Marquette Explorer Program

The Marquette Explorer Program is a concurrent dual-enrollment program offered by ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ for partner high school students. Explorer program credentials high school instructors to teach Marquette undergraduate courses at the high school. The program offers qualified high school students who have demonstrated dedication, ability, and motivation the opportunity to begin taking college level courses while they are still in high school.

Dual-enrollment Programs are growing exponentially in popularity among high school students, both domestically and internationally. A few advantages of the Marquette Explorer Program are:

  • Earn college credits; less time to finish college degree; save college tuition. Please note Marquette credits are widely accepted by most universities in the U.S. However, majority of Ivy League schools do NOT accept dual enrollment credits.
  • A boost on college applications by demonstrating students’ ability to balance both high school and college coursework.
  • Access to the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ's Academic resources.
  • Explore fields of study and areas of interest.

Explorer Program FAQs 


Explorer Dual Enrollment High School Partners

  • Catholic Central High School
  • Catholic Memorial High School
  • Divine Savior Holy Angles High School
  • Dominican High School
  • St. John's Northwestern Academies
  • St. Joseph Catholic Academy


Course offering

A list of courses Marquette has offered to partner high schools as Dual Enrollment/Concurrent Enrollment courses. 

Click to expand/view course list table

ANTH 2203 Human Geography
BIOL 1001 General Biology 1
BUAD 2160 Foundations of Personal Finance
CHEM 1001 General Chemistry 1
COMM 1000 Communication in Society
COMM 1100 Professional Communication
COSC 1010 Intro to Software Development
COSC 1020 Object-Oriented Software Dsgn
COSC 2100 Data Structures
ECON 1103 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 1104 Principles of  Macroeconomics
EDUC 1000 Educational Inquiry 1
EDUC 1001 Child and Adolescent Dev & Lrn
EDUC 2001 Teaching Practice 1
ENGL 1001 Foundations in Rhetoric
ENGL 1002 Foundations of Rhetoric 2
ENGL 2020 Texts, Social Systems & Values
ENGL 3513 Modern Irish Literature
HIST 1001 Growth West Civil to 1715
HIST 1101 Intro to American History
HIST 1121 Growth American Nation 2
HIST 1121 Growth American Nation 2
HIST 4931 Topics in History
MATH 1100 College Algebra
MATH 1101 Trig/Analytic Geometry
MATH 1450 Calculus 1
MATH 1700 Mod Elementary Stats
MATH 2451 Differential Equations
PHYS 1001 General Physics 1
POSC 2201 American Politics
PSYC 1001 General Psychology
SOCI 1001 Principles of Sociology
THEO 2300 Quests for God, Paths of Revel
THEO 4510 Survey of World Religions



If you are a high school who is interested in partnering with ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ for dual enrollment courses, please email Yao Andrew or call 414-288-5195.