63. Encounters with Karl Rahner: Remembrances of Rahner by those who knew him. Edited & translated by Andreas R. Batlogg & Melvin E. Michalski. Translation edited by Barbara G. Turner. [The original German of this book is entitled Begegnungen mit Karl Rahner: Weggefährten erinnern sich (Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder 2006)]. ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-740-4 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-740-0. 383 pp. Paper. Bibliography. Index. $39.

Many scholarly books have been written on the Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner, but what was he like as a human being? How did his co-workers, his Jesuit colleagues, his students, his relatives and friends encounter him? This book, containing 28 interviews with those closest to him, reveals the human side of Karl Rahner. Yes, he was impatient, melancholy, overworked, but he also possessed a childlike curiosity, prayerful spirit, and gentle heart. His only goal was to serve the Church and help people be mindful of God.

This book makes much that Karl Rahner wrote more intelligible and allows us to encounter him today in a new way, in the twenty-fifth year of his anniversary of death (March 30, 1984).

Andrew Batlogg, S.J., Ph.D
Andrew Batlogg, S.J., Ph.D., is Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Stimmen der Zeit, Coeditor of Karl Rahner’s Sämtliche Werke, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Karl Rahner Foundation (Munich), Director of the Karl Rahner Archives, & Lecturer in Fundamental Theology at the Hochschule für Philosophie/ Berchmanskolleg (Munich).

Melvin Michalski, Ph.D.
Melvin Michalski, Ph.D., is Professor of Systematic Studies, Sacred Heart School of Theology, Hales Corners, WI; former Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis.; and Moderator of the annual meetings of the Karl Rahner Society, 1999-2002.

 Barbara Turner, Ph.D
Barbara Turner, Ph.D., is Associate Professor Systematic Theology, Saint Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. (retired).


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