Discovery Learning Center Labs Shop can make parts for your project.

Use the Marquette campus network or VPN into the Marquette campus network to access the DLC Labs Work Order system.

Manufacturing Work Order Requirements

  • Work order submitted using below link or email
  • CAD files  - The CAD file may be e-mailed or attached to the work order. CAD files should have all associated files included in a .zip file.
    • Solidworks – include all .sldprt, .sldasm and .slddrw  (all files)
    • NX – .prt
    • Inventor - .ipt .iam .idw  (all files)
    • .igs or .iges (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)
    • .stp or step
  • Materials for work orders shall be placed on BLUE CART in DL128 of the Engineering Hall with a note labeling it.     [Work order #]
  • Parts that utilize geometric prisms that can be purchased are preferred.

When you have questions, please email the Operations Engineer.




Work Priority

Work orders are prioritized as follows:

  1. Educational Support
  2. Funded Research
  3. Un-Funded Research
  4. Other

See also the Work Order Priority Policy. We aim to complete most parts in one to three days within this priority framework. The shop does its best but please give us time to succeed.



3D Printing

We have three Stratasys prototyping machines: an Elite, a 1200ES, and a uPrint.

  • Determine the gross dimensions (x,y,z) in inches or millimeters of object.
  • Create Work Order using above link and upload .stl file exported from any CAD source

You may have multiple .stl files on one work order. Make sure that quantities are also included.