Media advisory: Halloween story ideas from Ӱ

Oct. 29, 2019

fall at marquette universityMILWAUKEE — As trick-or-treat is on the horizon for several municipalities, Ӱ offers the following story ideas to help with coverage:

  • Dr. Brian D. Hogsdon, associate professor in the Ӱ School of Dentistry, shares the worst candies for teeth. Email him at

  • Lots of people eat candy while out trick-or-treating. Dr. SuJean Choi, professor of biomedical sciences, outlines how long or far one would have to walk to burn off just a few pieces of candy. Email her at
  • Rev. John Thiede, S.J., explains All Saints’ Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls’ Day (Nov. 2), which in Latin America is The Day of the Dead.Father Thiede will describe how the month of November can be used to remember deceased relatives and friends who have joined the community of saints and underscore the Catholic, Jesuit mission. Campus Ministry is hosting an All Saints’ Day feast
    for students at 10 p.m. at Church of the Gesu, 1145 W. Wisconsin Ave. Campus Ministry also
    invites the Marquette community to attend All Saints’ Day Masses, Nov. 1. The first Mass will be held at noon at Chapel of the Holy Family, 1442 W. Wisconsin Ave. A second Mass will be held at 10 p.m. at St. Joan of Arc Chapel. Email him at Interviews available in Spanish. Campus Ministry also invites the Marquette community to attend All Saints’ Day Masses, Nov. 1. The first Mass will be held at noon at Chapel of the Holy Family, 1442 W. Wisconsin Ave. A second Mass will be held at 10 p.m. at St. Joan of Arc Chapel. Email him at Interviews available in Spanish.
  • Dr. Rachel Traylor, adjunct assistant professor of mathematical and statistical sciences, explains a probability theory known as the Poisson Distribution to help estimate how much candy one should buy to have enough for trick-or-treaters. Traylor will also highlight how the theory can help predict the probability a candy bowl will be empty before the trick-or-treating evening is concluded, gauge the amount of time between doorbell rings and more. Email her at
  • Marquette Residence Hall Association is hosting “HALLoween” from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Oct. 30. HALLoween is a community event where costumed children from all over the greater Milwaukee area come to Marquette to Trick-Or-Treat in the safe environment of Marquette residence halls and university-owned apartments. Email Rachel Tepps in the Office of Residence Life at
  • Dr. Felicia Miller, associate professor of marketing, discusses the growing trend of consumers dressing up their dogs for Halloween. Email her at
  • Dr. Tyler Farrell, visiting assistant professor of English, who specializes in Irish literature, outlines the perceived origins of Halloween. Many believe the holiday was popularized in Ireland. Farrell will provide historical context including gothic poems which reference the tradition of jack-o-lanterns. Email him at
  • Dr. Liza Strakhov, associate professor of English with a focus on medieval literature, discusses her recent research project surrounding literature about death and afterlife in the Middle Ages. Email her at

For more information on these stories or any other Halloween stories, please contact Shelby Williamson at or Kevin Conway at

About Shelby Williamson

Shelby Williamson

Shelby is a senior communication specialist in the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact Shelby at (414) 288-6712 or