Collecting Subject Areas
Agriculture | Medicine | Religion | Arts and Architecture | Military | Science and Technology | Business | Natural Resources and Environment | Settlement | Communications | Politics, Government and Law | Social Organization | Education | Populations | Transportation | Labor | Recreation
University Archives
As no Marquette related bodies correspond to the strict definition of this category, the University Archives has no current collecting plans in this topical area.
Special Collections
Marquette solicits nationally the records of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference and the papers of individuals active in the Catholic rural life movement.
Arts and Architecture
University Archives
The University Archives collects the records of any Marquette related body which is concerned with any facet of arts and architecture. The Archives solicits the records of the Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art, St. Joan of Arc Chapel, College of Communication (including Journalism, Performing Arts, and Department of Music), as well as any clinics, projects, internships, programs, centers, committees, or student organizations in these areas.
Special Collections
Marquette collects the papers of notable Wisconsin Catholic poets. Marquette also accepts the papers of alumni who are artists, writers, or "popular" entertainers. Please consult our collection checklist for Art, Entertainment, and Broadcasting for more information.
Business, Industry, and Manufacturing
University Archives
With colleges in both business and engineering, the University Archives solicits records from the College of Business Administration and the College of Engineering. In addition, the Archives solicits the records of the Career Services Center and the College of Professional Studies, as well as any projects, programs, internships, centers, clinics, committees, or student organizations with business ties. Some bodies such as the Center for the Study of Entrepreneurship, have direct contact with the Milwaukee community and will also be collected. The Archives collects the records and papers of any Marquette related body which is involved in business, industry, and manufacturing.
Special Collections
Marquette does not collect in this topical area.
University Archives
The journalism and speech colleges have always given the University Archives a strong collection focus in this topical area. The Archives solicits records from the College of Communication, Journalism, and Performing Arts, Instructional Media Center, Public Relations Department, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Television (MUTV), WMUR Radio, Student Affairs, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Press, and Alumni Relations, as well as any projects, programs, internships, centers, clinics, committees, or student organizations which concern communications. In addition, the Archives solicits the records of organizations and programs of Marquette which have a direct participation with the Milwaukee community, such as the Center for Media Research, the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Center, and the Institute of the Catholic Media.
Special Collections
Marquette collects nationally the records of Catholic organizations and the papers of individuals involved in Catholic radio and television broadcasting. Marquette will accept the papers of alumni who are broadcasters, journalists, or " popular" entertainers on radio and/or television. Please consult our collection checklist for Art, Entertainment, and Broadcasting for more information.
University Archives
Almost by definition, all Marquette schools, colleges, departments, programs, and organizations are covered by this topical area, but the University Archives solicits in particular the records of the Academic Affairs Office, Campus International Programs, Division of Continuing Education, School of Education, Educational Opportunity Program, Graduate School, Honors Program, Part-time Studies Division, Admissions, Registrar's Office, Office of Research Support, President's Office, university and faculty committees, and all-university assemblies, the Center for Ethics Studies, as well as any additional projects, programs, internships, centers, clinics, or organizations which concern education. The school choice movement is documented in the records of the Blum Center for Parental Freedom in Education, along with the papers of both Rev. Virgil C. Blum, S.J., and Dr. Peter Danner.
Special Collections
Marquette collects the records of the Wisconsin Directors of Religious Education Federation which relate in part to Catholic parishes and schools in Milwaukee. Although ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ and Marquette High School were once connected administratively, Marquette does not collect or accept the records of the High School. These are maintained separately by the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ High School. See also Religion.
University Archives
Since there is not a strong labor emphasis at Marquette, the University Archives does not have a strong collecting program in this area. The Archives, however, solicits the records of employee associations involving both non-professional and professional staff, such as the Library Support Staff Association and the Academic Librarians Assembly, as well as any programs, projects, committees, clinics, internships, centers, or student organizations which concern this topical area. In the 1940s ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ offered coursework within its "labor college," for which the Archives maintains extensive documentation. The University Archives will collect the records of any Marquette related body which has ties to organized labor.
Special Collections
Marquette accepts nationally the records of Catholic labor organizations and the papers of Catholics who are active in the labor movement. Consult our Catholic Social Action checklist for details.
Medicine and Health Care
University Archives
Applied to both physical and mental health concerns, the records of the following schools, programs, and colleges are solicited: College of Nursing, Medical Technology Program, Physical Therapy Program, Dental Hygiene Program, Health Services, Biomedical Engineering Department, Counseling Center, the Psychology Department, Occupational Safety Program, Biological and Biomedical Research Institute, Speech and Hearing Clinic, the Center for Psychological Services, and the School of Dentistry, as well as any projects, programs, committees, internships, centers, clinics, or student organizations. Some Marquette programs such as the Faye McBeath Senior Citizens Oral Health project, the Matthew Keenan Clinic, and other dental and nursing outreach programs serving minorities and special populations are directly involved with the Milwaukee community. The University Archives collects the records and papers of any Marquette related body which is involved in health care.
Special Collections
Marquette does not collect in this topical area.
University Archives
In the military category, the University Archives solicits the records of the Military Science Department (Army ROTC), the Naval Science Department (NROTC), and the Air Force ROTC. In addition, the records of the History Department may in part document military history, and certain Student Affairs records dealing with student protest groups reflect concern with the ROTC presence on campus. The Archives will collect the records or papers of any Marquette related body which concerns the military, including any Marquette programs, projects, internships, clinics, centers, committees, or student organizations. The papers of several alumni who have served in the military are also available, including the World War II correspondence of John L. and Pricilla M. Holloway.
Special Collections
Marquette solicits nationally the records of Catholic and predominantly Catholic anti-war and draft resistance organizations and the papers of individuals active in such activities. Marquette solicits the records of Casa Maria Catholic Worker community in Milwaukee. Community members are active in anti-war activities. A listing of these Catholic Action Collections is available online. See also Religion.
Natural Resources and Environment
University Archives
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ plays a key role as a resident of the urban environment of downtown Milwaukee, and the University Archives seeks to document this role by soliciting records from the Department of Facilities Services, Biology Department, Civil Engineering Department, Urban Affairs Program, the Institute for Urban Life and all other Marquette related programs, projects, internships, student organizations, centers, committees, or clinics which are concerned solely, or in part, with natural resources and the environment.
Special Collections
See also Agriculture.
Politics, Government and Law
University Archives
The ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Archives collects the records of any Marquette related body which is concerned with any facet of politics or the political process, government, and law or law enforcement as they apply to ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ, its student body, and their relationships with the Milwaukee community. Records of the following are solicited: Board of Trustees, General Counsel, Governmental and Community Affairs Office, university committees, Affirmative Action Office, Associated Students of ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ (student government), Division of Continuing Education, Political Science Department, Law School, Public Safety, and the Criminology and Law Studies Program, as well as any clinics, projects, internships, programs, centers, or student organizations. Also included in the collecting focus are Marquette programs with active community involvement such as the Bradley Institute for Democracy and Public Values and the Legal Clinic for the Elderly.
Special Collections
Marquette accepts the papers of alumni who are elected to legislative public office in Wisconsin at the local, state, or congressional level. Some collections, such as the Clement J. Zablocki Papers, relate in large part to Milwaukee. Marquette also accepts the papers of alumni appointed or elected to an executive public office in Wisconsin or at the federal level only to the extent that these papers are not defined as public records by local, state, or federal law. In 2001 MU Libraries acquired the papers of Tommy G. Thompson, four-term governor of Wisconsin. For additional information consult the collection checklist on Politics and Government. See also Religion for Catholic activism.
University Archives
The collecting focus within this topical area involves records which concern population groups and ethnic and racial organizations and groups. The University Archives solicits records from the Educational Opportunity Program, Student Affairs, Women's Studies Program, Social and Cultural Science Department, Parent and Child Care Center, and Handicap Services, as well as numerous clinics, programs, projects, centers, internships, committees, and student organizations which concern special populations. In addition, the Archives solicits the records and papers of organizations which directly interact with the Milwaukee community, such as the Midwest Geriatric Educational Center, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Women's Group, Social Work Program, Faye McBeath Senior Citizens Oral Health Project, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Retiree Association (MURA), Multi-Cultural Center, Legal Clinic for the Elderly, English As a Second Language Program, and Center for Ethnic Studies.
Special Collections
Marquette solicits the records of the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions and related organizations which relate in part to Native American Catholics and African American Catholics in Milwaukee. (There are presently about 4,000 Native American Catholics and 12,000 baptized African American Catholics in Milwaukee County.) Marquette solicits the records of the Siggenauk Interfaith Spiritual Center in Milwaukee, an ecumenical Indian religious and social welfare agency formerly funded by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. A checklist describing the department's extensive holdings on Christianity in Native America is available online. See also Religion and Social Organizations and Activity.
Recreation and Leisure
University Archives
The Archives solicits the records or papers of any Marquette related body which concerns itself with recreation and leisure, including: Student Affairs (Student Life), Athletic Department, all-university assemblies, Alumni Relations, alumni groups, fine arts and athletic committees and organizations, MUTV, WMUR radio, Helfaer Recreation and Tennis Stadium, Public Relations Department, Physical Recreation Department, Performing Arts Department, Music Department, and Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art, as well as any programs, projects, clinics, centers, internships, committees, and student organizations which concern this topic area. The Archives is particularly interested in photographic prints and negatives, films, and audio-video recordings of events within this topic area; several thousand are available online.
Special Collections
Marquette does not collect in this topical area.
University Archives
As a Jesuit university, religion influences a great many programs at Marquette. However, records are solicited particularly from the following: Campus Ministry, Theology Department, St. Joan of Arc Chapel, Aquinas and Pere Marquette Lecture Series, and Alpha Sigma Nu (Jesuit Honor Society), the Center for Ignatian Spirituality, and the Center for Ethics Studies as well as any programs, projects, clinics, centers, internships, committees, or student organizations which concern religion or religious issues. Organizations which directly impact the public, such as the Institute of the Catholic Media, are also solicited.
Special Collections
Marquette solicits nationally records and personal papers documenting the involvement of Catholic organizations, movements, and individuals in promoting social action and social change in areas such as the following: interracial justice, fundamental economic reform, low-cost housing for the poor and homeless, fair employment, welfare rights, corporate responsibility, prison and penal system reform, women's rights, minority rights, gay and lesbian rights, agrarian reform, nuclear and conventional weapons disarmament, international peace, draft resistance, and support for conscientious objectors. In addition to promoting change within society as a whole, many groups and individuals are vocal advocates for basic changes in the practices and structure of the Catholic Church. Also, some Catholic activists engage in charitable activities (providing food and shelter for the homeless) and civil disobedience. In conjunction with its focus on social change, Marquette collects the records of Catholic organizations and individuals in Milwaukee engaged in social action and charitable activities (such as the Casa Maria Catholic Worker community) to the extent that they are not agencies or employees of the Archdiocese. A complete list of the Catholic Social Action collections is available online.
Marquette also collects the records of Catholic organizations engaged in religious formation and vocation ministries.
By arrangement with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Archives, Marquette preserves the records of Gesu Parish, located on the Marquette campus.
Marquette does not normally collect the papers of non-Jesuit religious, but will accept the papers of Catholic clergy and religious (men and women) who are active in the social action organizations collected by Marquette. See also Populations.
Science and Technology
University Archives
Within this topical area the University Archives solicits records from the College of Engineering, Occupational Safety Program, Medical Technology Program, Physics Department, Computer Center, Chemistry Department, Radiation Safety Program, Biology Department, College of Communication, Journalism, and Performing Arts, College of Nursing, School of Dentistry, Dental Hygiene Program, Physical Therapy Program, Libraries, Biological and Biomedical Research Institute, Instructional Media Center, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Computer Society, and Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science Department, as well as any programs, projects, clinics, internships, committees, centers, or student organizations which concern science and technology.
Special Collections
Marquette accepts the records of professional associations in which Marquette faculty are active, such as the American Society of Civil Engineers-Wisconsin Section.
University Archives
Collecting for the University Archives in this area focuses primarily on questions of land use and planning, urban and neighborhood organizations, and Marquette's relationship with Milwaukee. The university archives solicits the records of Physical Environment, Urban Affairs, Civil Engineering, University Relations, Educational Opportunity Program, Social and Cultural Sciences Department, Social Work Program, the Institute for Urban Life, the Institute for Family Studies, and all Marquette related programs, internships, projects, clinics, centers, committees, or student organizations which concern themselves with this topic area.
Special Collections
The records of Gesu Parish (see Religion) in part document the settlement and development of the parish neighborhood. Marquette will accept the records of local neighborhood organizations if the activities of these groups relate to the Marquette campus and student living areas near campus.
Social Organization and Activity
University Archives
The Archives solicits records in the areas of benevolent/charitable/philanthropic activity, genealogy, and social action from the Advancement Office, University Relations, History Department, Social and Cultural Sciences Department, Social Work Program, Parent and Child Care Center, and Institute for Family Studies, as well as any Marquette related programs, projects, committees, internships, clinics, centers, or student organizations. The Archives also collects the records and papers of those organizations which have a direct involvement with the Milwaukee community, such as the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Community Action Program, the Marquette Action Program, and the Committee on Volunteers.
Special Collections
For a discussion of collecting in the area of social action, see Religion. The Catholic activist organizations and individuals from whom Marquette actively collects are inspirited by religious faith and spirituality. See also Populations.
University Archives
ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ does not reflect a strong concentration in this subject area. Nonetheless, the Archives solicits records from Public Safety, the Civil Engineering Department, and the Commuter Students Association, as well as any programs, projects, clinics, internships, committees, centers, student organizations, or Marquette related body which may concern transportation.
Special Collections
Marquette does not collect in this topical area, although records within the Rep. Clement J. Zablocki Papers and Governor Tommy G. Thompson Papers include documentation on transportation planning and related issues.