Our color palette helps people identify our brand at a glance. The way we use color contributes to the mood of our communications, bringing energy and pride to each of our pieces.

Primary brand colors

Blue and gold have a long and prominent history at Marquette, so it's logical that they are the primary colors of the university's brand platform.

Marquette Blue
Pantone 281
R-0, G-51, B-102
C-100, M-72, Y-0, K-32
HEX 003366

Marquette Gold
Pantone 123
R-255, G-204, B-0
C-0, M-24, Y-100, K-0

Primary brand colors


Additional color information

Marquette Brand Platform coverBeyond the primary brand colors, the university brand creative platform specifies secondary color palettes, color ratios, gradients, and other visual elements that are used to represent the brand visually. For a comprehensive guide to the Marquette Brand Creative Platform, .