Robert A. Fox
Robert Fox, Ph.D.Ӱ

MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America
Curriculum Vitae

Professor Emeritus

Consulting Psychologist for the Behavior Clinic

Degrees Held

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978

Research Interests

For over 40 years I have been interested in the topic of prevention. I have pursued this topic by working with families who have children five years of age and younger. I started by offering a series of parenting classes first to middle class families and later to families from low income backgrounds. In 2003, I founded the Behavior Clinic in partnership with , a community-based, Birth-to-Three agency. The Behavior Clinic offers an in home, evidence-based program to families with young children in poverty. In addition to serving over 400 children each year, we have trained over 100 graduate students in our clinical services. In addition, doctoral students contribute to our research mission through dissertations, convention presentations, and journal articles and book chapters. My secondary area of interest has been working with individuals with developmental disabilities.

At this time, I will not be advising any more doctoral students.

Recent Publications


Fox, R. A. (2017). Early Pathways: Home-Based Mental Health Services for Very Young Children in Poverty. Unpublished Program Manual. Milwaukee: Ӱ.

Fox, R.  A., Besasie, L. A., & Fung, M. P. (2017). Tools for treating behavior problems in young Latino children. In L. T. Benuto (Ed.), Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Love, J. R., & Fox, R.A. (2017). Home-based parent child therapy for young traumatized children living in poverty: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 10(2), 1-11. Doi:10.1007/s40653-017-0170-2.


Harris, S. E., Fox, R. A., & Holtz, C. A. (2016). Screening for significant behavior problems in young children living in poverty. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25, 1076-1085.

Mattek, R.J., Harris, S.E., & Fox, R. A. (2016). Predicting treatment success in child and parent therapy among families in poverty. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 177, 44-54.

Gresl, B., L., Fox, R. A., & Besasie, L. A. (2016) Development of a barriers scale to predict early treatment success for young children in poverty with behavior problems. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 


Holtz, C. A., Fox, R. A., & Meurer, J. R. (2015). Incidence of behavior problems in toddlers and preschool children from families living in Poverty.Journal of Psychology,149, 161-174.

Harris, S. E., Fox, R.A., & Love, J.R. (2015). Early Pathways therapy for young children in poverty: A randomized controlled trial. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, 6, 3-17.


Tate, K. A., Lopez, C., Fox, R., Love, J. R., McKinney, E. (2014). In-home counseling for young children living in poverty: An exploration of counseling competencies. The Family Journal, 22, 371-381.

Fung, M., P., Fox, R. A., & Harris, S. E. (2014). Treatment outcomes for at-risk young children with behavior problems: Toward a new definition of success. Journal of Social Service Research, 40, 623-641.

Fung, M.P., & Fox, R.A. (2014). The culturally-adapted early pathways program for young Latino children in poverty: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 2, 131-145. DOI-10.1037/lat0000019 [Also cited in an article entitled “In search of cultural competence” by Tori DeAngelis in the APA Monitor, March 2015, pages 66-67.

Solis Camara, P., Fung, M., & Fox, R.A. (2014). Parenting in Mexico: Love and obedience. The Netherlands: Springer Publisher.

Gresl, B. L., Fox, R. A., & Fleischmann, A. (2014). Home-based parent-child therapy in low-income African American, Caucasian, and Latino families:  A comparative examination of treatment outcomes. Child & Family Behavior Therapy.


Fox, R. A, Burke, A.M., & Fung, M. P. (2013). Long-term leisure program for individuals with intellectual disabilities in residential care settings: Research to practice. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities.

Fox, R.A., Mattek, R., & Gresl, (2013). Evaluation of a university-community partnership to provide home-based, mental health services for children from families living in poverty. Community Mental Health Journal.


Holtz, C.A., & Fox, R.A. (2012). Behavior problems in young children from low-income families: The development of a new screening tool. Infant Mental Health Journal,33, 82-94.

Carassco, J.M., & Fox, R. A. (2012). Varying treatment intensity in a home-based parent and child therapy program for families living in poverty: A randomized clinic trial. Journal of Community Psychology, 40, 621-630.

Prior to 2012

Fox, R.A., Keller, K.M., Grede, P. L., & Bartosz, A. M. (2007). A mental health clinic for toddlers with developmental delays and behavior problems. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28, 119-129.

Fox, R. A., Holtz, C. A., & Barcelona, A. L.  (2008). Oppositional defiant disorder and aggression in a young man with mental retardation: Long term treatment in a community-based setting. Clinical Case Studies,7, 42-53.

Perez, M. E., & Fox, R. A. (2008). Parenting Latino toddlers and preschoolers: Clinical and non clinical samples. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 30, 481-499.

Holtz, C.; & Fox, R.A. (2008). Infant mental health: An emerging field for children with developmental disabilities. In A. F. Rotatori, F. E. Obiakor, & S. Burkhart. (Eds.), Autism and developmental disabilities: Current practices and issues(pp. 163-219) United Kingdom: JAI Press, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Keller, K. M., & Fox, R. A. (2009). Toddlers with developmental delays and challenging behaviors. Early Child Development and Care. 179, 87-92.

Fox, R.A., Holtz, C.A., & Moist, A. (2009). A community-based accommodation program for adults with autism and mental retardation. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 44, 118-126.

Fox, R.A., & Holtz, C.A. (2009). Treatment outcomes for toddlers with behavior problems from families in poverty. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 14, 183-189.

Holtz, C.A., Carrasco, J.M., Mattek, R.J., & Fox, R.A. (2009). Behavior problems in toddlers with and without developmental delays: Comparison of treatment outcomes.Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 31, 292-311.

Mattek, R. J., Jorgenson, E.T., & Fox, R.A. (2010). Home-based therapy for young children in low-Income families: A student training program. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 18, 189-194.

Honors and Awards

Community Engaged Research Partnership Award, Ӱ Office of Community Engagement, Milwaukee WI, November 2016 ($2,000)

Lawrence G. Haggerty Faculty Award for Research Excellence, Ӱ, Milwaukee, WI, April, 2016.

The Dean’s Faculty Excellence Award, College of Education, Ӱ, Milwaukee WI, May 2010.

Lawrence G. Haggerty Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence, Ӱ, Milwaukee, WI, May, 1990.



family (private donor) for student support.

(2017, October). Behavior Clinic: Impact of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Approved for $50,000, Community Advocates, Milwaukee WI.



(2016, September). Trauma-Informed Care for Very Young Children in Poverty. Approved for $1,930,732, Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Grant No. 1U79SM063056-01), Washington DC.

(2016, April). Behavior Clinic: Impact of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Approved for $50,000, Community Advocates, Milwaukee WI.

(2016, February). Behavior Clinic Scholar. Approved for $12,910 by the Exchange Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Charitable Foundation, Milwaukee WI.


(2015, December). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $15,000 by the Schoenleber Foundation, Milwaukee WI.

(2015, November). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $18,750 by Cindy and Roger Schaus family (private donor).

(2015, October). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $100,000 for 2016-17 by the Helen Bader Foundation, Milwaukee WI.

(2015, July). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $20,000 by the Assurant Health Foundation, Milwaukee WI.

(2015, June). Behavioral Health Clinic. Approved for $52,000 by the United Way, Milwaukee WI.

(2015, May). Behavioral Health Clinic. Approved for $100,000 by the Aurora Better Together Fund, Milwaukee WI.

(2015, February). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $250,000 for 2015-2016 by the Zilber Family Foundation, Milwaukee WI.

(2015, February). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $10,000 by the Children’s Trust Fund Special Project Grant, Madison, WI.

(2015, February). Behavior Clinic Scholar. Approved for $12,910 by the Exchange Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Charitable Foundation, Milwaukee WI.


(2014, November). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $20,685 by Cindy and Roger Schaus family (private donor).

(2014, November). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $15,000 by Alden Taylor family (private donor).

(2014, October). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $20,000 by the Assurant Health Foundation, Milwaukee WI.

(2014, July). Home-based mental health services for young children living in poverty: Prevention of child abuse, Brighter Futures of Milwaukee, Approved for $125,000 for 2015.

(2014, June). Behavioral Health Clinic. Approved for $52,000 by the United Way, Milwaukee WI.

(2014, May). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $37,500 by the Helen Bader Foundation, Milwaukee WI.

(2014, February). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $10,000 by the Children’s Trust Fund Special Project Grant, Madison, WI.

(2014, February). Behavior Clinic Scholar. Approved for $16,300 by the Exchange Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Charitable Foundation, Milwaukee WI.

(2014, January). Behavior Clinic Scholar. Approved for $18,500 by Cindy and Roger Schaus family, Milwaukee WI.

(2014). Behavior Clinic. Approved for $10,000 by the Weiss Family Foundation, Milwaukee WI.


Professional Presentations


Fox, R., & Walters, K. (2017, April). Early Pathways: Home-based mental health program for young children in poverty. Mini-Session presented at the 2017 National Child Trauma Stress Network’s All Network Conference, Arlington, VA.

Appleyard Carmody, K., Fox, R., & Timmer, S. (2017, April). The earlier the better: An overview of three evidence-based programs addressing the needs of children in the NCTSN. Workshop presented at the 2017 National Child Trauma Stress Network’s All Network Conference, Arlington, VA.

Fox, R. A. (2017, October). Early Pathways: Home-based mental health services for young children in poverty. Workshop presented at the Charleston Child Trauma Conference: Bridging Science & Practice. Charleston, SC.


Fox, B., & Rosenwald, M. (2016, February). Early Pathways Program: A home-based mental health program for young children with behavior problems from families in poverty. Workshop presented at Fulfilling the Promise: A conference for parent educators and home visitors and other family support professionals, Appleton, WI.

Fox, R. A. (2016, March). Early Pathways: An in-home evidence-based program for young children with behavior problems in poverty. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Research and Policy Conference for Child, Adolescent and Young Adult Behavioral Health. Tampa, FL.


Love, J. R., Harris, S.E., Fox, R.A., Scheunemann, J.L. & Besasie, L. A. (2015, May). Imaginative play in children’s academic school readiness: Preliminary findings for a Latino sample of young children living in poverty. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Love, J. R., Scheunemann, J. L., & Fox, R.A. (2015, May). New Hope for very young children exposed to trauma: Two case studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Fox, B. & Besasie, L. (2015, November). Assessing outcomes in early intervention programs for young children with behavior problems. Workshop presented the 26thannual Children Come First conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI.


Fung, M. P., & Fox, R. A. (2014, May). The Early Pathways Program for young Latino children in poverty. Paper presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Harris, S. E., Fox, R. A., Love, J. & Stocker, A. (2014, May) Early Pathways: Home-Based Therapy for Young Children in Poverty. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Harris, S. E., & Fox, R. A. (2014, August). Validation of a First Line Screener for Early Childhood Behavior Problems. Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.


Fox, R. (2012, February). Behavior Clinic: Treatment outcomes in a home-based mental health program for toddlers and preschoolers. Invited paper presented at the 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Pediatric Behavioral Health Research Conference: Exploring New Research Directions, Milwaukee WI.

Fung, M. P., Burke, A. & Fox, R.  (2012, August). A long-term leisure program for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the National Association of Qualified Developmental Disability Professionals, Chicago IL.

Prior to 2012

Fox, R., Grahn, J., Neuschwander, L., & Thornbloom, L. (2007, August). A comprehensive training program for staff supervisors. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference for the National Association of QMRPs (Qualified Mental Retardation Professionals), Atlanta Georgia.

Holtz, C., Fox, R., & Meurer, J. (2008, May). Patterns of behavior problems among urban toddlers and preschoolers and the development of a new survey tool. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Society, Hawaii.

Barber, B. N., Holtz, C.A., & Fox, R. (2008, August). Treatment outcomes for young children with behavior problems from low-income families. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston.

Carrasco, J. M., Holtz, C. A., & Fox, R. A. (November, 2008). Development of a screening measure for behavior problems in young children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando FL.

Mattek, R. J., Carrasco, J. M., Holtz, C. A., Fox, R. A. (2009). Treatment outcomes for toddlers with developmental delays and behavior problems receiving in-home, family behavioral therapy. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Pediatric Behavioral Health Research Conference: Existing Projects and Promising Innovations in Southeastern Wisconsin. Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Milwaukee WI.

Holtz, C.A., Carrasco, J.M., Mattek, R.J., & Fox, R.A. (2010). Behavior problems in toddlers with developmental delays: Treatment outcomes. Paper presented at Head Start’s 10th National Research Conference, Washington D.C.

Mattek, R., Jorgensen, E., & Fox, R.A. (2010). Training interns to provide in-home mental health services for preschoolers with behavior problems. Paper presented at Head Start’s 10th National Research Conference, Washington D.C.

Gresl, B.L., Mattek, R.J., & Fox, R.A. (2011). Practicum student training experiences: In-home child management therapy with low-income families. Paper presented at the 2011 Great Lakes Conference: Progress in Science and Practice, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana.