Mission Week 2017: Daily Reflection
Each day of Mission Week, a member of the Marquette community will offer a reflection to echo the theme of Mission Week 2017, “Racial Justice: Black, White and the Call of the Church.”
People are looking for some type of light that signifies hope. I was not surprised by tense moments fueled by racism on this campus, in Milwaukee and in the world. As a black woman, I’ve become very creative in how I cope and support myself in a world that stills find it hard to recognize my humanity and my dignity. I’ve had to constantly revisit my purpose and ask myself, “What is my work? How will I continue to be a light? And how will I remain lit?”
For those of you moved to action, I say, “Welcome.” Welcome to not getting it right at first, welcome to the anger and confusion, welcome to resistance, welcome to more dialogue. Now, figure out your work. Is the start of your work having courageous dialogue in your home, community and/or your place of worship? Is it finally having those conversations you avoided with family members over the holidays? Is it taking off your blinders and realizing the reality other groups who are oppressed face on a daily basis? Is it using your power and influence to create more inclusive and just systems? Is the start of your work digging deeper into the meaning of white supremacy and microaggressions?
You must figure out your work and contribution. If your faith and your faith teachings call you to be a light that signifies hope, what does that work look like, and how will you, your community and place of worship remain lit for justice?
Tyanna McLaurin
Assistant Director
Center for Teaching and Learning/Service Learning Program
Community Food and Fellowship
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. |
Alumni Memorial Union, Monaghan Ballroom
Gather with old and new friends for comfort food and fellowship.
Sponsored by generous gifts from CM Cares, the Church Mutual Insurance Company Foundation; and the Layden Family Foundation
See today's schedule of events.
to share, contact Clare Peterson in the Office of Marketing and Communication at (414) 288–6195. |