Important Dates

Signing up on time for service learning is extremely important. The sign-up window to choose a Service Learning site is September 4th - September 11th. Signing up on time allows students and community agencies the proper time to connect, establish expectations, and build a relationship. Therefore, after September 11th, late sign-ups will be considered but not ​guaranteed and will have to be done by making an appointment with the Directors. Students will be placed at an appropriate site. After September 27th, the student will be responsible for securing their own placement or will need to drop the class. 


Fall 2024

Week of August 26th

Create MUEngage Profile

If you haven't already, create your MUEngage profile. Visit and login with your MU credentials. Create profile and review service learning site placement options. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Service Learning Program.

Prior to September 4th

Review Organizations and Site Placements for Your Class

To review the list of organizations partnered with your class:

  • Log into your account
  • Find your course group to review the list of site placements (Instructions for how find your class on MUEngage is on the service learning website).
  • Check MUEngage frequently for updated site placement information. We update the options as we get the details from our partner organizations. 
  • You must create a MUEngage profile to review site placement options prior to registration.

September 4th - NOON

Online Registration STARTS!

Students will sign-up online through MUEngage. Site placement sign-up will open online at 12:00pm. Service Learning Staff is available until 6pm to answer questions regarding registrationCall (414-288-3262 or 414-288-3264) or email ( if you have questions regarding registration. Please feel free to come to our office if you are having any difficulty! 

September 11th - 5pm

Online Registration ENDS!

Site placement sign-up will end at 5:00pm. For students who are working at organizations not partnered with the Service Learning Program or their course, check with the Service Learning Program for specific instructions on how to register. After the final sign-up date, all students must get approval from the Service Learning Program Director or Assistant Director. The Service Learning Program will not place students after September 27th.

Independent placement paperwork is due before September 27th

September 6th, 9am-12pm in Lunda Room 

September 13th, 12-3pm in Lunda Room

You must register ahead of time to be able to attend!

Safe Environment Training 

Safe Environment Training is only required if you are doing you service at a Catholic institution or school. If you will be doing service at a Catholic school or institution, you must sign up immediately. The dates listed here give you enough time to complete the training and get started. You must complete the training before you begin service. When you sign-up for service learning, your Student Coordinator will let you know if you are required to take the training. Instructions and sessions for the Safe Environment training are available on the  

September 8th-20th

Site Orientations

All community partner organizations will do a mandatory site orientation with service learners. Service Learners will receive detailed orientation information in a follow-up email after they sign-up. If you cannot attend the orientation date listed, do not sign up for that placement!

Take TB Test (if required)

TB Test Clinic

If you are required to take a TB test, contact MU Medical Clinic, 414-288 7184, to set up an appointment. TB tests are $10, payable in cash, check, or Marquette Cash at the time of the appointment. For your TB test to be valid, you must return for the test to be read by the nursing staff. You will receive test documentation required by your site at your TB test reading. If you forget or do not have your TB test read; you must start to process over which will delay your service start date.

Reflection Sessions

Reflection sessions are available throughout the semester. You can sign-up for reflection sessions through MUEngage. Check out the list of sessions here.

Week of December 8th

Last week of classes! Verification of Impacts (i.e. service hours) Starts!

You should record your Impacts (i.e. service learning hours) on MUEngage as you go each week. Site contacts and service learning staff start verifying your impacts at midterm and during finals week. Please be sure to continue going to your site through the last week of classes, even if you complete your hours early.

Monday, December 9th, 8:00am

Deadline to Log All Impacts in MUEngage

You are required to attend Service Learning through the last week of classes. All impacts must be recorded before December 9th. Service learning staff will verify hours with organizations. In order to give our staff time to confirm your hours with your site, you will no longer be able to enter hours after 8:00am on Monday, December 9th.