41. God and the Modern World, by Julia Watkin. ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-664-3 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-696-X. Paper. 132 pp. $17

Julia Watkin is an internationally known Kierkegaard specialist. In recent years she has been senior lecturer in philosophy at the University of Tasmania, Australia, before becoming an Honorary Research Associate of the University. She has also specialized in the interface between religion and science. In 1997 she won a John Templeton Foundation Science and Religion Course Competition Prize Award for her course on the Philosophy of Religion and Science.

In this book, Julia Watkin explores some current views about God and God’s existence. She maintains that the claim that traditional Christian ideas about God are somehow out of date, and thus urgently in need of revision, rests on a number of inaccurate presuppositions. She also shows that claims about God’s existence, since they go beyond the scope of physics and other sciences, must always be matters of belief and faith. Topics dealt with in the book are God and supernature, communication between the divine and ourselves, the vexed question of miracles, and what Watkin describes as ”the Darwinian red herring.”

Dr. Julia WatkinDr. Julia Watkin, School of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Tasmania, Australia. Dr. Watkin Received her PhD from Bristol University, England, in 1980. Among her publications: Historical Dictionary of Kierkegaard’s Philosophy, Scarecrow Press, Inc, 2001. 1997: Kierkegaard, in the series “Outstanding Christian Thinkers,” Chapman/Cassell, London. 1990: Søren Kierkegaard: Early Polemical Writings, translation with introduction and notes, vol. I in the series Kierkegaard’s Writings, Princeton University Press, U.S.A. 1985: Søren Kierkegaard: Nutidens religieuse Forvirring, with introduction and notes, C.A. Reitzel, Copenhagen. 1982: A Key to Kierkegaard’s Abbreviations and Spelling/Nøgle til Kierkegaards Forkortelser og Stavemåde, C.A. Reitzel, Copenhagen and Inter Editions Montreal. 1979: Kierkegaard - Dying and Eternal Life as Paradox, PhD, Bristol University England. University Microfilms International, UMI 83-08721. Unpublished translation in 2001 of BALLE’S CATECHISM [Nikolai Edinger Balle (1744-1816) authorized in 1794. Editor 1979-2005 of International Kierkegaard Newsletter, ISSN 0108-3104, Copenhagen; founder and editor (. The paper edition ended in 2000).



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