Get support for teaching with writing

While many faculty find themselves responsible for teaching writing, relatively few have had extensive training or support for doing so. We're here to help!

We offer several different types of support:

Individual consultations

Thinking about how to sequence a big assignment into manageable pieces? Considering revising an existing assignment? Puzzling through how to develop assignments appropriate for gen ed classes / introductions to a major / advanced work in a discipline or profession? Our Directors, Assistant Directors, and (when appropriate) experienced tutors are available for one-on-one consultations. (Please note: ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ's Center for Teaching and Learning also regularly offers workshops and consultations on topics that may be of help for instructors revising their pedagogical approaches.) For more information email us at

Writing Wednesday Workshops for Faculty

On the first Wednesday of each month, we offer a workshop tailored specifically for the needs of faculty and staff. Some months the focus is on the types of writing faculty need to do themselves; other months we focus on strategies for teaching with writing, including topics like Responding Effectively to Student Writing, Designing Effective Assignments, and Incorporating Peer Review. 

Course-Embedded Workshop (CEW) program

CEWs are in-class workshops that help students with specific phases of specific assignments. Scheduled at instructors' discretion, CEWs bring peer tutors into the classroom for small group work focused on one of two goals: helping students get started on a larger, multi-stage assignment or helping students plan and carry out revisions to a full draft of an assignment. For more information or to schedule one or more CEWs for your current classes, email us at

Workshops for Writers

We also offer workshops for writers on a variety of subjects, including writing lit reviews, managing timed essay exams, and creating effective research posters. These workshops are free to all students--and you may find it helpful to attend these workshops yourself to pick up strategies for teaching certain genres. 

Instructional outreaches

Ott Directors and Assistant Directors can also work with instructors to develop and co-teach a class session. We have developed and co-taught courses with faculty in Business, Education, Engineering, Honors, Nursing, Philosophy, Physician Assistant Studies, Psychology, and other departments and programs across campus. For more information, email us at