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73.Tolle Lege. Essays on Augustine & on Medieval Philosophy in Honor of Roland J. Teske, SJ. Edited by Richard C. Taylor, David Twetten, & Michael Wreen. ISBN 978-0-87462-807-4. Hard cover. 364 pp. $36. Bibliography. Index

With his clear and accessible prose, impeccable scholarship, and balanced judgment, Roland Teske, SJ, has been an influential and important voice in Medieval Philosophy for more than thirty years. This volume brings together more than a dozen essays on central metaphysical and theological themes in Augustine and other medieval thinkers. The authors are noted scholars who draw upon Teske's work, reflect on it, go beyond it, and at times even disagree with it, but always in a spirit of respectful co-operation, and always with the aim of getting at the truth.

Roland J. Teske, S.J., Donald J. Schuenke Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1973), specializes in St. Augustine and medieval philosophers, especially William of Auvergne and Henry of Ghent. He has translated 10 volumes of works of St. Augustine, 4 volumes of works of William of Auvergne, and 3 volumes of works of Henry of Ghent. He has published over 50 articles on Augustine, over a dozen on William, and several on Henry. He has given the St. Augustine Lecture at Villanova and the Aquinas Lecture at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ. He has been visiting professor at Santa Clara University, John Carroll University, and Villanova University.


Table of Abbreviations & Corresponding Editions ~ 7
Introduction ~ 11
Publications of Roland J. Teske, SJ ~ 17

Part One: Essays on St Augustine
1. The Nature of the Pelagian Crisis
Gerald Bonner ~ 61

2. Augustine as a Reader of Cicero
Charles Brittain ~ 81

3. Augustinian Views on Memory as an Aid to Reading The Tempest
Joseph Koterski, SJ ~ 115

4. Augustine and the Filioque
Joseph T. Lienhard, SJ ~ 137

5. Becoming One Christ: The Dynamics of Augustinian Deification
David Vincent Meconi, SJ ~ 155

6. Friendship and Happiness: Why Matter Matters in Augustine’s Confessions
Ann A. Pang-White ~ 175

7. Augustine and the Beginning of Theology
Frederick Van Fleteren ~ 197

8. Quinque argumenta Pelagianorum: Zu Funktion und Herkunft pelagianischer Sätze in Augustins Contra Iulianum, Buch 2
Dorothea Weber ~ 209

9. The End of the Soliloquy: Towards a Later Augustine
James Wetzel ~ 231

Part Two: Essays on Medieval Philosophy
10. The Falling Dog and the Numerical Unity of Motion
John P. Doyle ~ 253

11. Mystic as Experienced Exegete: Bernard of Clairvaux
William Harmless, SJ ~ 277

12. William of Auvergne on the Human Being
John A. Laumakis ~ 303

13. Late Renaissance Discussions Regarding the Hierarchy of Being: Francesco Buonamici, Galileo Galilei, Jacopo Mazzoni, and Cesare Cremonini
Edward P. Mahoney () ~ 321

14. Li or Ly, Marker of Metalanguage in Scholastic Latin
Philipp W. Rosemann ~ 335

Index of Names ~ 353

Index of Subjects ~ 359


ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Press

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