PIs should review account statements on a monthly basis to ensure that they accurately reflect grant-funded activity. Business Intelligence is MU's database that provides reports essential to managing, tracking and maintaining grant account activity. PI's with active grant awards can access the following reports for their awards:
Postaward PI Checklist
Project Statement - this report details charged monthly expenditures and the cumulative project expenditures to date.
Journal Entries with iExpense Report Detail – provides a detailed report of expenditures charged to the account, including description, merchant, invoice #, payment #, justification, purchase order (PO) #, and amount.
Labor Distribution Report – shows individuals, pay dates, and amounts of wages charged to the account
Encumbrance Report - this report details open purchase orders associated to grant accounts
Business Intelligence (BI) instructions and guidance
Subawards - If your award includes a subaward to another institution or outside organization, contact Grant Contracting to begin the contracting process (GrantContracting@marquette.edu). Before payment can be made to the subrecipient, the PI should ensure the subrecipient institution is registered in Coupa. Based on sub-contractual agreement terms, the PI should receive all invoices directly from the subrecipient institution, review invoices for accuracy and submit to the MARQETplace financial system for approvals and payment. The PI's unit's Business Manager will provide training on how to complete this process or PI's can reference Coupa, MARQETplace and procedural documents on the Purchasing Department's website.
Grant Expenditure Transfers - An expenditure or cost transfer is a direct-charge expense transferred from one account to another after the charge has been posted in a financial accounting record. ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ's policies and procedures on cost transfers are consistent with OMB Circular A-21 Part C.4, Allocable Costs.
Grant Expenditure Transfer Form
Budget Transfers - If a budget transfer is needed, contact the unit Business Manager or ORSP Post Award staff to determine if a re-budget is allowable without prior approval by the sponsor. A budget transfer moves budget dollars from one natural to another within the same account.
Budget Transfer Form
Account Overdrafts - An overdraft occurs when expenditures charged to a project exceed the funds awarded by the sponsor and/or the funds committed as cost share in the proposal. The PI must resolve all overdrafts in a timely manner so that Grant Accounting can submit financial reports to the sponsor. Payments for overdrafts are the responsibility of the PI's department.