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General Information

What is Faculty Success?

Faculty Success is a system developed by Watermark that allows faculty to document their accomplishments and professional activities and generate reports.

Why use a web-based activity reporting system?

Faculty and administrators must prepare annual activity reports, promotion and tenure documents, lists of awards/honors, accreditation reports, and more. A web-based activity reporting system like Faculty Success makes these tasks easier. Faculty only need to enter the information into Faculty Success once, and the information can be used to generate real-time reports accurately and efficiently. The system is available to faculty any time and is accessible from any computer with an Internet connection.

Who should use Faculty Success?

Any faculty person who needs to submit an annual activities report should have an account in the system.

Do I need to sign up for an account?

No. New full-time, instructional faculty will be added to the system periodically by the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis. If you are unsure about whether or not you should have an account, please contact facultysuccess@marquette.edu

How do I login?

Log in using your Marquette email address (firstname.lastname) and Checkmarq/emarq password. Contact facultysuccess@marquette.edu with any login problems or questions.

What web browsers will let me access the system?

The system is cross-compatible with most browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Entering Data

When can I update my information?

You can update your information at any time.

Do I have to enter the information myself?

Some of your information will be imported annually from other Marquette systems. However, you will be responsible for entering other information, such as publications, presentations, grants, and service.

Departments may opt to have a student employee or department assistant enter certain faculty activity information as well. Once you enter information about a given activity into the system, that information never needs to be re-entered.

How often do I have to use Faculty Success?

There is no requirement regarding how often you should use the system. However, you will need to record all new activities prior to the due date of the annual faculty activities report for your college.

Faculty Success asks for a lot of information that either does not apply to me or that I would not normally submit. Am I required to fill it all out anyway?

No. However, please be sure the sections that you would not normally submit are not included in the faculty activities report that your Chair or Dean will generate from the system.

What if my activity doesn't fit into any existing category?

Please refer to If you still cannot find a location for your activity, please contact facultysuccess@marquette.edu

Will any data be pre-populated for me?

Yes, the following data will be populated periodically by the Office of Institutional Research and Analysis: Scheduled Teaching, Permanent Data, Yearly Data, and Academic Advising. 

Generating Reports

What reports are generated from the Faculty Success?

Currently, all annual activities reports are generated from Faculty Success. Faculty Success can also generate university-level reports (e.g. Marketing and Communications, ePublications, etc ). Please click here for more information on university-wide reports. Other reports specific to each college have been developed and are accessible at the college level (Dean's offices).

How do I create a report?

Please refer to for detailed instructions on running a report.

Questions about Security

Who has access to the information I enter into Faculty Success?

Currently, you, your department chair, the dean of your college (as well as any of the dean's designees), and the Provost have access to your data. The Office of Institutional Research and Analysis oversees the system's administration on campus and thus also has access to your data.

Additional Help

Who do I contact with questions about the Faculty Success?

Please direct any college-specific inquiries to the Faculty Success representative from your college/school. You can also view a list of Faculty Success representatives. For all other questions, please contact facultysuccess@marquette.edu.