Benefits of Technology Transfer

Why do we do it

Marquette faculty, staff, fellows and students contribute significantly to research in fields as diverse as our community. Through technology transfer, they expand their potential impact by increasing the dissemination of innovative products and services for public benefit. The Office of Economic Engagement forges meaningful relationships with external industry, investor and community partners. We believe that technology transfer activities benefit all engaged parties.

Benefits of technology transfer: Everyone wins

For all

  • Public benefit
  • Community engagement
  • Corporate engagement
  • Attribution and recognition
  • Translation of academic discoveries for greater good
  • Support for regional economic growth and development
  • Revenue generation

For industry and community

  • Access to technologies that can form the basis for innovative products, services or companies
  • Access to Marquette faculty, staff and students, their expertise, skills and opinions
  • Talent development
  • Impactful innovation
  • Prototype development

For Marquette

  • Opportunity for academic work to have additional positive impact
  • Faculty retention and recruitment
  • Student and fellow internship, co-op and translational opportunities
  • Faculty externship, sabbatical and sponsored research opportunities
  • Potential to develop alliances on groundbreaking research projects and attract research funding together
  • Support for research, development and education
  • Promotion of culture of innovation and entrepreneurship


Driving the Innovation Economy InfographicDiscover how academic technology transfer is driving the innovation economy and benefiting society. Download and share .