Experts in Law — General
Daniel Blinka, Professor
Law School
Expertise: Evidence, U.S. History, Trials, Legal Ethics, Civil Litigation
Office Phone: (414) 288-5358
Bruce Boyden, Associate Professor of Law
Law School
Expertise: Copyright Law, Internet Law, Privacy Law, Domain Name Disputes, Electronic Commerce Law, Computer Security Law
Office Phone: (414) 288-5492
Melissa J. Ganz, Associate professor
Expertise: British Literature and Culture, 1700-1900; History of the Novel; Law and Literature; Literature and Ethics; Women’s and Gender Studies; Anglo-American Legal History; Pedagogy; Value of the Humanities
Media Type: TV/Radio/Print
Contact: (414) 288-3480
Alan Madry, Professor
Law School
Expertise: Land Use Planning and Regulation, Real Estate Law
Office Phone: (414) 288-5374
Home Phone: (414) 332-0836
Kali Murray, Professor
Marquette Law School
Expertise: Property law, intellectual property law, and administrative law
Media Type: Print, TV, Radio
Chad Oldfather, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Law School
Expertise: Judging and the Judicial Process, Judicial Selection
Office Phone: (414) 288-8031
David Strifling, Director, Water Law and Policy Initiative and Adjunct Professor of Law
Expertise: Environmental Law, Water Law
Media Type: Print, TV, Radio
Contact: (414) 288-8036