Welcome to the Department of Biological Sciences!

The teaching and research mission of the Department of Biological Sciences is to develop a deeper understanding of contemporary biology at multiple levels, from molecules and cells, to organisms and entire ecosystems.

News and Events

Teaching Assistants needed for spring semester

Get all the information here.

2025 Summer Research Opportunity in Biological Sciences

Find all of the information and application here.

Internships and Summer Research Program Resources

Interested in learning more about Internships and Summer Research programs happening across the country? Check here for our new Summer research program resource page. 

Research Opportunities for Undergraduates

Are you an undergraduate interested in getting involved with research? to find out which professors currently have openings for undergraduates.

Recent extramural awards

  • Department of Biological Sciences Faculty are top performers in obtaining extramural funds. Awards in fiscal year '23 exceed $8 million.
  • Dr. Deanna Arble, assistant professor, has received an NIH R15 grant ($456,882) to study novel treatments for obesity-related respiratory disease by uncovering neuronal etiology.



Faculty Kudos

was recently recognized for excellence in faculty research and undergraduate experience.

Dr. Allison Abbott is a 2024 recipient of the , the university's highest teaching honor. 

A newly discovered species of dwarf gecko called has been named after associate professor Dr. Tony Gamble to recognize his significant contributions to the evolutionary biology of geckos. 

  • Graduate Student Achievements

     received the People's Choice Award and took 3rd place in The Science Coalition's annual "Fund It Forward" video competition

    Kristen Quaglia received 2nd place in the Graduate Student Poster Competition. 

    Chloe Langridge has been awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship from the National Science Foundation

    Arthur J. Schmitt Leadership Fellowship: Kristen Quaglia

    Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J. Fellowship:  Hannah Buchholz

    Richard W. Jobling Distinguished Research Assistantship: Sarah Rolli

    MU Fellowship award winners: Claire Radtke, Kat Sullivan, Maddie Sutton, Cole Doolittle