ADVANCE: Resources

On this page, you will find various ADVANCE resources both internal and external of Marquette. Our goal is to show information that is relative to ADVANCE's goals of supporting women & underrepresented faculty in STEM/SBE departments during the ADVANCE 'Moving Beyond Boundaries' grant (2019-2024).

  • General Information
  • 2020 Climate Study
  • Featured Articles
  • ADVANCE Newsletters
  • Chairs Workshop

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Program Description

The ADVANCE program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and is designed topromote success for women and underrepresented faculty on our campus NSF-supported fields of STEM and SBE. Marquette began an ADVANCE Planning Grant in 2019, housed in the Office of Research and Innovation with Dr. Jeanne Hossenlopp (VP for Research and Innovation) as the PI. The no-cost extension was granted through September 2024. Demographic data, climate study results, and input from focus groups were used to identify two key equity and inclusion challenges here at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ:

  1. Develop a culture of continuous and collaborative approaches for equitable and inclusive faculty recruiting
  2. Improve understanding and gain insight intothe ways intersecting identities affect faculty experience in order to implement strategies for improving department climate.

ADVANCE Departments


  1. Biological Sciences
  2. Biomedical Engineering
  3. Biomedical Sciences
  4. Chemistry
  5. Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering
  6. Computer Science
  7. Electrical & Computer Engineering
  8. Mathematical & Statistical Sciences
  9. Mechanical Engineering
  10. Physics


  1. Counselor Education & Counseling Psychology
  2. Economics
  3. Educational Policy & Leadership
  4. Political Science
  5. Psychology
  6. Social & Cultural Sciences


Diversity Climate Study: Executive Summary Excerpt

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This study had two main goals:

  1. Examine differences between women and men faculty members on work experiences, campus-wide and departmental-level diversity climate perceptions, and outcome variables for faculty overall and the ADVANCE populations of STEM and SBE (social behavioral and economic sciences) faculty
  2. Examine the mediating role of diversity climate facets (equitable practices, integration of differences, and inclusion in decision- making) on several outcome variables including turnover intentions, employee engagement, belongingness, and emotional exhaustion.

Key Findings:

  • Women have substantially poorer workplace experiences than men. For faculty overall, STEM faculty, and SBE faculty women reported significantly lower levels of work experiences, campus-wide and departmental-level diversity climate perceptions, and outcome variables.
  • Women of color reported poorer workplace experiences than all men and white women. For faculty overall, women of color reported significantly lower perceptions of organizational diversity climate than other groups.
  • Women full professors reported poorer workplace experiences than men at all ranks and women at the assistant and associate levels.
  • Department-level diversity climate matters. Faculty reports of three facets of department-level diversity climate (i.e., equitable practices, integration of differences, and inclusion in decision-making) related to lower levels of turnover intentions and emotional exhaustion, and higher levels of employee engagement and belongingness.
  • Work experiences drive shared perceptions of department-level climate. The work experiences that predict the shared perceptions of department-level climate include organizational support for work-life balance, career support, value perceptions, experienced incivility, and gender bias.

Questions Used for the 2020 ADVANCE Department Dashboards

  • Listed are questions taken from the 2020 climate survey used to create the ADVANCE 2020 Department Dashboards (prepared by Dr. Jennica Webster and Erick Herrera Hernandez). Each gray square is a different category. Chairs may use this as a resource to start/continue department climate conversations.

Spring 2022 Department Meetings: Common Concerns and Strategies

  • Members of the ADVANCE team met with ADVANCE departments (or selected representatives) in Spring 2022 to discuss department data from the 2020 campus climate survey, and to hear more about how the challenges of the past two years have changed or exacerbated department climate concerns. Summarized here are some of the common concerns that we heard, and examples of strategies that have been helpful to some departments. Concerns are broken down into three themes: Pandemic-related; Administrative; and Department-climate (details below). Workload inequity was the most common concern amongst ADVANCE departments.

Department Recommendations by Problem Area

  • The Marquette ADVANCE Team worked to compile recommendations for Departments and Department Chairs based on themes found from the 2020 Climate Study. Many of the recommendations are repeated between areas as many issues intersect and interact.

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Moss-Racusin, C. A., Pietri E. S., van der Toorn, J., & Ashburn-Nardo L.

This articles argues that in order boost women’s sustainable representation (their lasting, substantial presence and valued engagement) in STEM fields, we need evidence-based policy to shift organizational and culture.  


Christian N. Thoroughgood, Katina B. Sawyer, and Jennica R. Webster


A Harvard Business Review Top 10 Must-Read Article of 2021, written in part by Dr. Jennica Webster, ADVANCE Implementation Team Member and Institute of Women's Leadership Co-Director.  

2022 ADVANCE Chairs Workshop (Presentation & Report below)

Chairs Workshop Report 2022