
Institute for Natural Family Planning

The institute was established in 1997 to provide professional education, research and service in natural family planning (NFP).

Institute Goals:

  • provide NFP teacher training for health professionals;
  • conduct research and scholarship in NFP;
  • develop and offer innovative NFP services;
  • cooperate with the Catholic Church in the advancement of NFP

The core of the institute is the NFP teacher-training program which offers the most modern methods of natural family planning. Natural family planning provides couples with a natural means of determining the times when they are fertile so they may achieve or avoid pregnancy. Modern methods of natural family planning rely on biological signals that couples can easily detect and learn to interpret. The Marquette Model of NFP incorporates the latest fertility monitoring technology with traditional natural biological markers of fertility.

U.S. Cities Evaluating Marquette Model of NFP:

  • Milwaukee
  • St. Louis
  • Madison
  • Atlanta
  • Oklahoma City

Director: Richard Fehring, associate professor of nursing
Phone: (414) 288-3838
Fax: (414) 288-1939

Institute for Palliative and End of Life Care

The College of Nursing at Marquette is committed to changing the status of end of life care in America. Established in 2003, the Institute for Palliative and End of Life Care Education aims to improve the quality of care for dying persons and their families. Persons who are terminally ill, as well as their families, have multiple physical, spiritual, psychosocial, family and economic needs. The institute addresses these needs through professional education both for nursing students and those already in the workforce, community education, and academic research.

Director: Susan Breakwell, clinical assistant professor of nursing
Phone: (414) 288-3848

Institute for the Transformation of Learning

Institute’s Mission:

To support exemplary options that transform learning for children, while empowering families, particularly low income families, to choose the best options for their children.

The Institute Offers:

  • Planning for Milwaukee’s charter, independent and private schools;
  • Comprehensive audit services for existing Milwaukee schools;
  • Guidance for existing schools to become fully accredited;
  • Forums for research;
  • Discussion and advocacy for changing the way young people learn, especially the poor;
  • Neighborhood Technology Learning Centers with computer technology and youth-focused instruction;
  • Professional Development Center, which helps educators improve teaching and learning processes;
  • Wisconsin Charter School Resource Center, which works to create a positive environment for quality charter school development.

Director: Howard Fuller, distinguished professor of education
Phone: (414) 288-5775
Fax: (414) 288-6199

The National Sports Law Institute (NSLI) strives to be the leading national educational and research institute for the study of legal, ethical, and business issues affecting amateur and professional sports from both an academic and practical perspective. It provides educational opportunities for law students as well as current and future leaders in the sports industry.

The NSLI provides a national forum for discussion and thoughtful consideration of American and international sports issues and encourages input by persons and organizations with a wide range of viewpoints. The NSLI seeks to promote a legal environment in which sports at all levels of competition will flourish. In an effort to achieve these goals, the NSLI sponsors high quality national conferences and symposia and disseminates knowledge through publication of thoughtful scholarship in the Marquette Sports Law Review. It also serves as a resource for the media and public.

As a part of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, a Catholic Jesuit university, the NSLI is committed to searching for truth, discovering and sharing knowledge, fostering professional excellence, developing leaders, and serving those in the sports industry. Although the NSLI will not espouse any particular ideological viewpoint, it will seek to promote ethical and moral practices within the sports industry as a means of furthering ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ’s mission.

Director: Matthew Mitten, professor of law
Phone: (414) 288-7494
Assoc. Director: Paul Anderson, adjunct professor of law
Phone: (414) 288-5816
Office Phone: (414) 288-5815
Office Fax: (414) 288-5818
Office Email: