In accordance with the Marquette's Online Survey Policy, surveys with 100 or more Marquette students, employees, or alumni as participants must be approved in advance by the Online Survey Review Group.  

How to Submit a Survey Request

Which surveys need to be approved in advance?

Surveys with 100 or more Marquette students, employees, or alumni as participants must be approved in advance, unless they meet one of the following exceptions:

  • Surveys/evaluations sent only to persons who have used a given service or office or attended a specific program/event AND for which the author already has the email contact AND for which no invitations are sent to non-users or non-participants
  • Institutional elections (e.g. MUSG, University Academic Senate)
  • Academic research conducted by faculty or students and online surveys conducted by students as part of an official course assignment are subject to the policy ONLY if the projects involve soliciting 100 or more Marquette students, employees, or alumni as participants

What materials do I need in order to submit my online survey request?

  1. Final version of the online survey instrument to be used
  2. All e-mail invitations and reminders to be used
  3. For surveys that require Institutional Review Board approval: documentation from the Marquette IRB indicating either that the project has been approved or has been submitted to the IRB and is undergoing review.

Once you have the materials listed above, . 

Additional Resources


Online Survey Review Group Roster

Name / Title

Office / Unit

Alex Frain, Associate Registrar, Compliance

(Chair of the Online Survey Review Group)

Office of the Registrar

Laura MacBride, Associate Director 

Office of Institutional Research and Analysis

Dr. Lynne Knobloch-Fedders, Assistant Professor, Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology

Faculty representative (recommended by Committee on Research)

Lynn Mellantine, Assistant Vice President

Human Resources

Jennifer Russell, Senior /Director of Marketing Projects

Office of Marketing and Communication

Dr. John Su, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Office of the Provost

Dr.Jen Reid, Interim Assistant Vice President

Student Affairs

Sarah Burkhart, Engagement Director

University Advancement


For additional information or assistance, email the chair of the Online Survey Review Group.