08/15/2020 Kuali is Ӱ’s new web-based system for data entry and management of IRB applications. Beginning September 1, 2020, all IRB submissions (new, amendments, continuing reviews, and reportable events) are submitted in Kuali. New protocol submissions not completed using Kuali by October 1, 2020 will not be accepted.
06/15/2020 Updates to the MU IRB COVID-19 website have been made. Please visit to learn more about the steps towards resuming human subjects research at Marquette.
01/10/2020 - Beginning this spring, the IRB will be using Kuali for all IRB submissions. Kuali is the new online system for the submission, review and approval of human subject research. The IRB is seeking researchers who are interested in testing the system. If you are planning to submit a new protocol to the IRB within the next couple of months, the IRB is willing to accept the Kuali submission in lieu of the traditional forms. Please contact Jessica Rice for details.
07/13/2018- The Office of Human Research Protections has made several revisions to the regulations governing human research protections. A few minor changes will be implemented as of 07/19/2018 and the remaining changes will be implemented on 1/20/2019. For more information, please see the FAQ document the IRB office has created. Any questions can be addressed to Jessica Rice, the IRB manager.
**The continuing review submission form has been updated to reflect the new regulations and is required for all continuing review submissions submitted after 07/19/2018. Please see our forms and templates page for the new form.
03/15/2018 - A revised protocol form has been created. This form should be used with any study type (exempt, expedited or full board). A new amendment form has also been developed. Both of these revised forms are available on our forms and templates page.
08/28/2017 - Beginning August 2017, the IRB will be using the Kuali research software for IRB office record management. If the PI is an undergraduate student, the student must complete the Update Kuali Research Student Group: Undergraduate form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar in order to grant permission to allow undergraduate student information to be stored in the research software.
04/27/2017 - New guidance documents are available to provide helpful information to researchers. Visit the Useful Links page for guidance documents on the use of online surveys in research, issues surrounding genetic testing and helpful hints on how to deidentify your dataset.
09/08/2016 - New human subjects training available. The IRB has switched from the NIH online training modules to CITI. Visit the Training & Education page for more information.
06/14/2016 - Marquette School of Dentistry (MUSoD) approval required for all new IRB submissions where MUSoD students and patients will be research subjects. Complete the MUSoD IRB Approval Form and obtain MUSoD approval prior to IRB submission. A copy of the approval must be included with the IRB submission. Contact Dr. Andrew Dentino for more information.