Reporting Academic Dishonesty

What is Academic dishonesty?

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:


  • Copying from others’ work, or offering your own work to others
  • Using unauthorized electronic devices (calculator, phone, etc) on homework, quizzes, tests


  • Using another’s work or ideas without citations
  • Credit must be given for direct quotes and paraphrasing information

Academic Fraud

  • Having another student attend class or take an exam as you
  • Using purchased answers, or selling answers to homework, exams, quizzes, or papers

What do I do if I see an instance of academic dishonesty?

  • Notify Professor Vigil or Hirsch.  
  • Make a copy of the work for evidence, and take notes on any details you may not remember later.

How can I prevent this from happening?

  • Tell students to cite their work. Paraphrasing needs a citation, not just direct quotes.
  • Set expectations: Remind students of the academic integrity tutorial they took, and the honor pledge.
  • Inform of consequences: depending on the severity of the instance, if found guilty, the student could receive a ‘0’ for the assignment, be withdrawn from the course, and/or have a letter reporting the academic misconduct posted to their record.

Honor Pledge

‘I recognize the importance of personal integrity in all aspects of life and work. I commit myself to truthfulness, honor and responsibility, by which I earn the respect of others. I support the development of good character and commit myself to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity as an important aspect of personal integrity. My commitment obliges me to conduct myself according to the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Honor Code.’

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