Selected statistics about Raynor Library for the most recent fiscal year, drawing primarily from federal IPEDS reporting and the library's most recent annual report.
Holdings |
2021 |
Book titles, print | 1,546,501 |
Book titles, electronic | 2,520,539 |
Databases | 473 |
Media, analog | 665,925 |
Serial titles, print | 14,374 |
Serial titles, electronic | 63,871 |
Intitutional repository items | 32,733 |
Circulation and Interlibrary Loan |
2021 |
Items circulated, print books | 16,194 |
Items circulated, digital books | 39,380 |
Items circulated, e-journal usage | 434,710 |
Interlibrary loan, items loaned | 6,679 |
Interlibrary loan, items borrowed | 6,903 |
Institutional repository, items used | 1,136,237 |
Campus Engagement |
2021 |
Library visitors | 194,303 |
Research Support and Instruction |
2021 |
Classes | 249 |
Classes, total attendees | 6,638 |
Consultations and queries | 9,742 |
Library Staffing |
2021 |
Participating faculty (librarians and archivists) | 30 |
Total library staff | 58 |