Lawrence cover

86. Grace and Friendship: Theological Essays in Honor of Fred Lawrence, from His Grateful Students. Edited by M. Shawn Copeland & Jeremy D. Wilkins. With a Foreword Tribute to Fred and Sue by Frederick E. Crowe, S.J. ISBN 978-1-62600-710-9. Hardcover. 380 pages. Bibliography. Index. List Price: $20.00

M. Shawn Copeland is Professor of Systematic Theology at Boston College. She is the author or editor of five books including Enfleshing Freedom: Body, Race, and Being as well as more than 100 articles, book chapters, reviews, and blog entries on spirituality, theological anthropology, political theology, social suffering, gender and race. Copeland received her doctorate from Boston College under the direction of Fred Lawrence with a dissertation on the human good in the thought of Bernard Lonergan.

Jeremy D. Wilkins is Associate Professor at Regis College, the Jesuit theologate at the University of Toronto, and Director of the Lonergan Research Institute, home of Bernard Lonergan’s archives. He is co-editor of Lonergan’s The Incarnate Word and The Redemption in the Collected Works series, and the author of numerous articles.

Fred & Sue Photo of Sue & Fred Lawrence by Gary Wayne Gilbert

Table of Contents

Contributing Authors

M. Shawn Copeland~11 Introduction

Frederick E. Crowe~17 Foreword: Tribute to Fred & Sue Lawrence

1. Steven D. Cone~23 Aquinas’ Sanctifying Grace and Lonergan’s Religious Conversion: Exceptions that Prove the Rule

2. M. Shawn Copeland~49 “All Flesh Shall See It Together”: Grace, Friendship, and Hope

3. Charles C. Hefling~67 What a Friend We Have: Jesus and the Metaphysics of the Incarnation

4. Christian S. Krokus~101 Interreligious Friendship: The Church and Islam

5. Paul Joseph LaChance~123 Authenticity and Grace: Lonergan’s Contributions to an Explanatory  Sociology of Knowledge

6. Mark T. Miller~151 Persevering in the Good: The Inner Dimensions of Anselm’s Satisfaction

7. Joseph C. Mudd~167 Conversation as Communion: Prayer and Theological Foundations

8. L. Matthew Petillo~191 Grace, Glory, and the Gaze of Love

9. Randall S. Rosenberg~213 Text-Based Friendships and the Quest for Transcendence in a Global-Consumerist Age

10. J. Michael Stebbins~237 Rahner and Lonergan on the Natural-Supernatural Distinction: Some Differences, and Why They Matter

11. Ryoko Tamura~271 Interiority Analysis as an Integrated ‘Meta-Cognition’: A Way of Self-Recovery from Poor Educational Achievement

12. Kevin M. Vander Schel~301 Redemption and the Outer Word: Reflections on Schleiermacher and Lonergan

13. Jeremy D. Wilkins~319 ‘Our Conversation is in Heaven’: Conversion and/as Conversation in the Thought of Frederick Lawrence

14. Kathleen M. Williams~355 Graced Friendship and Being Oneself: Releasing Excellence



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