1955-1966


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 44 Jesuit Instructors, Meeting, 1949
C-1 1 44 Jesuit Scholastics, 1973-1976
C-1 1 44 Journalism College, 1956-1979
C-1 1 44 Keller Modern Languages Contest, 1948-1954
C-1 1 44 Labor Department of, Cause II Program, Counseling Work, 1965
C-1 1 44 Latin American Studies Program, 1948-1975
C-1 1 44 Latin Contest, 1928-1972
C-1 1 44 Latin for a BA Degree, 1963, 1964
C-1 1 44 Law Enforcement Program, 1970-1973
C-1 1 44 Law School, 1947-1966
C-1 1 44 Law School Admission Scores, 1961-1977


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 44 Layton School of Art, Discontinuation, 1971
C-1 1 44 Library Science Program, 1962-1967
C-1 1 44 Loyola, Rome, 1962-1974
C-1 1 - Majors
C-1 1 44
General Information, 1960-1979
C-1 1 44
Statistics, 1961-1978
C-1 1 44 Mathematics, Committee on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 1970
C-1 1 - Mathematics, Department of
C-1 1 44
Course of Studies, Supplement to, Report of the Committee on Mathematics, 1914
C-1 1 45
Correspondence, 1954-1978; 5 folders
C-1 1 46
Minutes, 1957-1966
C-1 1 46
Reports, 1955-1967, 1970-1974; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Mathematics and Statistics, Department of
C-1 1 46
Minutes, 1966-1974; 3 folders
C-1 1 46
Handbook for Mathematics Majors, 1977
C-1 1 46 McCahill Award, 1946-1979
C-1 1 46 Medical School, MU, General, 1933-1952
C-1 1 46 Medical School, Admissions Scores, 1954-1975
C-1 1 46 Medical Technology, 1937-1957
C-1 1 - Military Science, Department of
C-1 1 47
Correspondence, 1956-1974; 4 folders
C-1 1 47
Reports, 1955-1974
C-1 1 47 Military Science, Information Kit, 1965


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 47 Military Students Pre-Induction Lectures, Liberal Arts, 1951-1953
C-1 1 47 Milwaukee School of Arts, 1974-1977
C-1 1 47 Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) Credit, 1970-1973
C-1 1 47 Mini Sessions, 1976
C-1 1 - Naval Science, Department of,
C-1 1 47
Correspondence, 1954-1963
C-1 1 48
Bachelor of Naval Science, 1942-1947, 1976
C-1 1 48
Correspondence, 1964-1972; 3 folders
C-1 1 48
Curriculum, Descriptions and Outlines, 1944
C-1 1 48
Curriculum, 1967-1979
C-1 1 48
Minor, 1973
C-1 1 48
Reports-Annual, 1955-1974


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 49 Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference, Annapolis, Maryland, 1964-1968
C-1 1 - Naval Science, Department of
C-1 1 49
ROTC, 1940-1960; 2 folders
C-1 1 49
NROTC, 1961-1977; 2 folders
C-1 1 49
V-12 Manual, 1943
C-1 1 49
Navy V-12, Navy Program Bulletins, #2, 4, 100, 200, 1943-1944
C-1 1 49
V-12 Faculty, Instructional Cost Analysis, 1943
C-1 1 49 Newsletter to Students, 1973-1979
C-1 1 50 Nursing, College of, 1950-1979
C-1 1 50 Office Procedures, Duties, 1963, 1976-1979; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Optional Class
C-1 1 50
Privilege, 1956-1970
C-1 1 50
Faculty Comments, 1967-1970
C-1 1 50 Orientation Workshop for Department Chairmen, 1963
C-1 1 50 Outstanding Senior Award, 1969-1971
C-1 1 50 Outside Faculty by Faculty, 1956-1962
C-1 1 50 Phi Beta Kappa, Sophomore Scholar Award, 1962-1976
C-1 1 - Philosophy, Department of
C-1 1 50
Annual Reports, 1955-1974; 2 folders
C-1 1 50
Applications, 1966-1973
C-1 1 51
Correspondence, 1956-1960, 1965-1974; 4 folders
C-1 1 51
Minutes, 1955-1974; 2 folders
C-1 1 51
Publications, 1957-1958


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 51 Philosophy in a Jesuit University, Report to JEA, 1960, 1961
C-1 1 - Physical Education, Department of
C-1 1 52
Budget, 1929/30-1931/32
C-1 1 52
Correspondence, 1939-1968, 1972; 3 folders
C-1 1 52
Course Offerings, etc., ca. 1957
C-1 1 52
Minutes (incomplete), 1956-1967
C-1 1 52
Annual Reports, 1955-1967
C-1 1 52
Teaching Applications, 1964, 1968
C-1 1 52
Women, Courses for, 1931-1954
C-1 1 - Physics, Department of,
C-1 1 52
Annual Reports, 1956-1973
C-1 1 53
Correspondence, 1955-1974; 5 folders
C-1 1 53
Minutes, 1965-1966, 1971-1978


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Political Science, Department of
C-1 1 54
Annual Reports, 1955-1974; 2 folders
C-1 1 54
Correspondence, 1953-1975; 4 folders
C-1 1 55
Department of, External Review, 1974
C-1 1 55
Minutes, 1957-1974; 2 folders
C-1 1 55 Pre-Business Administration, Program, 1965-1971
C-1 1 55 Pre-Dentistry, Information, 1972-1974
C-1 1 55 Pre-Dentistry, Information, 1972-1974
C-1 1 55 Pre-Law, Information, 1969-1977
C-1 1 55 Pre-Medical Club, 1965-1972
C-1 1 55 Pre-Medicine, Information, 1944-1965


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 55 Pre-Medical Program, 1952-1979
C-1 1 55 Pre-Pharmacy Information, 1971
C-1 1 55 Pre-Registration, 1966-1985; 2 folders
C-1 1 56 Prizes and Awards, 1950-1957
C-1 1 - Psychology, Department of
C-1 1 56
Annual Reports, 1955-1974; 2 folders
C-1 1 56
Correspondence, 1957-1975; 4 folders
C-1 1 57
Minutes, 1956-1970; 2 folders
C-1 1 57 Quality Point Average, 1949-1978
C-1 1 57 Rank in Class, 1959-1975
C-1 1 57 Recruitment and Retention, Committee on, 1973


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 57 Records, Permanent, Committee on, 1960-1963
C-1 1 - Registrar
C-1 1 57
General Correspondence (Barnett), 1960-1976
C-1 1 57
Correspondence, Microfilming Degree Credits, Procedure for Change of Address, Authority of Registrar, 1965-1977
C-1 1 - Registration
C-1 1 57
1938, 1961-1971; 3 folders
C-1 1 58
C-1 1 58
Convenience Charges, 1965-1967
C-1 1   Relocation of Offices of Liberal Arts College, Johnston Hall to Marquette Hall, 1973
C-1 1 - Reports
C-1 1 58
Annual, Correspondence, 1955-1979
C-1 1 58
Annual, 1956-1968; 4 folders
C-1 1 59
Annual, 1969-1975; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 59 Report Cards, 1967-1971
C-1 1 59 Residence Requirement, 1962, 1967
C-1 1 59 Root-Tilden Scholarships, 1959-1960
C-1 1 59 Scholastic Actions Committee, 1947-1952, 1962-1972; 2 folders
C-1 1 - Scholastic Actions
C-1 1 59
Letters, 1960-1978; 2 folders
C-1 1 59
Norms, 1947-1977
C-1 1 59
Statistics, 1950-1978
C-1 1 60 Science Fair, 1954-1969
C-1 1 60 Science Teacher’s Institute, 1956
C-1 1 60 Seal/Symbol of College, 1954, 1970-1971


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 60 Slavic Institute, Correspondence, 1949-1965
C-1 1 60 Society of Jesus, Prefect of Studies (Province) Fr. William McGucken, S.J., Correspondence with Dean, 1935-1953
C-1 1 - Sociology and Anthropology, Department of
C-1 1 60
Annual Reports, 1955-1974; 3 folders
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 60
C-1 1 61
1965-1974; 7 folders
C-1 1 62
Criminal Justice Center, 1973-1976
C-1 1 62
Minutes, 1956-1973, 1976-1980; 3 folders
C-1 1 62
Objectives, Statements, 1975
C-1 1 62
Search Committee, 1965-1967
C-1 1 62
Social Work, Proposed Program, 1969
C-1 1 62
Special Status Students, 1977-1978


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Speech, School of
C-1 1 62
Budget, 1931-1932
C-1 1 62
Speech Clinic, 1932-1955
C-1 1 62
Correspondence, 1946-1960
C-1 1 63
Correspondence, 1961-1968
C-1 1 63 Statistics, Studies and Surveys, 1961-1976
C-1 1 63 Statutes, Dean, Undergraduate Dean’s Statutes, 1948, 1950, 1962, 1966-1967
C-1 1 - Student Council
C-1 1 63
Correspondence and Information, 1948-1979; 2 folders
C-1 1 63
Minutes, 1960-1971
C-1 1 63 Student Evaluation of Teaching, 1960, 1971, 1976
C-1 1 63 Student Travel, Council on, 1965-1967


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Summer Session
C-1 1 64
Summer School, Approval Forms, 1966-1970
C-1 1 64
Curricula, 1941-1942, 1953-1954
C-1 1 64
Correspondence, 1967-1970
C-1 1 64
General Information, 1949-1976; 2 folders
C-1 1 64
Program in Guadalajara, Correspondence, 1966-1969
C-1 1 64
Proposal, 1971
C-1 1 64 Superior Student, Curriculum Committee for the, Correspondence and Meeting, 1950-1962; 2 folders
C-1 1 65 Teacher Leadership Development Program, Pilot Program, 1970, 1971
C-1 1 65 Teachers College Unit Curricula, Proposed, 1929, 1936-1939
C-1 1 65 Television Teaching, 1961-1971


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 65 Theatre Proposals From ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Theatre, 1956-1966
C-1 1 - Theology, Department of
C-1 1 65
Annual Reports, 1955-1974
C-1 1 65
Correspondence, 1955-1971; 3 folders
C-1 1 66
Correspondence, 1972-1978; 2 folders
C-1 1 66
Course of Studies, Supplement to, Report of the Committee on Christian Doctrine, 1918
C-1 1 66
Minutes, 1956-1973; 2 folders
C-1 1 66
Requirements, 1969-1975
C-1 1 66 Theses, Senior, 1928-1965
C-1 1 66 Travel and Tax Deductions, Forms, 1958-1969
C-1 1 66 Trimester Program, 1957-1958, 1963


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 67 Transfer of Credit, 1965
C-1 1 67 Urban Affairs, Interdisciplinary Minors, 1978
C-1 1 67 United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI), 1947-1965
C-1 1 - Veterans
C-1 1 67
C-1 1 67
Progress Norms, 1975-1976
C-1 1 67 Withdrawal Process, 1956-1978
C-1 1 67 Withdrawal, Single Course, Forms, 1955-1979
C-1 1 67 Students Working, 1962
C-1 1 67 Xavier Student Exchange, 1965
C-1 1 67 Young Scholars Program, 1970, 1975


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Zadok Essay Contest
C-1 1 67
Essays, 1958-1962
C-1 1 67
Information, 1958
C-1 1 67 Winners, 1958-1975
C-1 1 68 Graduates, 1914, 1918, 1923, 1928-1933, 1935-1940, 1948, 1951-1952, 1954-1956, 1958-1959
C-1 1 68 Guide Books, 1968-1971, 1976-1977, 1984; 4 folders
C-1 1 69 Admissions Reports, 1975-1979; 4 folders
C-1 1 69 Allis Art Library Study Committee, Minutes and Information, 1942-1978; 2 folders
C-1 1 69 American Association for Higher Education, Current Issues in Higher Education, 1978
C-1 1 70 Art Museum, Correspondence, 1983
C-1 1 70 Baccalaureate Degree, Quality of Work Requirement, Correspondence, 1968-1969


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 70 Biology Department, Minutes of Meetings, 1975-1980
C-1 1 70 Bursar, Correspondence, 1963-1979
C-1 1 70 Catholic Liberal Education at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, 1945-1977
C-1 1 70 Charles L. Coughlin Loan Fund Committee, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1979; 2 folders
C-1 1 - Chemistry Department
C-1 1 70
Correspondence, 1974-1979
C-1 1 70
Graduate Program in Chemistry
C-1 1 70
Minutes of Meetings, 197645-1979
C-1 1 70 Class Schedules, Correspondence, 1967-1969
C-1 1 70 College Curriculum Committee, By-Laws, 1966
C-1 1 70 Committee for the Recruitment and Appointment of Jesuits, Minutes and Information, 1971-1972
C-1 1 70 Committee on Faculty, Subcommittee on Faculty Welfare, Minutes and Information, 1982-1983


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 71 Dean’s Advisory Council (Departmental Chairmen), Minutes and Information, 1953, 1955-1974; 8 folders
C-1 1 72 Dean’s Directors, Departmental Chairmen, Rosters, 1973, 1974, 1976
C-1 1 72 Departments Offering Graduate Work, Inventory, 1973
C-1 1 72 English Department, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1981
C-1 1 72 Executive Committee, Correspondence and Information, 1965-1970
C-1 1 72 Faculty Council (LAFC), Correspondence and Minutes, 1979-1980
C-1 1 72 Faculty Handbook, 1971, 1976; 2 folders
C-1 1 72 Faculty Salaries, Summer Session, 1977, 1978
C-1 1 72 Fine Arts Courses, Correspondence and Information, 1954-1976; 2 folders
C-1 1 - Fine Arts Program
C-1 1 72
Enquires about Teaching Positions, 1974-1977
C-1 1 73
Enquires about Teaching Positions, 1977-1982


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Fine Arts, University Committee on the
C-1 1 73
Gallery Subcommittee, Minutes and Information, 1977-1981
C-1 1 73
Minutes and Information, 1976-1983; 2 folders
C-1 1 73 Foreign Languages and Literature Department, Minutes of Meetings, 1975-1978; 2 folders
C-1 1 73 Freshman/Pre-Major Advising Program, Advisor’s Manual, 1984
C-1 1 73 History Department, Correspondence, 1976-1978
C-1 1 74 History Department, Phi Alpha Theta, Correspondence, 1977-1978
C-1 1 74 Honors Convocation, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1979; 9 folders
C-1 1 - Honors Convocation
C-1 1 75 Correspondence and Information, 1980-1981; 2 folders
C-1 1 75 Programs, 1983-1984


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Honors Program
C-1 1 75
Honors Students Directory, 1967-1968
C-1 1 75
Student Handbook, 1976-1977, 1977-1978
C-1 1 75 Interdisciplinary Major, Proposal, 1973
C-1 1 - International Jesuit Center for Social Communication
C-1 1 75
Correspondence and Information, 1973-1975
C-1 1 75
Symposium on Mass Media Communications, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, 10-18 August 1975
C-1 1 75 Intra-University Transfers to Liberal Arts, Information, undated
C-1 1 75 Law Enforcement Programs, Correspondence and Reports, 1977-1978
C-1 1 75 Madrid Study Center, Correspondence, 1975-1978
C-1 1 75 Major and Minor Hour Requirements, 1973


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 75 ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Physical Growth and Change, Photographs and Information, 1962-1974
C-1 1 76 ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Policy and Procedures Manual, Marquette Identity System, 1978
C-1 1 - Mathematics and Statistics Department
C-1 1 76
Advisory Committee, Minutes, 1975-1978
C-1 1 76
Committee on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Minutes, 1975-1976
C-1 1 76
Computer Instruction Committee, Minutes, 1975
C-1 1 76
Department Meeting, Minutes, 1975-1978
C-1 1 76
Statistics Committee, Minutes, 1975-1976
C-1 1 76
Teacher Education Committee, Minutes, 1975-1978
C-1 1 76
Undergraduate Committee, Minutes, 1975-1978
C-1 1 76 Military Science Department, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1975


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Milwaukee Foundation
C-1 1 76
Annual Report, 1980
C-1 1 76
Newsletter, 1980, 1982
C-1 1 76 Office Duties Procedures, Staff Manual, 1963
C-1 1 - Philosophy Department
C-1 1 76
Correspondence and Information, 1975-1978
C-1 1 76
Department Meetings, Minutes, 1975-1977
C-1 1 76
Executive Committee, Minutes, 1974-1977
C-1 1 76
Graduate Committee, Minutes, 1975-1977
C-1 1 76
Undergraduate Committee, Minutes, 1975-1977
C-1 1 77 Physical Education Department, Intramural Program, Correspondence and Information, 1961-1966; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 77 Physical Recreation Department, Intramural-Recreation Sports Handbook, 1976-1977
C-1 1 77 Political Science Department, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1976
C-1 1 77 Physics Department, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1976; 2 folders
C-1 1 77 Psychology Department, Department Meetings, Minutes, 1971-1979
C-1 1 77 Prospective Jesuit Faculty, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1975
C-1 1 - Sabbatical Program
C-1 1 77
Correspondence and Information, 1974-1975
C-1 1 78
Correspondence and Information, 1975-1978
C-1 1 78 Search Committee, Dean of College, Correspondence and Information, 1978-1979, 1983
C-1 1 - Sociology and Anthropology Department
C-1 1 78
Advisory Committee, Minutes, 1974-1976


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 78
Alpha Kappa Delta Advisory Committees, Minutes, 1975
C-1 1 78
Correspondence and Information, 1975
C-1 1 78
Department Meetings, Minutes, 1974-1976
C-1 1 78
Graduate Committee, Minutes, 1974-1976
C-1 1 78
Social Work Committee, Minutes, 1974-1977
C-1 1 78
Undergraduate Committee, Minutes, 1974-1975
C-1 1 78 Student Athletes, Academic Progress Reports and Regulations, 1984
C-1 1 - Student Council
C-1 1 78
Recommendations re. Core Curriculum Proposal, 1971
C-1 1 78
Report of Academic Committee, 1969, 1971
C-1 1 78 Student Exchange-Jesuit Schools, Correspondence, 1971


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 78 Student Withdrawals, Correspondence and Information, 1960-1974
C-1 1 - Theology Department
C-1 1 78
Correspondence, 1975-1977
C-1 1 78
Faculty Roster, 1981-1982
C-1 1 78 Tutorial Task Force, Final Report, 1974
C-1 1 79 Wisconsin Humanities Committee, Correspondence and Information, 1973-1979
C-1 1 79 World War II Army and Navy Training Programs, Correspondence and Information, 1942-1943
C-1 1 79 Academic Area Survey, 1974-1982; 7 folders
C-1 1 80 Alpha Sigma Nu, Correspondence, 1958-1981
C-1 1 80 Associated Students of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ (ASMU), Resolution #14: Reading Period Before Final Exams, Correspondence, 1971
C-1 1 80 Biology Department, Correspondence, 1981-1984; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Board of Undergraduate and Professional Studies (BUPS)
C-1 1 80
Minutes and Information, 1975-1977; 3 folders
C-1 1 81
Minutes and Information, 1977-1980; 6 folders
C-1 1 82
Minutes and Information, 1981-1982; 2 folders
C-1 1 - Chemistry Department
C-1 1 82
Combined B.S.- M.S. Program, Correspondence and Proposal, 1974-1975
C-1 1 82
Correspondence, 1980-1981
C-1 1 82
Minutes of Meetings, 1980-1983
C-1 1 - Economics Department
C-1 1 82
Correspondence and Information, 1975-1983
C-1 1 82
Course Approval Materials, 1970-1980
C-1 1 82
Minutes of Meetings, 1973-1983


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 82 Educational Opportunity Program, Correspondence and Information, 1968
C-1 1 83 Educational Opportunity Program, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1981; 3 folders
C-1 1 - Education, School of
C-1 1 83
Correspondence and Information, 1975-1978, 1980-1982; 3 folders
C-1 1 83
Course Approval Materials, 1975-1982
C-1 1 83
Search Committee for New Dean, Correspondence, 1974-1980
C-1 1 83
Teacher Preparation Committee, Minutes, 1976-1983
C-1 1 - English Department,
C-1 1 84
External Review, Information and Report, 1978
C-1 1 84
Instructor's Manual for Freshman English, 1980
C-1 1 84 Executive Committee, Correspondence and Information, 1979-1981


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Faculty Council
C-1 1 84
Final Report, 1976-1978
C-1 1 84
Minutes and Information, 1975-1976
C-1 1 84 Faculty Meeting, 1980
C-1 1 84 Fine Arts Department, Correspondence and Proposal, 1961-1962
C-1 1 - Foreign Languages and Literatures Department
C-1 1 84
External Review, Information, 1975
C-1 1 84
Language Laboratory, Correspondence, 1974-1976
C-1 1 84
Minutes of Meetings, 1979-1981
C-1 1 84 Freshman Frontier Program, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1981
C-1 1 85 Graduates, 1980-1981
C-1 1 85 Graduation Information, 1981


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - History Department
C-1 1 85
Correspondence, 1978-1981
C-1 1 85
Departmental Meetings, Minutes, 1974-1981
C-1 1 85
Executive Committee, Minutes, 1974-1981
C-1 1 85
External Review, Information and Report, 1981-1982
C-1 1 85
Graduate Committee, Minutes, 1977-1979
C-1 1 85
Undergraduate Committee, Minutes, 1977-1981
C-1 1 - Honors Program
C-1 1 85
Correspondence and Information, 1962-1974; 3 folders
C-1 1 86
Correspondence and Information, 1975-1982; 2 folders
C-1 1 86
Student Handbook, 1980-1981, 1981-1982
C-1 1 86 Liberal Arts College Reception, Correspondence, 1977


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Madrid Study Center
C-1 1 86
Correspondence, 1979-1981
C-1 1 86
Marquette in Madrid, 1982-1984, 1993-1995
C-1 1 - Mathematics and Statistics Department
C-1 1 86
Committee on Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Minutes and Information, 1970-1979
C-1 1 86
Computer Science Advisory Committee, Correspondence and Information, 1979-1981
C-1 1 86
Correspondence and Information, 1977-1980
C-1 1 87
Correspondence and Information, 1981
C-1 1 - Military Science Department
C-1 1 87
AROTC Handbook and Cadet Regulations, 1979
C-1 1 87
Cadet Communique, 1979-1980
C-1 1 87
Correspondence and Information, 1976-1980; 3 folders
C-1 1 87 Naval Science Department, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1981; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 88 Philosophy Department, Correspondence and Information, 1979-1981
C-1 1 88 Physics Department, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1980
C-1 1 88 Political Science Department, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1983; 2 folders
C-1 1 88 Psychology Department, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1980
C-1 1 88 So You Want to Study Abroad? (Informational Brochure), ca. 1990
C-1 1 - Sociology and Anthropology Department
C-1 1 88
Correspondence and Information, 1976-1977
C-1 1 89
Correspondence and Information, 1978-1981
C-1 1 89
McGee Memorial Lecture, Correspondence, 1972-1977
C-1 1 89
Social Work Major and Accreditation, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1981; 2 folders
C-1 1 -
Social Work Program: Application for Accreditation
C-1 1 89
Volume I: Self Study, 1979
C-1 1 89
Volume II: Appendix, 1979


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 89 Student Council, Constitution and By-Laws, 1960-1972
C-1 1 89 Student Council, Minutes, 1972-1978
C-1 1 - Theology Department
C-1 1 90
Correspondence, 1972-1974, 1978-1981; 4 folders
C-1 1 90
External Review, Correspondence and Report, 1977
C-1 1 90
Minutes of Meetings, 1974-1980
C-1 1 90
Statutes, 1968, 1973
C-1 1 - Academic Affairs
C-1 1 90
C-1 1 90
Faculty & Student Awards, 1981-1987
C-1 1 90
Academic and Admissions Standards, 1988


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Academic Area Budget Committee
C-1 1 -
(Budget Planning for 1969-70)
C-1 1 90
Correspondence/Minutes, re: Committee, Part I, 1968
C-1 1 91
Summaries, Correspondence, Minutes, re: Committee, Part II, 1968-1969
C-1 1 -
(Budget Planning for 1970-72)
C-1 1 91
Part I, Minutes, Requests, 1969
C-1 1 91
Part II, Minutes, Correspondence, 1969-1970
C-1 1 91
Part III, Proposed Budgets, Correspondence, undated
C-1 1 91
Correspondence, 1975, 1979-1980; 2 folders
C-1 1 91
Minutes, 1981-1982
C-1 1 91
Subcommittee on Faculty Distribution by Rank and Tenure - RRG, Chairman, Correspondence, re: Committee, 1971-1972


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 91 Academic Freedom, 1985-1988
C-1 1 91 Academic Funding Proposals, 1980-1981
C-1 1 91 Academic Honors, 1980
C-1 1 91 Academic Honors Awards, Analysis, 1978-1983
C-1 1 91 Academic Senate
C-1 1 91
1974-1975, Minutes, Meeting Format, Part I, 1974-1975
C-1 1 91
1974-1975, Correspondence, Agendas, Part II, 1975
C-1 1 92
1975-1976, Minutes, Agenda, Correspondence, 1970, 1975-1976; 2 folders
C-1 1 92
1976-1977, Agendas, Correspondence, Minutes, 1976-1977; 2 folders
C-1 1 92
1977-1978, Minutes, Correspondence, Agenda, 1977-1978; 2 folders
C-1 1 92
1978-1979, Minutes, Memberships, Agenda, Correspondence, 1977-1979; 3 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 92
Election Ballots, Results, 1980
C-1 1 92
Correspondence, Agenda, Part I, 1975-1980
C-1 1 93
Agendas, Correspondence, Part II, 1979-1981
C-1 1 93 Academic Senate Opinionaire, Evaluations of Senate, 1977-1978
C-1 1 93 Ad Hoc Senate Committee, Minutes, Correspondence, 1976-1977
C-1 1 93 Ad Hoc Committee on the Academic Calendar, 1979-1980
C-1 1 93 Adjunct Appointments, 1982
C-1 1 93 Admissions Code - Liberal Arts, Definition of Admissions Terms, 1957-1958
C-1 1 93 Admissions, Exceptions to Norms, 1977-1978
C-1 1 93 Admissions Information Days, Correspondence, Reply Forms, 1979-1983


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 93 Admissions Norms, 1981-1987
C-1 1 93 Admissions Open House, Speeches, Pamphlets, Correspondence, 1980-1982
C-1 1 93 Admissions Report, 1977-1985; 2 folders
C-1 1 93 Admissions Statistics, 1977-1980
C-1 1 93 Advanced College Credit Program, 1974-1975
C-1 1 - Advancement Office (Development)
C-1 1 93
C-1 1 94
C-1 1 94 Advising, 1979-1983
C-1 1 94 Affirmative Action, 1977-1989
C-1 1 94 Affirmative Action Annual Report/Audit, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Review (OFCC), 1980-1981


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 94 "After-the-Fact," Budget Requests, 1988
C-1 1 94 AJCU Conference, 1978
C-1 1 94 AJCU Conference of Academic Vice Presidents and Deans of Arts and Sciences, 1981
C-1 1 94 Alpha Sigma Nu, 1982-1985
C-1 1 94 Alumni Association and Parents Association, 1964-1982; 3 folders
C-1 1 94 Alumni, Discover Marquette Program, Correspondence, 1983
C-1 1 94 Alverno College, Correspondence, 1971-1972
C-1 1 94 American Association of University Administrators (AAUA), Correspondence, 1975-1976
C-1 1 - American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
C-1 1 94
Correspondence/'Outlook', 1959-1965
C-1 1 95
Executive  Committee, Article, 1976


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 95 American Association of University Women (AAUW) Chair, Correspondence, 1959-1967
C-1 1 95 American Council on Education, 1984
C-1 1 95 AMUW, 1986-1988
C-1 1 95 Archives, Correspondence, 1973-1980
C-1 1 95 Asian Studies, 1984-1985
C-1 1 95 Association for Educational Data Systems, Correspondence, 1968
C-1 1 95 Association for Higher Education #2, Correspondence, 1959-1980
C-1 1 95 Association of Former Members of Congress, 1983
C-1 1 95 Association with Carmelite Seminary, 1968-1970
C-1 1 95 Athletic Department and A&S, 1984
C-1 1 95 Baccalaureate '85, 1985


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 95 BAUD Transfers - Waivers of English 001, 1983
C-1 1 95 Biochemistry File, Correspondence, 1973-1976
C-1 1 95 Biology, Advisory Council, Correspondence, 1983-1985
C-1 1 95 Biology, Correspondence, 1974-1980, 1983-1985; 3 folders
C-1 1 - Biology Department
C-1 1 95
Annual Report, 1984-1985
C-1 1 95
Faculty Activities, Reports, Handbooks, 1982-1985; 2 folders
C-1 1 95
Minutes, 1981-1985
C-1 1 96 Biology and Sociology Departments, Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumes, 1983-1984
C-1 1 96 Bishop's Conference on Human Values, 1986
C-1 1 96 Board of Undergraduate and Professional Studies, Minutes, 1981-1984


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 96 Bookstore, Correspondence, 1967-1984
C-1 1 96 Budget Allocations, 1979-1980, Salary Increases, 1979-1980, Correspondence
C-1 1 - Budget Development File
C-1 1 96
C-1 1 96
1972, Minutes, Correspondence
C-1 1 96
1972-73, Correspondence
C-1 1 96
1973, Data, Correspondence
C-1 1 96
1975-76, Correspondence, 1974
C-1 1 96
1976-77, Correspondence, Reports, 1974-1977
C-1 1 96
1977-78, Correspondence, Reports, Meetings, Budget Requests, 1976-1977; 3 folders
C-1 1 96
1978-79, Correspondence, 1977


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Budget Development File, continued
C-1 1 -
1979-80, Academic Area Budget Committee
C-1 1 96
Reports, Correspondence, Requests, Part I, 1978-1979
C-1 1 97
Correspondence,  Part II, 1978
C-1 1 97
1980-81, Correspondence, Reports, Budget Forms, 1978-1980; 2 folders
C-1 1 97
1981-1982, Correspondence, Tuition Charges, 1980-1981
C-1 1 - Budget Directives
C-1 1 97
1980-1981, Worksheets, 1979-1981
C-1 1 97
1981-1982, Worksheets, 1980-1981, undated
C-1 1 97 Budgeting Requests/Chemistry, Minutes, 1982-1987
C-1 1 - Business Administration
C-1 1 97
Correspondence, 1963-1981
C-1 1 97


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 97 Business Administration Needs, Correspondence, Enrollment, 1979
C-1 1 97 Business Administration, Scheduling, 1983
C-1 1 97 Caesarea Martima Archeological Material, Correspondence, 1971-1978
C-1 1 98 Career Information Library, Directory of Faculty & Staff Resources, 1982
C-1 1 98 Catholic Conference on Inter-American Student Problems, (CCISP) & CICOP, Minutes, Correspondence, 1960-1969
C-1 1 98 CD Grade, Correspondence, 1978-1980
C-1 1 98 Centennial Celebration-1981, Correspondence, Schedules, 1979-1981
C-1 1 98 Center for Criminal Justice and Social Policy, Correspondence, 1976-1977
C-1 1 98 Center for Latin America, 1978-1987
C-1 1 98 Chairman - Liberal Arts, 1957, 1962, 1965-1969, 1976-1983
C-1 1 98 Chairperson's Annual Report, 1985


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Chemistry Department
C-1 1 98
Correspondence, 1981-1985
C-1 1 98
Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1982-1984; 2 folders
C-1 1 98 Class Attendance Policies, Correspondence, 1970-1975
C-1 1 98 College Entrance Exams, Correspondence, 1972-1982
C-1 1 - College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
C-1 1 98
Correspondence, Part I, 1975-1982
C-1 1 99
Correspondence, Part II, 1972-1975
C-1 1 - College of Liberal Arts
C-1 1 99
Academic Withdrawals/Minutes, 1975-1982
C-1 1 99
Scholarship Correspondence, 1979-1982
C-1 1 99
Teacher Evaluation Information, 1970-1974, 1978; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Commencement
C-1 1 99
1980, Ritual
C-1 1 99
1981, Correspondence, Ritual, 1980-1981
C-1 1 99
1982, Ritual, 1918-1982
C-1 1 99
1983, Ritual, Program, Correspondence, 1983
C-1 1 99
1984, Correspondence, 1984
C-1 1 100
1985, Ritual, Correspondence, 1985
C-1 1 125      2017, Commencement Photobook 
C-1 1 100 Commencement Letters, Correspondence, 1987-1988
C-1 1 100 Committee on Student Records, 1984-1985
C-1 1 100 Computer Center, Minutes, Agendas, Correspondence, 1977-1983
C-1 1 100 Computer Literacy, 1983-1987


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 100 Computer Literacy Classes, 1983, 1985
C-1 1 100 Computer Needs, 1984
C-1 1 - Computer Services
C-1 1 100
C-1 1 100
Advisory Committee - Sigma 9 Replacement, 1983
C-1 1 100
Class Use of Vax, 1983-1986
C-1 1 100
Complaints, 1984-1985
C-1 1 100
Correspondence, 1983-1987
C-1 1 100
Vax D Accounts, 1984
C-1 1 - Computers
C-1 1 100
Articles on Computers, 1984
C-1 1 100
Correspondence, 1982-1985


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 100 Concordia College, Correspondence, 1979
C-1 1 100 Consulting Activities, 1983
C-1 1 101 Continuing Education and Evening Division, 1976-1983; 2 folders
C-1 1 101 CORe (Conference of Registrar's in Jesuit Institutions), Definitions, Tables, 1983
C-1 1 - Core Curriculum
C-1 1 122
C-1 1 122
C-1 1 122
C-1 1 122
C-1 1 122
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 122
Committee Minutes, October 5, 1994-December 6, 1994
C-1 1 122
Memorandum to and from Asst. Dean Krugler, April 27, 1994-Nov.30,1994
C-1 1 122
Memorandum to Dean Thomas Hachey, Jan. 27, 1994-Dec. 1, 1994
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 122
Committee Minutes, Feb. 24, 1994-Dec. 1, 1995
C-1 1 122
Memorandum to and from Asst. Dean Krugler, Jan. 3, 1995-Nov. 5, 1995
C-1 1 122
Memorandum to Dean Thomas Hachey, March 7, 1995-May 19, 1995
C-1 1 122
C-1 1 123
C-1 1 123
1998 (two folders)
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 123
Correspondence, March 16, 1999-May 14, 1999
C-1 1 123
Analysis and Summarization of Results from Core Curriculum Survey,
June 16, 1999-Nov. 15, 1999
C-1 1 123
Review and Final Reports, June 15, 1991-March 1993
C-1 1 123
Departmental Feedback, 1994, n.d.
C-1 1 123
Planning Materials, n.d.
C-1 1 101 Coughlin Hall, Correspondence and Dedication, 1975-1979
C-1 1 101 Counseling Center, Correspondence, Booklet, 1981
C-1 1 101 Course Drop/Modification, Approval Forms, 1989
C-1 1 101 Course Load Reports, Varied Departments, 1983
C-1 1 101 Cramer Essay Contest, Letters of Congratulations, 1968-1978
C-1 1 101 Cudahy Fund: Inner-City Pastoral Scholarships, Correspondence, 1977-1980
C-1 1 101 Curriculum Changes, Correspondence, 1968-1981


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Curriculum Committee
C-1 1 101
Arts and Science Proposals, 1986
C-1 1 101
Change Proposals, Minutes, Correspondence, 1981-1983
C-1 1 101
Correspondence and Proposals, 1985
C-1 1 101
Minutes and Correspondence, 1975-1985; 3 folders
C-1 1 102
Order Forms, Correspondence, 1978-1984
C-1 1 102
Proposals and Correspondence, 1987
C-1 1 102
Proposals and Minutes, 1983-1984
C-1 1 102 Danforth Grant Prize, Nominees and Correspondence,
C-1 1 102 Dean Nominations, College of Arts and Sciences, 1983


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Dean of Liberal Arts
C-1 1 102
Correspondence, 1979-1986; 8 folders
C-1 1 102
Derrick Stillman Lecture, Expense Vouchers, Travel Plans, Phone Bills, 1980
C-1 1 102
Enrollment of More Than 18 Credit Hours, Statistics, 1979-1986
C-1 1 103
Out-going Correspondence of Frederick J. Dillemuth, S.J., 1982-1983; 4 folders
C-1 1 103
Replies to Department Openings, Memo, 1986
C-1 1 103
Undergraduate Admissions, Correspondence, 1972-1981
C-1 1 - Dean's Advisory Council
C-1 1 103
Meetings and Memos, 1976-1980
C-1 1 103
Minutes, 1982-1984
C-1 1 103
Minutes and Class # Tallies, 1981-1982
C-1 1 103
Minutes and Correspondence, 1966-1978


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Dean's Advisory Council
C-1 1 104
Minutes and Correspondence, 1978-1981; 4 folders
C-1 1 104
Minutes, Correspondence, Analysis, 1978
C-1 1 104
Minutes and Meetings, 1982-1983
C-1 1 104 Deans and Administrators Meeting, Minutes, Correspondence, 1970-1981
C-1 1 104 Dean's List, 1976-1984
C-1 1 104 Dental Scholars Program, Correspondence, Introduction, 1983
C-1 1 104 Dental School and Dental Hygiene, Correspondence, Information Bulletins, 1956-1985
C-1 1 104 Departmental Committees, Appointments, Correspondence, 1978-1982
C-1 1 104 Diplomat in Residence, Correspondence, 1980-1981
C-1 1 104 Distribution of Grades by Each College, First Semester Listings and Analysis, 1975-1980


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 105 Distribution of Grades by Each College, First Semester Only, 1982-1988
C-1 1 - Education, School of
C-1 1 105
Broad-Field Social Studies Proposal, Minutes, Correspondence, Packets, 1978
C-1 1 105
Committee Minutes, 1985
C-1 1 105
Correspondence, Chapter PI 4 Proposal, 1985-1987
C-1 1 105 Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), Correspondence re: Procedures, 1976-1982
C-1 1 - English as a Second Language (ESL)
C-1 1 105
Correspondence, 1984-1988; 2 folders
C-1 1 105
Correspondence, Resumes, 1982-1983
C-1 1 - English Department
C-1 1 105
Correspondence, 1977-1980; 3 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - English Department
C-1 1 106
Correspondence, 1981-1984; 3 folders
C-1 1 106
Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1982-1983
C-1 1 106
Milwaukee Area Writing Project, 1988
C-1 1 106
Minutes, 1975-1983; 3 folders
C-1 1 106
Writing Program, 1984
C-1 1 - Enrollment Statistics
C-1 1 106
College of Liberal Arts, 1983; 2 folders
C-1 1 107
Yearly Figures Report, 1986
C-1 1 107 Evening Division, Liberal Arts, Annual Reports, 1977-1986; 2 folders
C-1 1 107 Executive Committee, Correspondence, 1976-1985; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence
C-1 1 107
Letters of Nomination, 1971-1974; 3 folders
C-1 1 107
Speech, Letters of Nomination, 1974-1981; 7 folders
C-1 1 107 Faculty Biology, Budget Adjustments, 1979-1980
C-1 1 107 Faculty Budget Projections for 1985-1986, 1984
C-1 1 107 Faculty Children Exchange Program (FACHEX), Correspondence, 1974
C-1 1 108 Faculty Committee, Reports, 1977, 1983-1986
C-1 1 108 Faculty Distribution Data, Sub-Committee Recommendations, Memo, 1971
C-1 1 108 Faculty Honors Lists, 1977-1980
C-1 1 108 Faculty Involvement in Recruiting, Memos, Correspondence, 1973
C-1 1 108 Faculty Non-Tenured, Evaluation, Review, 1974-1977


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 108 Faculty Promotion and Tenure, 1973-1974, 1979-1985; 6 folders
C-1 1 108 Faculty Recruitment, 1963
C-1 1 108 Fine Arts Department, Correspondence, 1975-1979
C-1 1 - FIPSE (Fund For the Improvement of Post Secondary Education)
C-1 1 108
Memo and Outline, Grant Proposal, 1989
C-1 1 108
Proposal on Joint Curriculum Development Project - Mitchem, Correspondence, 1975
C-1 1 - Foreign Languages and Literatures Department
C-1 1 108
Correspondence, 1974-1977
C-1 1 109
Correspondence, 1978-1980, 1985
C-1 1 109 Foreign Languages Department, Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1982-1984; 2 folders
C-1 1 109 Foreign Languages Latin Contest Winners, 1969-1982, 1985


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 109 Foundation Support, Correspondence, 1983-1984
C-1 1 109 Freedman Report on A.P.S.A. Conference, 1973
C-1 1 - Freshman Frontier Program
C-1 1 109
Brochures, 1989-1995
C-1 1 109
Grade Analysis, 1982-1983
C-1 1 109
Newsletter, 1988-1989, 1993-1995
C-1 1 109
Reports, Statistics, 1977-1984
C-1 1 109
Retention Study, 1981
C-1 1 109 Freshman Statistics, 10 Year Comparative Statistics, 1964/73 - 1969/78
C-1 1 109 Fulbright-Hays Scholarship File, Marquette Candidates, 1969-1984
C-1 1 109 General Correspondence, 1982
C-1 1 109 Grade Appeal Policies, 1973-1978
C-1 1 109 Grade Appeal Revised Procedures, 1973-1977


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 109 Grade Changes, Correspondence, 1981-1983
C-1 1 110 Grades Given in Each Department, First Semester, 1982/83-1987/88
C-1 1 110 Graduate Program in Religious Education, Proposal, 1979
C-1 1 - Graduate School
C-1 1 110
Correspondence, 1955-1979
C-1 1 110
Reports and Handbooks for Graduate Units, 1978-1980
C-1 1 110 Graduates, Liberal Arts, Trustees List, 1982
C-1 1 - Graduation
C-1 1 110
College, 1985
C-1 1 110
Correspondence, 1982-1984; 2 folders
C-1 1 110
Lists, 1976-1981


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 110 Grants, Gifts, Etc., Correspondence, 1983-1986
C-1 1 110 Grants Manual, 1980
C-1 1 110 Grievances Faculty (Procedures for Resolution), Procedures, 1975
C-1 1 110 Handicapped Access, Memo, 1983
C-1 1 110 High School Tuition Remission Program, Correspondence, 1969-1982
C-1 1 110 Hispanic Apostolate, Correspondence, 1980
C-1 1 110 History and Honors Departments, Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1982-1983
C-1 1 110 History Department, Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1983-1984
C-1 1 110 Honorary Degree, Correspondence, 1980
C-1 1 110 Honors (Award of), Correspondence, 1983


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Honors Convocation
C-1 1 110
Preparatory Correspondence, 1982-1983; 2 folders
C-1 1 111
1984, Spring Semester 1984
C-1 1 111
1985, Spring Semester 1985
C-1 1 111
C-1 1 111
Awards to be Presented, Correspondence, 1986
C-1 1 111
Correspondence, A-D, 1986
C-1 1 111
Final Script, 1986
C-1 1 111
Winners, Correspondence, 1986
C-1 1 111
1987, Final Script, Winners, Awards, 1987
C-1 1 111
1988, Correspondence, 1988
C-1 1 111
1989 Program
C-1 1 111 Honors Program, Criteria, Meeting Minutes, Proposals, 1981-1985


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 111 Humanities Excellence Reserve, Correspondence, Memos, 1980-1982
C-1 1 111 International Affairs Major, Correspondence, 1985-1987
C-1 1 111 Intercessions, Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1978-1980
C-1 1 - Introduction to Inquiry
C-1 1 124
Fall 1991-January 28,1993
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 124
January 12, 1994-December 21, 1994
C-1 1 124
Student's Guide to the Freshman Seminar, Fall 1994
C-1 1 124
Faculty Leader's Guide to the Freshman Seminar, Fall 1994
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 124
January 5, 1995-December 15, 1995
C-1 1 124
Faculty Leader's Training Manual, Fall 1995
C-1 1 -
C-1 1 124
January 10, 1996-May 6, 1996
C-1 1 124
September 26, 1996-Fall 1996
C-1 1 124
Leader Training Materials for the Freshman Seminar, Fall 1996
C-1 1 124
C-1 1 124
Reading Materials, n.d.
C-1 1 124
Advising Materials
C-1 1 124
Planning Materials
C-1 1 124
Surveys and Feedback
C-1 1 124
Leading Shared Inquiry Discussions - Pustejovsky
C-1 1 124
Presentation by John D. Krugler [?] on Advising Undergraduates, n.d.
C-1 1 111 Johnson Foundation (Wingspread), List, Correspondence, Report, 1961-1967
C-1 1 111 Junior Abroad Program, Correspondence, 1956-1974
C-1 1 111 Junior Year in France Program, Correspondence, 1957-1971
C-1 1 111 L.A. Observer, 1964
C-1 1 111 Lalumiere, Correspondence, Computers, Rooms, Space, 1984-1987
C-1 1 111 Law School, Correspondence, 1953-1977


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 112 Layton School of Arts, Correspondence, 1955-1973
C-1 1 - Liberal Arts
C-1 1 112
Class Schedule Production Calendar, 1984
C-1 1 112
Colloquium File, Correspondence, 1973-1980
C-1 1 112
Committee For, Correspondence, 1983
C-1 1 112
Faculty Council, Correspondence, Minutes, 1979-1980
C-1 1 112
Student Council (LASC), Correspondence, Minutes, 1974-1983
C-1 1 112 Lilly Endowment Proposal, Correspondence, 1973-1983
C-1 1 112 Longeran Symposium, Correspondence, 1979-1980
C-1 1 112 Luther Studies Program at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, Discussion Statement and Summary, 1979, undated
C-1 1 112 Major Tally (College of Liberal Arts), Alpha and Numerical Order Tallies, 1982


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 112 Master of Public Administration, Proposal, Correspondence, 1983
C-1 1 - Mathematics and Statistics Department
C-1 1 112
Correspondence, 1975-1976
C-1 1 112
Handbooks for Mathematics Majors and Graduate Students, 1974
C-1 1 112 McGarrity, Rev. Richard, S.J., Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Correspondence, 1983-1984
C-1 1 112 Media Relations, Correspondence, 1983
C-1 1 112 Medical College of Wisconsin, Arts and Sciences, Correspondence, 1978-1988
C-1 1 112 Medical Technology, Correspondence, 1970-1976
C-1 1 113 Medieval Studies Colloquium, Schedules, Correspondence, 1979
C-1 1 113 Medieval Studies Minor, 1986-1990
C-1 1 113 Mellon Foundation, Correspondence, 1978-1980


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 113 Merton Semester, Minutes, Correspondence, 1978
C-1 1 113 Military Science Department, Correspondence, 1976
C-1 1 113 Milwaukee Center for Photography, Proposed Takeover by Marquette, 1980
C-1 1 113 Milwaukee County Management, Advisory Committee, Correspondence, 1983
C-1 1 113 Milwaukee's Outstanding Young Educator, 1981-1982
C-1 1 113 Milwaukee University Group County Training Program, 1983
C-1 1 113 MSCS Department (Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science Department), Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1982-1984; 2 folders
C-1 1 113 Name Change for College of Liberal Arts to College of Arts and Sciences, 1982
C-1 1 113 National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), Correspondence, 1960-1976
C-1 1 113 Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference, Correspondence, 1979-1981


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 114 NEH Challenge Grant, Correspondence, 1977-1979
C-1 1 114 New Course Approval, 1979
C-1 1 114 Newsletters, 1996, 1999
C-1 1 - North Central Review 1966
C-1 1 114
Bulletins, Control Sheets, 1966
C-1 1 114
Review, Correspondence, 1966
C-1 1 114 North Central Review Directives, Profiles, Data, 1972-1973
C-1 1 114 Nursing, Correspondence, 1983-1990
C-1 1 114 One-Shot Allocations, Correspondence, 1979-1980
C-1 1 114 Ong, Rev. Walter Jackson, S.J., Correspondence, 1978
C-1 1 114 Orientation, Handbook, Schedule, Correspondence, 1980-1986
C-1 1 114 Orientation Program, Speech, Correspondence, 1979


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 114 Parent's Association, Correspondence, 1980-1984
C-1 1 114 Phi Alpha Theta (Alpha Delta Chapter), 1978-1982
C-1 1 - Phi Beta Kappa
C-1 1 114
Prior to 1963
C-1 1 115
Correspondence, 1963-1968, 1972-1978; 3 folders
C-1 1 115
Delegates Manual, 1976-1985
C-1 1 115
General Report, Boston College, 1962
C-1 1 115
General Report, 1968
C-1 1 - Philosophy Department
C-1 1 115
Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1982-1984; 2 folders
C-1 1 115
Minutes, 1978-1980, 1983; 2 folders


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 116 Physical Therapy, 1983-1989; 5 folders
C-1 1 116 Physics Department, Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1982-1983
C-1 1 116 Pin, College of Arts & Sciences, 1994
C-1 1 - Political Science Department
C-1 1 116
Faculty Activities Reports, Professional Resumés, 1982-1983
C-1 1 116
Minutes, 1974-1983
C-1 1 116 Pre-Orientation Party, Expense Voucher, Guest List, 1981-1983
C-1 1 116 Pre-Professional Advising, 1979-1983
C-1 1 - Programmatic Package
C-1 1 116
Correspondence, Programmatic Needs, Part I, 1975-1976
C-1 1 117
Correspondence, Part II, 1975
C-1 1 117 Project Turnaround, Correspondence, Reports, 1976-1978


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 117 Promotion and Tenure Procedure, 1975
C-1 1 117 Proposed Curriculum Changes for 1982-83, Approved by Registrar's Office
C-1 1 117 Proposed Curriculum Changes for 1984-85, 1983-1985
C-1 1 117 Psychology Department, Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1982-1983
C-1 1 117 Rahner, Rev. Karl, S.J., Symposiums, Correspondence, Speeches, Brochures, 1977-1979; 2 folders
C-1 1 117 Readmission, Transfer & Status Change Report, 1983-1984
C-1 1 117 Recruitment and Retention, Correspondence, Proposal, Study, 1968-1982
C-1 1 117 Reflection (Newsletter), 1992
C-1 1 117 Registration, Reports, 1977-1978
C-1 1 117 Registration Second Semester, Assignments and Instructions 1983-1984
C-1 1 117 Reorganization in Liberal Arts, Correspondence, Plans for Reorganization, 1969-1971


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 117 Report of the Province Prefect of Studies on ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, March 1960
C-1 1 - Research Support, Office of
C-1 1 117
Application and Awards, 1976-1980
C-1 1 117
Correspondence, Study 1974
C-1 1 117
Electron Microscope Proposal, 1981
C-1 1 118 Sabbatical Leave, Booklet, Correspondence, 1983-1984
C-1 1 118 Sabbatical Requests, 1984-1986
C-1 1 118 Scholarship Competition Liberal Arts, Correspondence, 1983
C-1 1 118 Schroeder Complex, Correspondence, 1980
C-1 1 118 Search Committee for Engineering Dean, Correspondence, Minutes, Recommendations, 1986-1987; 2 folders
C-1 1 118 Shell Assists (Shell Co. Foundation), Correspondence, 1962-1970
C-1 1 118 Simmons, Dr. (Vice President of Academic Affairs), Correspondence, 1982-1984


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 118 Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, Correspondence Regarding Funds, 1981-1983
C-1 1 118 Sloan Foundation Research, 1983
C-1 1 118 Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1983-1984
C-1 1 118 Sogang Jesuit College, Correspondence, 1961-1970
C-1 1 118 Special Ad Hoc Committee of the Senate to Look at Faculty Statutes, Memos, Correspondence, 1979
C-1 1 118 Student Exchange Program, American Nuclear Society, 1984
C-1 1 118 Study of Students Accepted Marginally; Fall Semesters 1980-1982; 1983
C-1 1 118 Synod Survey - Archdiocese of Milwaukee, 1985
C-1 1 118 Target-DDS Program, Minutes, Correspondence, 1980-1982
C-1 1 118 Teaching Assistant Study, 1985


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 - Theology Department
C-1 1 119
Correspondence, 1974-1975, 1982-1986; 4 folders
C-1 1 119
Faculty Activities Report, Professional Resumés, 1982-1984; 2 folders
C-1 1 119
Jesuit Preference Policy Correspondence, 1971-1985; 2 folders
C-1 1 119
Minutes, 1981-1985; 2 folders
C-1 1 119
New Course in Theology as Proposed by Fr. John F. X. Sheehan, S.J., Course Description, 1982
C-1 1 119
Quesnell, Material, 1970-1975
C-1 1 119
Quesnell/AAUP, Correspondence, 1974-1975
C-1 1 120
Quesnell/AAUP Correspondence, 1976
C-1 1 120 Tuition and Fees, Correspondence, 1962-1969
C-1 1 120 Underutilization, Correspondence, 1980


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 120 Unemployment Compensation File, Correspondence, Booklet, 1971-1975
C-1 1 120 University Board of Graduate Studies, Minutes, 1973-1983; 2 folders
C-1 1 120 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Latin Studies, Correspondence, 1976-1985
C-1 1 120 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Correspondence, Withdrawal Requirements, 1980-1986
C-1 1 120 Urban Affairs Committee, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1982
C-1 1 120 Urban Grant University Program, Correspondence, 1979
C-1 1 120 Urban Internship Program, Correspondence, Speech, 1976
C-1 1 120 Varsity Theatre, Correspondence, 1976-1978
C-1 1 120 Vatican II Seminar (Catholic Higher Education), Speech, 1966
C-1 1 120 Walsh, Rev, E. Corbett, S.J., Assistant Dean College of Arts and Sciences, Out-Going Correspondence, 1983-1984
C-1 1 120 Wehr Science Center, Correspondence, Agreement, 1965-1969


Series 1

Record Group Series Box Folder Title
C-1 1 120 Wingspread Fellows Program, Correspondence, Explanation, 1979
C-1 1 120 Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters, Correspondence, 1970
C-1 1 121 Wisconsin Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (WACCU), 1963-1967
C-1 1 121 Wisconsin Conservatory of Music, Correspondence, 1962-1983; 3 folders
C-1 1 121 Wisconsin Humanities Committee, 1974-1987; 2 folders
C-1 1 121 Wisconsin Institute for the Study of War, Peace and Global Coop., Correspondence, 1985-1987
C-1 1 121 Wisconsin Province - Jesuits, Correspondence, 1956-1971
C-1 1 121 Withdrawal System, Correspondence, 1979-1983
C-1 1 121 Women in Theology, Correspondence, 1979-1980
C-1 1 121 Writing Across the Curriculum, 1984-1987; 3 folders
C-1 1 121 Writing Center, 1986-1988
C-1 1 121 Writing Center Quarters (Monitor Hall), 1986