University Committees

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Committee on Academic Technology

1 MUSG Student Representative 

Meets on the fourth Friday of every month from 1:30 PM-3:00 PM CST.  

Committee Description 

The Committee on Academic Technology provides a formal method of input and feedback from academic units regarding technology and promotes optimal integration of technology into academic operations. It ensures that the academic technology needs are considered, including emerging technologies and replacement of existing systems when necessary. It provides a voice for improving services to meet the technology needs for the faculty and students. (Meets 1:30 – 3:00 p.m., the fourth Friday of each month.) 

Committee on Diversity and Equity 

1 MUSG Student Representative 

Committee Description 

The Committee on Diversity and Equity is responsible for ensuring, promoting, facilitating, and monitoring diversity and equity opportunities at Ӱ. Its business may be initiated by the UAS, the Provost, other UAS bodies, individual faculty, academic staff, or undergraduate, graduate, or professional students.  

The Committee on Diversity and Equity defines the terms diversity and equity in the following manner: Diversity refers to the experience of each member of the University community; with the understanding that each individual possesses unique social identities and that some of these social identities can intersect. Our commitment to diversity also includes cultivation of a climate that respects and values individual differences. Thus, the principles of diversity and inclusion refer to characteristics of each social identity* (including the intersection of multiple identities) as well as systemic factors that lead to an inclusive community and environment.  

Equity is the full embrace of equality and fairness. The term equality is defined to mean that an individual should receive fair and similar treatment within a given community. Fairness means just treatment of all persons within the University community with an acknowledgment that persons with certain social identities have historically been oppressed within society. Therefore, it is important to recognize that personal, cultural, institutional, and organizational discrimination and stigmatization along social identities creates and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining oppression for others. Further, the Ӱ community embraces the ethic of cura personalis, and shares a commitment to moving beyond tolerance to embracing diversity. 

*Note: In keeping with Ӱ’s Catholic Jesuit mission and with respect for all individuals, social identity is meant to be inclusive. Examples include but are not limited to race, ethnicity, national origin, immigrant status, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical ability, cognitive ability, mental illness, religious beliefs, physical appearance, income or economic background, military status, geographic location, marital status, education, parental status. 

Committee on Teaching 

Committee Description 

The Committee on Teaching is a committee of the Academic Division that reports to the Academic Senate and the Provost. The committee addresses and advances the practice and scholarship of teaching and learning at Ӱ. Meets 3:30-5:00 p.m., the second Wednesday of each month - specific dates/times are listed below!  

Core Curriculum Advisory Board 

1 MUSG Student Representative 

Committee Description 

The Core Curriculum Review Advisory is responsible for supervising the implementation and direction of the new “core” of common studies.  

Meets 3:30 PM-4:30 PM CST.

Landlord Tenant Council 

6 MUSG Student Representatives 

Committee Description 

This committee provides a venue through which property owners/managers and Marquette students can communicate regarding relevant issues, including Marquette and city resources, leasing concerns, dispute resolution alternatives, safety, and community-building initiatives. Meets three times/year (March, July, and October). 


MUPD Advisory Board 

1 MUSG Student Representative (MUSG President serves) 

MUPD Website


University Academic Senate 

2 MUSG Student Representatives 

Committee Description 

The University Academic Senate is a deliberative body that is responsible for academic policy formulation and the review of academic programs. The Senate is comprised of faculty representatives and two student representatives. The University Provost chairs the monthly meetings. 

Meets from 3-5 PM CST on the third Monday of every month.

University Assessment Committee 

1 MUSG Student Representative 

Committee Description 

The University Assessment Committee addresses and advances effective assessment of student learning at the university, including coordination of the annual student learning outcomes assessment process. 

Meets once a month on Fridays from 9-10:30 AM CST

University Board of Student Media 

1 MUSG Student Representative 

Committee Description 

The Board for Student Media is a subcommittee of the Academic Senate that oversees Ӱ's student media. These include the Marquette Tribune, Marquette Journal, Marquette Radio, MUTV, Student Interactive Media and any future ventures conducted under the direction of Student Media. 

University Board of Undergraduate Studies 

2 MUSG Student Representatives 

Committee Description 

The Board of Undergraduate Studies is a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The Board addresses undergraduate educational affairs that affect more than one college, school, or program and serves as a forum for the discussion of the development, coordination, integration and improvement of all undergraduate education. 

 Meets the first Wednesday of every month from 1:00 PM-2:30 PM CST.

University Financial Planning and Review 

1 MUSG Student Representative (FVP serves)

More About the Budget Committee

University Honors Committee 

2 MUSG Student Representatives 

Committee Description 

The Committee on University Honors reviews and evaluates nominations for honorary degrees which are solicited each year from the Ӱ community. 

Meets as needed throughout the year. 


University Library Board 

1 MUSG Student Representative 

Committee Description 

The University Library Board serves as an advisory body to the Dean of Libraries. Its primary responsibility is the consideration of library matters insofar as they affect the teaching, research, and learning environment for faculty and students. 

University Staff Senate

The University Staff Senate is a group of elected individuals who represent Ӱ staff so that their views and interests may be considered, alongside those of faculty and students, in the conduct of institutional affairs that affect life in the workplace and in the advancement of the university’s mission.

The University Staff Senate convenes every third Thursday of the month at 11 a.m.

Learn more Staff Senate.