Marianne E. Weiss, D.N.Sc., RN

Marianne Weiss
Marianne E. Weiss, D.N.Sc., RNӰ

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-3855

Professor Emerita


Hospital Discharge Scales

Highest Degree and Institution

D.N.Sc., University of San Diego

Courses Taught

NURS 6000:  Theoretical Foundations of Nursing

NURS 8000:  Nursing Knowledge Development

Research Interests

As emeritus faculty, Dr. Weiss continues to be an active researcher extending her longstanding program of research on the contribution of acute care nurses to patient outcomes at discharge and post-discharge. This research includes the impact of nursing staffing structure and quality of discharge teaching on readiness for hospital and post-discharge return to hospital for readmission or ED visits. With my collaborators, this work focuses on intervention studies and large sample and multi-site studies of the characteristics and performance of the individual nurse, the complement of nurses within a nursing unit, and the interprofessional team in relation to patient care outcomes including inpatient mortality, patient safety outcomes, and discharge transition outcomes. 

Hospital Discharge Scales: Dr. Weiss has authored and rigorously tested 3 scales to measure nurse contribution to the discharge transition variables: Quality of Discharge Teaching Scale, Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale, and Post-Discharge Coping Difficulty Scale. The scales have been translated into several languages.

READI Study: a 33-hospital cluster randomized trial of implementation of discharge readiness as a standard practice for hospital discharge.

Professional Affiliations


Midwest Nursing Research Society

Sigma Theta Tau International


Link to Ӱ E-Publications-  


2022-2023 Co-Investigator, “Advancing the Care Experience in PAlliative care patient Transitions from hospital to Home (ACE-PATH): Co-designing an intervention to improve patient and family caregiver experiences”. The Ottawa Hospital Academic Medical Organization (TOHAMO) Innovation Fund

2021-2024  Consultant, "The impact of specialty registered nurse certification on patient outcomes," American Nurses Foundation

2020-2022 Consultant, “California-based Nurse-led Discharge Learning (CANDLE) Collaborative – Phase II”, Lucille Packard Foundation

2020-2021 Principal Investigator, “Nurse Certification Data for Certification Research: A Survey of Magnet, Pathway to Excellence, and Certifying Bodies Practices in Collecting Specialty Certification Data”, American Nurses Foundation 

2019-2024 Consultant, “ Body Composition and Energy Expenditure in Youth with Spina Bifida”  NIH / NICHD  R01HD096085

2019-2021 Consultant, “Social Needs and Resources in the Evaluation and Enhancement of Discharge Support: The NEEDS Study,  AHRQ 1R01HS026248-01A1

2014-2017 Principal Investigator “READI (Readiness Evaluation And Discharge Interventions): Implementation as a Standard Nursing Practice for Hospital Discharge” ,  American Nurse Credentialing Center