This descriptive inventory consists of two large subject files, arranged alphabetically. The following index was designed to facilitate access to the descriptive inventory.


Abbot Crest Hotel:  81 Engineering Building:  22 97 Medical School:  78
Abbottsford Apartments:  1  81 Gesu Church:  22  98 Merrity Hall:  54
Addresses of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Buildings:  81 Grandmora Building:  22  99 Monitor Hall:  54  108
Allen Bradley Medical Science  Lab:  1 Greater Marquette Center:  99 Nicholas Hall:  54  108
Alumnae House: 2  81 Greenhouse:  99 Noonan Hall:  54  111
Athletic Building (William Plankinton Home)  2  81 Guidance Center Building:  22 Nursing College (Clark Hall):  54  112
Avalanche Bar:  81 Gymnasium:  99 O'Donnell Hall:  56
Barracks Building:  81 Harambee Dental Clinic:  22 O'Hara Hall (Winkler House):  58
Bellarmine Hall:  58 Helfaer Tennis/Recreation Center:  22 Old Engineering Building (Bellarmine Hall):  58
Bonifas Hall:  2  82 Helfaer Theater:  26 Olin Engineering Center:  58
Brooks Memorial Union:  2  83 Heraty Hall:  31  100 Plankinton Building:  2 81
Building Program:  4 Jesuit Central Residence:  100 Regis Hall:  60  115
Business Administration Building: 4  83 Joan of Arc Chapel:  31  101 129 St. Catherine's Home:  60
Campus Buildings, Meaurements:  5 Jogues Hall:  101 Science Building:  115
Carillon:  92 Johnston Hall:  32  102 Schandein Site:  60
Carpenter Hall:  8 94 Journalism Building:  102 Schroeder Hall:  60  115
Clark Hall:  54  112 Knights of Columbus Building:  103 Schroeder, Walter Complex:  70  124
Cobeen Hall:  10  94 Lalumiere Language Hall:  35 Spaulding Hall:  65
Computer Services:  11 Law School:  37 Speech School:  65
Copus Hall:  11  94 Legal Research Center:  38 Stadium:  65
Coughlin Hall:  12 Lisette Lodge (Miller house):  41  106 Stewart Apartments:  65
Cramer Memorial:  12  94 Loyola Hall:  41  107 Student Housing:  65
Cutler-Hammer Buildings:  12  96 M. Carpenter Tower Hall:  41  107 Tower Hall:  41  107
Dental School:  12  96 The Mall:  66 1212 Building:  69
Drexel Lodge:  21  96 Marian Hall:  41  107 Varsity Theater:  69  124
Duffey Hall:  21  96 Marquette Hall:  41  107 Wehr, Todd Chemistry Building:  66
  Marquette Interchange: 129 Wehr Life Science Building:  70  127
  McCormick Hall:  43 Wehr, William Physics Building:  75
  Memorial Library:  47 Wickman Property:  127
    Wisconsin Builder Magazine: 129


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 1 Abbottsford Apartments, Graduate/Marries Student Housing, Informational Brochure, 1982
D-7 1 1 Allen Bradley Medical Science Laboratory,
D-7 1 1
Architect’s Job Progress Reports, 1967-1969
D-7 1 1
General Correspondence, 1965-1970; 2 folders
D-7 1 1
Robert A. Messmer and Bros., Architects, Contract and Correspondence, 1963-1969; 3 folders
D-7 1 2 Alumnae House, Clippings, Plans and Specifications, 1938-1969
D-7 1 2 Athletic Building (William Plankinton Home), Plans and Specifications, 1959
D-7 1 2 Bonifas Hall, Correspondence, Plans and Specifications, 1968-1971
D-7 1 - Brooks Memorial Union,
D-7 1 2
Brust and Brust, Architects, Correspondence, 1951-1954; 3 folders
D-7 1 2
Building Committee, Minutes, 1951-1953


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Brooks Memorial Union, continued
D-7 1 2
Clippings, 1948-1957
D-7 1 2
Concrete Tests, 1951-1952
D-7 1 2
Construction Photos, 1951-1953
D-7 1 3
Contents of Building Cornerstone, 1948-1952, including retyped documents about founding of the student union in 920.  (These records were acquired following the 2001 razing of Brooks Memorial Union.)
D-7 1 2
Correspondence with Contractors, 1951-1953
D-7 1 3
Correspondence with Federal Agencies, 1951-1952
D-7 1 3
Dedication and Open House, April 12, 1953
D-7 1 3
Dedication Committee, Minutes, 1952-1953
D-7 1 3
Don McNeill Broadcast, 1953
D-7 1 3
Fund Drive, Correspondence and Information, 1949-1953
D-7 1 3
Furniture, Correspondence and Information, 1952-1953


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Brooks Memorial Union, continued
D-7 1 3
Ground Breaking Ceremonies, May 1, 1951
D-7 1 3
Intra-University Correspondence, 1951-1954; 2 folders
D-7 1 3
Murals, Correspondence and Information, 1953-1954
D-7 1 4
Payments, 1951-1954
D-7 1 4
Union Planning Committee, Minutes and Information, 1961
D-7 1 4
Varia, 1953-1973
D-7 1 4 Building Program, Correspondence and Information, 1953-1977
D-7 1 - Business Administration Building,
D-7 1 4
Building Fund, Correspondence and Information, 1949-1951


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Business Administration Building,
D-7 1 4
Campaign Information, 1948-1952
D-7 1 5
Construction History, 1949-1952; 3 folders
D-7 1 5
Cornerstone Ceremony, October 10,1950
D-7 1 5
Dedication Ceremony, October 25, 1951
D-7 1 5 Campus Buildings, Measurements of Buildings, 1964-1973
D-7 1 5 Campus Air Conditioning, Bids and Estimates, 1972
D-7 1 - Campus Air Conditioning,
D-7 1 6
Bids and Estimates, 1972-1973; 2 folders
D-7 1 6
Contracts and Costs, 1971-1973
D-7 1 6
Drawings and Descriptions, 1973


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Campus Air Conditioning, continued
D-7 1 6
General Correspondence, 1972-1974; 2 folders
D-7 1 6 Inspection Reports, 1973-1974
D-7 1 6 Campus Air Conditioning Committee, Minutes and Information, 1968-1973
D-7 1 - Campus Heating,
D-7 1 7
Contracts, 1961, 1966-1969
D-7 1 7
General Correspondence, 1966-1969; 2 folders
D-7 1 7
Steam Line Daily Inspection Reports, 1968
D-7 1 7
Steam Line Progress Meetings, Minutes, 1968-1969
D-7 1 7
Steam Line Project, Cost Summaries and Information,1966-1968


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 7 Campus Heating Study, Correspondence, 1966-1968
D-7 1 7 Campus Heating Study, Cummins and Barnard Report, 1961
D-7 1 8 Campus Heating Study, Cummins and Barnard Report, 1967; 2 folders
D-7 1 8 Campus Heating Study Committee, Minutes, 1966-1969
D-7 1 - Carpenter Hall,
D-7 1 8
Remodeling of Old Union Building, Correspondence and Information, 1952-1954
D-7 1 8
Renovation for Use by Psychology Department, Correspondence and Information, 1965-1975
D-7 1 - Carpenter Hall Reuse Project,
D-7 1 8
Architectural Correspondence, 1981-1982
D-7 1 8
Architectural Plans/Drawings, 1980-1981
D-7 1 9
Architectural Selection Information, 1980


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Carpenter Hall Reuse Project,continued
D-7 1 9
Bids and Specifications, 1981-1982; 2 folders
D-7 1 9
Committee and Meetings, Minutes, 1980-1981
D-7 1 9
Committee Status Reports, 1981-1982
D-7 1 9
General Correspondence, 1978-1982; 2 folders
D-7 1 9
Space Requirements/Utilization, 1980-1981
D-7 1 - Cobeen Hall,
D-7 1 10
Correspondence re Furnishings, 1964-1966; 2 folders
D-7 1 10
Correspondence with Architects, 1964-1966; 2 folders
D-7 1 -
General Correspondence,
D-7 1 11
D-7 1 11
1964-1970; 3 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Cobeen Hall,
D-7 1 11
Job Meeting Minutes, 1964-1965
D-7 1 11
Loan Agreement and Correspondence, 1964-1966
D-7 1 11 Computer Services (Services Building), Research Space Utilization Report, 1973
D-7 1 11 Copus Hall, Plans and Specifications, 1969
D-7 1 - Coughlin Hall,
D-7 1 12
Building Committee, Minutes and Information, 1975-1978; 2 folders
D-7 1 12
Correspondence with Architects, 1975-1977
D-7 1 12
Dedication, May 4, 1977
D-7 1 12
General Correspondence, 1974-1981; 2 folders
D-7 1 12 Cramer Memorial, Reuse Study, 1977


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 12 Cutler-Hammer Buildings, Clippings, 1975
D-7 1 - Dental School,
D-7 1 12
Floor Plans, 1931
D-7 1 12
Research Space Reports, 1970-1974
D-7 1 - Dental School Addition,
D-7 1 12
Administrative Correspondence, 1953-1958
D-7 1 12
Agreement with Architects, 1953
D-7 1 12
Application for Federal Funds, Correspondence and Information, 1956
D-7 1 12
Building Committee, Minutes and Information, 1950-1958; 2 folders
D-7 1 12
Change Orders, 1956-1957
D-7 1 12
Clippings, 1955-1958


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Dental School Addition, continued
D-7 1 13
Construction Bids, 1956
D-7 1 14
Construction Bids, 1956; 2 folders
D-7 1 14
Correspondence with Architect, 1953-1960
D-7 1 14
Correspondence with Contractors, 1956-1958
D-7 1 14
Cost Summaries, 1956-1958
D-7 1 14
Equipment Specifications, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1957; 2 folders
D-7 1 15
Field Inspection Reports, 1956-1957
D-7 1 15
Insurance Certificates, 1956
D-7 1 15
Laboratory Equipment, Bids and Specifications, 1955-1957; 2 folders
D-7 1 15
Payments to Suppliers, 1955-1958


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Dental School Addition, continued
D-7 1 16
Payroll Records, 1956-1957; 2 folders
D-7 1 16
State Board of Health, Correspondence, 1956-1958
D-7 1 16
Test Boring Report, 1956
D-7 1 - Dental School Expansion,
D-7 1 -
Accreditation Visit,
D-7 1 16
Correspondence and Report, 1969-1970
D-7 1 16
Construction Projections, 1963-1964
D-7 1 16
Galagan Report, 1970
D-7 1 16
Planning Committee, Information and Report, 1965-1971
D-7 1 16
Planning Report, 1970
D-7 1 16
Report on Facilities Needs, 1969
D-7 1 17
Special Projects Grant Proposal, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1971


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Dental School Renovation,
D-7 1 17
Building Committee, Minutes, 1971-1977
D-7 1 17
Clippings, 1970-1972
D-7 1 17
Correspondence with Architects, 1970-1972
D-7 1 17
Instructional Equipment, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1972
D-7 1 17
Office Equipment, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1972
D-7 1 -
 Phase I,
D-7 1 17
General Correspondence, 1966-1971
D-7 1 18
General Correspondence, 1971-1974
D-7 1 18
Progress Chart, 1971
D-7 1 -
Phase IIA,
D-7 1 18
Correspondence with Architect, 1972-1973
D-7 1 18
Correspondence with Contractors, 1969-1973
D-7 1 18
General Correspondence, 1971-1973
D-7 1 18
General Information, 1973
D-7 1 18
Minutes of Job Meetings, 1972-1973


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Dental School Renovation, continued
D-7 1 -
Phase IIA, continued
D-7 1 18
Photos, 1973
D-7 1 18
Phase IIA and B, Photos, 1972
D-7 1 -
Phase IIB,
D-7 1 19
Correspondence with Architects,1971
D-7 1 19
General Correspondence, 1973-1974
D-7 1 19
General Information, 1973
D-7 1 19
Minutes of Progress Meetings, 1973
D-7 1 19
Proposals, 1973
D-7 1 -
Phase IIIA and B,
D-7 1 19
Change Orders, 1974-1975
D-7 1 19
Correspondence with Architects, 1973-1975; 2 folders
D-7 1 19
General Correspondence, 1971-1974
D-7 1 19
General Correspondence, 1975
D-7 1 20
General Correspondence, 1976-1979


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Dental School Renovation, continued
D-7 1 20
Phase IIIC, Correspondence with Architect, 1975-1977
D-7 1 -
Phase IIIA, B, and C
D-7 1 20
General Information, 1976
D-7 1 20
Minutes of Progress Meetings, 1975-1976
D-7 1 -
Phase IV
D-7 1 20
Correspondence with Architect, 1976-1978
D-7 1 20
General Correspondence, 1975-1978; 2 folders
D-7 1 20
General Information, 1978
D-7 1 20
Minutes of Progress Meetings, 1977-1978
D-7 1 21
Unsuccessful Bids, 1977


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Dental School Renovation, continued
D-7 1 21
Phase VI and VII, Project Manual, 1982
D-7 1 21
Photos, 1971-1972; 2 folders
D-7 1 21
Planning Framework, Correspondence and Information, 1976
D-7 1 21
Renovation Projects, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1969
D-7 1 21
TV Facilities, Correspondence, 1971 Drexel Lodge (Hite Home), Plans and Specifications, 1959
D-7 1 21 Duffey Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1958-1968
D-7 1 - Engineering Building
D-7 1 22
Correspondence and Information, 1938-1941
D-7 1 22
Proposal for a New Physical Facility, 1971
D-7 1 22
Research, 1971
D-7 1 22
Research Space Utilization, 1972-1975


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Gesu Church
D-7 1 -
Golden Jubilee
D-7 1 22
Clippings and Brochure, 1943
D-7 1 22
Renovation, Correspondence, 1966-1967
D-7 1 - Grandmora Building
D-7 1 22
Plans and Specifications, 1959-1977
D-7 1 22
Research Space Utilization, 1972-1974
D-7 1 22 Guidance Center Building, Plans and Specifications, 1956-1959
D-7 1 22 Harambee Dental Clinic, Correspondence, 1978-1981
D-7 1 - Helfaer Tennis/Recreation Center,
D-7 1 22
Air Structures, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1973; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Helfaer Tennis/Recreation Center, continued
D-7 1 23
Award of Excellence, Correspondence and Information, 1975
D-7 1 23
Budget, Correspondence and Information, 1973-1975; 2 folders
D-7 1 -
Building Committee
D-7 1 23
Correspondence, 1972-1975
D-7 1 23
Minutes, 1973-1975
D-7 1 23
Clippings, 1973
D-7 1 -
Correspondence with Rauenhorst Corporation
D-7 1 23
1973-1974; 2 folders
D-7 1 24
D-7 1 -
General Correspondence
D-7 1 24
1967-1975; 4 folders
D-7 1 25


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Helfaer Tennis/Recreation Center, continued
D-7 1 25
Handbook, 1976
D-7 1 25
Interviews for Director’s Position, 1974
D-7 1 25
McFadzean and Everly Proposal, 1972
D-7 1 25
Midwest Recreation Facilities, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1973
D-7 1 25
Outline Specifications, 1973
D-7 1 25
Physical Recreation Task Force, Minutes and Report, 1974
D-7 1 -
Planning Committee
D-7 1 25
Correspondence and Information, 1967-1971
D-7 1 26
Correspondence and Report, 1972-1974
D-7 1 26
Renderings, Early Stages, 1974
D-7 1 26
Specifications and Site Plan, 1974
D-7 1 26
Staffing and Budgetary Report, 1974


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Helfaer Tennis/Recreation Center, continued
D-7 1 26
Swimming Pool, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1975
D-7 1 26
Trophy Cases and "M" Club, Correspondence, 1973-1974
D-7 1 - Helfaer Theater
D-7 1 26
Architect’s Design Concept, 1969
D-7 1 26
Bidding Correspondence, 1972-1973
D-7 1 26
Clippings, 1970-1975
D-7 1 26
Color Selections, 1973-1974
D-7 1 -
Correspondence with Architect
D-7 1 26
D-7 1 27
1972-1973; 5 folders
D-7 1 28
D-7 1 28
Dedication, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1975


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Helfaer Theater, continued
D-7 1 28
Equipment Brochures, 1971-1972
D-7 1 -
General Correspondence
D-7 1 28
1964-1973; 3 folders
D-7 1 29
1974-1978; 2 folders
D-7 1 29
Grant and Loan Applications, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1977
D-7 1 29
Improvements and Priority Needs, Correspondence, 1973-1976
D-7 1 29
Landscaping, Correspondence and Information, 1975
D-7 1 29
Memorial Niche, Correspondence, 1974-1976
D-7 1 29
Outline Specifications, 1970
D-7 1 29
Photos, 1969
D-7 1 30
Planning and Building Committee, Minutes and Information, 1967-1973; 2 folders
D-7 1 30
Progress Schedule, 1973-1974


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Helfaer Theater, continued
D-7 1 30
Plans and Specifications, 1971-1973
D-7 1 30
Renderings, Early Stages, 1969-1970
D-7 1 31
Space Analysis and Time Schedule, 1971-1972
D-7 1 31
Square Foot Analysis, 1973
D-7 1 31
Theater Fund, Correspondence and Information, 1973-1975
D-7 1 31
Turnover Manual, 1974
D-7 1 - Heraty Hall
D-7 1 31
Committee on Jesuit Residence, Minutes, 1973
D-7 1 31
Plans and Specifications, 1963-1968
D-7 1 31
Renovation for Jesuit Use, Correspondence, 1971-1974
D-7 1 - Joan of Arc Chapel
D-7 1 31
Clippings, 1964-1966
D-7 1 31
Commemorative Medal Request, Correspondence, 1966


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Joan of Arc Chapel, continued
D-7 1 31
Correspondence, 1964-1968
D-7 1 32
Dedication, Correspondence and Information, 1965-1966
D-7 1 32
Dedication Brochures, 1966
D-7 1 32
Dedication Committee, Minutes, 1965-1966
D-7 1 32
Dedication Poem by Sr. M. Therese, S.D.S., 1966
D-7 1 32
Library Displays, 1966
D-7 1 32
Magazine Articles, 1965-1971
D-7 1 - Johnston Hall
D-7 1 32
Fifth Floor Renovation, Correspondence and Information, 1938-1944
D-7 1  
Plans and Specifications, 1960
D-7 1  
Renovation and Jesuit Quarters, 1959-1960
D-7 1  
Renovation Study, 1972


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Johnston Hall Remodeling
D-7 1 32
Architect’s Contract, 1973
D-7 1 -
D-7 1 32
General Construction, 1974
D-7 1 32
Heating, Ventilation, and A.C. Work, 1974
D-7 1 33
Plumbing, 1974
D-7 1 33
Budget Data, 1976
D-7 1 33
Building Committee, Minutes, 1973-1976
D-7 1 33
Correspondence with Architect, 1973-1976; 3 folders
D-7 1 33
Feasibility Study Committee, Minutes and Information, 1973
D-7 1 33
Furniture/Equipment Information, 1974
D-7 1 34
General Correspondence, 1972-1977; 3 folders
D-7 1 34
HEW Correspondence, 1974-1976


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Johnston Hall Remodeling, continued
D-7 1 34
HEW Technical Handbook, 1972-1975
D-7 1 35
Progress Meetings, 1974-1975
D-7 1 35
Progress Schedule, 1974-1975
D-7 1 35
Project Booklet, 1975
D-7 1 35
Relocation of College of Journalism, Correspondence and Information, 1972-1973
D-7 1 35
Stained Glass Windows, Photos and Information, 1974
D-7 1 35
TV Studio and Correspondence, 1974-1975
D-7 1 - Lalumiere Language Hall
D-7 1 35
Architect’s Contract, 1965
D-7 1 35
Bids, 1968; 2 folders
D-7 1 35
Building Committee, Correspondence and Minutes, 1965-1968
D-7 1 35
Color Selections, 1968


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Lalumiere Language Hall, continued
D-7 1 35
Correspondence with Architect, 1964-1969; 2 folders
D-7 1 36
Correspondence with Architect, 1969-1970
D-7 1 36
Dedication, September 19, 1971
D-7 1 36
French Trade Publication Articles, 1972
D-7 1 36
General Correspondence, 1965-1969; 4 folders
D-7 1 37
General Correspondence, 1969-1979; 2 folders
D-7 1 37
General Information, 1970
D-7 1 37
Grant and Loan Applications, Correspondence and Information, 1965-1970
D-7 1 37
Planning Committee Report, 1965
D-7 1 37
Research Space Utilization Report, 1973-1975
D-7 1 37
Revised Progress Schedule, 1969
D-7 1 37
Roof Problems, Correspondence, 1972-1973


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 37 Land Plots Near Campus, Information, 1927-1952
D-7 1 - Law School Renovation
D-7 1 37
Building Committee, Minutes, 1970-1972
D-7 1 37
Classroom Fixtures, 1971
D-7 1 37
Correspondence with Architect, 1970-1974
D-7 1 37
Faculty Proposal, 1968
D-7 1 38
General Correspondence, 1967-1973; 2 folders
D-7 1 38
Grant and Loan Applications, 1970-1971
D-7 1 38
Job Meetings, Minutes, 1970-1972
D-7 1 38
News Releases, June 9, 1971
D-7 1 38
Photos, 1971-1972
D-7 1 38
Plans, 1971-1972
D-7 1 38
Progress Schedule, 1972


Series 1

Legal Research Center

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 -
D-7 1 38
Architect’s Contract, 1967
D-7 1 38
Bids, 1967
D-7 1 38
Building Committee, Minutes, 1965-1968
D-7 1 38
Clippings and Information, 1964-1967
D-7 1 38
Construction Graph, 1967
D-7 1 39
Correspondence with Architect, 1966-1968;  2 folders
D-7 1 39
Dedication, April 25, 1968
D-7 1 39
General Correspondence, 1961-1970; 3 folders
D-7 1 39
Grant and Loan Applications, Correspondence and Information, 1965-1969
D-7 1 39
Job Meeting Minutes, 1967-1968


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Legal Research Center, continued
D-7 1 40
Planning and Procedures, 1967
D-7 1 40
Plans and Specifications, 1965-1968
D-7 1 40
Progress Photos, 1967-1968
D-7 1 40
Progress Reports, 1967-1968
D-7 1 40
Proposed Merger of Law Libraries, 1973
D-7 1 40
Research Space Utilization Report, 1974-1975
D-7 1 - Legal Research Center Addition
D-7 1 40
Project Manual, June 9, 1982
D-7 1 40
Project Manual Number 1, August 4, 1982
D-7 1 40
Project Manual Number 2, August 18, 1982
D-7 1 40
Project Manual Number 3-5, August  25-26, 1982


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 41 Lisette Lodge (Miller House), Lease and Apostolic Indult, 1943
D-7 1 - Loyola Hall
D-7 1 41
Correspondence, 1968-1969
D-7 1 41
Lease, 1962
D-7 1 41 Maps of Campus Area, 1937-1975
D-7 1 41 M. Carpenter Tower Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1970
D-7 1 - Marian Hall
D-7 1 41
Correspondence, 1968-1972
D-7 1 41
Plans and Specifications, 1967
D-7 1 41 Marquette Hall, Research Space Utilization Reports, 1970-1975
D-7 1 - Marquette Hall Renovation
D-7 1 41
Bids, 1967


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Marquette Hall Renovation, continued
D-7 1 41
Clippings, 1967
D-7 1 41
Correspondence with Architect, 1966-1968; 3 folders
D-7 1 41
Floor Plans, 1959, 1966
D-7 1 42
General Correspondence, 1964-1978; 5 folders
D-7 1 42
Grant and Loan Applications, 1965-1968
D-7 1 43
Honors Program Area, Correspondence, 1966-1968
D-7 1 43
Trust Indenture, 1968
D-7 1 129 Marquette Interchange, 1968
D-7 1 43 "Marquette’s New Look," Journal Article by Ello Brink, August 13, 1975
D-7 1 43 ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, Pictorial Portfolio, 1930; 2 folders
D-7 1 - ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Campus Plat
D-7 1 43
Assessed Valuation of Land and Improvements, 1950
D-7 1 43
Land Use Map, 1950


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 43 ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School, Roofing Contracts, 1940, 1942
D-7 1 - McCormick Hall
D-7 1 43
Building Committee, Minutes and Information,  1964-1967
D-7 1 43
Clippings, 1964-1968
D-7 1 43      Project Manual for McCormick Hall Air Conditioning, December 4, 1989
D-7 1 43
Correspondence Between Architect and Contractors, 1966-1967
D-7 1 44
Correspondence between Architect and Contractors, 1967-1969; 2 folders
D-7 1 44
Correspondence with Architect, 1964-1967; 3 folders
D-7 1 45
Correspondence with Architect, 167-1969; 3 folders
D-7 1 45
General Correspondence, 1964-1965; 2 folders
D-7 1 46
General Correspondence, 1966-1967; 4 folders
D-7 1 47
General Correspondence, 1968-1970; 2 folders
D-7 1 47
On-Site Project Meetings, Minutes, 1966-1968


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - McCormick Hall, continued
D-7 1 47
Photos, 1968
D-7 1 47
Plat Plans, 1967
D-7 1 47
Site Progress Photos, 1966-1968
D-7 1 - Memorial Library
D-7 1 47
Agreement with Architect, 1950
D-7 1 47
Bids, 1951
D-7 1 47
Bookstacks, Correspondence and Information,  1949-1952
D-7 1 48
Bookstacks, Correspondence and Information, 1953-1954
D-7 1 48
Concrete Test Borings, 1951-1952
D-7 1 48
Contracts and Payments, 1951-1954
D-7 1 48
Correspondence with Architect, 1950-1955; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Memorial Library, continued
D-7 1 48
Dedication, Clippings and Programs, 1953
D-7 1 48
Dedication, Correspondence and Information, 1952-1953
D-7 1 49
Floor Plans, 1953-1957
D-7 1 49
Furniture, Correspondence and Information, 1949-1954
D-7 1 49
General Correspondence, 1949-1954
D-7 1 49
General Information, 1950-1952
D-7 1 49
Hardware Schedule, 1952
D-7 1 49
Library Board, Minutes of Meetings, 1951
D-7 1 49
National Production Authority, Correspondence and Information, 1951
D-7 1 50
Planning Committee, Interviews with Prospective Architects, 1950; 2 folders
D-7 1 50
Planning Committee, Minutes and Information, 1948-1953


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Memorial Library, continued
D-7 1 50
Progress Photos, 1951-1953
D-7 1 50
Work Sheets and Cost Estimates, 1950
D-7 1 - Memorial Library Addition
D-7 1 50
Bids, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1970
D-7 1 50
Building Committee, Minutes and Information, 1964-1967
D-7 1 51
Building Committee, Minutes and Information, 1967-1971
D-7 1 51
Clippings, 1968-1971
D-7 1 51
"Concept Phase," 1967
D-7 1 51
Correspondence with Architect, 1967-1970;  3 folders
D-7 1 52
Correspondence with Architect, 1971-1972; 2 folders
D-7 1 52
Dedication, Correspondence with Information, 1971


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Memorial Library Addition, continued
D-7 1 52
Federal Project Report, 1968
D-7 1 52
Floor Plans, 1967
D-7 1 52
General Correspondence, 1966-1968; 2 folders
D-7 1 53
General Correspondence, 1969-1974; 3 folders
D-7 1 53
Grant Application, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1971
D-7 1 53
Interior and Exterior Job Photos, 1971
D-7 1 53
Job Meetings, Minutes, 1970-1971
D-7 1 54
Payment Certificates, 1970-1971
D-7 1 54
Plans and Specifications, 1967-1969
D-7 1 54
Progress Photos, 1970-1971
D-7 1 54
Progress Reports, 1970-1971


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Memorial Library Addition, continued
D-7 1 54
Progress Schedule, 1970-1971
D-7 1 54
Project Book and Microfilm, 1971
D-7 1 54
Punch Lists, 1970-1971
D-7 1 54
Research Space Report, 1970-1972
D-7 1 54
Turnover Correspondence, 1970-1971
D-7 1 54 Merrity Hall, Floor Plans, 1970-1972
D-7 1 54 Monitor Hall, Clippings, 1975
D-7 1 - Nicholas Hall
D-7 1 54
Floor Plans, 1968
D-7 1 54
Research Space Utilization Reports, 1973-1975
D-7 1 54 Noonan Hall, Correspondence, 1968-1972


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Nursing College (Clark Hall)
D-7 1 54
Bids, 1980-1981
D-7 1 54
Building Committee Minutes and Information, 1980-1981
D-7 1 54
Correspondence with Architect, 1980-1982
D-7 1 55
Furniture Requirements, 1980
D-7 1 55
General Correspondence, 1980-1983; 2 folders
D-7 1 55
General Information, 1978-1980
D-7 1 55
Key to Abbreviations, 1980
D-7 1 55
Landscaping, Plans and Specifications, 1981-1982
D-7 1 55
Material Safety Data Sheets, 1973-1982
D-7 1 55
Physical Facilities Requirements, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1980
D-7 1 55
Planning Committee, 1978-1981


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Nursing College (Clark Hall), continued
D-7 1 56
Planning Committee, Final Report, 1979
D-7 1 56
Planning Committee, Minutes, 1979
D-7 1 56
Project Specifications, 1981
D-7 1 56
Review of Plans and Specifications, 1980
D-7 1 - O’Donnell Hall
D-7 1 56
Bids, 11950-1951
D-7 1 56
Building Costs, Correspondence and Information, 1951-1952
D-7 1 56
Clippings and Information, 1951-1953
D-7 1 56
Concrete Testing, Reports, 1951
D-7 1 56
Contracts, 1950-1951
D-7 1 56
Correspondence with AMUW, 1951-1953


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - O’Donnell Hall, continued
D-7 1 57
Correspondence with Architect, 1950-1954
D-7 1 57
Correspondence with Contractors, 1950-1952
D-7 1 57
Correspondence with Dean of Women, 1950-1952
D-7 1 57
Easements (Telephone Co.), 1952
D-7 1 57
Furniture, Correspondence and Information, 1952
D-7 1 57
General Correspondence, 1951-1952
D-7 1 57
Loan Applications, Correspondence and Information, 1948-1952
D-7 1 57
National Production Authority, Correspondence and Information, 1951-1952
D-7 1 57
Payment Certificates, 11950-1952
D-7 1 57
Photos, 1952
D-7 1 57
Photos of Other Dormitories, 1951
D-7 1 57
Progress Photos, 1951-1952


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - O’Donnell Hall, continued
D-7 1 58
Specifications, 1950
D-7 1 58
Valve Schedule, 1952
D-7 1 58 O’Hara Hall (Winkler House), Correspondence and Information, 1939, 1966-1978
D-7 1 58 Old Engineering Building (Bellarmine Hall), Plans and Specifications, 1969-1973
D-7 1 - Olin Engineering Center
D-7 1 58
Building Committee, Minutes and Information, 1973-1974
D-7 1 58
Construction Progress Chart, 1976-1977
D-7 1 58
Contract Correspondence, 1976
D-7 1 58
Correspondence with Architect, 1975-1979; 2 folders
D-7 1 58
General Correspondence, 1971-1976
D-7 1 59
General Correspondence, 1976-1980; 4 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Olin Engineering Center, continued
D-7 1 59
Job Conferences, 1976-1977
D-7 1 59
Photos, 1979
D-7 1 59
Prospective Bidders, Correspondence, 1976
D-7 1 59 Planning and Development Committee, Correspondence and Minutes, 1951-1956
D-7 1 60 Proposed NROTC Building, Correspondence and Information, 1941-1942
D-7 1 60 Regis Hall, General Information, 1938-1952
D-7 1 60 St. Catherine’s Home, Correspondence, 1964-1971
D-7 1 60 Schandein Site, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ’s Plans, 1927
D-7 1 - Schroeder Hall
D-7 1 60
Ace Refrigeration and Heating Company, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1957
D-7 1 60
Architect’s Contract, 1953


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Schroeder Hall, continued
D-7 1 60
Bids, 1956
D-7 1 60
Building Committee, Minutes and Information, 1953-1957; 2 folders
D-7 1 60
Clippings, 1954-1957
D-7 1 60
Concrete Test Reports, 1956-1957
D-7 1 61
Contract Documents: Refrigeration, 1956
D-7 1 61
Contract Proposals, 1954-1957
D-7 1 61
Correspondence with Architecture
D-7 1 61
Correspondence with Other Schools, 1954-1957
D-7 1 61
Correspondence with Contractors, 1955-1957
D-7 1 62
Correspondence with Contractors, 1955-1957; 3 folders
D-7 1 62
Dedication, Correspondence and Information, 1957


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Schroeder Hall, continued
D-7 1 62
Furniture Proposals, 1956
D-7 1 62
General Correspondence, 1952-1956
D-7 1 63
General Correspondence, 1957-1958
D-7 1 63
General Information, 1953-1958
D-7 1 63
General Specifications, 1956
D-7 1 63
Gross Hardware Company, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1957
D-7 1 63
Inspection Reports, 1956-1957
D-7 1 63
Insurance Certificates, 1954-1957
D-7 1 63
Jung Heating Company, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1958
D-7 1 63
Key Inventory, 1956-1957
D-7 1 63
Landscaping, Correspondence and Plans, 1957


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Schroeder Hall, continued
D-7 1 63
Loan Applications, Correspondence and Information, 1950-156
D-7 1 63
Mechanical Specifications, 1956
D-7 1 64
Progress Photos, 1956-1957
D-7 1 64
Purchase Orders and Receipts, 1956-1957
D-7 1 64
Room Costs, Information, 1954-1956
D-7 1 64
Seisel Construction Company, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1957
D-7 1 64
Site Survey, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1957
D-7 1 64
Staff Electric Company, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1958
D-7 1 64
Wenzel and Henoch Company, Correspondence and Information
D-7 1 - Schroeder Hall Addition
D-7 1 64
Bids, 1964


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Schroeder Hall Addition, continued
D-7 1 64
Correspondence with Architect, 1964-1965
D-7 1 65
Correspondence with Architect, 1965-1967
D-7 1 65
General Correspondence, 1964-1967
D-7 1 65
Loan Applications, Correspondence and Information, 1964-1967
D-7 1 65
Progress Photos, 1965
D-7 1 65 Service Building, Specifications, 1974
D-7 1 65 Spaulding Hall, Correspondence, 1968
D-7 1 - Speech School (Plankinton Home)
D-7 1 65
Clippings, 1929-1980
D-7 1 65
Photos (Exterior and Interior), 1973, 1980
D-7 1 65
Plans and Specifications, 1959


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Speech School (Plankinton Home), continued
D-7 1 65
Research Space Utilization Reports, 1974-1975
D-7 1 65
Speech Clinic and Hearing Laboratory, Progress Reports, 1953-1953
D-7 1 65 Stadium (Marquette), Plans, 1960
D-7 1 65 Stewart Apartments, Lease and Correspondence, 1962-1968
D-7 1 65 Student Housing, Information and Reports, 1953-1972
D-7 1 66 "The Greater Marquette Program," Portfolio and Brochure, 1961
D-7 1 66 The Mall, Clippings and Prints, 1966
D-7 1 - Todd Wehr Chemistry Building
D-7 1 66
Architect’s Presentation, 1965
D-7 1 66
Bids, 1965
D-7 1 66
Building Committee Minutes, 1965


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Todd Wehr Chemistry Building, continued
D-7 1 66
Clippings, 1965-1966
D-7 1 66
Cornerstone Ceremony, Correspondence, 1966
D-7 1 66
Correspondence with Architect, 1964-1966; 3 folders
D-7 1 67
Correspondence with Architect, 1966-1968
D-7 1 67
Daily Progress Reports, 1965-1966
D-7 1 67
Dedication and Open House, Brochure, 1967
D-7 1 67
Design Competition, Correspondence and Information, 1966
D-7 1 67
Equipment Items, Bids and Correspondence, 1965-1968
D-7 1 67
General Correspondence, 1963-1965;  2 folders
D-7 1 68
General Correspondence, 1966-1969;  2 folders
D-7 1 68
Grant and Loan Applications, Correspondence and Information, 1965-1968


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Todd Wehr Chemistry Building, continued
D-7 1 68
Job Progress Reports, 1965-1966
D-7 1 68
Memorial Plaque, Correspondence, 1967-1968
D-7 1 68
Memorial Room, Correspondence, 1966-1967
D-7 1 68
Planning Committee, Minutes and Information, 1963-1964
D-7 1 68
Plans and Specifications, 1964-1967
D-7 1 69
Progress Meetings, 1965-1966
D-7 1 69
Progress Photos, 1965-1967
D-7 1 69
Progress Schedule, 1965
D-7 1 69
Research Space Utilization Reports, 1970-1975
D-7 1 69
T.V. Facilities, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1970
D-7 1 69 1212 Building, Information, 1978; 2008 Demolition and Recycling


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Varsity Theater Building
D-7 1 69
Acquisition, Correspondence, 1961-1968
D-7 1 69
Appraisal, 1966
D-7 1 69
Audio-Visual Facilities, Correspondence,  1965-1968
D-7 1 69
Floor Plans, 1961, 1966
D-7 1 69
General Correspondence, 1963-1971; 2 folders
D-7 1 69
Research Space Utilization Reports, 1970-1975
D-7 1 - Walter Schroeder Complex
D-7 1 70
Dedication Brochure, May 1981
D-7 1 70
Specification Manual, 1979
D-7 1 - Wehr Life Science Building
D-7 1 70
Administrative Correspondence, 1958-1962
D-7 1 70
Architect’s Contract, 1956


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Wehr Life Science Building, continued
D-7 1 70
Bids, 1959-1960
D-7 1 70
Building Committee, Minutes, 1958-1961; 2 folders
D-7 1 70
Clippings, 1959-1962
D-7 1 71
Correspondence with Architect, 1955-1962; 3 folders
D-7 1 71
Equipment Correspondence, 1960-1962;  2 folders
D-7 1 71
Equipment Inventory, 1960
D-7 1 71
Floor Plans, 1958-1961
D-7 1 72
Gebhard-Berghammer, Inc., Correspondence and Information, 1960-1962; 2 folders
D-7 1 72
General Correspondence, 1957-1963; 3 folders
D-7 1 72
General Information, 1958-1962
D-7 1 73
Grant Information, 1959-1960


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Wehr Life Science Building, continued
D-7 1 73
Inspection Reports, 1961-1962
D-7 1 73
J. M. Brennan, Inc., Correspondence and Information, 1960-1962
D-7 1 73
Joseph Lehmann Company, Correspondence and Information, 1960-1962
D-7 1 73
Kewaunee Technical Furniture Company, Correspondence and Information, 1961-1962
D-7 1 73
Landscaping Information, 1957-1964
D-7 1 73
Northwestern Elevator Company, Correspondence and Information, 1960-1962
D-7 1 73
Payments for Architectural Services,  1959-1962
D-7 1 73
Payroll Information, 1961
D-7 1 73
Photographic Equipment, Proposals and Information, 1961
D-7 1 73
Photos and Prints, 1960-1961
D-7 1 73
Preliminary Planning Reports, 1956, 1959


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Wehr Life Science Building, continued
D-7 1 73
Progress Photos, 1961
D-7 1 73
Progress Reports, 1961
D-7 1 74
Research Space Utilization Reports, 1970-1975
D-7 1 74
Science Annex, Correspondence, 1954-1956
D-7 1 74
Science Annex Building Committee, Minutes and Information, 1953-1958
D-7 1 74
Specifications, 1960; 2 folders
D-7 1 74
Staff Electric Company, Correspondence and Information, 1960-1962
D-7 1 74
Unsuccessful Bids, 1960
D-7 1 - William Wehr Physics Building
D-7 1 75
Academic Planning Committee for Physics-Math Building, Minutes, Information and Report, 1967-1971
D-7 1 75
Air Filter Analysis, 1969-1972


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - William Wehr Physics Building, continued
D-7 1 75
Architect’s Contract, 1969
D-7 1 75
Bids, 1972
D-7 1 75
Building Committee, Minutes, 1969-1973
D-7 1 75
Clippings, 1970-1972
D-7 1 75
Correspondence with Architect, 1970-1974; 2 folders
D-7 1 75
Dedication, November 1973
D-7 1 75
Dietz, Electric Company, Correspondence and Information, 1972
D-7 1 75
Furniture, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1973
D-7 1 76
General Correspondence, 1965-1975;  5 folders
D-7 1 77
Grant Application, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1974
D-7 1 77
Hardware Specifications, 1972


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - William Wehr Physics Building, continued
D-7 1 77
Job Meetings, 1972-1973
D-7 1 77
Progress Photos, 1972-1973
D-7 1 77
Progress Schedules, 1972-1973
D-7 1 77
Specifications, 1972
D-7 1 77 Xavier Hall, Correspondence, 1965-1966
D-7 1 - Medical School
D-7 1 -
Animal Quarters
D-7 1 78
Bids, 1958
D-7 1 78
Building Committee, Minutes and Information, 1956-1959
D-7 1 78
Correspondence with Architect, 1956-1959
D-7 1 78
Correspondence with Industrial Systems Co., 1958


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Medical School, continued
D-7 1 -
Animal Quarters, continued
D-7 1 78
Correspondence with J. M. Brennan, Inc., 1958-1959
D-7 1 78
Correspondence with J. S. Jung, Inc., 1958-1959
D-7 1 78
Correspondence with Selzer-Ornst Co., 1958-1959
D-7 1 78
Correspondence with Staff Electric Co., 1958-1960
D-7 1 78
General Correspondence, 1956-1958
D-7 1 79
General Correspondence, 1958-1959
D-7 1 79
Grant Applications, 1956-1959
D-7 1 79
Payroll Records, 1958-1959
D-7 1 79
Plans and Specifications, 1958
D-7 1 79
Progress Reports, 1958-1959
D-7 1 79
Radioactive Monitoring Devices, 1958


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 79 Medical School, Clippings and Information, 1930-1943
D-7 1 - Medical School Annex
D-7 1 79
Bids, 1952
D-7 1 79
Concrete Test Reports, 1952
D-7 1 79
Correspondence with Contractors, 1952-1953
D-7 1 80
Cost Summaries and Payments, 1952-1954
D-7 1 80
Dedication, May 1954
D-7 1 80
General Correspondence, 1951-1954; 2 folders
D-7 1 80
Specifications, 1952
D-7 1 80
Reuse Study, 1977
D-7 1 80 Medical School Building, Correspondence and Information, 1947-1969


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Memorial Library
D-7 1 80
Blueprints and Plans, 1950-1959
D-7 1 80
General Correspondence, 1941-1961
D-7 1 81 Abbot Crest Hotel, Correspondence and Information, 1942-1976
D-7 1 81 Abbotsford Apartments, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1978
D-7 1 81 Addresses of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Buildings, n.d.
D-7 1 81 Alumnae House, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1975
D-7 1 81 Athletic Building (William Plankinton Home), Correspondence and Information, 1953-1970
D-7 1 81 Avalanche Bar, Correspondence and Information, 1946-1965
D-7 1 81 Band Chorus Building, 531 N. 16th St., Correspondence and Information, 1954-1962
D-7 1 81 Barracks Building, Correspondence and Information, 1959-1961
D-7 1 81 Baxter Property, 551-555 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1956-1964


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 81 Bellarmine Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1947-1973
D-7 1 81 Boiler Room (12th Street), Correspondence and Information, 1949-1966
D-7 1 81 Boiler Room (15th Street), Blueprints, 1947-1952
D-7 1 82 Boiler Room (15th Street), Correspondence and Information, 1947-1964
D-7 1 82 Bonifas Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1962-1972
D-7 1 - Brooks Memorial Union
D-7 1 82
Boiler Room Information, 1948-1961; 2 folders
D-7 1 82
Correspondence and Information, 1949-1980;  2 folders
D-7 1 82
Plans and Specifications, 1949-1952
D-7 1 83
Plans and Specifications, 1953-1979
D-7 1 83 Building Data and Evaluation, Reports, 1954-1960
D-7 1 83 Business Administration Building, Addition and Remodeling, Project Manual, 1982


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 83 Business Administration Building, Correspondence and Information, 1949-1963
D-7 1 83 Campion Hall, 3131 W. Highland Blvd., Correspondence and Information, 1956-1965
D-7 1 - Campus Air Conditioning
D-7 1 83
Beseke Engineering, Inc. Discussion Notes, Drawings, Recommendations, 1972
D-7 1 83
General Correspondence, 1967-1978; 2 folders
D-7 1 84
Trane Company Comparison, 1967
D-7 1 84 Campus Air Conditioning Study, 1968, Revised, 1969
D-7 1 - Campus Heating
D-7 1 84
Contract Documents, 1968
D-7 1 84
General Correspondence, 1961-1970; 2 folders
D-7 1 84
Preliminary Engineering Documents, Purchased Steam Facilities, 1968
D-7 1 84 Campus Heating Study, Cummins and Barnard Report, 1961


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Campus Planning
D-7 1 85
Academic Area Reports, 1977
D-7 1 85
ANUW National Alumnae Survey, 1972-1973, 1974
D-7 1 85
Behavior Survey, 1976
D-7 1 85
Campus Art Museum, Correspondence, 1965
D-7 1 85
Campus Directional and Identification System, 1977-1978
D-7 1 85
Campus Identification Signs, Correspondence and Information, 1968-1979; 4 folders
D-7 1 86
Campus Maps, Information, 1976
D-7 1 86
Clippings, 1960-1963
D-7 1 86
College of Engineering, The Years Ahead, 1967-1977, 1967
D-7 1 86
Commuter Student Survey, 1977
D-7 1 86
Consultants, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1978


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Campus Planning, continued
D-7 1 86
Correspondence (External), 1960-1963; 2 folders
D-7 1 87
Correspondence (Internal), 1956-1963; 3 folders
D-7 1 87
General Correspondence, 1963-1977
D-7 1 87
Instructional Space Utilization Study, 1974-1979; 2 folders
D-7 1 87
Library Planning Committee, Minutes and Information, 1976-1977
D-7 1 87
Library Space Needs, Correspondence, 1976
D-7 1 87
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ and Mount Sinai Medical Center Parking Demand/Economic Feasibility, 1973
D-7 1 88
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Development Plan, Brochure, 1963
D-7 1 88
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Identity System, Policy and Procedures Manual, 1977
D-7 1 88
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Parking Study, 1976


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Campus Planning, continued
D-7 1 88
Master Plan: Stage I, 1968
D-7 1 88
Master Plan Update - 1990, Assessment of Housing Needs to 1990, 975
D-7 1 88
Master Plan Update - 1990, Campus Parking,  1972-1978; 2 folders
D-7 1 88
Master Plan Update - 1990, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1976
D-7 1 89
Master Plan Update - 1990, Correspondence and Information, 1976-1977
D-7 1 89
Master Plan Update - 1990, Enrollment Projections, 1975-1978
D-7 1 89
Master Plan Update - 1990, Helfer Report, 1976
D-7 1 89
Master Plan Update - 1990, Helfer Report, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1976
D-7 1 89
Master Plan Update - 1990, Outdoor Recreation Areas, 1975-1977
D-7 1 90
Master Plan Update - 1990, Planning and Construction Student Survey Report, 1976; 2 folders
D-7 1 90
Master Plan Update - 1990, Problem Areas, 1975-1976


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Campus Planning, continued
D-7 1 90
Master Plan Update - 1990, Report to the Trustees, October, 1976
D-7 1 128
Master Plan, Sasaki Associates [1991-1992] (oversize)
D-7 1 90
Milwaukee County Transportation Department, Correspondence, 1971-1975
D-7 1 90
Mini-Parks/Marquette Area, Correspondence and Information, 1974-1975
D-7 1 90
National Alumni Solicitation, Leadership Training Session, 1965
D-7 1 90
Office of Education Report, 1967, 1968
D-7 1 90
People Distribution, Correspondence and Information, 1976
D-7 1 90
Physical Growth and Change: 1962-1973, Brochure, 1973
D-7 1 90
Physical Planning and Priorities Committee, Resource Exhibit "A", 1979
D-7 1 90
Report No. 1: Preliminary Campus Planning, 1961
D-7 1 90
Report No. 2: Synopsis of Master Land Use Plan for M.U., 1962
D-7 1 90
Siting of Pere Marquette Statue, Correspondence, 1970


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Campus Planning, continued
D-7 1 90
Street Lighting and Safety, 1967
D-7 1 90
Theatre Sign and Floodlighting, Correspondence and Information, 1975
D-7 1 91
The Marquette Plan, Correspondence and Information, 1960
D-7 1 91
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), Case Book on Campus Planning and Institutional Development, 1962
D-7 1 91
University Logo, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1977
D-7 1 91
University Logo, Spatial Graphics Contract, Proposal and Report, 1975-1977
D-7 1 91
Varia, 1960-1963
D-7 1 91
Wisconsin Avenue Paving, Correspondence, 1973-1974
D-7 1 91
Women's Physical Safety Task Force, Report, 1975


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Campus Planning and Development Committee, Committee on Plant, Institutional Analysis
D-7 1 91
Correspondence and Information, 1950-1955
D-7 1 92
Correspondence and Information, 1956-1958
D-7 1 92
Campus Planning and Development Committee, Committee on Plant, Minutes and Information, 1954-1956
D-7 1 - Campus Planning and Development Committee
D-7 1 92
Correspondence and Information, 1951-1956
D-7 1 92
Minutes and Information, 1949-1957; 2 folders
D-7 1 92 Campus Planning Study, Proposal for Professional Services, 1961
D-7 1 92 Canal Street Parking Lot, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1975
D-7 1 - Carillon
D-7 1 92
Blueprints, 1967
D-7 1 93
Clippings, 1967


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Carillon, continued
D-7 1 93
Correspondence and Information, 1965-1972; 4 folders
D-7 1 93
Correspondence re Tariff on Carillon, 1968-1972
D-7 1 93
Correspondence re Operations and Maintenance, 1968
D-7 1 93
Le Carillon des Origines a Nos Jours, by Jacqueline Goguer, 1958
D-7 1 93
Photos, 1967
D-7 1 93
Photos and Slides, 1967
D-7 1 94
"Survey of the Musical and Acoustical Characteristics of Marquette Carillon/Tower," by Justin Kramer, n.d.
D-7 1 94 Carpenter Hall, Remodeling of Old Union Building, Correspondence and Information, 1950-1977
D-7 1 94 Carpenter Hall Remodeling, Correspondence and Information, 1964-1968
D-7 1 94 Catholic Knights Property, 722 & 727 N. 11th St., Correspondence and Information, 1963-1970
D-7 1 94 Cobeen Hall Annex, Correspondence, 1966-1967


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 94 Communications Arts Center, Prospectus, 1955
D-7 1 - Copus Hall
D-7 1 94
Correspondence and Information, 1949-1976
D-7 1 94
Laboratory Space for Journalism, Correspondence and Information, 1959
D-7 1 - Cramer Building Reuse
D-7 1 94
Appraisal Report, American Appraisal Society, 1967
D-7 1 94
Architects’ Study, 1977-1978; 2 folders
D-7 1 94
Communicative Disorders Program, Space Requirements, 1977
D-7 1 95
Correspondence and Information, 1967-1976
D-7 1 95
Dental School Requirements, 1977
D-7 1 95
General Correspondence, 1975-1978
D-7 1 95
Instructional Space Utilization, Correspondence and Information, 1976-1978


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Cramer Building Reuse, continued
D-7 1 95
Medical Technology Facilities, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1978
D-7 1 95
Physical Therapy Facilities, Correspondence and   Information, 1976-1979
D-7 1 95
Psychology Department, Space Requirements, 1977
D-7 1 95
Relocation Problems, Correspondence, 1978-1979
D-7 1 95
Science Library Space Requirements, Correspondence and Information, 1977-1978
D-7 1 95
Minutes and Information, 1970-1981; 2 folders
D-7 1 96 Cutler-Hammer Buildings, Correspondence and Information, 1964-1975
D-7 1 96 Dal’s Drive-In 1244 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Correspondence, 1969-1970
D-7 1 96 Defense Research Institute, Correspondence, 1969-1970
D-7 1 96 Dental Clinic Remodeling, Correspondence, 1968-1969
D-7 1 96 Dental School Addition, Correspondence and Information, 1954-1963; 3 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 96 Dental School Remodeling, Correspondence and Information, 1950-1955
D-7 1 96 Development Office, 1212 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Correspondence and Information, 1960-1975
D-7 1 96 Drexel Apartments, 502 N. 15th St., Correspondence and Information, 1955-1957
D-7 1 96 Drexel Lodge, 1120 W. Michigan, Correspondence and Information, 1952-1969
D-7 1 96 Drobac-Levy Property, 1522 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1962-1967
D-7 1 97 Duffey Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1950-1968
D-7 1 97 Engineering Building, Correspondence and Information, 1932-1942, 1951-1962; 2 folders
D-7 1 97 Feerick House (Coronado Apt.) 1325 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1958
D-7 1 97 Fitzpatrick Property, 826 N. 13th St., Correspondence and Information, 1959-1964
D-7 1 97 Former Milwaukee County Emergency Hospital Property, 24th and Wisconsin Avenue (not owned by the University), Correspondence, 1983
D-7 1 97 Froedtert Mobile Chapel, Report Prepared by Roy Kallenberger, 1954
D-7 1 97 Friar Properties, 736 N. 12th St. and 1200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1968-1977


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 98 General Correspondence, 1960-1963; 5 folders
D-7 1 98 Gesu Church, Correspondence and Information, 1952-1978
D-7 1 98 Gesu Convent, Correspondence and Information, 1954-1968
D-7 1 98 Gesu Parish House, Correspondence and Information, 1954-1976
D-7 1 98 Gesu School, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1968
D-7 1 99 Grand Avenue Heights Corporation, Proposed 12 Story Dorm, Correspondence and Information, 1962-1965
D-7 1 99 Grandmora Building, Correspondence and Information, 1954-1977;  2 folders
D-7 1 99 Greater Marquette Center, Correspondence, 1970
D-7 1 99 Greenhouse, Correspondence and Information, 1952-1958
D-7 1 99 Guidance Center Building, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1958
D-7 1 99 Gymnasium, Blueprints, 1947-1954
D-7 1 99 Gymnasium, Correspondence and Information, 1953-1976


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 128 Haggerty Museum of Art, Expansion Study, April 1994 (Architect's Rendering) (oversize)
D-7 1 99 Heraty Hall (Former Stratford Hotel), Correspondence and Information, 1957-1962
D-7 1 100 Heraty Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1962-1976; 3 folders
D-7 1 100 Heraty Hall, Kitchen Remodeling, 1962
D-7 1 100 Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1969
D-7 1 100 Highland Blvd. Properties, Correspondence and Information, 1961-1966
D-7 1 100 Hughes Hall, Information, 1964
D-7 1 100 Information on Campus Buildings, 1973-1975
D-7 1 100 Jesuit Central Residence, Correspondence and Information, 1969-1970
D-7 1 100 Jesuit Education Association, Conference of Finance Administrators of Jesuit Institutions, Proceedings, 1970
D-7 1 - Joan of Arc Chapel
D-7 1 101
Clippings, 1964-1967; 2 folders
D-7 1 101
Correspondence, 1964-1975; 4 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Joan of Arc Chapel, continued
D-7 1 101
Dedication, Correspondence and Information, 1966
D-7 1 101 Joan of Arc Chapel Committee, Minutes and Information, 1966-1975
D-7 1 101 Joan of Arc Chapel Mall, Correspondence and Information, 1965-1968
D-7 1 129 St. Joan of Arc Chapel Historic Structures Reports, April 2021
D-7 1 101 Jogues Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1965
D-7 1 102 Johnston Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1938-1967
D-7 1 102 Johnston Hall Jesuit Residence, Correspondence and Information,  1959-1965
D-7 1 102 Johnston Hall Parlors, Correspondence and Information, 1961-1963
D-7 1 - Journalism Building
D-7 1 102
Estimated Cost, 1958
D-7 1 102
Estimated Floor Space Requirements, 1957
D-7 1 102
"The ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Press: A Brief History," 1957


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Journalism Building, continued
D-7 1 102
Report Prepared by Roy Kallenberger, 1950
D-7 1 - Journalism Building Committee
D-7 1 102
Correspondence and Information, 1955-1959
D-7 1 102
Minutes, 1957-1958
D-7 1 102 Journalism Building Planning Committee, Final Report and Recommendations, 1957
D-7 1 102 Journalism Plants in Other Colleges and Universities, Questionnaire and Results, 1957-1958
D-7 1 103 Kallenberger, Roy O., "Handbook" on ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Building Projects, 1950-1985
D-7 1 - Knights of Columbus Building
D-7 1 103
Clippings, 1967-1981; 2 folders
D-7 1 103
Documents Submitted to Commissioners, 1978-1981
D-7 1 104
Environmental Impact Statement, Draft, February, 1979


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Knights of Columbus Building, continued
D-7 1 104
Environmental Impact Statement, Final Report, June 1979
D-7 1 104
General Correspondence, 1964-1980; 6 folders
D-7 1 105
General Correspondence, 1980; 4 folders
D-7 1 105
Historic Landmark Issue, Correspondence and Information, 1970-1980
D-7 1 105
Photos, 1977-1980
D-7 1 105
Proposed Art Gallery, Correspondence and Information, 1975-1978
D-7 1 106
University Lease, Correspondence and Information, 1973-1979
D-7 1 106
Wisconsin Heritages vs. City of Milwaukee and ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, 1978
D-7 1 106 Kohl Food Stores Property, 35th and Juneau, Correspondence and Information, 1973
D-7 1 106 Lake Five, Maps, undated
D-7 1 106 Lalumiere Lodge, 1124 W. Michigan, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1967


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 106 LaSalle Hotel, Correspondence and Information, 1961-1971
D-7 1 106 Law School, Correspondence and Information, 1946-1970
D-7 1 106 Layton School of Art, Correspondence and Information, 1973
D-7 1 106 Lewinsky Property, 520-530 N. 15th St., Correspondence and Information, 1958
D-7 1 106 Lisette Lodge, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1966
D-7 1 106 Lourdes Hall, 3201 W. Highland Blvd., Correspondence and Information, 1956-1964
D-7 1 107 Loyola Hall, 845 N. 25th St. Correspondence, 1962-1969
D-7 1 107 Machinist Union Lot, 1202 W. Clybourn St., Correspondence and Information, 1964
D-7 1 107 Marian Hall, 741 N. 14th St., Correspondence, 1968-1971
D-7 1 107 Marquette Apartments, 17th and Wisconsin Ave., Architect’s Drawings and Correspondence, 1926, 1953, 1982
D-7 1 107 Marquette Court, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1974
D-7 1 107 Marquette Hall, Correspondence, 1968-1969


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 107 ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Buildings, Estimated Replacement Value, 1939
D-7 1 107 ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School, Correspondence and Information, 1947-1950
D-7 1 107 ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Press, Relocation Planning, Correspondence, 1968
D-7 1 107 M. Carpenter Tower Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1953-1976; 4 folders
D-7 1 107 M. Carpenter Tower Hall, Recreation Area, Correspondence and Information, 1967-1969
D-7 1 108 Mesiter Property, Correspondence and Information, 1957-1962
D-7 1 108 Merritty Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1957-1978
D-7 1 108 Milt’s Drive-In, 1244 W. Wisconsin Ave, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1968
D-7 1 108 Miscellaneous Wrecking Information, 1954-1976
D-7 1 108 Modern Language Laboratory, Correspondence and Information, 1957-1963
D-7 1 108 Monitor Hall, Correspondence, 1960-1975
D-7 1 108 Nicholas Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1956-1975
D-7 1 128 Northern Michigan Land Album, circa 1918 (photographs)


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property
D-7 1 108
Abode Apartments, 831 N. 16th St., Correspondence and Information, 1959-1976
D-7 1 108
Acacia Nursing Home, 738 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1960-1964
D-7 1 108
Alabama Apartments, 726 N. 12th St., Correspondence and Information, 1975-1976
D-7 1 108
Algoma Apartments, 1310 W. Wells St., Correspondence and Information, 1955-1960
D-7 1 108
Arden Apartments, 724-728 N. 14th St., Correspondence, 1957-1962
D-7 1 108
Bacon Property, 546 N. 17th St., Memo, 1962
D-7 1 108
Beldon Apartments, 942 N. 15th St., Correspondence, 1958
D-7 1 108
Beverly Apartments, 838 N. 13th St., Memos, 1958
D-7 1 108
Blanding Property, 741 N. 12th St., Correspondence, 1963-1964
D-7 1 108
Carvel Apartments, 615 N. 14th St., Correspondence, 1959-1964
D-7 1 108
Champion Property, 743 N. 12th St., Correspondence, 1964


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property, continued
D-7 1 108
Christina Apartments, 521 N. 19th St., Correspondence, 1961
D-7 1 108
Consolidated Savings and Loan Association Property, Correspondence and Information, 1962-1965
D-7 1 108
Cyclone Salvage Yards, Sullivan, WI, Memo, 1971
D-7 1 108
Dettlaff Property, 746 N. 13th St., Correspondence, 1964
D-7 1 108
Donohue Estate, Bearskin Lake, WI,  Correspondence, 1962
D-7 1 108
Dunbar House, 2713 W. Dunbar, Information, 1972
D-7 1 108
Eagles Clubhouse, 24th and Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1962
D-7 1 108
Elms Apartments, 826 N. 14th St., and  The Averill Apartments, 2001 W. Michigan St.,  Correspondence and Information, 1953-1963
D-7 1 108
Fee-Century Building, N.E. Corner 3rd and Wells, Correspondence, 1962-1963
D-7 1 108
Fitzpatrick Property, 826-830 N. 13th St., Correspondence and Information, 1960-1965


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property, continued
D-7 1 108
Gassert Property, 515, 519-521, 547 N. 16th St., Correspondence, 1960
D-7 1 108
Gibraltar Apartments, 561 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1954-1962
D-7 1 108
Goldman Properties, Correspondence, 1962
D-7 1 108
Gottfried Property, 1205 W. Wells St., Correspondence, 1964-1965
D-7 1 108
Grant Hall, 917 N. 11th St., Correspondence, 1961
D-7 1 109
Greyhound Bus Buildings, 1336 W. Clybourn St., Correspondence and Information, 1961-1966
D-7 1 109
Holstein Property, 747 N. 12th St., Correspondence, 1963-1964
D-7 1 109
Hurwitz Property, 606 N. 17th St., Correspondence, 1966
D-7 1 109
Jorgenson Property, 530 N. 17th St., Correspondence, 1963
D-7 1 109
Kalt Apartments, 1623 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Correspondence and Information, 1954-1961
D-7 1 109
Koller Property, 931 N. 14th St., Correspondence, 1957


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property, continued
D-7 1 109
Kuehl Property, 825 N. 13th St., Correspondence, 1965
D-7 1 109
Kwass Property, 911-913 and 915-919 N. 15th St., Correspondence, 1960
D-7 1 109
Lockwood Property, 832 N. 15th St., Correspondence, 1962
D-7 1 109
Lore Property, 1725 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence, 1965-1968
D-7 1 109
Margate Apartments, 512 N. 13th St.,  Correspondence and Information, 1950-1951
D-7 1 109
Marquette League Hall, 1559 N. Prospect Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1951-1959
D-7 1 109
Miami Apartments, 621 N. 14th St., Correspondence, 1956-1965
D-7 1 109
Milwaukee Central Building, 836 N. 12th St., Correspondence and Information, 1976
D-7 1 109
Miscellaneous Prospects, Correspondence and Information, 1954-1963
D-7 1 109
Neumann Property, 612-614 W. Wells St., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1959
D-7 1 109
North Shore Terminal, N. 6th and W. Michigan St., Correspondence, 1964


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property, continued
D-7 1 109
Oconomowoc Property, 1147 N. Lake Road, Correspondence, 1962
D-7 1 109
Odd Fellows Hall, 745 N. 10th St., Correspondence, 1960-1963
D-7 1 109
Old Line Life Insurance Co., 707 N. 11th St., Correspondence and Information, 1914, 1959-1970
D-7 1 109
Olympia Hall, 733 N. 14th St., Correspondence, 1955-1963
D-7 1 109
Oxford Apartments, 924 N. 25th St., Correspondence and Information, 1962
D-7 1 109
Panetti Property, 738 N. 16th St., Correspondence and Information, 1964-1966
D-7 1 109
Phoenix Motel, 2301 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1984
D-7 1 109
Piper Apartments, 846-52 N. 15th St., Correspondence, 1960-1961
D-7 1 109
Property at 519-519A-521 N. 13th St., Correspondence and Information, 1958-1960
D-7 1 109
Property at 740-742 N. 13th St., Correspondence, 1963
D-7 1 109
Property at 804-810 N. 13th St., Correspondence, 1963


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property, continued
D-7 1 109
Property at 510 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1955-1957
D-7 1 109
Property at 754 N. 15th St., Correspondence and Information, 1958-1959
D-7 1 109
Property at 819 N. 15th St., Correspondence and Information, 1959-1970
D-7 1 109
Property on 15th St. Between Wisconsin and Wells, Correspondence, 1962
D-7 1 109
Property at 539-41 N. 16th St., Correspondence and Information, 1958-1963
D-7 1 109
Property at 607-615 N. 16th St., Correspondence, 1963-1964
D-7 1 109
Property on West Side of N. 16th St., Correspondence, 1962, 1966
D-7 1 110
Property at 514-526 N. 17th St., Correspondence, 1963
D-7 1 110
Property at 744 N. 17th St., Correspondence, 1963
D-7 1 110
Property at 640 N. 23rd St., Information, 1984
D-7 1 110
Property at 745 N. 25th St., Correspondence, 1957


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property, continued
D-7 1 110
Property at 34th and Lisbon Sts., Correspondence, 1964
D-7 1 110
Property at 1306 W. Clybourn St., Memo, 1962
D-7 1 110
1325 W. Highland Blvd., Correspondence, 1964
D-7 1 110
3006 W. Highland Blvd., Correspondence, 1959
D-7 1 110
2454 W. Vince St., Correspondence, 1965
D-7 1 110
1701 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence, 1972
D-7 1 110
1925 W. Wisconsin Ave. and 617-18 N. 20th St., Correspondence, 1965
D-7 1 110
Property at 2311 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1970
D-7 1 110
Property at 2518 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1982
D-7 1 110
Property at 3110 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence, 1964
D-7 1 110
Property Transactions, Information, 1973


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property, continued
D-7 1 110
Quinn Property, 548 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1956-1965
D-7 1 110
Raymond Apartments, 554-554A N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1961-1963
D-7 1 110
Retzer Property, 1314 W. Clybourn St., Correspondence, 1961
D-7 1 110
Shapiro Property, 1500-151 W. Wells St., Correspondence, 1964-1965
D-7 1 110
Sinclair Refining Property, 12th and Wisconsin, Correspondence, 1962
D-7 1 110
Somerset Apartments, 732 N. 17th St., Correspondence and Information, 1958
D-7 1 110
Sovereign Apartments, 14th St., Correspondence, 1958
D-7 1 110
Spic and Span W. Wells and N. 16th St., Correspondence and Information, 1962
D-7 1 110
Spoo Building, Madison, WI, Correspondence and Information, 1961-1962
D-7 1 110
Standard Oil Office Building, 5200 W. Capitol Drive, Correspondence, 1964
D-7 1 110
Steward Apartments, 546 N. 15th St., Correspondence and Information, 1962-1966


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property, continued
D-7 1 110
Stark Apartments, 1303-1307 W. Kilbourn Ave., Correspondence, 1957-1962
D-7 1 110
Stuht Properties, 854 N. 14th St., and 1217 W. Michigan, Correspondence, 1955-1966
D-7 1 110
Summary, 1956
D-7 1 110
Trevor Apartments, 620 N. 17th St., Correspondence and Information, 1956-1957
D-7 1 110
University Manor, 536 N. 15th St., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1964
D-7 1 110
Vanselow Property, 547 N. 17th St., Correspondence, 1957-1958
D-7 1 110
Vetang Property, 1310 W. Clybourn St., Correspondence, 1964
D-7 1 110
Weber Estate Property, 839 N. 13th St., Correspondence, 1964
D-7 1 110
Weibel Property, 520-536 N. 13th St., Correspondence and Information, 1956-1966
D-7 1 110
Whitehall Apartments, 754 N. 12th St., Correspondence, 1959-1966
D-7 1 110
Windsor Terrace, 733 N. 12th St., Correspondence, 1963


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Non-University Property, continued
D-7 1 110
Zander Property, 514 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1955-1958
D-7 1 110
Zilber Property, 814 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1963
D-7 1 111 Noonan Hall, Correspondence, 1953-1968
D-7 1 111 Northwestern Lithographing Co. Bldg., Correspondence and Information, 1951-1959
D-7 1 - Nursing College
D-7 1 111
Building Packages, Correspondence and Information, 1981
D-7 1 111
Caisson Log, 1981
D-7 1 111
Concrete Test Reports, #1-100, 1981
D-7 1 111
Concrete Test Reports, #101-200, 1981-1982
D-7 1 111
Construction Photographs, 1981-1982
D-7 1 111
Correspondence with Architect, 1980-1981


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Nursing College, continued
D-7 1 112
Correspondence with Architect, 1982-1983
D-7 1 112
General Correspondence, 1980-1984; 2 folders
D-7 1 112
Job Meetings, 1981-1982
D-7 1 112
Preconstruction Job Meeting, 1 April 1981
D-7 1 112
Punch List, 1982
D-7 1 112
Room Number Conversion, Correspondence and Information, 1981-1982
D-7 1 112 O’Donnell Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1953-1965
D-7 1 112 O’Hara Hall, Correspondence and Information, 1957-1964
D-7 1 112 Parking Committee, Correspondence and Report, 1967-1968
D-7 1 113 Parking Facilities, Correspondence and Information, 1955-1973; 7 folders
D-7 1 113 Plainfield Property, Correspondence and Information, 1972


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 114 Possible Building Sites, Information, Late 1950's
D-7 1 114 President’s Garage, Correspondence and Information, 1969
D-7 1 - Property Owned by the University
D-7 1 114
Property at 530 N. 13th St., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1966
D-7 1 114
Property at 820 and 822-824 N. 13th St., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1966
D-7 1 114
Property at 846 N. 13th St., Correspondence and Information, 1958-1965
D-7 1 114
Property at Property 524-26 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1948-1964
D-7 1 114
Property at 737-739 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1956-1959
D-7 1 114
Property at 749 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1958
D-7 1 114
Property at 757-763 N. 14th St., Correspondence and Information, 1959
D-7 1 114
Property at 512 N. 15th St., Correspondence and Information, 1959
D-7 1 114
Property at 737 N. 15th St., Correspondence, 1968


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Property Owned by the University, continued
D-7 1 114
Property at 531A N. 16th St., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1962
D-7 1 114
Property at 553-557 N. 16th St., Correspondence and Information, 1964-1966
D-7 1 114
Property at 728 N. 16th St., Correspondence, 1965-1966
D-7 1 114
Property at 520 N. 17th St., Correspondence and Information, 1962-1968
D-7 1 114
Property at 113-117-120 W. Michigan, Expressway Sale, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1965
D-7 1 114
Property at 1123 W. Michigan, Information, 1964
D-7 1 114
Property at N. 12th and Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence, 1983
D-7 1 114
Property at 1212 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1975-1976
D-7 1 114
Property at 1221 W. Highland Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1965
D-7 1 114
Property at 13th St. and St. Paul Ave., Correspondence, 1983
D-7 1 114
Property at 1304 W. Wisconsin Ave., Information, 1949-1950


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Property Owned by the University, continued
D-7 1 114
Property at 1408-1410 W. Clybourn St., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1962
D-7 1 114
Property at 1411 W. Wells St., Correspondence and Information, 1964-1968
D-7 1 114
Property at 1503-1505 W. Kilbourn Ave., Correspondence, 1971-1972
D-7 1 114
Property at 1516 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence, 1966
D-7 1 114
Property at 1530 W. Wisconsin Ave., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1966
D-7 1 115 Regis Hall, Correspondence, 1960-1970
D-7 1 115 Schroeder Hall, General Correspondence, 1954-1977
D-7 1 115 Schroeder Hall Chapel, Photos, 1958
D-7 1 115 Science and Law School Buildings, Construction Correspondence and Information, 1923-1925
D-7 1 115 Science Annex, Correspondence and Information, 1949-1961


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Science Building
D-7 1 115
Correspondence and Information, 1922-1964; 2 folders
D-7 1 115
Floor Plans, 1938-1964
D-7 1 127
Renovation Project, 1967
D-7 1 115 Sensenbrenner Residence and Garage, Lake Winnebago, WI, Architect’s Specifications, 1929-1930
D-7 1 116 Service Building, Correspondence and Information, 1954-1962
D-7 1 116 Sketch Plan of Campus, 1950
D-7 1 116 Social Behavioral Sciences, Space Needs, 1969
D-7 1 116 Speech School, Correspondence and Information, 1953-1975
D-7 1 116 Stadium (Marquette), Correspondence and Information, 1948-1975; 3 folders
D-7 1 116 Stadium and McCormick Field, Intramural Program, Correspondence and Information, 1961-1965
D-7 1 116 Stratford Arms Hotel, Correspondence, 1961
D-7 1 116 Student Activities Building, 562 N. 14th St. Prior to August 1964, Information, 1964


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 116 Student Health Center, Correspondence and Information, 1959-1960
D-7 1 116 Teaching Materials Center, Correspondence and Information, 1959-1969
D-7 1 117 Toy Property, 762 N. 14th and Wells St., Correspondence and Information, 1957-1960
D-7 1 - Urban Renewal
D-7 1 117
Annual Reports, City of Milwaukee, 1962, 1974
D-7 1 117
Brief Memorandum regarding the History, Present and Future Conditions in Connection with the Physical Expansion of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ in Relationship to the Marquette Urban Renewal Project, 1967
D-7 1 117
Clippings, 1955-1975; 2 folders
D-7 1 117
Contract Documents for Demolition and Site Clearance, Marquette Urban Renewal Project, 1966-1968
D-7 1 117
Correspondence and Information, 1956-1963; 2 folders
D-7 1 118
Correspondence and Information, 1963-1980; 3 folders
D-7 1 118
Housing Act of 1949, As Amended thru June 30, 1961
D-7 1 118
HUD Grants, 1964-1967
D-7 1 118
Information on Marquette Buildings, 1971-1975


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Urban Renewal, continued
D-7 1 118
Legal Considerations, Correspondence and Information, 1958-1964
D-7 1 119
Local Public Agency Letters, Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1960-1968; 4 folders
D-7 1 120
Marquette Expansion Program, Correspondence and Information, 1961-1963
D-7 1 120
Marquette Master Plan, Projections for 1973 and 1990, 1972-1973
D-7 1 120
Newspaper Articles and Information on Universities Not in Milwaukee County, 1961-1963
D-7 1 120
Newspaper Articles on M.U., Before Filing of Application, November 1960, March 1963; 2 folders
D-7 1 120
Newspaper Articles on M.U., After Filing of Application February 1963-December 1964
D-7 1 121
Newspaper Articles on M.U., Following Federal Approval of Urban Renal, 1965-1970
D-7 1 121
Newspaper Articles on Milwaukee and Other Schools in the Immediate Area, 1962-1967
D-7 1 121
"Offer to Purchase" File, Correspondence and Information, 1964-1967
D-7 1 122
Public Hearing, Correspondence and Information, 1963-1965


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Urban Renewal, continued
D-7 1 122
Report on Buildings and Land Owned in the Wisconsin Avenue Area, 1961-1962
D-7 1 122
St. Catherine’s Girls Home, Correspondence, 1963-1965
D-7 1 122
Special Improvement Bills, Correspondence and Information, 1971-1975
D-7 1 122 Urban Renewal Administration, Washington, D.C., Technical Guide #1-15, 1960-1965; 2 folders
D-7 1 123 Urban Renewal Handbook, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1968
D-7 1 123 Urban Renewal Manual, Policies and Requirements for Local Public Agencies, Book I, 1963
D-7 1 124 Urban Renewal Manual, Policies and Requirements for Local Public Agencies, Books II & III, 1963; 2 folders
D-7 1 124 Varsity Theatre Building, General Correspondence, 1958-1976; 2 folders
D-7 1 - Walter Schroeder Complex
D-7 1 124
Architect’s Correspondence, 1976-1978; 2 folders


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 - Walter Schroeder Complex, continued
D-7 1 125
Architect’s Correspondence, 1979-1982; 5 folders
D-7 1 125
Construction Meetings, Minutes and Information, 1979-1981
D-7 1 126
Dedication, 6 May 1981
D-7 1 126
Dental School Equipment Needs, 1980
D-7 1 126
Duct Rerouting, Correspondence and Information, 1980
D-7 1 126
Equipment Information, 1978-1979
D-7 1 126
5th Floor HVAC, Air Balance Test Results, 1979-1982
D-7 1 126
General Correspondence, 1978-1979; 2 folders
D-7 1 127
General Correspondence, 1980-1983;  4 folders
D-7 1 127
Job Progress Reports, 1978-1981
D-7 1 127
Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory Reports, 1979-1980
D-7 1 127
Preliminary Design Phase, 1978


Series 1

Series Box Folder Title
D-7 1 127 Wehr Life Science Building, General Correspondence, 1963-1978
D-7 1 127 Wickman Property, 540-542 N. 13th St., Correspondence and Information, 1956-1958
D-7 1 129 Wisconsin Builder Magazine, November, 2010