Marquette Studies in Philosophy | University Press | ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ

MSP76 coverTeske


76. Essays on the Philosophy of Henry of Ghent by Roland J. Teske, SJ. ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-813-5. ISBN-10: 0-87462-813-X. Paper. 275 pp. $29. Bibliography. Index.

This volume presents a collection of articles on Henry of Ghent’s philosophy with a focus on various topics in his metaphysics, such as his rejection of various points of Aristotelian philosophy and his appeal to Augustine and Avicenna. The articles deal with such questions central to Henry’s thought as his intentional distinction and his metaphysical argument for the existence of God as well as its similarity to Anselm’s article in the Proslogion. They examine his account of human freedom, the analogy of being, and his apophaticism in speaking about God, where he is clearly indebted to Pseudo-Dionysius and Maimonides.

Roland J. Teske, SJ, Donald J. Schuenke Professor of Philosophy Emeritus (PhD University of Toronto, 1973) specializes in St. Augustine and medieval philosophers, especially William of Auvergne and Henry of Ghent. He has translated 11 volumes of the works of Augustine, 7 volumes of the works of William of Auvergne, and 5 volumes of the works of Henry of Ghent. He has published two volumes of collected articles on Augustine, and one volume of collected articles on William. He has given the Saint Augustine Lecture at Villanova University and the Aquinas Lecture at Marquette. He has been visiting professor at Santa Clara University, John Carroll University, and Villanova University. In 2009 he received the Aquinas Medal from the American Catholic Philosophical Association.




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