Simcha Singer
Dr. Simcha SingerӰ

Engineering Hall, 346

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
(414) 288-6189
Curriculum Vitae

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering

Professional Preparation

Ph.D., 2012, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M.S., 2006, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.S.E., 2004, Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University

Research Interests

  • Multicomponent droplet vaporization and combustion
  • Gasification, air- and oxy-combustion and pyrolysis of solid fuels
  • Modeling reaction and transport in porous media
  • Energy conversion


S. Jorgensen, S. Singer, “Micro-CT-based Approaches for Quantifying the Morphology of Pulverized Char Particles” Energy & Fuels, 33 (6), 4826-4834, 2019.

A. Cooney, S. Singer, “A hybrid droplet vaporization-chemical surrogate approach for emulating vaporization, physical properties, and chemical combustion behavior of multicomponent fuels” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37, 3229-3236, 2019.

Z. Liu, S. Singer, D. Zitomer, and P. McNamara. "Sub-pilot-scale Autocatalytic Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids for Enhanced Energy Recovery." Catalysts, 8, 524-534, 2018.

G. Fong, S. Jorgensen, and S. Singer, "Pore-Resolving Simulation of Char Particle Gasification Using Micro-CT" Fuel, 224, 752-763, 2018.

Z. Liu, S. Singer, Y. Tong, L. Kimbell, E. Anderson, M. Hughes, D. Zitomer, P. McNamara, “Characteristics and Applications of Biochars Derived from Wastewater Solids,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 90, 650-664, 2018.

Engineering Hall

Faculty & Staff

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(414) 288-6000

Olin Engineering
1515 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233

Engineering Hall
1637 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233

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