Andrew Tallon, Series Editor
Full List by Series Number
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1. Harry Klocker, S.J. William of Ockham and the Divine Freedom. ISBN 0-87462-001-5. Second edition, reviewed, corrected, with new introduction. 141 pp. $15.


2. Margaret Monahan Hogan. Finality and Marriage. ISBN 0-87462-600-5. 122 pp. $15.

NOTE: See #34 for the second, revised, & updated edition of this book or click here.


3. Gerald A. McCool, S.J. The Neo-Thomists. ISBN 0-87462-601-3. 175 pp. $20.


4. Knud Logstrup. Metaphysics. Translated by Dr. Russell Dees ISBN 0-87462-603-X. Volume I, 342 pp. $20.


5. Augustine Shutte. Philosophy for Africa. ISBN 0-87462-608-0. 184 pp. $20.


6. Howard P. Kainz. Democracy and the “Kingdom of God” ISBN 0-87462-610-2. 250 pp. $25.


7. Max Scheler. Ressentiment ISBN 0-87462-602-1. New Introduction by Manfred S. Frings. 172 pp. $20.


8. Knud Logstrup. Metaphysics. Translated by Dr. Russell Dees. ISBN 0-87462-607-2. Volume II, 402 pp. $20.


9. G. Heath King. Existence Thought Style: Perspectives of a Primary Relation, portrayed through the work of Søren Kierkegaard. English edition by Timothy Kircher. ISBN 0-87462-606-4. 187 pp. $20.


10. Paul Ricoeur. A Key to Husserl’s Ideas I. Translated by Bond Harris and Jacqueline Bouchard Spurlock. With a Foreword by Pol Vandevelde. ISBN 0-87462-609-9. 176 pp. $20.


11. Karl Jaspers. Reason and Existenz. With an Afterword by Pol Vandevelde. ISBN 0-87462-611-0. 180 pp. $20. Out of print.


12. Gregory R. Beabout. Freedom and Its Misuses: Kierkegaard on Anxiety and Despair ISBN 0-87462-612-9. 192 pp. $20.


13. Manfred Frings. Max Scheler. A Concise Introduction into the World of a Great Thinker ISBN 978-0-87462-605-6. Second ed., rev. New foreword by the author. 200 pp. $20.


14. Manfred S. Frings. The Mind of Max Scheler. The First Comprehensive Guide Based on the Complete Works. ISBN 0-87462-613-7. 328 pp. Paper. $35.


15. Claude Pavur. Nietzsche Humanist. ISBN 0-87462-614-5. 214 pp. $25


16. Pierre Rousselot. Intelligence. Sense of Being, Faculty of God. Vol. 1, Translated, with foreword and notes, by Andrew Tallon ISBN 0-87462-615-3 236 pp. $30.


17. Immanuel Kant. Critique of Practical Reason. Translated by H.W. Cassirer. Edited by G. Heath King and Ronald Weitzman. With an introduction by D.M. MacKinnon ISBN 0-87462-616-1. 218 pp. $20.


18. Gabriel Marcel. Perspectives on The Broken World. Translated by Katherine Rose Hanley. With an introduction by Ralph McInerny ISBN 0-87462-617-X. 242 pp. $25.


19. Christopher Kaczor. Proportionalism. For and Against. ISBN 0-87462-618-8. 492 pp. $40.


20. Karl-Otto Apel. Towards a Transformation of Philosophy. Translated by Glyn Adey and David Fisby. With a foreword by Pol Vandevelde 0-87462-619-6. 218 pp. $35.


21. Gene Fendt. Is Hamlet a Religious Drama? An Essay on a Question in Kierkegaard. ISBN 0-87462-620-X. 264 pp. $30.


22. Michael Gelven. This Side of Evil. ISBN 0-87462-621-8. 156 pp. $20.


23. William Sweet. The Bases of Ethics. ISBN 0-87462-622-6. 288 pp. $25.


24. Pierre Rousselot. The Problem of Love in the Middle Ages. A Historical Contribution. Translated by Alan Vincelette. ISBN 0-87462-623-4. 277 pp. $30.


25. Bernard Montagnes. Doctrine of the Analogy of Being according to Thomas Aquinas. Translated by E.M. Macierowski ISBN 0-87462-624-2. 300 pp. $25.


26. Jules Toner. Love and Friendship. ISBN 0-87462-650-1. 333 pp. $37.


27. Gordon Marino. Kierkegaard in the Present Age. ISBN 0-87462-604-8. 125 pp. $15.


28. Jan Herman Brinks. Paradigms of Political Change. Luther, Frederick II, and Bismarck. The GDR on Its Way to German Unity. ISBN 0-87462-680-3. 355 pp. $35.


29. Roger Burggraeve. The Wisdom of Love in the Service of Love. Emmanuel Levinas on Justice, Peace, and

Human Rights. Translated and with an Afterword by Jeffrey Bloechl. Preface by David A. Boileau. ISBN

0-87462-652-8. ©2002. Paperbound. Index. 213 pp.


30. Gabriel Marcel. Awakenings. Translated by Peter S. Rogers. ISBN 0-87462-653-6. 262 pp. $30.


31. Anton Pannekoek. Lenin as Philosopher. A Critical Examination of the Philosophical Basis of Leninism. Edited and annotated by Lance Richey. ISBN 0-87462-654-4. 177 pp. $20.


32. Pierre Rousselot. Essays on Love and Knowledge. Vol. 3, Edited by Andrew Tallon & Pol Vandevelde Translated by Andrew Tallon, Pol Vandevelde, & Alan Vincelette ISBN 13 978-087462-655-1 ISBN 10 0-87462-655-2 265 pp. $30.


34. Margaret Monahan Hogan. Marriage as a Relationship. ISBN 0-87462-657-9. 170 pp. $20.


35. Gregor Malantschuk. Kierkegaard’s Concept of Existence. Translated by Howard & Edna Hong. ISBN 0-87462-658-7. 313 pp. $35.


36. John Cowburn. Love. ISBN 0-87462-659-5. 300 pp. $32.


38. Roger Alan Deacon. Fabricating Foucault. Rationalising the Management of Individuals. ISBN 0-87462-661-7. 306 pp. $35.


39. Katharine Rose Hanley. Ghostly Mysteries: Existential Drama. A Mystery of Love & The Posthumous Joke by Gabriel Marcel. ISBN 0-87462-662-5. 184 pp. $22.


40. John Cowburn. Personalism & Scholasticism. ISBN 0-87462-663-3. 212 pp. $25.


41. Julia Watkin. God and the Modern World. ISBN 0-87462-664-1. 132 pp. $17.


42. Gabriel Marcel. Music and Philosophy. Translated by Stephen Maddux and Robert E. Wood. ISBN 0-87462-665-X. 147 pp. $17.


43. Lodewijk Meyer. Philosophy as the Interpreter of Holy Scripture. Translated by Samuel Shirley. Introduction, Notes, & Appendices by Lee C. Rice & Francis Pastijn ISBN 0-87462-666-8. 270 pp. $35.


44. Fred Ablondi. Gerauld de Cordemoy: Atomist, Occasionalist, Cartesian. ISBN 0-87462-667-6. 125 pp. $17.


45. R. J. Snell. Through a Glass Darkly. Bernard Lonergan & Richard Rorty on Knowing without a God’s-Eye-View. ISBN 0-87462-668-4. 238 pp. $27.


46. Thomas C. Anderson. A Commentary on Gabriel Marcel’s The Mystery of Being. ISBN 0-87462-669-2. 203 pp. $25.


47. Justice in Oral Health Care: Ethical and Educational Perspectives, by Jos V.M. Welie.. ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-670-4 and ISBN-10: 0-87462-670-6. ©2006. Paperbound. Bibliography. Index. 370 pp. $35.


48. Richard Fafara, Editor & Translator. The Malebranche Moment: Letters of Étienne Gilson & Henri Gouhier (1920-1936). ISBN 0-87462-671-4. 220 pp. $27.


49. Pol Vandevelde, Editor. Issues in Interpretation Theory ISBN 0-87462-672-2. 296 pp. $30.


50. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner. Metaphysics without Truth: On the Importance of Consistency within Nietzsche’s Philosophy. ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-673-5. ISBN-10: 0-87462-673-0.


51. Roland J. Teske, SJ. Studies in the Philosophy of William of Auvergne. Bishop of Paris (1228–1249). ISBN-13: 978-0-87462-674-2 . ISBN-10: 0-87462-674- 9. 274 pp. $30.


52. José Pereira. Suárez: Between Scholasticism & Modernity. ISBN 978-0-87462-750-3. 384 pp. $37.


53. Irving Block. G-d, Rationality, & Mysticism. ISBN 978-0-87462-751-0. 214 pp. $25.


54. K.R. Hanley, Translator. The Path to Peace. Dramatic Explorations by Gabriel Marcel. ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-752-7. ISBN 10: 0-87462-752-4. 272 pp. $30.


55. Annette Holba. Philosophical Leisure. Recuperative Praxis for Human Communication. ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-753-4. ISBN 10: 0-87462-753-2. 200 pp. $20.


56. John Cowburn, SJ. Free Will, Predestination, & Determinism. ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-754-1. 268 pp. $30.


57. Panagiotis Thanassas. Parmenides, Cosmos and Being. A Philosophical Interpretation. ISBN 13: 978-0-87462-755-8. 110 pp. $15.


58. Alan Vincelette. Recent Catholic Philosophy. The Nineteenth Century. ISBN 978-0-87462-756-5. 415 pp. $42.


59. George Marshall. A Guide to Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception. ISBN 978-087462-757-2. 314 pp. $37.


60. Viktor Frankl. The Feeling of Meaninglessness. A Challenge to Psychotherapy and Philosophy. Edited & with an introduction by Alexander Batthyány. 978-0-87462-758-9. 234 pp. $25.


61. Constantin Noica. Becoming within Being. Translated by Alistair Blyth. ISBN 978-0-87462-759-6. 400 pp. $37.


62. Max Scheler The Constitution of the Human Being. Translated by John Cutting. ISBN 978-087462-760-2. 430 pp. $39.


63. Paul Studtmann. The Foundations of Aristotle’s Categorial Scheme. ISBN 978-087462-761-9. 190 pp. $20.


64. Rudolf Allers. Work and Play. Collected Papers on the Philosophy of Psychology. Edited and with an introduction by Alexander Batthyany, Jorge Olaechea and Andrew Tallon. ISBN 978 0-87462-762-6. 0-87462-762-1. 310 pp. $30.


65. Paul Marcus. Being for the Other. Emmanuel Levinas, Ethical Living and Psychoanalysis. ISBN 978-0-87462-763-3. 278 pp. $30.


66. Roland J. Teske, S.J. Augustine of Hippo. Philosopher, Exegete And Theologian. A Second Collection of Essays. ISBN 978-0-87462-764-0 296 pp. $30.


67. Phillip Stambovsky. Inference and the Metaphysic of Reason: An Onto-Epistemological Critique. ISBN 978-0-87462-765-7. 336 pp. $37.


68. Tad Dunne. Doing Better. The Next Revolution in Ethics. ISBN 978-0-87462-766-4. 295 pp. $30.


69. Jane Rupert. Uneasy Relations. Reason in Literature & Science from Aristotle to Darwin & Blake. ISBN 978-087462-771-8. 200 pp. $20.


70. James R. Mensch. Husserl’s Account of Our Consciousness of Time. ISBN 978-0-87462-801-2. 278 pp. $29.





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