John Borg
Dr. John Borg, P.E.ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ

Haggerty Hall, 289

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-7259
Curriculum Vitae

Chair and Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Professional Preparation

Postdoctoral Fellow, 1996-1997, Cambridge University, Queen Mary-University of London
Ph.D., 1996, Mechanical Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
M.S., 1992, Aerospace Engineering, University of Notre Dame
B.S., 1990, Mechanical Engineering, University of Memphis

Research Interests

  • Shock physics
  • Hydrodynamic stability and turbulence
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Aerodynamics


Borg, J. P., Morrissey, M. (2014). Aerodynamics of the Knuckleball Pitch: Experimental Measurements on Slowly Rotating Baseballs. American Journal of Physics, Volume 82 (No 10), pg. 921-27.

Borg, J. P., Morrisey, M., Perich, C., Vogler, T., Chhabilidas, L. (2013). In Situ Velocity and Stress Characterization of a Projectile Penetrating a Sand Target: Experimental Measurements and Continuum Simulations. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 51, pg. 23-35.

Vogler, T., Borg, J. P., Grady, D. (2012). On the scaling of steady structured waves in heterogeneous materials. Journal of Applied Physics.

Borg, J. P., Vogler, T. (2012). Rapid Compaction of Granular Material: Characterizing Two and Three-Dimensional Mesoscale Simulations Shock Waves. Shock Waves.

Jordan, J., Sutherland, G., Herbold, E., Fraser, A., Borg, J. P., Richards, D. (2011). Shock Equation of State of Multi-Constituent Epoxy-Metal Particulate Composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (013531).

Engineering Hall

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1515 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233

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1637 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233

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